Kyngdom Survival Guide

Capto Abolere Org

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Groups

Capto Abolere Org

Capto Abolere Organization

(More commonly known as Capt'n O). 

Capt'n O is a small group of spies made up completely of animals that protects endangered species and works against B.I.G. We are connected with the F.A.F.A., but we are a much, much smaller organization. Now, we are looking for new recruits. If you join Capt'n O, you will be trained as a spy if you are not one already, and fight together in missions, such as the search mission for the Power of Claw, etc. This thread will be used for discussion, etc. 


Capense, Snowy Owl (me, leader of Capt'n O)

Capri Conifer, Iberian Lynx (endangered)

Fern, Marsh Rabbit

Onyx, Racoon

Scooter, Gopher (If Queen Elizabeth agrees, and I'm sure she will)



submitted by Capense
(March 20, 2016 - 6:08 pm)

"Scarlet!" I call. I knew I'd find her here, at the training area.

She's doing old combat exercises. I watch for a few moments then clear my throat loudly. She turns around. "I never thanked you," I say. "For saving me, risking your life against the Gryphon, but most of all making Eli mad," I say. At the last part her eyes sparkle with happiness/amusement. "Anyways, I really thought that you deserved to have this," I say.

I give her my old locket. "I don't have much at all, and it's my most prized possesion," I say. "I would be honored if you would wear it. It has nothing in it right now....but who knows? You might find something small to put in it." 

submitted by Icy , age 11, Capn'O
(April 15, 2016 - 10:41 pm)

I take the locket gingerly in my feathers, and fasten it around my neck. "Thank you, Icy" I say. "I'm sure I will find something to put into it." I wrap my wings around her before beginning my combat exercizes again. Then I turn to Icy again. "Why does Eliyana, um, seem to, well, hate you?"

~ Scarlet  

submitted by Scarlet
(April 16, 2016 - 7:36 am)

Dear Eliyana Fur,





submitted by Capense
(April 16, 2016 - 2:13 pm)

I sigh. "She saw me with the Gryphon once. It killed her family, and I was talking all friendly to it.... It must've drove her insane." I lie. "Anyways, I have to go!" I say in a rush. I walk off really quick.

I go to the weeping willow tree and climb up it and then sit on the swing, like I always do when I'm thinking. She must've seen the tears on my face.. I need to be stronger, I think.  I swing on it and think about the day I met Eli....

It was in the woods. I was gathering berries for a friend. Only a few of the berries were ripe, and the ones that were ripe were protected by thorns. I leaned over to pick one and then I saw a white flash go through the trees. "Hello?" I call. "H-hello." A voice replies. The fox comes out from between the trees and looks at me. She shakes a little when she sees that I'm human. "I've been watching you." She says quietly. "I can help you with those." I didn't have time to say anything before she darted up to the berry bush and reached in with her claw. She was amazingly quick at collecting them and put them in my basket. In no time the bush was cleaned of ripe berries and my basket was full.

I remember saying "Who are you?" I ask. "Eli. I know your name. Icicle." She says. "How can I help you back-since you picked all those berries for me?" I ask. The fox looks embarassed. "All I've ever wanted is someone to talk to." She says. "My family is always silent." So we talk, exchanging stories, and talk about how humans are so strange.. "I'm glad I'm not like the rest of them." I say. And that was the beginning of our friendship.

We always met at the same berry bush, and went off exploring together. One day when I met Eli at the berry bush, she seemed...different. "Why?!" Eli hissed. "Why what?" I reply. "Why have you been sneaking into the Gryphon's cave/cage!?" Eli asked. I look around uncomfortably. "Eli, we've been friends for two years. I can't tell you. And if I can't tell you, I can't tell anyone." I say. "Fine. I always knew you were a brat like the rest of them." Eli says angrily. I was shocked. This wasn't like her at all! "Eli, what's wrong!?" I ask, trying to keep calm. Eli is shaking in fury.

"I wouldn't trust you to tell you." Eli says. Theres a wild look in her eyes. "Eli, please!" I beg. "Remember the time we climbed the mountain and pulled those pranks on the village?" I ask, trying to calm her down with memories. Eli only gets more mad. "We're through human girl." She says. Then she brings her claws down on me and I don't know what's happening and we're fighting eachother and she's attacking like a wildcat and I'm trying only to defend myself. "I never should have became your friend. We're not friends, not even OK with eachother. Not even neutral. We're enemies." Eli spits. "Eli, you're insane! What even happened?" I ask. "You became a guardian! You have the blood of someone from the B.I.G in your veins-" She's saying. "You act like I'm proud of it!" I protest. "you became a guardian! You swore to guard the thing that killed my family!" She screams. She's completely unhinged now. "Eli-why didn't you tell me?" I ask. But then she's gone.

I stop thinking about old memories and sigh and swing more. I should head back to Capn'O for more training. I never thought...I never saw it coming, I guess. I head back to Capn'O with a sad look on my face. 

submitted by Icy, age 11, Capn'O
(April 16, 2016 - 3:17 pm)

Just a general question.

