Kyngdom Survival Guide

Labyrinth Tunnels Code13


Labyrinth Tunnels Code13

Labyrinth Tunnels Code13

If you're new here, start at the first labyrinth post. All the labyrinth posts live on the Power of Claw page.

Wiseowl, Claaws, and Scarlet saved the day this time! "F-O-R-E-S-T" opened the door of the forest-looking room, and we've reached it: the thirteenth room.

Some people think the number thirteen brings bad luck, but I don't. Maybe it's because I like being contrary. I have this theory that if you believe the exact opposite of everyone around you, you might be wrong 90% of the time, but 10% of the time you'll be amazing. Anyway, I really like the numbers thirteen and four. (A lot of Sprocketvillians think four is unlucky.) 

The thirteenth room is less of a room and more of a cave. The walls are covered with all sorts of little holes. From what I know of caves, they probably go on for miles and miles. Thimble, Little Crow, and some other small creatures could explore them, but at this point in our journey, it might be best to stick together and focus on the next gate.  

That said...we're running out of food and water again. Who and Little Crow volunteered to leave the tunnels and fetch more, but I don't feel great about leaving those two alone again. I propose that some other flying creatures—maybe Wiseowl or Storm Windwhisperer?—go with them. 

Don't forget those green stones. And if anyone can find some chewy black licorice, I wouldn't complain at all.  


OK, I just had a minor shocked. The old badger just ran up to me, shouted "Seventeen will leave, nine left over," and enthusiastically scratched the letter "F" off the bark. 


He seems to be talking more and more, although half the time he seems to be talking to the walls themselves. I just watched him whispering to a dripping stalactite for almost fifteen minutes. When he was done, he just turned back to the little fire he had made to warm up another cup of tea. 

I doubt he was talking to himself. The strange voices in these tunnels really have been growing louder. For the most part they seem harmless, but sometimes I'll wake up and the tone of the persistent whispering chills me. I start to sweat. It never lasts long, though. 


Wait a second. This one seems damaged or something. A lot of these characters aren't in my Cypher. The combination lock is straightforward enough, at least. Any ideas?

submitted by Charlie W., Labyrinth Lands
(June 6, 2016 - 6:59 pm)

For the first three seconds of the fight, life is amazing. 

Eli and Icy are doing much work, hacking away at the monster.  Claaaws and Cealani are also marjorly injuring the creature, though most of the mind battling goes to me. The monster seems to be weakening, though that might be everyone else.

Then things go wrong.

I see a bright orange flash of fur launch itself at Cealani. Is that Eli? I think. Soon, though, it seems to be clear. Claaws and Cealani are back-to-back, claws and talons up. Im concentrating on not letting my mind slip when there is a shocked silence. Stunned, I swing around- only to find Icy.

Icy has a bow-my bow- up, arrow notched. Eli stands with her, fur bristling, teeth bared. I see the last remnants of my spell drift awway, drifting like ghosts. The animal lets out a laugh."So ThE TaBlEs HaVe TuRnEd!" it screeches. My mind despreatly races for ideas, help, anything. Claaws and Cealani are blank.  We all brace ourselves to stand together, to defeat this creature.

Then Little Crow flies in. 

submitted by MoonRacer of Dragons
(June 7, 2016 - 9:15 pm)

This is my last post before...Read Icy's thread at the RP board called I'm Sorry.

I just wanted to say I'm an artic fox, so I'm white furred...

I miss you guys already 


Icy asked us to delete that post, so it was never posted.


submitted by Eliyana Fur , age 105, Unknown
(June 8, 2016 - 2:14 pm)

Err, actually I asked you not to delete it....

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(June 10, 2016 - 8:57 pm)

--Hold on, folks! I need some clarification before I post the next thing. Who is in there with Jaaws? Are they attacking?...???--[Some notes if battle does happen: Jaaws can't be killed or captured, because evil can't be killed or captured. The only way to defeat her is--um, should I tell you now?] 

submitted by ???
(June 7, 2016 - 7:32 pm)

Oh, gosh, if I just said what I think I said then that was a typo!

