Island Paradise Resort!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Island Paradise Resort!!!

Island Paradise Resort!!! Please join!


You are walking into your neighborhood, miserable. You just got out of school, and it's Winter Break. You should be happy, but you aren't. you are going to be stuck in your boring house the whole break, with no access to the Chatterbox. This is because you are grounded.

For reading. Reading! 

Well, that isn't exactly the whole story. 

The day before yesterday, you were reading an extremely immersing fantasy novel. You were in the middle of a very suspenseful part when your parent yelled,"Lights out!" You tried to argue, but your parent cut you off. "I don't care how good your book is. You need to get some sleep." You wanted to scream that they didn't understand, that you simply had to keep reading. But you kept quiet; there was no use in arguing. You sighed and turned off your lamp.

Five mintues later, you pulled your covers over your head, along with three quilts on top to make sure your flashlight wouldn't shine through and give you away. You turned it on. It was supposed to be used for emergencies only. And this was an emergency. A book emergency.

You continued reading, feeling excited. You wanted to scream with giddy delight when the main character finally kissed that girl, but you could only smile silently. You wanted to punch the wall when the main character's best friend betrayed him, but you could only grit your teeth. Then that charming wizard guy died. You dropped the book, shaking.

"Nooooooooo!" you wailed. "No, no, no, I hate you, author!"

Your bedroom door flew open, and your parent rushed it. It all went downhill from there.

"I am confiscating your book for two da-" your parent started. Suddenly there was a flash, and the room seemed to shudder. For a second, your parent's eyes turned scarlet. Then everything went back to normal, and you forgot all about that weird thing that just occured.

Your parent's voice was cold. "You are grounded. For the entire Winter Break. No screen time, no blogging, and no leaving the house."

Now you are walking home, dead leaves crunching beneath your feet.

You arrive at your house and open the mailbox. Something flies into your hands. It's a letter:


Dear Chatterboxer and Book Lover,

You have been invited to be in the first group of people to stay at the newly constructed Island Paradise Resort! The Resort sits on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the entire island is owned by the Resort. We are its only inhabitants. You will be taken to the island on a first-class private jet. Once you arrive, prepare to have a world of fun!

Our Resort is made up of a four-story luxury hotel, a beautiful beach, a small amusement park, a five-star restaurant, multiple relaxation areas, three thrilling waterslides, a peaceful forest, and absolutely no murders!

And the best part's all FREE*!!!

The length of your stay depends on the number of people attending. If you choose, you may bring  one AE and/or one CAPTCHA. We will pick you up from your home. Watch for our purple limousine.

We are not responsible for any pain, excruciating pain, deaths, excruciatingly painful deaths, or pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.

See you there,

Island Manager 

*You will have to pay for the popcorn. 


You pack your belongings right away, and as soon as you finish, a shiny violet limousine parks in front of your house. You run outside, dragging your AE and(/or) your CAPTCHA with you. The car door opens, and you get in. Before you know it, you are driven away in a whirl of mauve.


I will let you all know when we have enough people, and then no more people can join. 

And you may start guessing as to who I am starting the moment you join.

submitted by Island Manager, Island Paradise Resort
(June 6, 2016 - 12:58 pm)

DAY SIX, continued again 

Where should we go first?" Bumblebuddy asked Saphira and Spirit-rain, looking at the map of the park.

"Uh, is it even any question?" Spirit-rain said. "The roller coaster!"

"Cliffhanger," Saphira read. "A thrilling and terrifying steel hypercoaster including a 200 ft drop!"

"That sounds epic!" Spirit-rain said excitedly.

"Then let's go!" Bumblebuddy declared jubilantly. 

Apparently the roller coaster appealed to a lot of people, because multiple groups were already heading towards the line.

"C'mon, we gotta be first!" Spirit-rain cried. She grabbed Bumblebuddy's hand and broke into a run. Saphira laughed at the sight of a little CAPTCHA dragging a CBer at top speed, then ran beside them, her blue hair flying out behind her.

Indeed they did arrive first, and just in time; the line behind them began to lengthen quickly.

"Wow," Saphira said as she gazed up at the massive roller coaster. No map description could truly describe this steel monolith. It was a brilliant shade of cobalt, and the sun beaming upon it made it appear as if its tracks were glowing with a blinding light. It had a huge drop at the beginning that set off the rest of the ride filled with twists, hills, and a few loops.