Where is the Capn'O base and what is it like? Is it in a bunch of GIIIAANNNT hollow trees that are bigger than RedWood trees? I can't use the location of Captn'O in my stories and have to be very vague with it. I think this is a question for Capense but it would be fun to all get together and brainstorm and write about what it is like.

~Eli <3 

submitted by Eliyana Fur, age 105, Unknown
(April 16, 2016 - 5:43 pm)

That sounds cool! I wish it could be all high-tech and spy-like but hey, we have to fit the animal theme. I think that we should ask someone from the MapMaker's Association to look through our comments and see if they can try to design it and map it out.

What ideas can the rest of us come up with? 

submitted by Icy, age 11, Capn'O
(April 17, 2016 - 9:46 am)

As I walk back to Capt'n O, i begin to think. Poor Icy. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't the Gryphon's fault, it was no ones fault. No, it was Eli's fault. After two years of being friends. Two years. She just dumped the whole thing like a piece of trash over one misunderstanding. What a brat. What kind of a friend is that? A scummy one, that's for sure. Why that little miss foxy. I'm gonna get her if it's the last thing I do. "Who?" Thimble says from beside me. I hadn't even relized I was muttering to myself. "Oh nothing." But she sees the way I shrug my shoulders, and the angry glint in my eye. She gives me look that says, uh-huh. Sure it's nothing. So I spill the whole thing. "There. Now you know." I finish. "That's awful." Thimble says. "Ya. Icy lost a friend. A friend that she had known for two years. Two years. That does not happen." I say the last part angrily. "Yes," Thimble says. "But don't you have any compassion for Eli? She lost her family, her temper, and her friend. I'm sure she feels awful. And that Icy betrayed her, even though she didn't. Don't you feel a little sorry for her?" I think for a moment. Well, yes that's true. I guess it would be hard. But she had no right to do what she did. No. No I don't feel for her in the least. "No. I don't feel bad for her. She got what she deserved." I say coldly. "Scarlet! I'm surprised at you!" Thimble scolds and puts her tiny paws on her hips. We'll talk about this later, not at the Capto Abolere training grounds. " Look, Thimble." I take the locket off my chest and admire it. She takes her little hands and opens it, but all that's inside is washed away writing, and smudged ink. I read it. It says, I hope you'll forgive me. - Dad Thimble looks confused. "Strange. Icy gave this to me after I saved her. I'll ask about this dad part. I'm trying to find something small to put in it." I say. "I like it. It's very pretty." She says. "Well, I would offer to let you use it, but you know it's much too big." We both laugh. 


That night as I drift off to sleep, I think about Eliyana Fur. I wake up panting, gasping for air. I sit up in my bed. I just had a frightening dream. A dream about a Fox. And a Chicken.

~ Scarlet  

submitted by Scarlet
(April 17, 2016 - 8:05 am)

I train hard. I'm working on climbing what people would think is unclimbable surfaces. I throw daggers at knots in a tree but I'm not very good at it. I climb vines. I even shimmy up a pole. I run around a track. I can't think about Eli now. Not when the Power Of The Claw is at stake.

When I think I'm done training I wander around for a bit untill I decide that I need to find a way to forget about the past. So I walk through the forest, untill I find myself at a berry bush. The berry bush.

I pick berries the way that Eli had showed me to, all those years ago. Thinking about the past is deadly when the whole thing about the Power of the Claw is going on. So I don't.

I come back to Capn'O to wash the berries. Maybe I can do something else with them, make some kind of berry sauce... Suddenly, when I come to the training area, I realise I'm not alone. Scarlet is there too. Wow, that girl/chicken is always training. We talk for a bit, untill Scarlet asks about the locket. About the writing inside of it. Where I got it.

"It's been mine since I was born. It used to be rusted shut, but there was a bit of magic...and an incident...and it sort of got un-rusted shut." I explain. "Whaaat?" Scarlet asks. "Erm, long story short some guardian magic wiped the rust off." I say. "And then I opened it, and there was a message from my father...." I tell her the whole thing. Except for the him-being-in-the-B.I.G part. "So yeah...It sort of represented hope for me. But I just can't wear it anymore. It makes me upset. I wanted to give it to someone who would be able to wear it. I thought I washed off his entire message..."

Theres a bit of silence and then we both try to change the conversation at the same time, then burst out laughing. We talk about other things, then it starts to get late and I hurry on to wash my berries, still thinking. About Eli. About the Power of the Claw. How do I balance my personal matters and a Guardian's matters?


submitted by Icy, age 11, Capn'O
(April 17, 2016 - 9:39 am)


I'm working on one-on-one combat training with Storm when I hear talking (remind me: how can Scarlet, a chicken, communicate with Icy, a human?)  from the circle of trees where we meet occasionally.

"I'm going to take a short break," I tell Storm before flying into a nearby pine tree overlooking the clearing. Icy and Scarlet are sitting on the big rock at the edge of the clearing. Hearing me, Scarlet looks up. She squawks and waves her wings, gesturing towards the rock. 

"Capense is gone again with Capri. Their doing some spy work, I imagine," I hoot as I settle on the rock beside Scarlet.

