They're after me.

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Archive

They're after me.

They're after me.

I never knew it though... I climbed a weeping willow tree, one of my personal favorites, and gripped a long leafy..well, what do they call them? Not leaves, but it's a thing that grows from willows-UGH nevermind. I sat on the swing that I had created using those thingies on the weeping willow. I began to swing and swing and  swing, remaining quiet. My locket sits cold at my chest, and I know that it's going to be opened one day. But, I also know that that won't be today. I shiver as a wind blows my hair back.

Normally swinging here would be..happy. But not today. I thought about the badger, the sleeping dart, the gun, the man threatening me. (For more info on this, read some of my other threads) I felt hate spread over me, cold as ice. I hated the B.I.G. I hated them. But then the coldness left my body and I found myself crying. I'm only a human girl, I thought. So young, so helpless-just like they all say. I never will do this...I can't bring them down. Then I straighten up in the swing and try to swing farther than ever. I shout at the wind as I swing, let my voice blend in with the wind and bring my anger to the heavens.

Maybe it was the shouting that made them find me. But they did. Suddenly I heard a snap, looked up and saw the vine-leaf-willow things that held the swing up break, and caught a fleeting glimpse of a dart before I feel myself falling, falling, and I grab a vine-leaf-willow thing and it's the only thing that slows my descent down.

I hit the ground heavily, bruised but otherwise unhurt, when I see them. Theres other humans, each holding a gun. "GET HER!" One yelled. "But she's human, like us, we can't be so cruel as to-" One began to say. "Aww, shut your trap." One growled. "Just get her." My heart beats and I prepare to run, run fast like the animals who raised me. As I start to run pain stings my arm and I see a dart sticking from it. Then I fall into blackness.

I wake up in a cage/kennel. I grab the bars and shake them, and then I notice the man in the lab coat. "You're going to teach us to talk to animals." He said, grinning. And his teeth when he talk no longer seem human to me. They seem as vicious and pointed as a shark's teeth. 

Thanks for reading! I'll post the next story soon! Check out my other threads for more of my backstory! :) -Icy :)

submitted by Icy, age 11, A Kennel at B.I.G
(April 6, 2016 - 3:59 pm)