Kyngdom Survival Guide

Kyngdom's newest spy

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Kyngdom's newest spy

Kyngdom's newest spy has arrived! Be the first to help her on her way to follow her destiny!


Summer Dragonscale was born a Shifter Dragon. Since she was little, she had practiced shifting, first becoming a replica of her sister, Blossom, then turning into a rabbit, identical to the one she was hunting.

One night, as Summer settled down to bed with her family, one of the last nights they had together until she would go to live alone as an adult, she had a vision.

You who lie in the farthest reaches of Kyngdom,

You who has been chosen,

Find the BIG, destroy the Cypher.

It will steal away freedom, chase dreams away, and take countless lives, while cursing animal kind to a human governed stupor.


You have been chosen. You MUST stop the BIG, once their first endaovar is over, another will rise!

For mankind is always hungry for more! They will strip animal kind from sanity as a wolf strips meat from bones.

Travel to the center of Kyngdom. There a pure white owl shall wait for you, at the top of the tallest Oak Tree. He will lead you to join the forces of good and right, the Animal Spies.

It may take others first, but always remember,

If they are not stopped,








submitted by Summer Dragonscale, age 12, Who knows where?
(December 16, 2016 - 5:26 pm)

Dear Summer Dragonscale,

We at the Resistance cordually invite you to work with our elite group of spies in order to stop BIG, the SOCS, and Catastrophe.

-shadow, horse lover, resistance general, Angel of Death. Also known as shadow of everywhere.

submitted by shadow of everywhere, age 13
(December 16, 2016 - 6:56 pm)