The snow falls

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

The snow falls

The snow falls around your secluded form, shrouded in darkness. Each flake is different in it's way, and you content yourself with watching them dance down to their brethren upon the soiled earth. The cover of trees encircling you are merely silhouetted against the failing light, but you wait. Shivering with cold, your point, old-fashing trench coat just barely keeps in what little warmth you produce.

Nearby I wait, a smirk plastered across my face. "Just a few more to finish off," I coo, glancing at the darkened figure next to me. It stands like a porcelain doll, unmoving. "Go. Go find the remaining victims, and we shall set off."

It steps back into the darkness, leaving behind light footprints in the snow. I smile, hugging myself as I listen over the silence. Sure enough, your scream echoes throughout the lifeless forest, before shutting off quietly. Moments later, it appears next to me. "Take them all to the mansion when you are done." My voice seems out of place in the world.

It simply nods, dragging something behind it. You. You are still alive, but being taken to the mansion. My mansion. It is time to test these Chatterboxers, and find my new puppets.  

Alright! There is no packing for this 'Horror Ski Lodge!' You can take whatever tools you have on you, and they might help you prevail in the future!

I will be using dice to determine who dies, who succeeds an action, and ect.

This is not your average Ski Lodge, and I will warn you. This is going to be one scary ride.


submitted by The Puppeteer
(March 30, 2016 - 3:24 pm)

Joan B. of Arc, Puck, Sir Galahad

H.A.B. and Spyro

Shadow Dragon

Mirax T.

Athena, Ice Cream Queen

ShoshannahLily, Checks, Balances

balletandbow, BABTMP, Torysn, PSXtreme, Meox


The Novelist, Nova, and Wubdub

Ruby M.


ArabellaInterstellar, Theodosia

This is everyone I believe. I will try to portray each person and their partners as accurately as possible, but no promises. There are plenty of new people I have yet to meet, so excuse my errors! Feel free to correct any of my name-spelling!

Day 0~

They rest unconcious upon the deep, full crimson carpet, each body carelessly strewn about. In one piece, albeit. The only sound that vacates their unmoving bodies is the soft breathing, barely heard even in the demanding silence.

Shadows dance across the room and flash over them, cast by flickering lanterns astrewn across the mahogany walls. Each one is separately adorned with golden cast decorations, which gracefully curve at the base of each illumination. 

The room itself is already dark and eerie enough without the sleeping souls spread across the floor. Perhaps the strangest thing, however, is the skylight which rests at the top of a high, perfectly centered arch. It casts a red glow, despite the sky being dark.

The room creaks with frenzied wind that powerfully hugs its exterior, and it is with this the first body awakes.

Deep, brown eyes scan the room, adjusting to the lighting and setting. "I-...What is this place?" Ruby asks, pulling himself to his feet. He finds his backside to be completely soaked, as well as his lower back. Upon further inspection, the other miscellanious bodies sprinkled about have the same misfortune. 

Shuddering nervously after glancing upwards at the impending skylight, for it reeks of evil, the male nudges a nearby body.

The reaction is much more rousing as the girl immediately leaps up, baring her fists at the disturbing presence. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

Rolling his eyes, Ruby shrugs. "I have no idea... about the latter of the two. I know who I am. Ruby."

"Oh..." The girl relaxes, her blue eyes moving to scan the room. "I'm balletandbow. You don't know why I...erm..." she pauses, resting her eyes on a couple of the other stirring beings. "We are here then?"

He shakes his head. "Nope."

Another voice responds instead of the feisty blonde's. "It's preeettyy creepy," another female mutters. She rubs her head, looking up at Ruby and balletandbow. "My butt is wet. And cold. I'm cold...uhg..."

Being a true gentleman, Ruby moves to help her up. Athena gratefully accepts his kindness and moves to her feet. "So what's the deal then? We are just a bunch of random people in a creepy room?"

Balletandbow squints at something. "I don't think it's just a room, you know. There is a door...but it's...kinda....small?"

By now the other people were beginning to wake from the worried voices. The atmosphere was tense and if a knife was nearby it could probably be cut. Better the atmosphere than anything else, one would suppose.

And suppose Arabella did, staring thoughtfully with wide eyes around the room. Everyone was fully moving, and the once silent room was filled with their frenzied questions.

Finally the volume gets too loud for one particular girl, and she lets out a commanding roar. Silence once again fills the room, engulfing sound for a moment. "I'm Shadow," she begins, seeing fit to introduce herself first.

