Kyngdom Survival Guide

The Power of

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

The Power of

The Power of Howl has officially begun! Finally! So new beginning stuff! Basically the gist of the main plot right now is Slyvia, Cairan, Ecio, and Ayearth are going to Lunee's temple to I'm guessing awaken her. Sancta, Kosomi, and Moonshadow are also heading to the Temple to awaken her. The plan is to have the two groups meet, awaken Lunee, and Cairan will somehow fall under Jaaw's control.

This isn't really anything rp-ish, more like something to announce the beginning and also to discuss plans for the Power of Howl. The main plot is going to take place in the Nocturnal rp in the group section. 

Anyway, thats it really. A new phase of the story. 

submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(December 19, 2019 - 4:23 pm)

Alright, I'm excited!

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(December 19, 2019 - 5:10 pm)

TOP please! Please let this work, ik it usually doesn't if I top it right after it's sunk, but please TOP!

submitted by sTOPit!, age top years, Topopolis
(December 19, 2019 - 5:15 pm)


I'm excited and ready, though unfortunately holiday madness is keeping me from rping right now. 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 19, 2019 - 5:18 pm)

I believe this is supposed to be the climax of the story- A Shakespearian play, for instance, has five acts: the first one is introduction, the next two are build up, the fourth is the climax, and the fifth is deceleration, tying things up nicely. Now, it seems to me that, unless we rocket up the tension in this act, right to a climax, Kyngdom is just going to stutter along and crash. You want to get more people interested? Start doing that. A moving net catches more fish than a still one.

For bringing up the tension, we need two things- a way to lose and a way to win. One we've already got: that is, a way to lose. The first thing she  can do is use her own power- ice- and the Side-Affected Powers or anything else at her disposal to devestate the ecosystem, starving FaFa and anyone who resists her. Her attempt to turn the powers bad is shaking, for the moment, but she will move fast while she has some sway. Another vital target
is Luni. Jaaws does not want Luni back on the stage- she is the Power of
Light as well as of Howl, the one who went to the opposite side when
Claaws went bad. If she can stop the other Powers awakening Luni, she has
won a great victory.

Now to the thing we're lacking- how do we win this? We've been attacking the edges of Jaaws's empire, doing some damage, but nothing to really bring down Jaaws and the Side-Affected Powers. The animals must turn away from the distractions and hit the central powers, strike at commanders, not minions. One promising option is to fracture Jaaw's ruling structure, for instance set some of the Side-Affected Powers against her. We also have a trump card when it comes to Catastrophe- his son, Ronan, is on the animal's side. Remember Darth Vader? At the very least Ronan could be used to distract Catastrophe at a vital moment.

But what we need to come up with most of all is some way to smash Jaaws. To destroy her, or at least drive her out, is vital. Without her Catastrophe will cease from being hers, and perhaps the Side-Affected powers will also fall into confusion or cease to exist. But no-one that I've seen has offered a good way to do that.

But, I have a sort of a solution. I'm cut off at the moment, I'll come back a little later and explain. I hope you find this useful.







submitted by Xa'opve, age 17, Idea Farm
(December 27, 2019 - 1:23 pm)

This that follows is an idea I believe will make Kyngdom far more meaningful. There don't seem to be over many of us left in Kyngdom. I myself didn't join in till recently. I want to give it a small but worthwhile polish, to change a very few small facts from the official story. I want, more, to streamline its viewpoint. Without a viewpoint, there is no story. I believe the way I see Kyngdom is beautiful, and key to bringing this story to a satisfying conclusion. I think it is worth enough that others see it, even if they don't want it in the end.

I can only propose, not dispose: to accept or not, is yours, fellow Kyngdomers. Perhaps you'll bear down hard and attempt to beat me down and leave me for roadkill. Perhaps you'll love my idea. But please, accept to consideration what I have to say.


In the beginning, either before or simultaneous with Kyngdom's creation, a multiverse came into being. Earth and Kyngdom are part of it. The multiverse is a bit like the one in the Narnia series- doors can open up between universes, and certain beings can travel between them with magic, but most creatures are limited to just one. [All the above has been many times supported by Kyngdomers, who have even sent their characters into other universes.]

Now the universes all have their own origins, which, of course, differ from Kyngdom's. However, behind all these diverse origins there's a sort of figure- a Creator of Worlds, symbolically masculine. He planted the seeds that would eventually turn into the universes. I admit, this entity is my own creation, but a reasonable one. Moreover, since the Powers can do good and bad, there must be someone or something higher up than them which decides what good and bad are.

