Kyngdom Survival Guide

greetings, mortal. 

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

greetings, mortal. 

greetings, mortal. 

that was the last sentence that echoed through the wind-girl's head, before she found herself here, underneath a willow tree, wind blowing through her hair. 

she had tested her abilites, and fainted for half an hour.  

but she was alive again, and her abilites were known now. after careful testing, of course. 

she still retained her abilites of the wind- thank goodness, for what would she do without them, as the windblown butterfly? 

she gained the ability of the fire, the roaring inferno. she was indeed, very happy about that, and had considered changing her title to the windblown inferno, but decided against it. 

she waved her hand happily in the air, as her gray-blue tail flicked up and down, pitch black eyes staring into nothingness as she jumped around, her faery wings catching the air and lifting her up, up, up, onto the tree, looking down at the world above.  

submitted by windblown butterfly
(March 11, 2022 - 5:48 pm)