Kyngdom Survival Guide

Labyrinth Tunnels Code6


Labyrinth Tunnels Code6

Labyrinth Tunnels Code6

If you're just joining us, start at the first labyrinth post. You can find all the labyrinth posts at the Power of Claw page.

Before we enter this next tunnel, we need to talk about something else. If you're reading this, please keep this post private. I've chosen not to share it with certain members of our labyrinth exploration team. You might remember that on day 4 Little Crow and Who left the labyrinth in search of food and water, and they hadn't returned by day 5.

Well, when I woke up this morning, Who was back, with a canteen of fresh water, some green stones for the old badger's tea, about six kinds of jerky (including hamster), and some fresh herbs. That's great news...except that Who seems to have returned all alone. I asked him where Little Crow was, and he just fluttered his wings and said, "We decided to split up and cover a wider area. I'm sure Little Crow will be back any day now." But Little Crow is a much faster flier than Who. Something seems weird here. But I'm trying not to panic. I know being down here in the labyrinth might be making me a little paranoid. 

Anyway, I entered "O-N-E" into the lock and waited. Nothing happened. I looked back nervously at Silverpaw, Trixie, and Arra, then twisted the lock to "S-P-Y." The gate fell right off its hinges, making us all jump. Luckily there's a little bit of sunlight coming in through cracks high above this tunnel. And the staircases here are in much better shape—maybe that means that not many groups have made it this far? 



We go down, and down, and down until we reach this tomb-like door. The reddish script written backwards on the steps sort of creeps me out. I'm sorry, everyone—I don't mean to scare any of you. I guess I'm just worried about Little Crow. 


Can anyone help with this one? 

Oh, almost forgot: here's the latest badger bark update:


And after drinking three cups of his green-stone tea, he's back to mumbling "Seventeen will leave, nine left over." 

submitted by Charlie W., Labyrinth Lands
(May 26, 2016 - 10:26 am)

This is the message on the staircase.

Is tomorrow's

tomorrow yesterday's

Past Thursday nor this

A week more now I saw not born. 

I saw not born today

Born tomorrow I saw not. 

Well that's confusing. 

submitted by Unknown
(May 26, 2016 - 11:34 am)

Is the answer midnight? Should we move through the door?

submitted by Elliot
(May 26, 2016 - 6:39 pm)

I'm gonna reschedule when I go missing to right after this.

I was not

Born tommorow

I was not

Born today

I was not born a week from now

Nor this past thursday

Yesterday's tommorow

is tommorow's

Well, that's what I got. Strange... Chilly, my CAPTCHA, says Puzz. Puzzle? Yes, it is. But I should head out to find Eli...She hasn't returned.

*cue the creepy words from my last post on number 5!* 


submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(May 26, 2016 - 11:37 am)

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Raises hand.



I think the answer is YESTERDAY!!!

Think about it.


I was not born tomorrow-that's true enough.

I was not born today-again, true dat

I was not born a week from now, nor this past Thursday-Well, if the day was Friday, then that would be wrong...but I'm assuming it's not. XD

Yesterday's tomorrow is tomorrow's _________-Nine letters....Y-E-S-T-E-R-D-A-Y! My first thought was today, but that's only five letters. Make sense to anyone else? 


My CAPCHA says pahc. I agree, I hope Little Crow comes back-with a pack? Of food? XD 

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G.
(May 26, 2016 - 12:47 pm)

Future? Is it Future?

submitted by Icy, age 11, Getting Eli-AGH!
(May 26, 2016 - 11:40 am)

Who, what's your favorite color?

I see.

Charlie, hes-

Who quickly reminds me that I have to find Eli.

Oh. Right. I'm going now.









OoH....ThEy WaNt To DiScOvEr ThE sEcReT oF tHe LaBrYnTh.... ToO bAd ThAt I bEaT tHeM tO iT...tOo BaD tHaT tHe AnCiEnT lAwS fOrBiD mE, bEcAuSe Of ThE aNcIeNt LaWs, To FuLlY dIsCoVeR iT...

mAn ArE tHeY fUn To PlAy WiTh..... 

I hAvE a CrOw, WiTh SoMe CoNnEcTiOn To ThE pOwEr Of WiNg...An OwL... a PoWeRfRiEnD....aNd-OoH, hOw InTeReStInG...a CrEaTuRe ThAt DoEs NoT kNoW oF iT's pErCePtIoN oF tHe PoWeR oF cLaW...sHe JuSt AsSuMeS hEr ClAwS aRe NaTuRaLlY tHaT sTrOnG!!! HeEhEeHaAhaA....

(note: I do not even know what this creature is. This just came out of my mind....I have no clue what it is or what I just wrote. I just write.)  

submitted by Icy, age 11, Getting Eli-AGH!
(May 26, 2016 - 12:11 pm)

Yep, it's getting creepier. 

What about backwards? It's the right amount of letters. 

submitted by Arra W.
(May 26, 2016 - 12:26 pm)

Im so sad that I missed out on all this! I'm back now though! The code reads:

I was not born tomorrow

I was not born today

I was not born a week from now, nor this past Thursday

Yesterday's tomorrow is tomorrow's __________

the answer is Yesterday. I know it.  

submitted by Scarlet
(May 26, 2016 - 12:35 pm)

I got it! It's yesterday! It completely makes sense!

Just read the poem again.

"I was not born tomorrow

I was not born today

I was not born a week from now, 

Nor on last Thursday.

Yesterday's tomorrow is tomorrow's _________

1.) If they weren't born today or tomorrow, then there's only 1 option left. Yesterday!

2.) Yesterday's tomorrow is today. Well today is tomorrow's what?



submitted by Arra W.
(May 26, 2016 - 12:37 pm)

Oops, never mind. Sorry Scarlet.

submitted by Arra W.
(May 26, 2016 - 1:38 pm)

Creepy. I crawl along the wall of the tunnel, thinking as I give off light to the ones trying to decipher the code. I'm usually good at things like this. Yesterday. I think about it. Yesterday's tomorrow is tomorrow's yesterday. It's true. I crawl exitedly up to Orién and Scarlet and Icy and Charlie and tell them my discovery. It seems Scarlet has already figured it out though. 

submitted by Spyral
(May 26, 2016 - 12:39 pm)

Oh! Also, what if the Seventeen will leave, nine left over, is about the bark?


edit-never mind. There are too many letters. :/ 

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G.
(May 26, 2016 - 12:50 pm)

Don't trust the One.

submitted by ...
(May 26, 2016 - 1:45 pm)

The answer is Yesterday.

PS. Xiǎo tùzǐ says icow. You're not a cow, Xiǎo tùzǐ! You're a bunny! 

submitted by Lucy/Xiǎolóng
(May 26, 2016 - 2:12 pm)

*this message is written on a torn piece of bark paper smudged with dirt* 

I did it!  I managed to get a message through.  The paper will probably start to fade in a moment so I'm going to get to the point.  I have no idea where I am.  It's almost like a valley.  But there's no light source, it's just lit up somehow.  Oh shoot,  okay I know I look like I'm dead but really I'm just somewhere else.  It's just a replica. I need help, otherwise I'll go mad from not being able to talk to anyone but myself......paper fades to nothing 

submitted by Windswift
(May 26, 2016 - 5:16 pm)