Now to the actual creation of Kyngdom. I don't differ from anyone there. The Powers came forth from a flower. There came to be at the same time Celesti- her name means "Mother Kyngdom". She is the symbolically feminine part of Kyngdom. she lives on in the actual space of Kyngdom- she is its presence. She cared for the Powers, and the Powers made things to fill that presence. You know the what each made, or if you don't you just have to go to that thread I mentioned. I might add, that it was Claaws who gave creatures free will, who made us more than automata. I say he gave us it; I do not say he made it.

And so, when they finished their labor, the Powers made seven thrones [one for Celesti, of course] and sat in them, and for many centuries the world went in order. Now, on a lower level, the level of the animals, plenty of evil things were done; but the Powers and magic creatures- there were no men- intervened and made sure that everything stayed stable, and justice was always served. So, of course, the animals learned to be good citizens, and mostly to live in harmony with each other beautiful, perfect peace reined everywhere. Then the joker entered the deck.

The Creator of Worlds opened a portal between earth and Kyngdom, and men came trough it into Kyngdom- whether by force or by their own choice, I do not know. We do know that the people who first colonized Kyngdom were ancestors of the Indians and some Russians and Chinese, which makes the date of their arrival four to three thousand years ago. As man arrived, he made a sort of cameo. He told the Powers who he was, and that he had added man into their creation. With man, he said, Kyngdom would be made perfect, and outlined a specific plan or dealing with them.

The Powers took an instant dislike to man. They saw him as corrupting the ecosystem, with his felling of trees and stark unwillingness to join the food chain. Worse, humans have a degrading effect on many forms of magic. As man's power grew, the Powers took council. Claaws hated them, saw herself as being slighted by The Creator of Worlds. She was for removing the humans entirely. The others didn't want to do something so drastic, but were sure man needed limitations that were specified against. Luni alone stuck with the Creator of Worlds. The central four decided on limitation. Luni wouldn't take it, and neither would Claaws. There was a fight. In the end, Luni and Claaws were both banished from their thrones. They put a spell on the two that made them have to stay close together, so that neither could cause trouble. In power, the two were equals, but in different ways, so, if they had a fight, both would end up dead. Thinking there was peace, the remaining Powers settled for a plan of "pruning", limiting man to certain areas.

[Note: this is the part I've changed up the most, though it still remains very close to the original. The only actual difference in facts are the Creator of World's appearance and Luni and Claaws getting stuck together. This is my last change from the official version]

But they all knew in their hearts that they had done this not out of true love for Kyngdom, but because they wanted Kyngdom their way. If they had looked, they could have seen the good things man was bringing too, technology being an important factor. When a creature does evil, the evil remains on his head, and can lead to further bad actions. When a Power does evil, it is far worse: the evil becomes its own creature, a Side-Affected Power. This as worse: an evil spreading through the whole system. Out of this conjunction of many evils there arose a terrible and powerful fiend: Jaaws.

Jaaws was like the night; the Powers did not know quite when she came. They never even knew she existed until this late resurrection. They blamed the bad things on Claaws.

The first thing Jaaws did was break the spell keeping Claaws and Luni together. Claaws flew off and wreaked havoc on any human she could find, escaping detection by the other Powers. As for Luni, Jaaws put her to sleep and hid her in a cave.

Having expended much of her power, Jaaws knew she would not be able to take on and destroy the Powers alone. She needed human help. A boy, later called Catastrophe, sought her out. Claaws had killed his family and friends, and he wanted revenge. Jaaws gave him dreams which led him into her labyrinth. There, she made him a deal: she would give him the ability to destroy the Powers if he would give her his soul. He did end up 'killing' all the Powers, and bringing chaos to Kyngdom. Claaws realized her part in the evil, before the end, and repented. That's what allowed her to set up Catastrophe and the other Side-Affected Powers to go dormant, though she herself was killed doing so.

During this time, a seemingly strange thing happened: Celesti, the one who stood for Kyngdom herself, married Catastrophe. It's been said that, if Catastrophe had withstood Jaaws, this marriage beteen man an Kyngdom would have brought peace and order, or at least given a base to keep the unruuly Powers from doing much evil. But, in he middle of fighting the Powers, Catastrophe murdered his wife. He murdered the world of Kyngdom and left it dead. At that point everything turned upsidedown. Even once the Powers and Side-Affected Powers were gone, it couldn't be at all fixed. There was confusion and extinctions, and much that was good and beautiful was lost.