"Let's get the facts straight. We are all stuck in a really dark, gloomy room; we all have no idea how we got here, I'm assuming; and we all have wet backsides. Also, my trench coat is gone."

All of the others nod in agreement. "My trenchcoat is gone too!" shows up several times in the conversations.

"I feel like....we should get out of here." A tall figure huddles in the corner, staring down at their black shoes. It was the Novelist, who had remained silent until now. 

"I saw a door earlier!" Balletandbow points towards the short, arched slab of wood, engraved with complicated designs. 

"I really don't like this place." Mirax sighs, letting his shoulders droop.

Indeed, nobody truly likes this place. The red lighting from the dark skylight radiates with an irritating warmth, seemingly pulsing with cruelty. The lights continue to flicker along the dark walls, failing to adequetly light the room.

It was mostly shadows.

Shadows and fear. 

Shadows and fear and evil, oh my.


This may not be my best piece, but I feel it is perfectly adequate in my current condition. Yes, I am feeling well, but alas, writer's block has begun. I do hope to continue with the next edition shortly thereafter~


submitted by The Puppeteer
(April 5, 2016 - 10:13 pm)

I joined this because it was scaring the bat guano out of me, Puppeteer, and it's still going strong. Nice work. 

submitted by Ruby M.
(April 5, 2016 - 11:03 pm)

That was awesome. I have two small things, I'm a girl, and in the list of people, you forgot my AE and Captcha, Mrs Elton and Whistler. Otherwise, it was great. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 6, 2016 - 11:15 am)

Ah yes, I was wondering about the genera of each person! I mindlessly slipped and called you a boy. Sorry~ I shall remember your captchas next update If I can!

submitted by The Puppeteer
(April 6, 2016 - 1:35 pm)



What do you mean by "this"? If a specific comment that's already posted you need to specify the words with which it begins. If you mean the whole thread, I can't do that because other people besides you have posted on it.


submitted by The Puppeteer
(April 6, 2016 - 2:25 pm)

Yeah, sorry! I was freaking out and forgot you can't tell which comments are a reply to something! Sorry for freaking! Yoiu can delete the post that says 'ADMINS PLEASE DELETE....ect"

Thank you!

And Mirax, I may or may not be Katydid. That is the question. ;p

submitted by The Puppeteer
(April 7, 2016 - 12:27 am)

That's fine. Puppeteer, are you Katydid? ;)

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 6, 2016 - 2:40 pm)

I'm already creeped out and nobody's even died yet! Glad you're feeling better!

submitted by ArabellaInterstellar, age a billion, everywhere
(April 6, 2016 - 4:21 pm)


(anyway, this is really good!) 

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(April 5, 2016 - 11:56 pm)

For the record, I am not a horror person. It just doesn't scare me unless it's a terrifying movie that I never actually watch cause its too scary. That being said, this is certainly creepy!  Remind me never to read this right before bed. 

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(April 7, 2016 - 8:19 am)

Wow, this is great! Can't wait to read more!

submitted by ShoshannahLily, Deep in a book
(April 7, 2016 - 8:28 am)

Waitwaitwait....l thought l knew who you were, however my optains have changed. 

Anyways, very nicely done! 

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(April 7, 2016 - 10:38 am)

Day 1~

"How are we supposed to fit through here again?" Athena crossed her arms, shifting her weight from one leg to the other as she scanned it with a raised brow.

The door truly was small. It was raised above the ground as well, which led to balletandbow's discovery of the object, as if the bottom had been pulled to the top, and not vise versa.

It was black. The wood seemed like it was coated in boot polish, which would explain the odd shiny texture that reflected the shimmering lights. The only flaw in that obeservation, Ruby noted, was that the wood was actually black, and not stained. There was a lack of color where the small door should have been, but even Hotairballoon, who was on the opposing side of the room, could see the engravings.

There were eyes that seemed to shiver and were formed in a circle amidst the upper half of the door. Out from them rays flowed, stopping around the doorknob. The doorknob was engraved like the moon, and it's silvery sheen seemed out of place in the lifeless black around it.

"I'm...not sure..." Elvina shuddered, shaking herself awake. THey had all been staring at the door for a long moment, entranced by it. 

"I could lift you guys up and you would try to fit through," balletandbow offered. Everyone cast her a skeptical look.

