Kyngdom Survival Guide

I step over

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

I step over

I step over fallen branches and duck under dead trees, trying not to get my huge, spiky, titanium-hard, and very curved horns tangled. I hear voices nearby, through the thick mist. Ithink, after all this time, I've found them. I've found them, after searching for nearly all my life... My right foreclaw catches on a chain, obscured by the heavy water vapor on the ground. The voices hush, but I don't mind. I know exactly where they are, and I don't care if they know where I am. Suddenly, a snowy owl flies out from the general direction of where the voices were, talons raised and beak open in a shriek. Without much thought, I lower my head to point my horns at the owl. They begin to glow white and the points begin to sharpen into wicked blades ready and able to peice anything that came their way. With a squawk and much flapping, the owl backs off, only to reveal a dragon, my same size. She circles me, but I keep both the dragon and the owl in sight.

submitted by A majestic beast
(January 21, 2019 - 11:44 pm)

Please do continue! I'd love to know what happens next!

submitted by c:
(January 22, 2019 - 5:46 pm)
submitted by Top!
(January 22, 2019 - 9:01 pm)

The dragon lunges for me, and her claws scrape my neck. If I had blood, I'd be bleeding out, but since I'm completely composed of Living Titanium Ice, the most she's done is, well, nothing. The dragon's claws bounce harmlessly to the side. With her associate off balance, the owl swoops in again, but I bolt forward, towards the original sound of the two's voices. The mist clears in a pocket of air, and I find jars upon jars of Brazen Goo, not to mention numerous cages. Huge cages, big enough to fit the Powers in. I smile. With a roar, the dragon charges into the area, ready for another bout. I turn to face her.

"Oh, stop it, Jaaws. I want to help." The dragon snarls.

"We don't need or want you." I am unfazed. It's not the first time I've been rejected on sight.

"Oh, yes, you do." I take a step forward. Whist flies in and lands on one of Jaaws' horns. The dragon seems annoyed, but doesn't care enough to shake Whist off. Overhead, a purple dot floats in the sky. Whist looks up with her heterochromatic eyes and surveys the dot. More mist seeps from her feathers and obscures the area even more. She's disturbed by the purple dot. I don't pay it heed, I know what it is. It's Enyo, Catastrophe's slave Song of War Bird. Don't think I haven't gotten around. I've ought to have, after wandering around Kyngdom for upwards of a thousand years. My glowing, white eyes fix on Jaaws' burning red ones. "The Powers have never seen me before. I can help you kill them." My short, icy mane quivers to think of my claws, armed with Brazen Goo, wrapped around Sylvia's equine neck. Oh, how she wronged me. Oh, how she will pay...

submitted by A majestic beast
(January 23, 2019 - 2:22 pm)

(Psst, your presence is requested at the Live Chat Thread! :)

submitted by Hazel C.
(January 31, 2019 - 7:34 am)

Your turn. 

submitted by @Hazel@Whist-RPer
(January 28, 2019 - 2:14 am)
submitted by Shiver-Top
(January 30, 2019 - 4:54 pm)
submitted by @Hazel@Whist-RPer
(February 13, 2019 - 7:15 pm)

Hi! If you're looking for the Whist RPer, I think Claaws might be writing for her. We might not currently have one assigned.

As for Hazel RPing with you, I think people are still waiting for a better idea of what direction to bring the RP in, and I would like to know as well (I absolutely adore your writing style and want to read more). I

I can't wait to see future posts c: 

submitted by Icy, age 14, The Forest
(February 13, 2019 - 8:20 pm)

"So... Why are you here?" Jaaws growls. Hm. She's a bit simpler than I thought. Anger-driven, I believe.

"I thought you might have caught on by now, but I guess I was mistaken." I step forward, tail lashing. Jaaws bares her fangs in a warning I don't heed. "You have a bone to pick with your respective Powers, right?" Whist nods. I grin, baring my own fangs. "I want to kill them too. But first, we must find the rest of the side-affects. It'll be a bit more interesting this way." Jaaws scoffs.

"They're all idiots." I inspect my claws.

"So they'll be easier to control." For the first time that I've seen, a genuine smile crosses Jaaws' face. 

submitted by A majestic beast
(February 14, 2019 - 2:48 pm)

Hey, is it okay if I post as Ecio? Right now he's working for Jaaws since he was hypnotized. I want him to discover the Power of Hoof fake that Davina and Kimi stole.

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(February 14, 2019 - 6:38 pm)

I, myself, don't see why not, as long as you know his personality well.

submitted by A majestic beast
(February 15, 2019 - 11:51 am)

Seconding that, I don't see a problem with it either. 

submitted by Icy, age 14, The Forest
(February 15, 2019 - 7:29 pm)
submitted by @AnybodywhowillRP
(February 23, 2019 - 1:24 am)

Here's a quick Ecio post. If I got he's personality all wong, tell me. I read through some threads with him in them and I would describe him as probably a very logical thinker, smart, and probably doesn't like talking quite as much as most. But since he's hypnotized by Jaaws, I want to show a darker side of him, in a way, so I'm going to roleplay as a more cunning and clever version of Ecio. Okay, that took forever, I'm going to stop and just roleplay now. XD


Ecio was hidden in the form of a badger. Jaaws had sent him to the flea market. Supposedly, there was a Power being sold here. And not just any Power, but the one they were searching for--the Power of Hoof. 

However, by the time he'd gotten there, the flea market was much smaller than he'd expected. He eavesdropped on a pair of cardinals, who noisily chirped about the big laser gun fight that had happened. Interested, Ecio began to search for the place the fight had happened. He found it fairly easily. 

There was a section on the main road where the booths had fallen. The street was mainly deserted, for broken glass and sharp wooden splinters littered the ground. 

Ecio was suddenly stopped by a paw on his shoulder. He quickly spun around to see a grey wolf and a tall human covered in armour next to her.

"Who are you?" Ecio asked. He showed no emotion in his voice.

"My name is Sybill, and the human is my friend Rose. We are the new leaders of the Animals. But that's besides the point. I assume that you are looking for the Power? I know where it went. But if I tell you, you have to let me and the Animals come with you to get it."

"Fine. I'll be back in about a week to tell you my answer."

"Deal." Sybill grinned.

Ecio nodded. He then began his journey to Jaaws to tell her what he had found out.


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(February 23, 2019 - 8:15 am)

I sense a newcomer. He's penatrated the mist. Funny, I thought Whist's mist hypnotized upon inhalation. If the badger could hold its breath that long then he must be huge... But he's not. Unless he's been hypnotized in the past. This proves true when he arrives at the clearing, bristling slightly with eyes flashing red, like Jaaws'. He sees me immediately and roars in that strange way badgers do. Then, his body distorts and scales cover his fur. A long tail replaces his short one, and the badger's legs become a clawed serpent's.

"Welcome back, Ecio." Jaaws says smoothly. Ecio Seth's at me in full serpent form, but I am undeterred. "This creature is here to help us. It may be able to wield Brazen Goo." Jaaws looks me up and down. Brazen Goo is powerful, and only the Side Affected Powers and few others can. I smile. I know I can wield Bazen Goo. I've done it before.


I was wondering if this character could be a SAP? I wanted to get your permission first, before I jumped in completely. If so, which Power should they be from? I was thinkig Lunee, since she doesn't have any so far. 

submitted by A majestic beast, age N.W., 'Thought I might tell you
(March 22, 2019 - 10:57 am)