But the torn spirit of Kyngdom survived. Even though magic turned black and men acted like beasts and in many places became cannibals like the Aztecs, and predators went wild and forgot the balanced civlization they came from, disintegratinginto tribal units that cared about no-one outside, and the oceans rose so as to consume one-third of Kyngdom, it survived. From time to time animals and magical beings have tried, with some success, to build a good law structure. But it always went dark in the end.

Then, three hundred years ago, a second joker was introduced to the pack. New men- technologically and culturally advanced men-were transported to Kyngdom. They were picked up bya sort of interdimensional whirlwind one day and dropped here. 

They have brought a new, flawed but stable, order to Kyngdom. they have been trying to succeed where Catastrophe failed, and mak Kyngdom their own. A lot of animals and magical beings don't like that, and have attacked them. That attacking was part of what caused the rise of BIG. BIG awoke the Powers (though Claaws and Sylvia had woken up earlier, doubtlees also due to haps ultimately caused by the new invasion). When the Powers woke up, the Side-Affected Powers woke up too. Now they're fighting over Kyngdom again. What can be the end of this conflict? Perhaps, redemption?


submitted by Xa'opve, age 17, Idea Farm
(December 27, 2019 - 8:38 pm)

Hi, Xa'opve. I agree that we need a way to tie up loose ends and give ourselves a way to complete the story in a way that makes sense. We've talked a lot about the ending in various plot threads over the years, and you've presented some good ideas--we do need a way to win.

Your ideas for Kyngdom's history are creative, but in honor of what's already been established, I think we should keep to the lore that was originally decided & has already been roleplayed out. The idea of the Creator of Worlds is unique, as is the multiverse, but I vote that as Kyngdom comes to a close, we keep our focus within its own plane of existence.

In the official origin story, both humans and animals were created by the Powers. It was Claaws who gave them darkness and Jaaws who caused evil. Jaaws was born because of the rift between Claaws and the other Powers; her abilities/life exists only thanks to the Powers' shattered relationship. Once Claaws reconciles with all the Powers, Jaaws's powers will disappear, and she will be able to be killed.

The Kyngdomers who created the Powers decided that, ultimately, Kyngdom's resolution will come with the Powers' reconciliation. (Claaws the Kyngdomer revealed that Claaws never transitioned back from being Power of Darkness, meaning Lunee is probably still Power of Light, but the implications of this have yet to be decided). We'll definitely need to outline what will happen between them. 

As we start up the new Power segment, I do agree that we should work on developing the next big plot points/goals. If we can come up with some 'milestones', our roleplaying will have some more definite direction, and it'll help us move along the plot a little better. We definitely want to build up to an exciting climax!

Might I suggest another YWP live chat soon? 

submitted by Hazel C.
(December 28, 2019 - 10:36 pm)

Thank you very much, Hazel C. I've been worried I've been making a bother of myself. I'm very glad to know you have a plan for a climax. I'm still a worried, though, on how to get rid of Jaaws. Perhaps the Powers can take her down if they all come at her together? Also, we should try getting the moving plots ordered to one end- one supreme goal the smaller battles will either win, or help win, or lose. (You'll see this sort of thing in most modern fantasy- Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, etc.)

Let's say the main goal, for the moment, is getting all the Powers together. Hasn't Claaws been killed and turned into a xylophone and sunk down to the bottom of a pit in the ocean (near the Underwater Ball)? Well, we need to get her instrument back, then! That's a good quest. And consider our other running plots: Cairan being claimed by Jaaws, the Ayearth or any other Power that's stuck being freed from the new goo, Luni being awoken, and Caastrophe trying to take Kyngdom over. All we have to do is give each of these significance to the main plot.

For instance, make Cairan have some vital power that will put a blockade on the Power's being gotten together. Make it so that if Catastrophe (who has basically sold his soul to the devil, which explains how he managed to come back) gets the Sword, the Shield and the other thing together, it'll be possible for him to destroy a Power- permanently. I don't want to monopolize, it's pretty easy to relate things to a main plot.

A couple more notes that may be helpful: my origin story does bring up a point which is highly important to what's happening now, but seems to have been ignored; that is, what caused Claaws to go bad in the first place. I mean, you don't start hating the people closest to you over nothing. If we are going to have a reconciliation of the Powers, we'd beter know what broke them apart in the first place. My contribution was that Claaws wanted to make Kyngdom her own way, thinking she deserved special treatment since she was, or at least she thought she was, the greatest of the Powers. What drove the Powers apart was her pride. If this is so, Jaaws is a living representation of that pride, who wants to remake Kyngdom into a hell where every living thing fights constantly against every other, for pride hates love [that's scary enough for yuo, I hope]. Humans I used as a catalyst for this conflict.

