Kyngdom Survival Guide

Minor Announcement 

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

Minor Announcement 

Minor Announcement 

Hi. You may or may not have noticed that I've stopped visiting Kyngdom more often than once or twice a week. After some thought on the matter, I have come to the conclusion that this is because of recent events. I blame myself for being lazy and weak, but every time I consider clicking on that old familiar title, all I can imagine is hours and hours spent trying to dig furrows in a stony field, search through obscure remnants of the past and present for puzzling hints at the future, and navigate an unstable, rotten wood boardwalk held together by spiderwebs and leaves over an active lava flow, all at the same time, and all alone. Not literally, of course. But that's what it feels like. And it also feels like I have to do those things, or else I'll be trapped, frozen, in a tree, in a stone, in glass, and everyone here forgetting me while I watch and try to scream, try to warn them of all the pitfalls and dangers and knives they're about to get in the back. 

Um. That was pretty dark. Sorry.

This is all made even more difficult by the fact that my life is somehow really busy all of a sudden, even though I'm sure there's nothing more than usual in it--maybe my capacity has lowered? But I just can't do it anymore. Except I can, that's a stupid thing to say, what am I even doing, I'm going to just delete all this and do what I usually do here. It's fine. Everything is fine. Everything is the same, except it's not.

Maybe it's the sudden twist in the plot and the way it's shaken everything. Maybe it's the new dynamics and things that have been brought in, and the way that means I got caught by surprise, blindsided by a rollercoaster, suddenly unable to keep up and keep track. There's suddenly a mask of overwhelming threats over this place, and I can't tell if it is or isn't real.

I can always adjust when I want to, but I think lately I don't want to. I don't even know what I want or can do anymore. I'm in an earthquake, but everyone else has kept their balance. But that seems stupid and selfish; I haven't been here, how do I know what's going on with you? Every time I think I know something, it turns out I've just been looking at myself and there's still something going on that I haven't tried to see. Like looking at the sun. You are the sun. I don't even go outside anymore. 


So, in short, I can't leave, but I can't stay. Don't wait for me. I might pull a few characters out of the story. I'm not leaving. I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe I'm just tired and this will only last a few days. But it's already begun, weeks ago, and I haven't been able to keep myself here. I'm sorry.


You're probably not going to get what I want you to from this. You're just going to keep burning. But how do I know? How do I know... 

And here it is. What I was afraid might happen. I'm empty now. Helpless. Unable to leave any impact. Don't know where to go, what to do, don't have the energy even if I did. I feel old. If I leave, I'll only wander, I'm sure of it. But I can still see every way I can keep going, so I'll keep going, for as long as I can. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 22, 2018 - 11:47 am)

Oh, Viola? I completely understand. In fact, that’s exactly how I’m feeling lately also, and you put it into words perfectly. 

I too feel as though I am now old. I look at new threads and I feel kind of lost in the story. Most of all of our old friends and characters are gone, and I don’t know what to do with my character anymore. But I’ve been brainstorming a few ideas and getting the old juices flowing, so I’ll try to post those.*

However, I have started to feel a little burnt out, trying to catch up with the slow moving but also somehow extremely fast changes that Kyngdom is going through. 

I wish you luck, friend, and encourage your continuing journey-no matter how fast or slow it may be-with Kyngdom. 

*(Possibly involving Nygrune and Ocean? And I’ll try to update on the Normality thread and my history thread) 

submitted by Author of Mina
(April 22, 2018 - 7:51 pm)

Thank you. I'm so glad to hear that, and I'm glad you're still here.

I'm feeling a little more determined today; I saw Leeli's thread about the RP problem, and it was kind of refreshing, a wake-up slap in the face. I think I can do something. I've just got to do some homework and figure it out.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 23, 2018 - 10:40 am)
submitted by Top
(April 23, 2018 - 5:36 am)

I'm sorry to say that I cannot empahize, but I will attempt to sympathize.

For me, Kyngdom is my Hidey-Hole, my last resort, my Pokemon Center, etc. It lets me pour my emotions out onto and into things that I have created, and the others that can see what I've done can do nothing about it/ignore it. Being an introvert, this is a great comfort because I don't vent very easily in real life.

In your view I imagine Kyngdom as a barren landscape with sure treasure hidden deep underneath, but you only have a vague and faded map to help you. You're on your own, and there are many dangers. I feel like that almost every day of my life. I feel restricted, a worker who works overtime often with lower-than-minimum pay. I get it. I'd like to be you vent subject. You can say whatever you want to me (just please don't swear), and I will in return offer words of affirmation to comfort you. Sound good? :) I like to listen. To literally anything. You're good. I will most likely be found on the Sage Rp... Thread. See you there, friend!

submitted by Piiri (Shadowkiller), age Classified, Suspension
(April 23, 2018 - 4:58 pm)

I get where you are coming from, but we were never on our own. Before you joined, we were building the story up left and right, never alone, never barren. We’re just saying we feel kind of spent and old now because a lot of our old friends are gone and now a lot of new people are here (which is not bad at all, we love new people), but things are definitely taking a different turn. Viola?, Sprocket, Trixie, the occasional Claaws, Moonshadow, Alexandria and I are all that is left of the original crew. The original crew had much more in numbers. And even now, the original crew that is left doesn’t post as much anymore. 