"Doing all the fun stuff without me," I add quietly. Scarlet nods. 

"We've been getting letters."

"He likes letters. I don't. Too much trouble." Beside me, Icy smiles shyly, then looks past me to Scarlet. I take that as my cue to leave. 

submitted by Rose bud
(April 17, 2016 - 8:17 pm)

Um, I think Icy speaks animal since she was raised by animals. Am I right Icy?

submitted by Scarlet
(April 18, 2016 - 7:51 am)

Yup. Being a guardian also helps.

submitted by Icy, age 11, Capn'O
(April 18, 2016 - 10:14 am)

So, i've been thinking. I agree with Elina and others (sorry if I spelled your name wrong! I am too lazy to check.) that we should have a common base somewhere in Kyngdom. It has to be on the existing human map so we can contact BIG spies. I think it is best if we put it in the following locations. (I rate it best to worst with the best on top.)

Wind/Lioncreek Falls- the arch down the river from Lioncreek Falls seems like a great place to settle. We can build a structure under the bridge. The arch is also a bridge between Fallen Heights and Olde Windswood, so we can hear what settlers are saying and trading. Maybe some BIG workers live in Fallen Heights or Olde Windswood. We can also find out what the villagers will be saying about BIG. Maybe BIG will trade a mysterious syrum. Who knows? The best place is here. The winds say that Fallen Heights is old, and most of the inhabitants know potions and healing herbs that grow only there and are more affective than any other type of plant(s). 

Secret Forest/Great Forest- Plenty of trees, and it seems like a good place to hide from things from holes in trees to old bunny burrows.

Peaky Mountains- This is where Bleak Peak and Meak Peak are located. There certainly will be plenty of caves there, but resources may have to be transported along a long trail.

Olde Windswood/Fallen Heights/New Windswood- Too many people. In a city place like this, abandoned places and other good places to rest are scarce. Every house is filled with people, and usually they would consider some of us as pests (sorry Thimble and Rob! Humans just don't get our side of the story in towns like these.). Although Fallen Heights may have more, friendlier people, they wouldn't want their supply of food taken away extra by us. Worst idea ever to live in a town.

So how about it? The arch connectinig Olde Windswood to Fallen Heights? I have plenty of dry brambles to build the structure. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(April 17, 2016 - 9:38 pm)

Let's assume that our "base" that's really a bunch of bush undergrowth plus more confortable spots underground in a old burrow that was adjusted by some friendly neighbors. In the secret Forest.


I had already taken my flight and activity practices. But ever since Claaws and Eli consider all humans as enemy, I was working on a speech. I sat on a reed mat meditating, thinking about my next argument. I had to consider the opponent's feelings, and make it a strong arguement. Acheiving both goals is no easy feat. An idea popped in my mind. I opened my clay jar of quills, and I got a sheet of reed paper(as an owl, getting supplies like paper is hard, and expensive. The reed paper is made from the reeds in small lake not so far away.) and I got some ink and dipped the quill in(the quill is made of my old feathers, and ink is easy to make. I used old walnuts and my crafted pot to go with the ink making[can be found on wikihow]) and started to write. If you want to know what I got so far, here it is:

I must question why you must go against humans so much. There are positives of them, as well as negatives. As a defendant of humans, I must argue.

One, not all humans are bad. Spies like Trill, Tani, and Ronan have all helped us, and without their courage, we couldn't have rescued Zephyra. It may have taken longer to rescue her without their help, and she might've became a mindless animal by then.

Two, BIG is only curious as far as we have discovered. They wish to discover the mysteries of this world. We now have ipads that can translate across languages and make talking across long distances possible.

Three, the bad humans can be punished. We just need to convince the government of this. When the leaders of this world hears our voice-howls, screeches, hoots, or roars-they must know that we are just as intelligent as humans. With the humans' help, we can save our own lives, and have the humans more aware of our existence.

I signed my name on the bottom in wind runes(written language of wind) and let the scroll dry, but it dries quickly. Just a little bit of editing and inprovement, it will be perfect. I rolled it up and put it safely in the library. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(April 17, 2016 - 10:31 pm)

I've dropped some hints as to what the training/meeting area looks like in several posts (it's in the woods near the Bog and Burrow, the meeting area has a big rock in the center, and it's by a tree which has been struck by lightening). 

You are welcome to expand the description more :)  

submitted by Rose bud
(April 18, 2016 - 6:30 am)

Hmm.... I think we could work with something.... A large hollow tree with a concealed entrance on the back (duck underneath a bush to get there) That when you go inside theres a ladder to a bunch of underground rooms (for the agents to live/stay in) and maybe even a large meeting room that was made out of a cave that we dug into on accident. Maybe in the cave crystals are everywhere on the walls.

Wait-two meeting rooms? Surprised

maybe the underground cave-room from my idea could be used as something else. Maybe like a living room for spies who arent on the job.

You don't have to go through with my idea, but I'm tired of having to be so vague of what the Capn'O base is like.

hmm... *starts drawing a map of where the training area is outdoors*


submitted by Icy, age 11, Capn'O
(April 18, 2016 - 10:23 am)