The loudspeaker above them crackled to life. "Welcome to the Cliffhanger Hypercoaster. As of now, there is only one car, and this car can hold three people. However, this attraction is a high-velocity ride, so it won't take long for the next three spaces to be availible. Will the first three people board the coaster car at this time, please? I repeat, will the first three people board the coaster car at this time, please."

Saphira, Bumblebuddy, and Spirit-rain climbed into the car.

"This attraction begins in"

The cart set off with a lurch.

Click click click click.  

"You excited?" Bumblebuddy smiled at her CAPTCHA as the cart began the steep climb.

"Yes! Excited and happy! Thank you, Bumba!" Spirit-rain giggled, her face aglow. She squeezed Bumblebuddy's hand, who grinned at Spirit-rain's nickname for her.

Click click click click. 

The killer regarded the cart as it travelled farther and farther up the track.

Click click click click. 

They were almost at the peak now...

Click click click click. 

What happened next seemed to occur too fast for everyone to comprehend, but the killer saw it in slow-motion. 

The killer watched as the cart gained speed as it raced downward, towards the chink in the track halfway down the drop. The killer was the only one who knew it was there, because the killer had made that chink.


The safety bars on the cart swung up. In a split second, the cart raced off the track, and Saphira, Bumblebuddy, and Spirit-rain screamed as they were flung violently into the air.

Suddenly Saphira transfored with a pop into a blue dragon and grabbed Bumblebuddy into her talons.

"BUMBA!" Spirit-rain yelled as she flew by her counterpart...

And Bumblebuddy grabbed her hand. 

"I've lost Tulip. I can't lose you too, Spirit-rain," Bumblebuddy gasped. "It's all going to be okay."

Above her, Saphira's face was scrunched up in pian as she strained to keep her wings flapping. "Too...heavy...don't think...can hold..."

A wave a of fear washed over Bumblebuddy as she realizd that it wasn't all okay after all.

Spirit-rain's hand began to slip.

"NO!" Bumblebuddy shrieked, wishing her CAPTCHA had a stronger grip. "You have to hold on. You can't..." 

"I'm trying..." Spirit-rain panted.

Everything around Bumblebuddy blurred, all the sights and sounds. She didn't hear the frantic shouting of the others beneath heer. She didn't see the landscape surrounding her. She could noly see Spirit-rain, hanging in the air, struggling to cling onto her hand. Struggling, and failing...

Bumblebuddy's eyes filled with tears. "Spirit-rain, you can't go too. Please, p-please, you just have to hold on, please..."

Saphira was sweating now. "Too...heavy..." 

"We're all going to die, aren't we? We're going to fall..." Spirit-rain said softly.

"No, no, don't say that, we..."

"Saphira..." Spirit-rain gasped as two of her fingers suddenl;y came loose. "She can't hold both of us for long. Maybe it's best if I don't try so hard..."

"Spirit-rain, no!" Bumblebuddy said, half sobbing, half panting.

Everything came sharply into focus, too sharply, as Spirit-rain's hand relaxed. Now she was holding on to Bumblebuddy by only one finger.

For a moment, their eyes locked.

"I love you, Bumba," Spirit-rain whispered.

The finger slipped.

"SPIRIT-RAIN!" Bumblebuddy screamed, tears stremaing down her face. She watched, her heart throbbing as if someone were stabbing it, as her CAPTCHA fell down, down, down towards the ground, growing smaller and smaller until she disappeared.

Bumblebuddy screamed again, but this time, it was a scream without words, a long, deep cry that poured from her soul and into the hateful world.

She was still screaming when Saphira gently lowered her onnto the grass.

She was still screaming when they carried her away and into the infirmary.

She was still screaming when she felt herself begin to pass out from exhaustion.

She was still screaming as a single thought came into her mind right before everything went black:

Whoever the killer is, they're going to pay. 


R.F.I.B.H. Spirit-rain. *sobs* Rest Forever in Bumblebuddy's Heart. 

submitted by The Manager/Owlgirl
(June 26, 2016 - 10:46 am)

Wow, that was intense! Sorry, Spirit-rain, in case I was the murderer. Im guessing Bumblebuddy's going to be pretty important to be plot. 

submitted by Hermione A
(June 26, 2016 - 6:01 pm)

Oh jeez.... that was deep. Hit me right in my heart-spot.