"You only need a little push! Everybody can reach it, you know." She placed her hands together, as if in prayer, her lip turning into a small pout.

"Yes, thank you ballet!" Phantom offered her the best smile (s)he could. Even the usually silent character was trying to stay optomistic.

Shadow scanned the group. As much as she wanted to leave the room, going into a new area alone was definitely something not on her wish list.  "Who wants to go first?" she asked, her voice not as calm as she hoped.

Silence lapsed through the room, and the walls seemed to pulse with life. The whole room seemed alive under the glowing red skylight.

The chatterboxers exchanged nervous glances, their eyes wide. It was Arabella who eventually volunteered.

"I'll go," she whispered meekly, ducking her head and taking a step towards the door. The two actions contradicted eachother: shyness and bravery combined.

Ballet was silently impressed as she followed the meek girl, who was reaching for the knob. It sent a shiver through Arabella's body at the cold metal, and once again silence stole the sounds from the room.

She opened the door.

Nothing happened. Nothing changed. When she stood on her tiptoes she could manage to see though it, and saw a wall across the room. Upon it was a painting of some sort of monster that looked to be hanging by tiny strings. Like a puppet.

Arrabella shuddered, but planted her fingers upon the base of the door and pulled herself upwards. Ballet helped give her a boost, and Mirax stepped in to help. 

They pushed her up until she was halfway through, then she began to fall forward by her own accord. 

It happened slowly. Arrabella pushed herself through until gravity began to take effect and suddenly she fell through.

The others watched her body dissapear into the room, waiting in anticipation for her to hit the ground. The tell-tale thump didn't come, however, and instead a scream peirced the waiting silence like a spear, startling the others.

Athena panicked, running up to the door and trying to look through, calling frantically for the missing soul. "Where did she go!?!?"

Ruby ignored the garbled and high-pitched words from the others. He turned his face slowly to the skylight which rose up directly above him. It had truly begun pulsing, and the lighting in the room faded more and more each time. "Guys..." His voice wavered and nobody heard his warning.

"GUYS!" Finally with his face pale, Ruby got their attention. "Listen!" he commanded.

They did.

The light throbbed and the lanterns flickered on and off at irregular intervals. There was no longer silence, but a steady, deep sound that shook and rolled back and forth between soft and loud thrumms. With each revolution, it got louder.

"We need to get out of here!" Joan cried, hurrying towards the door and shoving Athena aside. She pulled herself up, and after a moment's hesitation Ballet moved to help her. 

"She's right!" Elvina intertwined her fingers, looking around constantly at the changing atmosphere as doom approached. 

They shoved Joan through the door as quickly as possible. There was once again no thud, but Joan's cry of, "I'm falling!" replaced it.

Once again, the others hesitated, but before long they were practically fighting to leave the room as the volume rose and the room darkened.

It went on until only Shoshanna and ballet remained. The furthest corner of the room was completely encased in growing blackness, and the beating was so loud they could barely hear on another.

"Are you ready!??!" As loud as she could ballet tried to relay the question, gesturing to the door. 

Shoshanna didn't even try to respond, but nodded and reached for the door, which remained solid under her trembling fingers. 

Ballet, tired as she was, helped as much as she could, using her legs to propell Sho enough to get halfway. Sho kicked her feet wildly, trying to push herself through. Ballet stepped back, into the darkness that was beginning to overtake the whole room.

It carressed her foot, and she pulled out, letting out a scream. Something had touched her. A hand reached out of the blackness, glistening in the red lighting. It looked fake, like plastic or wood.

Ballet turned and pressed herself against Sho, shoving the girl through the door. The feet dissapeared with a scream and before the frenzied remainer could lift herself through, the door closed.

Her knees shook with panic and she stared up at the small, black door. The engravings were reaching out to her like dark waves, and the center eye glowed red.

The hand grabbed ballet's foot again, and she screamed for all she was worth.

Sho had heard the door slamming shut, and as she tumbled over herself and fell completely through the floor, she heard the scream that followed shortly after.


I wrote this with a kitty on my lap....


And I have decided I prefer past tense. I tried present, but it gradually morphed backwards.


submitted by The Puppeteer
(April 8, 2016 - 7:58 pm)

Question: When am I going to be introduced into the story?

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(April 9, 2016 - 9:16 am)

I have introduced you into the story. I believe I have introduced everyone. You were the first one through the door.

submitted by The Puppeteer
(April 9, 2016 - 10:49 pm)