Kyngdom Survival Guide





Hello, I'm Kasumi Hayashi, a Japanese marten. Little Crow's Aunt Zephyra told us about a mysterious badger in her letter (see here: and the purpose of this thread is to find that badger and find out more about the Power of Claw and any other Powers that the badger knows of. All the clues we have are that the badger lives in a grassland and that we need to follow the line of petrified (stone) trees until we reach the final and biggest one. Groups are as it follows:

GROUP 1: Sentries. These animals (preferably strong animals with sharp senses) bring up the tail of the search party. They look out for potential danger and take shifts guarding the camp where we set up to rest.

GROUP 2: Scouts. These animals (preferably flying and fast-footed animals) fly ahead to look for trails, petrified trees, grassland, and danger that the Sentries don't see. I'll be the Captain of this group.

GROUP 3: Carriers. These animals (Preferably big animals like horses) carry supplies and necessities. 

GROUP 4: Moral support. Basically any animals who want to come along but don't fit the requirements for the other groups.

This will be a fairly small mission- fifteen animals or less and at least three (including Captain) in each group. We'll start the mission when the groups are filled.


Admin Note: Storm also started a thread about the Tree/Badger/Power of Claw Mission. You might want to read that, too

submitted by Kasumi H.
(March 18, 2016 - 5:50 pm)

OO! I'll be a scout, and the stone tree was found some days back in a forest. We need to relocate it again, but I have found a general area on where it is, somewhere in the great forest, the eastern part closer to Bleak Peak.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(March 18, 2016 - 8:57 pm)

Huh, I thought the tree was in the grasslands. Nevermind that, and thanks for the information.

submitted by Kasumi H.
(March 19, 2016 - 9:58 am)

Isn't it Grasplands?

submitted by Annalise W., age for B.I.G., (Lab-made Centaur)
(May 16, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

Oh! I know some friends who could dig under there! I don't normally dig ( I'm a wolf, not a dog) but I can help too! Unless I could fight......

submitted by Howler, Near Bleak Peak
(May 1, 2016 - 6:47 pm)

I am watching. Dexter says you have done well. I disagree. We do not take sides, but fight as our own force in conflict. And I must tell you, WE ALWAYS WIN.

submitted by Cataractcx
(May 5, 2016 - 8:24 pm)

Never trust anyone. There is not one who is an ally, not one who truly knows you. You can only rely on yourself in this Fallen Kingdom.

My motto, Cataractcx 

submitted by Cataractcx
(May 5, 2016 - 8:27 pm)

Note : never trust the tree.

~ Cataractcx 

submitted by Cataractcx
(May 5, 2016 - 8:28 pm)


submitted by K.H.
(March 19, 2016 - 9:56 am)

I am a prisoner at B.I.G. Please help. There are many others BIG kills. My sister's gone. I'm alone. You need to stop them please please please. 

Tear drops smear the rest of the ink. 

submitted by Prisoner 378, age unknown, unknown
(March 19, 2016 - 1:31 pm)

Prisoner 378, I know exactly what you mean... I was stolen from my mother when I was just a kitten. They gave me scraps of food, not nearly enough to survive... I was a test subject on "Animal Pain Reaction". Imagine a name like that on something so dreadful, so excruitiating... Now I don't know what to do with my life. After all, my mother never taught me how to hunt; I was just a kitten when I was stolen.

If you want to know my backstory, read it at the bottom of page 2 on Gryphon Encounters. Or I guess I could post it here.


I panted, trying to catch my breath. I had finally escaped from B.I.G. I stared around me, taking it all in, overjoyed to be back in the wild. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the green leaves shone... ah bliss. I lept around, a kitten again.

Once I had gotten over my joy, I looked at my body, at the wounds B.I.G. had inflicted on me throughout the years. I remembered that fateful day when they lured me, lured me with the delicious smell of mice. As a kitten, I was naive, ready to fall into any trap they set for me. I crept toward the smell... and then utter chaos. All I could see was metal. Dull, grey, iron bars, surrounding me. A clanging noise. Then, just black. When I woke up, I saw the white, sterile, too-clean walls of the B.I.G. Lab that would shape my life.

And now, I was finally free. I licked the numerous bloody gashes, made by countless knives and machinery. I had been a subject for animal domestication and pain reaction. "Animal Pain Reaction". That's what they called it. I shuddered to remember the excrutiating pain they had put me through.

Well... now what? I had no idea how to survive in the wild; I had been stolen from my mother as a young kitten. My powerful, sleek black body, my muscles, my teeth, my claws and of course the characteristic agility and speed that fit a panther... all useless. Useless. My head rung. Suddenly, I was dizzy. I felt sick. The world seemed to collapse around me, and I fell down, the first able-bodied, grown cat in history to have fainted.

Hours later, I could feel the warm spring breeze on my face. I took a deep breath. I was calm again. But then I remembered what I had been so anxious about. The familiar nervous feeling appeared. Before I could think any more, however, a dark shape flew in front of me and my breath caught in my throat. I did not know what it was at the time, but it had a dominance no animal could deny.  It was magnificent, intimidating, graceful yet powerful. It had a plume of shining, golden feathers. It was the Gryphon. And then I knew the purpose of my life. 

submitted by A Panther, Forest Surrounding B.I.G.
(April 18, 2016 - 5:21 am)

Whispers of dread steal across my feathers as the humans tow me through a fury of screeches and growls.  I should not be frightened anymore, I've endured this for months now,  but this place is laced with fear.  A few of the prisoners are bleeding, probably because of expirements on pain and reflex action.   My mother told me about this place  how, someday we would leave the wretched forests that surrounded big.  But someday was too late.

The human stares at me, is eyes reaching through my body, hoping to find what he wants.  My will.  He's probably never seen a white barred owl before.

"She's a fine one, will go for a pretty price on the black market." A human says as glides his hand through my primaries.  "Hmmmmm," says the other, he still watches me with those piercing eyes of his, waiting for my next move.  "We'll think about it. For now, bring her down to the strange species section."  "Yes sir." Says the other man.   He tows me through countless halls and doors all snearing with whitewashed surfaces.  Finnaly he brings my crate to a door smeared with gold. Out of the corner of my eye I see a sleek figure before it disappears behind a barrel.      "That's strange"  I think.  The man opens the door, I'm blown back by a tidalwave of noise.  Hundreds of creatures line the walls there eyes glaring at me from all sides.  A huge liger roars before the man whips him on the nose.  Silence drapes itself around the room, "welcome home." The liger says before pacing back to the dark corner of his cage.  We need help.




submitted by Barred owl: , age Unknown, BIG
(May 4, 2016 - 7:39 am)

Guys, we need to help everyone who is a prisoner.

Someone make a new thread.(I do not know how.)

submitted by callie P.(the snowy), age 10, tn
(May 8, 2016 - 8:54 pm)

Hello. I am cataractcx, watcher. I am a cat of orange, brown, and black - you will find me prowling in the trees, although rarely you will find me in human/cat form with my partners, Annex, Camille, Nexus, Dexter, Eleytra, Omeyga, YN, YG, Blacktail, and Pixel. Annex is our leader, and he is determined to destroy BIG until the president is lying at his paws. Beware of the Fires.

submitted by Cataractcx
(May 5, 2016 - 8:20 pm)

You are never alone; I am always here. Watching. Helping.


* opens time vortex and steps through* 

submitted by Cataractcx
(May 5, 2016 - 8:30 pm)

I'll join Group 5. (moral support)

submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(March 19, 2016 - 1:49 pm)