Also, Saphira and BumbleBuddy can't be the killer because the killer watched the cart... and Saphira & Bumble was in it. Just saying. 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(June 26, 2016 - 8:04 pm)

That was very emotional. Poor Spirit-rain.

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(June 27, 2016 - 7:01 am)

Cry R.I.P Innocent

submitted by LovelyAlpaca, age 9, Portland,OR
(July 27, 2016 - 6:54 pm)

Loved it! That was great!

Quick question. I'd love to check out Hamilton, but I just wanted to know if any of their songs are, like, really inappropriate. Just wondering! 

submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 26, 2016 - 2:50 pm)

Kay, so how old are you? It honestly depends on's a good thing you asked.

I would say mature 6th grader who loves music for its story and musical genius and doesn't mind a curse word thrown in (that's me...I NEVER curse, but if really good musical theatre has a curse word in it so be it) or 7th grader or 8th grader and up. The quality of the music and story are remarkable.

There are 46 songs. 

In terms of curse words throughout the entire musical... (I'll just use replacement stuff here) There are two fudgesicles total, three if you count the one they bleep out. There are are some dangs, and at least 5 Ss. If you don't want that, then never fear, there are clean edits on YouTube. So really, bad words aren't a problem.

Except for curse words, Act One, meaning songs 1-23, don't have any content (except for three lines in song two)

Songs to look up clean edits for Act One:

-My Shot

-Right Hand Man

-Story of tonight reprise  

-Stay Alive


Just 5 songs.  


Sorry if this is confused no, I'm typing kinda a nutshell: Act One is fine and awesome, no content, of you don't like bad words, look up clean edits for the listed songs on YouTube.

You'll have to ask me about  Act Two, if you like Act One, which I think you will, cuz it's awesome.


I hope I'm not making musicalsound bad because it's superb, or being overly specific...when someone asks me if something is good for them or not, I will include every single detail I can think of, even if I think it somewhat insignificant, I Include that detail, because it's better to be safe than sorry.

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 26, 2016 - 5:55 pm)

@Bumblebuddy: I'm starting to portray you as kind of mean right now, not because you're a mean're definitely not. It's vital to the growth and flow of the plot that there is a person who suddenly becomes willing to do anything to avenge the death of someone dear to them...I decided to kill of Spirit-rain and make you that person, because Tulip had already been killed off...once again, this is not personal. Just plot-building.


Spirit-rain's death had a surprisingly profound effect on the vacationers.

Saphira was exhausted from the events of the day before and also because of her sprained arm/wing from carrying Bumblebuddy. September was traumatized and more afraid than ever. Squeak appeared frightened too (although he denied being scared: "I'm a b-b-brave m-mouse"), flinching at any sudden sounds. Marie seemed to be lost in her own world. Everyone acted sad or quiet in some way, except for Luna and Teacup, who didn't understand what was going on, and a few "hopelessly insensitive" AEs.

Bumblebuddy however, had a very different reaction.

As soon as she had woken up, Bumblebuddy seemed like another person entirely. Her eyes had a cold, hard look to them, and her body was always tense. She was quick to lash out, and frequently spat accusations at anyone she thought looked even vaguely suspiscious.

"Why is she being so...angry?" Clouded Leopard whispered to Hermione as she poured  maple syrup onto her pancake. They were at the restaurant with everyone else, waiting for the Manager's morning announcements. 

"She just lost her CAPTCHA, and in a terrible way," Hermione replied.

Danie, who was sitting at the table next to theirs leaned over and whispered, "I think it's best to just...try not to aggravate her."

"Yeah. She's kind of scary now," Clouded said.

"What's scary?" Bumblebuddy said, approaching their table.

Clouded Leopard gulped.

Bumblebuddy narrowed her eyes. "Maybe you were saying that it's scary that you almost blew your cover!"

Clouded's leopard ears flattened against her head. "Wha-"

"Yeah, I bet you're the murderer!"

Hermione spoke up. "Bumblebuddy, lay off..."

Bumblebuddy whipped around. "And YOU!" she said, locking eyes with Marie, who choked on her juice.



Have to go to bed, will continue tomorrow. 

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 28, 2016 - 8:43 pm)

I see I wasn't mentioned in the list of grievers... hmmm... 70% sure I'm the murderer.

submitted by Brookeira
(June 29, 2016 - 1:57 pm)

DAY SEVEN, continued

Bumblebuddy whipped around. "And YOU!" she said, locking eyes with Marie, who choked on her juice.