When I said she was evil, I meant she was, like, evil in a solid form. I dunno--the details have yet to be worked out, so for now let's assume she's the thing you call evil, in a solid form.

submitted by ???
(June 7, 2016 - 7:42 pm)

I run at the monster. Injured fighters fall back, but I surge forward. Æther bottle in hand, I cover my face with my hand, and throw the bottle. The blue flames are extinguished by the monsters. Fighting desprately, I look in into the monster's eyes. My head burns. Black tendrils of pain cross me vision. I remember the pain in my past. I stumble back, my pain turning into anger. Running forward, my pain is forgotten. Jumping forward with renewed cruelty, I slash at the monster. I am nocked back, but I roll from the killing blow. I try to rally the others, but as I turn back to talk to them, the monster slashes my shoulder. The pain controlls me. I fall down. I make the mistake of looking at the monster's eyes. I. Am. Stronger. 

submitted by Elliot
(June 7, 2016 - 11:12 pm)

Hey Moonracer of dragon's. Just want to clear one thing up, Jaaws and the prisoners are in another cave a different cave. I think it's ahaid of the original team, or maybe they have passed it already. But what Claaws is hearing is just Jaaws messing with her. (Right Thimble? Cue me in if I'm wrong about anything.) And Cealani just thinks I'm going insane. 

Thimble, how about Jaaws can die, like anymortal creature. Can you read my post on myths and legends? I may have an idea about Jaaws can you tell me if you like it?

Noon the pirate drAgon captcha says fmrp. I'm glad you're back two! Also, I escaped my captcha if anyone was wondering, toxn doesn't work in immortal Powers. But I reasoned with her, and noon the pirate dragon captcha has decided to stay! But my other captcha, Huvver the hovering robot captcha may be planing against me...

submitted by Claaws
(June 7, 2016 - 11:18 pm)

Sorry if I'm being annoying. I just want to help.

By doing a transport, dragons can go to several different places.

Thanks anyways!


submitted by MoonRacer of dragons
(June 8, 2016 - 7:59 pm)

Okay, some more posts have popped up and I can continue with my original post now.


Things are going well until two animals burst in. My eyes pin. It's Claaws!

Another dragon is there with her. Claaws changes from panther to dragon, and the two use my silence to begin a relentless attack.

"You cannot defeat me!" I screech. "I am Jaaws!"

Icy and the fox look thoughtful. "Don't use my name unless you want to die," I hiss. That shuts their brains up.

Then, without warning, (although I could see the angry idea flash into their eyes), they fly at me with sharp rocks. But they have made a mistake! They're directing all their anger at me--most of that is the anger I gave them. So if anger is fueling their attack, well--it won't work out so well. However, the fox has sharp claws even for a fox, and strength is in her strikes. They manage to break through my scales and black blood begins to leak out.

"Play with fire and you will get burned," I warn. The attackers do not stop, and Claaws is blowing fire at me. Claaws's attack is doing nothing to me, as we are practically the same. Although, my appearance has changed over the years, as the evil in the world has changed without me.

The other dragon is throwing stalactites at my face. It hurts, but does not penetrate the scales.

"ENOUGH!" I scream, extremely annoyed. I begin controling the fox and the human, and the human steals the other dragon's bow. Claaws cannot be controled by me, so I turn the fox onto her. The attackers are unable to move. "Little Crow, to me."

Little Crow has left his group and he has returned to the cavern. Fear is in his eyes, but he is unable to even squeak. He allights on a huge stalactite that's holding on by a thread. If he pecks it, it will fall, and everyone will be trapped in here.

"Take this as a warning," I spit, slinking like a snake along the wall of the cavern. "Jaaws is as strong as the evil in the world is. Until you can purge what I have planted in the depth of every human and every animal, you cannot defeat me."