I don’t need comfort to be honest. I think that Viola? and I just needed a place to talk and for the new and fast moving people to slow down and see where others are, especially older Kyngdomers. We’re not being selfish, we’re just talking. Sometimes people just need to talk. Not vent, not complain, not fight. But talk. 

submitted by Author of Mina
(April 23, 2018 - 8:00 pm)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, back when Kyngdom first started i was on quite a lot as Solomon M, Dracon Sorail, Shadon Sorail, and Swipeclaw, but everyone forgot about me sice i didn't contribute much to the plot...and what i did contribute was really cringy and most of it didn't really do anything with the main plot. :/ 

submitted by Catsclaw
(April 25, 2018 - 12:16 pm)

Thank you, but Kyngdom has never been a wasteland hiding riches or a place to spill my guts. It was always a story, a garden, music. People were making something and I wanted to add to it, so I did. My understanding of what had been made grew as I went on, and I sent down roots as the foundation builders slowly fell away. New people have come, and most of them don't stay long, but when they do we try to make sure they won't overbalance the tower and bring it down. I'm not angry, frustrated, sad, scared or bottled up; I'm open and empty, the shell of a seed trying to stay green. To extend the metaphor, we're all plants in a garden, and some of us older ones are simply concerned about space. Mina has it right; it's just changing, and we don't need comfort, only a place to talk. Change isn't always good, but it's not always bad, either. I just want to sit and look at it.

Thank you for your words. I will be all right. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 24, 2018 - 7:15 am)

I understand what you're saying, Viola?. Things are changing, swirling, shifting. I feel them too. They make me uneasy sometimes, as if Kyngdom is teetering, but then I remind myself that I have to be here or else it might actually fall.

Is that the heart of the problem--the changes themselves? The shift from what once was into something new, as if it's moving on to someting different, something with which you can't feel inspired--something that doesn't draw you in like it once did?

Or is it the speed at which these changes are happening? Gone for a few days, everything happens, and you can't catch up in time for the next explosion? I know how that goes. It's why I used to keep disappearing all the time.

Or perhaps it's mixture of both of those things.

I know what you mean about the plot. It's hard to put into words, but I get what you're saying about its current state. Hard to mold, as if all the characters and threads are disconnected from the main story. Maybe that's the heart of the problem. We're all sort of...uncoordinated right now.

I've been thinking a lot lately, and I realized there is something that might be beneficial to us: another live chat. Something where we could all get together and discuss everything that needs to be discussed, all at one time--a meeting! If the Admins are willing, it could be here; or, we could do it on Nano YWP; or, we could use YouTube Live, which I'm toying around with right now.

submitted by Hazel C., Reminiscing
(April 23, 2018 - 8:30 pm)

I think it might be the uncoordination. I hadn't thought of that. It's increased since I stopped fulfilling my role as historian/informational person. I think I'm going to try to reverse that. 

A live chat might be nice. See who's here and what we're up to, maybe talk about plans and stuff. YWP is fickle and lags a lot for me, so that's probably not our ideal. Do you need an account for YouTube Live?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 24, 2018 - 7:36 am)

I think a live chat would be excellent! This also made me curious on how long I've been on Kyngdom, so I went back to the very first post I ever made on Kyngdom, cringed, and discovered I have been on Kyngdom for exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 3 days. Whew!

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(April 25, 2018 - 2:40 pm)

I personally find the nostalgia triggered by such searches is equal to that triggered by looking at baby pictures...

submitted by Piiri (Shadowkiller), age Classified, Suspension
(April 25, 2018 - 6:49 pm)

I think I may agree.

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(April 27, 2018 - 8:01 am)

Hey Viola, I totally get it! two years ago I started kingdom, and just three months later I started middle school. I’m a slow worker, and even if I love the community here, I had to stop. My grades were dropping, I felt like I was missing things in the real world, and that things were moving too slowly in this fantasy we all create together. I had to choose to stop writing for fun, and start writing for school. It was hard at first, since I left at a crucial part in the story, and I felt like I was letting my friends down. But don't worry. I have learned that people don't forget, and you can feel proud when you regain your balance on the ground, to keep the privilege of having your head in the clouds. Learn new tricks from school, enjoy friends in real life, and when you start to miss it, return will an open mind and the ability to read for long periods of time. The hardest part is catching back up.

And if you feel that your characters died like an era, there is always room for new yet familiar faces.

submitted by -k, age 13,
(April 25, 2018 - 10:17 pm)

Yeah, thanks for the advice, but I’m already participating enough in high school. XD c’est I feel like people misinterpret the message, but hey, perhaps I misinterpreted yours. 

submitted by Mina
(April 26, 2018 - 9:18 am)

Thank you. I'm taking my time with other things, and I hope to be on regularly soon.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 27, 2018 - 9:15 am)