"Why are you so quiet, huh? You're always staring at something. That's highly suspicious behavior you know!"

"I-I-I'm just thinking," Marie stuttered.

"Plotting, you mean! Plotting your next move. Or maybe dwelling on how guilty you feel, after murdering my CAPTCHA! You should be guilty!"

Marie shrunk back.

"That's enough," a voice said from behind Bumblebuddy, calmly but firmly. It was the Manager. "I am here to make my announcements. Please return to your table, Bumblebuddy."

Marie relaxed, and Bumblebuddy stormed back to her seat. 

The Manager cleared her throat. "My deepest condolences to Bumblebuddy, and to all who have lost a friend or loved one during this trip. You are in my thoughts, and I'm here for you whenever you need me." She paused.

"Today, you are not required to stay in groups of three. You  are free to go to whichever area and stay with whomever you wish as long as it's included on the map.* There is an exception; you may not go to the forest or the slides area. Once you decide where you want to be, please write that down on this sheet..." She held up a clipboard. "Along with your name and phone number, if applicable. If you want to or need to leave the area at any time, even if it's only for a few minutes, like going to the bathroom or something, please let me know using a purple pole."

The killer supressed a laugh. Did the Manager really think it would let her know if they were going to leave an area, or if it was going anything? Did she think I'll activate a purple pole, the killer thought. And say 'Hello, killer here, I need to go use the restroom, then I'm going to return to my area and kill someone. Have a nice day.' Of course not!

The CBers, AEs, and CAPTCHAs formed a line in front of the clipboard, which the Manager set down onto a chair.

"I'm going to the amusement park," Danie said. 

"No way am I going near the roller coaster. I'm gonna go to the beach," said Bumblebuddy.

"Oh," Marie said. "Then...I guess I'll go to the relaxation area and read a book." 

"I'm staying here at the hotel. Away from murders and controversy and civil war," September said. "Near the Manager."

"Party pooper," Brookeira said. "I'm going to the gift shop."

"Gift shop?" Shadowmoon laughed. "Who's a party pooper now? Gift shops are boring. Why would you want to go the the gift shop?"

"I like gift shops," Brookeira said defensively. "Plus this one is run by an automated cashier!"

" can steal stuff without having to worry about the cashier chasing after you?" Sprankje asked hopefully.

Brookeira replied, "No, all the stuff has some sort of sticker that sounds an alarm if you try to run out without paying. Also, I think ink sprays from the doorway onto you, a special kind of ink that messes up whatever you were trying to steal. The Manager told us about that on the tour. Weren't you listening, Sprankje?"

"Ugh. Sprankje's so dense somtimes," Saphira muttered.  

Sprankje narrowed her eyes at Saphira's comment, then replied to Brookeira, "Of course I wasn't listening. I was playing Angry Bireds on my phone, which I think is way more important. And entertaining. And that's stupid that they have the ink thing! Well, there goes the idea of running out of the store with a bunch of souvenir keychains! At least I can still pickpocket."

"That still sounds boring," Shadowmoon said to Brookeira. "Me? I'm going to the amusement park. No offense, but I don't think anyone else is going to want to go to the boring gift shop."

"I'm sure someone will."

"Well then. Did anyone sign up for gift shop?" Danie said loudly. Everyone shook their heads. "Huh. I guess Shadowmoon's right."

"I like gift shops," Brookeira repeated.

"Maybe that's becuase you want to buy knives at the gift shop!" Bumblebuddy declared.

"Knives are not sold at the gift shop," Whistler said in his robotic voice, unaware that he was the only one who was taking Bumblebuddy seriously.

"You're darn right they don't sell knives. You can't be very sharp if you think they sell knives. That would be a wicked deal!" Nougat said.

Everybody groaned.

"What? Why are you groaning? That was a really good pun! Get it? Knives are sharp. And wicked is a synonym for deadly..."

"No it's not," Hermione interrupted. "The word wicked is defined as something evil or morally wrong. Deadly cannot be considered a synonym. However, nefarious, malevolent, and iniquitous are synonyms of wicked."

"See, Hermione memorized the dictionary," Clouded Leopard joked.

Hermione blushed. "It's just that he used an inadequate synonym."

"In-addicus synonym or not, it was still a good pun, right?" Nougat said. Nobody replied.

