Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

CAMM Semester 2!

Okay so I thought I should start CAMM back up since it's a non-busy time of year. So here's the letter, dudes!

Dear wrongdoer:

The CAMM staff would like to welcome you back to another mischievous, treacherous roller coaster ride of a semester. Not. The roller coaster ride and all its adjectives are included and quite true. But you are quite unwelcome. We will welcome you anyway. This is because we strongly agree with the opinion that is more fact that confusing people is fun. We congratulate the previous Most Mischievous of Them All with much well deserved bad luck this term (I'm sure she loved typing that).

 If you are indeed new here at the most mysterious headquarters of CAMM, even though this letter does mean you are here (confusing, eh?), we aren't sorry that we can't help you. So maybe you should trash this letter somehow. I would suggest throwing it into the ocean in a bottle, burying it under a sand dune, or under a pile of snow at the beach. You would of course need to be on a beach to do so, but still. Really? You're still here? You don't know where the nearest beach is? You don't have driver's license? Your parent/legal guardian won't take you? You don't want to drive that far? Fine, keep reading. We'll give a little bit of information.

First off, CAMM stands for Cricket Academy of Maniac Mischief, like it really matters. Here with me I have the Ziplock of Disobeying. Every day it shall tell me the nicest student in the school. Also sing me a song like its cousin the sorting hat. Its other family members include the Sugarbowl (mother’s sibling), the Pillow Case of Misery (sister), and  The Ominous’s Pandora’s Fedora (No idea what relation). This student shall not return until the next semester if they choose to ever come back. The last kid, teen, tween, or whatever they wish to be called (minion? world dominator?) will be named the Most Mischievous of Them All. They will join Violet, the first Most Mischievous of Them All, to take over the world.

 When you arrive on March 18th, 2015, you will be free to wander around wildly and have fun. The staff and I (even though I am technically part of the staff) will be watching every move you make, even your nose picking through not-so-secret cameras. We will be wasting time doing unnecessary, random things (Professor Admin 2 has recently discovered a time machine we may use to see Ms. Marianne Carus found Cricket) and spying. So we won’t be there. You won’t be staying overnight so you can disrupt normal school. Class times randomly vary. But you’ll always seem to show up, even when you are in the middle of trying on your new, cute jeans. This letter must be returned by March 15th weirdly and disgustingly. We hope you despise with us.


                                                                         Professor Ellie and CAMM staff,

                                                                         wanted dead or alive

submitted by Professor Ellie, age 12, CAMM
(February 22, 2015 - 5:30 pm)

Yes, Somebody and Agent Nightcat, you are in!

submitted by Professor Ellie, age 12, CAMM
(March 7, 2015 - 10:50 am)

Yay! We will be as baaad as possible. And we will make us a GRAND ENTRANCE!!!!!!!

submitted by Somebody, and Agent Nightcat
(March 7, 2015 - 1:19 pm)

*Scribbles on back of note: Good. I will conquer them all and shoot them at you.

P.S: St.Owl's Captcha Clode says zyuk. See? Even he doesn't like them! (Eat them, helpless little one, eat them!!!!!! Mwahahaha)

submitted by Devil Owl
(March 7, 2015 - 4:14 pm)

Immortal: Is this for alter egos only? I'm not very insane or bad, but my alter egos are.

Sparkle: HEHEHHEHEHEHE!!! What he said. Also, I already have a plan for world domination!! SO I WILL GET A++++++++ AT THIS SCHOOL, RIGHT??

Immortal: I don't think an A++++++++ is a thing...

Sparkle & Immortal: Anyway, we both are coming to school! 

submitted by Sparkle & Immortal, age 3.14159265, Sparkles secret lair
(March 8, 2015 - 4:24 pm)

Actually it'll just be me. Let's just say my alter ego's going... on vacation for a while.

submitted by Immortal, age 10, This thread
(March 9, 2015 - 6:41 am)

Um. Okay. I have braces. And if you don't brush your teeth properly when you have braces, it's three times worse than if you don't have braces. I mean, you get white spots on permanent teeth, infected gums, tooth decay... *shudders* and I really don't want any of that. SO I WILL BRUSH MY TEETH PROPERLY, WHICH IS ALMOST CERTAINLY BREAKING A RULE, BECAUSE I AM FOLLOWING RULES AND THEREFORE DISOBEYING!!! MUAHAHA!!! AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!!! BECAUSE IF YOU TRY TO EXPEL ME, YOU WILL REGRET IT. But I won't be following ALL my braces rules. I will bring Toxic Waste, Jolly Ranchers, Now and Laters, taffy, stale Tootsie Rolls (mmm)... in other words, I will bring and eat all the candy I'm NOT supposed to! But I REALLY do not want tooth decay, so I will brush my teeth.