So that particular addition is, I would say, justifiable, because it gives Jaaws an understandable motivation and Claaws an explicit interior problem to overcome. Perhapps Jaaws knows that she won't be able to succeed in her vision with the Powers, so she wants to destroy them so that she can extend her vision over all Kyngdom, and is using Catastrophe as a puppet to help subdue it.

Now, that, as far as I know, is a completely acceptable version of what I said, which can inspire the person who is writing Jaaws. Verily, Jaaws's actions don't seem to fit into any real pattern except this, so my idea looks to me to be the best we can do and a very good best.

Lastly, there's one other thing I thought of- perhaps Claaws's redemption requires some sort of penance for the bad she did. It would definitely involve swallowing her pride, and I suppose be necessary to defeating Jaaws, or she'd never do it, and anyway it would be symbolically inappropriate. A good milestone, eh?

And thanks again, Hazel, for being so cilivized and tactful about this. I was worried I'd be hit over the head with a crowbar.

submitted by Xa'opve, age 17, Idea Farm
(December 29, 2019 - 2:28 pm)

Okay, I've slept on it and realized that Claaws the kyngdomer must have come up with a reason for Claaws to act this way- but I have no idea what it is, and, though I only started posting recently, I've been following Kyngdom a long while. I've gotten used to thinking it was just a thing that Claaws went evil and there's no explanation attached to the event.

You have a lot of facts here about characters, but no-one says exactly why this one or that one gets out of its den in the morning. What do they want? That's the center of a character. Without the center all the details are just pointless to me- why should I remember they did this or that, if it's not significant to how the character is acting today? I warrant you any new people will feel the same, only moreso.

So, can you tell me, please, (and this will be useful to any other passer-by), what each of the major characterss wants? And I don't mean just things like "Kill Catastrophe". It's helpful to know that, but why does he want to kill Catastrophe? Did he just wake up one morning and say, "Hey, I want to kill Catastrophe"? And if you answer "Because he hates evil" I can only say, "Of course he does, I was pretty sure he wasn't evil himself." Every sapient creature is born with a desire to do good. They generally need some sort of reason to do evil.

I''ll give you an instance of what I mean: say, X wants to spend the rest of his days in peace. That's an understandable motivation which can lead to many things- like leaving a strange phenomenon alone rather than trying to figure it out. Also, another character, Y, can use that desire to try to get X to do what he wants.

There's a very important utility of this: Say X is trying to get to a peaceful place. Suddenly he learns that a friend's life is threatened and he can save it, but if he goes to help her he will not have another chance to get to the peaceful place. His decision will either strengthen his goodness or his desire to have peace at all costs. He will have slightly changed his character. That's one way to make a character arc: a lot of decisions like that.

Anyway, signing off. Happy roleplaying!



submitted by Xa'opve, age 17, Idea
(December 30, 2019 - 4:05 pm)

In response to your comment above this one (about Claaws wanting to make Kyngdom her own way), I think that's pretty accurate to what originally happened. Since she created the instinct/ability to kill/hunt/etc, there was a darker side (an option for abuse) of these powers. She began to abuse them.

I found the original Power war thread if you'd like to read it:

A lot of the answers to your questions are in that thread--who did what, and why. There was infighting between the Powers, whether because some wanted to be the leader or some were Celesti's favorite, etc, and whatnot.

Chip says "Numak!" Sounds like a kind of animal. 

submitted by Hazel C.
(December 31, 2019 - 10:18 am)

Thanks again!

I've read over some- I hope enough- of the information you so kindly pointed out to me, and I will reproduce it here, in a summarized form.

Firstly, though a little off the point, in my proposed history I got one thing right that I didn't know till now was canon- that the Side-Affected Powers are manifestations of evil things the Powers do. This has interesting ramifications- one is, what was Sylvia's misdeed? The fact that she gave birth to Cairan rather than his just
appearing somewhere, probably means fornication. Though, I get it, such things are not talked about here.

Another, important one: perhaps Jaaws is looking to tempt one of the Powers into such an act and produce a new Side-Affected Power?

Now, the Power's exact desires are hard to grasp, mainly because they were written by people who were still figuring out the characters and occasionally included material that made no sense if we consider the Powers as people like ourselves in that they have consistent desires. To some extent what I'm putting down is guesswork, and cannot be otherwise- but, I think, very passable guesswork.

Claaws is a bit of an enigma. At first she was angry because the other Powers wouldn't let her destroy stuff. Then she went environmentalist and wanted to kill all humans, even Celesti, who became a human to save the humans. That's why she was exiled. Because of that she hated the other Powers.