Danie rolled her eyes. "Alright, enough of this, people. Are we going to be sitting here all day?Anybody who's going to the amusement park, hurry up." She marched out the door. Shadowmoon and a few others going to the amusement park followed. Except for September, the rest gathered whatever things they wanted to bring to whatever area to which they were going and left the lobby.

As Saphira walked out the door, she ran her hand over her back jean pocket, frowned, then said, "Hey! What happened to the $20 I had my pocket?"

Sprankje smirked.


More later!


*=Their map looks the same as the one I posted on page three, except that the Cliffs and its annotation are not included. There isn't even a blank space where the Cliffs are; it's just mapped that forest continues into that area.

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 29, 2016 - 5:09 pm)

Haha Sprankje's Revenge.

submitted by Hermione A
(July 1, 2016 - 7:32 am)

DAY SEVEN, continued


The bells on the gift shop door rang as Brookeira pushed it open.

She looked around in slight surprise. There was more stuff in the gift shop than she'd expected.

There was a clothes section with t-shirts and tank tops with the words "Island Paradise Resort" on them in various styles, with various pictures and designs. There were bathing suits, rashguards, and flip-flops. Below these was a row of see-through cabinets in which rainbow-colored beach towels were folded.

There were all sorts of "Island Paradise Resort" souvenir items, such as cups, coffee mugs, wristbands, keychains, drawstring bags, fridge magnets, ornaments, and photograph frames. 

Along the back wall there was a large red sign that read "RANDOMNESS CORNER." The objects filling the shelves around it did indeed fit the name; they were completely unexpected. There were inflatable rafts shaped like pizza. There were several president bobbleheads. There were jasmine and honeysuckle scented candles, Harry Potter coloring books, and minion USBs. Emogi pillows, lighters shaped like tubes of lipstick, and unicorn scarves. Zombie book ends, a moose mask, and glow-in-the-dark silverware. There were even stacks of fake $10 bills on which Alexander Hamilton's face was replaced with that of Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Brookeira laughed at that one. She had a feeling Owlgirl had specifically requested those.

Brookeira took a unicorn scarf off the shelf. She would give it to Crypto, because he loved to play with long pieces of fabric. (Much to her dismay, that included curtains. Her hotel room window curtains now had large gashes in them. She'd ask the Manager for some new ones.) After a moment's thought, Brookeira took another unicorn scarf, in case crypto ripped up the other one.

Brookeira walked over to the cash register, where there were all sorts of cool bead necklaces. Maybe she'd get one of those for herself.


Brookeira turned around, confused. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

The killer made no reply and strode towards Brookeira, who suddenly realized its motive. She stepped back fearfully, bumping into the cashier counter.

The killer jumped towards Brookeira, who yelped and leapt over the counter. She screamed as the killer pushed the counter onto her. Now her legs were pinned down by the weight of the counter. Brookeira opened her mouth to scream again, but the killer wrenched one of the unicorn scarves from her hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

"MMMM-MMM!" she yelled through the scarf. Her cries were hopelessly quiet through the stupid cloth. "Mmm-mmm! Mmm mmmm mmm-mm mm mm. Mmm. MMMMM!"

The killer grabbed the other scarf from her and wrapped it around her neck.


The killer tied the scarf and pulled tighter and tighter...

And tighter...

And tighter...

When Brookeira's muffled cries came to a stop, the killer snatched an object from the Randomness Corner, ripped off the alarm sticker, and dashed away.



R.I.S. Brookeira. Rest In Scarves.

Hmmm, would you look at that. You're not the murderer after all! 

submitted by The Manager/Owlgirl
(July 1, 2016 - 7:49 am)

Oh no! Brook's dead! And we were so sure she was the killer...

I'd like to check out the Randomness Corner.

Um, maybe later. When there's not a dead Brookeira in there.

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 1, 2016 - 10:04 am)

Okay, so the killer is not:




















Hermione A

Clouded Leopard


Masked Piester 


submitted by Brookeira
(July 1, 2016 - 11:47 am)

Heehee you had to include that Hamilton reference.

And wow it isn't Brookeira! Brook, I guess you should have listened to the other 30%.

So far the only person it can't be is Bumblebuddy. Spirit-rain's death was too real.

Some people are acting weird though. 

submitted by Hermione A
(July 1, 2016 - 2:30 pm)