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(March 16, 2015 - 10:28 pm)

Ok. I have braces too. And I have began writing CAMM 2's first day, so look forward to that for tomorrow. Happy St. Patty's Day! And everyone in here is a girl besides Squeak. right? I just wanted to make sure. 

submitted by Professor Ellie, age 12, CAMM
(March 17, 2015 - 12:26 pm)

Day 1

Agent Nightcat: Lalala! Hey guys! You want to go be violent or something? 

Immortal: It’s really unfortunate was the first sentence I heard this semester.

Random 10-yr-old boy: AH!! *runs around aimlessly in circle*

Saint Owl: Oh wow.

Masked Piester: Yeah, that happens a lot. You’ll get used to it.

Danie: Who is that, anyway?

Mischief Maniac: The crazy one’s Ethan. The boring, older one over there *points* is Blake.

THE BLASTER!!!: Anyone think Blake’s cute?

*crickets chirp*

CaykeTheCook: Nah, he’s kinda ugly.

All but Cakye, Squeak, and Blast, murmuring: Yeah.

THE BLASTER!!!: Yeah I agree. How about Ethan?

All but SAVVY44x, MapleSyurp, Carolion King, and CaykeTheCook: *raises hand*

MapleSyurp: How is he cute?! Blah!

Blake: *saunters over* Hey! I’m not stupid. Don’t insult my bro or me.

Squeak: But calling someone cute isn--

SAVVY44x: Yeah, I actually agree with Blake.

Masked Piester: *pies Squeak* *pies Ethan mid-scream and mid-circle* For good measure. And to make them shut up.

CaykeTheCook: *cakes Ethan’s hair while he starts his running back up*

Ethan: Hey!

CaykeTheCook: So, I heard you were stranded on a desert island.

Ethan: It’s really surprising what you can find on a desert island. We found some dessert.

CakyeTheCook: Really?

Saint Owl: Happy belated St. Patrick’s Day, peeps! It really should be Saint Owl’s day. Anyway, Shamrock Shakes for everyone!

Agent Nightcat: Let everyone get brain freezes!


Immortal: Why’s the day after a holiday not celebrated. We have eves. Nothing after. Post?

Squeak: Poor day after! So lonely! No friends!

Danie: I still can’t believe he’s a man, and I live with him… *sighs*

SAVVY44x: Where’s Watermelon this semester? She would have made these shakes better.

Masked Piester: I heard she’s famous now.

THE BLASTER!!!: I heard she opened a chain. And she’s based in New York.

Squeak: I heard she caters celebrity tea parties and grabs snacks out of Taylor Swift’s pantry.

Mischief Maniac: I heard she was invited to Kelly Clarkson’s baby shower and made really good punch.

MapleSyurp: I heard she caters for President Obama when his staff gets lazy.

Warning: Unexpected randomness. Unexpected randomness.

Saint Owl: *morphs into real owl* *fly around quickly* FIIII--*morphs back*--RRREE!!!!!

The day ended with a bang as a nearby forest ceased to exist.

Forrest: Ah! Help!

Where’d she come from?! She didn’t sign up!



Gordon says dntu. Don't I what? Will you finish your sentence?

submitted by Professor Ellie, age 12, CAMM
(March 18, 2015 - 6:46 pm)

I exist too, Prof Ellie. *pours radioactive material all over the place*

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(March 18, 2015 - 7:54 pm)

Yes, yes you do.

submitted by Professor Ellie, age 12, CAMM
(March 19, 2015 - 12:27 pm)

I apologize if I don't post day 2 for a little bit. I've had a lot of hw and I'm busy this weekend, so sorry. I hope to post Monday.

submitted by Professor Ellie, age 12, CAMM
(March 20, 2015 - 5:17 pm)