As to the desire that caused that mess, pride- a desire to put her own ideals above the will of the other Powers, to make Kyngdom in her own image- seems evident, so what I say above about her and Jaaws stands.

Luni's desire is obviously virtue. She's the only Power I know of that has a whole semi-monastic order dedicated to her. She's the only one who can communicate in angel-fashion, through vision. Some of the less virtuous Powers think her a prig, and she sticks firmly to what she believes is right.

Eico is accounted a wise ruler. He never does much that I've seen, but people go to him for advice and, even as a child, he was more interested in administration than play. The desire of all wise rulers is order, which means peace and good laws. That seems to fit him like a glove.

Sylvia is the most beloved among the group. She loves everybody- she even went so far as to make billions of new somebodies to love. [She is in some ways a fertility goddess- in parts of Kyngdom, its proper style to have a horse at your wedding, since that is supposed to help you get lots of pups.] Since she loves everybody, she wants everybody to be happy, sometimes at the cost of virtue.

Caelani is more unsure. He has a big temper, but can also be nice is a sort of macho way. Perhaps his deepest desire is to protect the people and things he loves. He would, from that, be susceptible to vengefulness. 

Ayearth hardly has any character at all, he seems only to react. He married a dragoness- the same who made tempests and lightning. She is listed as a Side-Affected Power, but I find that doubtful. Firstly, I never heard that she did anything evil; secondly, would you really fall in love with and marry your sin? I don't know. She could have been some semi-divine being from outside Kyngdom. He is said to have mourned her death terribly; other than that, he has never really done anything but close his eyes tight and wait for the storms of life to pass over, doing hard things rather than face up to other's wrath. He also likes solitude; he made the whole huge ocean to be alone in, and is reported the most asocial of the Powers. Perhaps he wants peace.

To recap:

Claaws wants to have Kyngdom her own way, to rule it;

Luni wants virtue;

Eico wants order and peace;

Sylvia wants everybody to be happy;

Caelani wants to protect the people he loves;

Ayearth wants peace.

Now, I encourage you to view this, like many other things I have written, as mostly soil to grow the story in, not the story itself. But this I assure you, writers of the Powers and others: any desire you can come up with for your character is better than none. Without one he will be cardboard and lack all depth.

Best wishes. 

submitted by Xa'opve, age 17, Idea Farm
(January 8, 2020 - 8:29 pm)

Hey guys, I'm sorry I fell off the boat again!


I always find getting back into the swing of things confusing and I think I'd find it easiest if I could start somewhere new. Is there a new mission the Elites could do? Xa'opve mentioned that we need to get Claaws back, so that's a possibility. Or maybe something to do with the Shield?


IIRC my plan for the Shield involved the fact that the Hornshaws used to be Nobyls (sp?). Does anyone remember why they stopped being Nobyls or should I just make it up?


Also, since when have CAPTCHAs been 5 letters??? 


It's been several months since we upped to 5 letters in hope of avoiding spam comments that were coming it too frequently.


submitted by Trixie W.
(December 30, 2019 - 6:00 pm)

I don't even know exactly what spam is.

Spam is unsolicited
usually commercial messages (such as e-mails, text messages, or Internet
postings) sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large
number of places. Chatterbox has been getting a lot of long ads that we have to delete rather than post.


submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(December 30, 2019 - 7:58 pm)

Trixie, you're back!!! *hugs* It's so good to hear from you again!

Hazel got separated from the Elites after the Flea Market and ended up somewhat lost in the Secret Forest. She's hopeless that the Elites will ever get back together. That particular RP just started, (it's in Kyngdom Groups -> The Nocturnal thread -> last 2 pages), so it might not be too hard to join. [Sylvia and her foal are heading to the Nocturnal temple, where Lunee worshippers live, to summon Lunee. Jaaws will show up soon to kidnap the foal.]

I'll try to think of some other options to start new, though. I like the idea of it having to do with the Shield, though! Speaking of which, do you remember the Artifacts' origin? I feel like it had something to do with Jaaws.

I don't remember anyone ever coming up with the Hornshaws' backstory, so I think you could just make it up.

Again, it's good to see you, Trixie! 

submitted by Hazel@Trixie
(January 1, 2020 - 10:15 am)

Great, thank you!

submitted by Trixie W.
(January 8, 2020 - 2:26 pm)

By the way, it's early December for our charries. Make sure to include cold weather in your roleplay posts if you're in Northern Kyngdom!

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 31, 2019 - 8:50 am)