There is another way, but I do not want them to know it. "Now LEAVE, or become slated to my side like Icy and Eliyana." Little Crow menacingly points his beak to the stalactite. The rescuers can't decide how to rescue Eli and Icy.

My voice takes on a hypnotic lull. "It's okay, just leave them. They'll be fine. They've got hearts of gold; they're safe here."

Will they listen? I know Claaws can't be hypnotized by me, but the other one can! And Icy and Eli won't let each other be taken, since I'm controling them to stay with me.

"Don't you have to warn the others about me?" I continue.

The other dragon turns to leave. I know Claaws is about to do something, and in a split second she has lunged forwards and stolen my thrashing prisoners out from under my wings.

"Fool!" I shriek angrily as Claaws darts out of the cave. "They're under my command! They'll resist you!"

In my rage, I release Little Crow from my bindings. "Be free, Little Crow. Warn your friends. I'll be long gone before you can do anything about me." He flies away, speehless with fear.

With that, I turn invisible. And I head for the exit. 

submitted by Jaaws, age out by now, (I thought the secret was
(June 8, 2016 - 7:55 am)

I thought I'd die alone.  The voices were killing me.  I felt the pain of millions of fangs taking bit by bit, my wings.  I couldn't see them.  Couldn't fight them off.  I didn't bleed.  But I felt my breath coming shorter.  Ragged.  

They were almost done.  Almost there.  I knew I would die soon. 


submitted by Windswift
(June 8, 2016 - 1:41 pm)

Wait wait wait, Windswift, where are you?

submitted by Trixie W., age 12, In the tunnels
(June 8, 2016 - 2:05 pm)

I'm here in the tunnels but you can role play on "further tunnel exploration". Or something like that.  Back into character.  Well I'm unconscious right now.  Shute 

submitted by Windswift
(June 8, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

I quickly scrawl a note to Claaws and do a transport. Instantly I'm standing over the limp form of Windswift. There is too much pain here, I sense. Something needs to be done or this will be the last sleep he is ever going to take.

I brush my wing tips on Windswifts wing, muttering dragontounge. Instantly two rays of white light shoot out, engulfing the wing in a soft glow. When the magic has faded, the wing looks perfectly fine.

Windswift bolts upright."Wha-" I cut him off. "Look. Jaaws is controlling Elliot, Icy, Eli, and Little Crow. We're not stong enough. We need more fighters. Seeing how you handled with the Gryphon, you have spirit. And that's what matters -- to find someone strong enough NOT to get mind controlled. "

He nods. I do another transport, grabbing Windswift as well. We materialize and almost run smack into Cealani.

"Hi," I say."We're back."

To Eli: I am an icewater dragon! This means I'm white with a slight tinge of blue, breathe icy mist or icefire, and can breathe underwater! The Arctic is my home too. 

submitted by MoonRacer
(June 8, 2016 - 10:18 pm)

I leave Claaws a coded note saying i've gone to do something and instanlyy do a transport. When I open my eyes, Windswift is standing next to me. The look in his eyes tells me that he is in pain, and lots of it.

"Wha-"Windswift tries to say.

I instantly brush his wing with a wing tip. He flinches at the touch. This is a wound easy to heal. But it was made by Jaaws.

Snake tongue! I think. That slime is always ruining people.

Twin rays of white light curl around Windswift.  They sink into his feathers, repairing them. 

"I don't have much time, okay? Claaws needs your help. I've heard what you did to the Gryphon-that was amazing! But now we have another problem. One that deals with Jaaws."

And before he can answer, I transport both of us back to Claaws. 

submitted by MoonRacer of Dragons
(June 8, 2016 - 9:10 pm)

Sorry admins...

Dont post this message and the one i just sem=nt, it is a mistake.

Thank you!



I can't tell which comment you mean. I see 3 from you on p. 2 of this thread. Please tell me specifically the words that start the comment you want deleted.


submitted by moonRacer
(June 8, 2016 - 10:31 pm)