Island Paradise Resort!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Island Paradise Resort!!!

Island Paradise Resort!!! Please join!


You are walking into your neighborhood, miserable. You just got out of school, and it's Winter Break. You should be happy, but you aren't. you are going to be stuck in your boring house the whole break, with no access to the Chatterbox. This is because you are grounded.

For reading. Reading! 

Well, that isn't exactly the whole story. 

The day before yesterday, you were reading an extremely immersing fantasy novel. You were in the middle of a very suspenseful part when your parent yelled,"Lights out!" You tried to argue, but your parent cut you off. "I don't care how good your book is. You need to get some sleep." You wanted to scream that they didn't understand, that you simply had to keep reading. But you kept quiet; there was no use in arguing. You sighed and turned off your lamp.

Five mintues later, you pulled your covers over your head, along with three quilts on top to make sure your flashlight wouldn't shine through and give you away. You turned it on. It was supposed to be used for emergencies only. And this was an emergency. A book emergency.

You continued reading, feeling excited. You wanted to scream with giddy delight when the main character finally kissed that girl, but you could only smile silently. You wanted to punch the wall when the main character's best friend betrayed him, but you could only grit your teeth. Then that charming wizard guy died. You dropped the book, shaking.

"Nooooooooo!" you wailed. "No, no, no, I hate you, author!"

Your bedroom door flew open, and your parent rushed it. It all went downhill from there.

"I am confiscating your book for two da-" your parent started. Suddenly there was a flash, and the room seemed to shudder. For a second, your parent's eyes turned scarlet. Then everything went back to normal, and you forgot all about that weird thing that just occured.

Your parent's voice was cold. "You are grounded. For the entire Winter Break. No screen time, no blogging, and no leaving the house."

Now you are walking home, dead leaves crunching beneath your feet.

You arrive at your house and open the mailbox. Something flies into your hands. It's a letter:


Dear Chatterboxer and Book Lover,

You have been invited to be in the first group of people to stay at the newly constructed Island Paradise Resort! The Resort sits on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the entire island is owned by the Resort. We are its only inhabitants. You will be taken to the island on a first-class private jet. Once you arrive, prepare to have a world of fun!

Our Resort is made up of a four-story luxury hotel, a beautiful beach, a small amusement park, a five-star restaurant, multiple relaxation areas, three thrilling waterslides, a peaceful forest, and absolutely no murders!

And the best part's all FREE*!!!

The length of your stay depends on the number of people attending. If you choose, you may bring  one AE and/or one CAPTCHA. We will pick you up from your home. Watch for our purple limousine.

We are not responsible for any pain, excruciating pain, deaths, excruciatingly painful deaths, or pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.

See you there,

Island Manager 

*You will have to pay for the popcorn. 


You pack your belongings right away, and as soon as you finish, a shiny violet limousine parks in front of your house. You run outside, dragging your AE and(/or) your CAPTCHA with you. The car door opens, and you get in. Before you know it, you are driven away in a whirl of mauve.


I will let you all know when we have enough people, and then no more people can join. 

And you may start guessing as to who I am starting the moment you join.

submitted by Island Manager, Island Paradise Resort
(June 6, 2016 - 12:58 pm)

Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?
Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?
Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?
Soon that attitude may be your doom (aww)

Why do you write like you’re running out of time?
Write day and night like you’re running out of time?
Every day you fight, like you’re running out of time

Keep on fighting
In the meantime

submitted by September
(October 15, 2016 - 9:47 pm)


Corruption's such an old song

That we can sing along in harmony

And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany.

These colony's economy's increasingly stalling

And honestly that's why

Public service seems to be calling me. (Noooon-stop!)

I've practiced the law I've perfected it!

I've seen injustice in the world and I've corrected it!

Now for a strong centraal democracy

If not then I'll be Socrates throwin' verbal rocks

At these mediocrates! (Awwww) 

submitted by The Riddler
(October 16, 2016 - 2:27 pm)

Hamilton, at the constitutional convention

I was chosen for the constitutional convention

There as a New York junior delegate

Now what I’m going to say may sound indelicate (aww)

Goes and proposes his own form of government (what?)

His own plan for a new form of government (what?)  
Talks for six hours
The convention is listless

Bright young man

Yo, who is this?

submitted by September
(October 16, 2016 - 3:48 pm)

Haha, I always say "Who on earth is this" :)

Why do you always say what you believe? 

Why do you always say what you believe?

Every proclomation guarantees

Free ammunition for your enemies (awww)

Why do you write like it's going out of style (hey)

Write day and night like it's going out of style (hey)

Every day you fight like it's going out of style-

Do what you do (knock knock knock knock) 

submitted by The Riddler
(October 16, 2016 - 4:00 pm)


Aaron Burr, Sir,

It's the middle of the night!

Can we confer, sir?

Is this a legal matter?

Yes, and it's important to me. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 16, 2016 - 9:28 pm)

We're almost done with Act I!!!

What do you need?

Burr, you’re a better lawyer than me


I know I talk too much, I’m abrasive
You’re incredible in court
You’re succinct, persuasive
My client needs a strong defense
You’re the solution

Who’s your client?

The new U.S. Constitution?


Hear me out

No way

A series of essays, anonymously published
Defending the document to the public
No one will read it

I disagree

And if it fails?

Burr, that’s why we need it

The constitution’s a mess

So it needs amendments

It’s full of contradictions

So is independence
We have to start somewhere

No way

You’re making a mistake

Good night

What are you waiting for?
What do you stall for? (what?)

We won the war
What was it all for?
Do you support this constitution?

Of course

Then defend it


submitted by September
(October 17, 2016 - 7:27 pm)

And what if you’re backing the wrong horse?

Burr, we studied and we fought and we killed
For the notion of a nation we now get to build
For once in your life, take a stand with pride
I don’t understand how you stand to the side

I’ll keep all my plans
Close to my chest (wait for it, wait for it, wait)

I’ll wait here and see
Which way the wind
Will blow
I’m taking my time
Watching the
Afterbirth of a nation
Watching the tension grow 

submitted by Toppppppp
(October 23, 2016 - 7:19 pm)
I am sailing off to London
I’m accompanied by someone who always pa-ays
I have found a wealthy husband
Who will keep me in comfort for all my da-ays
He is not a lot of fun, but there’s no one
Who can match you for turn of phra-ase
My Alexanderrrrrrrr....
Don’t forget to wriiiiiiite
Look at where you a-a-aree
Look at where you started...
The fact that you’re alive is a miracle
Just stay alive, that would be enough!
And if your wiiiiiife could share a fraction of your time
If I could grant you peace of mi-i-innnd
Would that be enough?
submitted by TOPTREL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(November 5, 2016 - 4:36 pm)

Alexander joins forces with James Madison and John Jay to write a series of essays

Defending the new United States constitiution

Entitled The Federalist papers

The plan was to write a total of twenty five essays

The work divided evenly among the three men

In the end, they wrote eight five essays in the span of six months

John Jay got sick after writing five

James Madison wrote the other twenty nine


submitted by SepTOPber
(November 11, 2016 - 7:58 pm)

Top Top Top Top.

Upitty up up up UP!

submitted by Captcha Comment
(November 16, 2016 - 9:02 pm)
submitted by T O P ?
(November 20, 2016 - 3:38 pm)

Top! Top! 

Aaack I am like tries fanfiction writers who don't update for a really long time!! Working on the rest of day 15 ACK SEVENTH GRADE WHY I SHALL PREVAAAAAIL



New challenge:  Do y'all know "Congratulations"? Angelica is so great. If you haven't listened to it, listen to it you must :D its the song that used to go between Reynolds Pamphlet and Burn (you'll recognize some of it:D)




You have invented a new kind of stupid, a damage you could never undo kind of stupid. An open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid...

submitted by OwlgirlTOPPIN
(November 22, 2016 - 10:16 pm)

A truly, you didn't think this through--kind of stupid. 

Let's review!

You took a rumor a few, maybe two people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one accused you!

I begged you to take a break, you refused to!

So scared of what your enemies will do to you, you're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to!

You know why Jefferson can do what he wants? He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!


submitted by Clouded Leopard
(November 23, 2016 - 3:03 pm)
submitted by Toppity Top!
(November 22, 2016 - 10:16 pm)
submitted by OwlTopper, age LYRICSSSSS
(November 22, 2016 - 10:17 pm)