Island Paradise Resort!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Island Paradise Resort!!!

Island Paradise Resort!!! Please join!


You are walking into your neighborhood, miserable. You just got out of school, and it's Winter Break. You should be happy, but you aren't. you are going to be stuck in your boring house the whole break, with no access to the Chatterbox. This is because you are grounded.

For reading. Reading! 

Well, that isn't exactly the whole story. 

The day before yesterday, you were reading an extremely immersing fantasy novel. You were in the middle of a very suspenseful part when your parent yelled,"Lights out!" You tried to argue, but your parent cut you off. "I don't care how good your book is. You need to get some sleep." You wanted to scream that they didn't understand, that you simply had to keep reading. But you kept quiet; there was no use in arguing. You sighed and turned off your lamp.

Five mintues later, you pulled your covers over your head, along with three quilts on top to make sure your flashlight wouldn't shine through and give you away. You turned it on. It was supposed to be used for emergencies only. And this was an emergency. A book emergency.

You continued reading, feeling excited. You wanted to scream with giddy delight when the main character finally kissed that girl, but you could only smile silently. You wanted to punch the wall when the main character's best friend betrayed him, but you could only grit your teeth. Then that charming wizard guy died. You dropped the book, shaking.

"Nooooooooo!" you wailed. "No, no, no, I hate you, author!"

Your bedroom door flew open, and your parent rushed it. It all went downhill from there.

"I am confiscating your book for two da-" your parent started. Suddenly there was a flash, and the room seemed to shudder. For a second, your parent's eyes turned scarlet. Then everything went back to normal, and you forgot all about that weird thing that just occured.

Your parent's voice was cold. "You are grounded. For the entire Winter Break. No screen time, no blogging, and no leaving the house."

Now you are walking home, dead leaves crunching beneath your feet.

You arrive at your house and open the mailbox. Something flies into your hands. It's a letter:


Dear Chatterboxer and Book Lover,

You have been invited to be in the first group of people to stay at the newly constructed Island Paradise Resort! The Resort sits on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the entire island is owned by the Resort. We are its only inhabitants. You will be taken to the island on a first-class private jet. Once you arrive, prepare to have a world of fun!

Our Resort is made up of a four-story luxury hotel, a beautiful beach, a small amusement park, a five-star restaurant, multiple relaxation areas, three thrilling waterslides, a peaceful forest, and absolutely no murders!

And the best part's all FREE*!!!

The length of your stay depends on the number of people attending. If you choose, you may bring  one AE and/or one CAPTCHA. We will pick you up from your home. Watch for our purple limousine.

We are not responsible for any pain, excruciating pain, deaths, excruciatingly painful deaths, or pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.

See you there,

Island Manager 

*You will have to pay for the popcorn. 


You pack your belongings right away, and as soon as you finish, a shiny violet limousine parks in front of your house. You run outside, dragging your AE and(/or) your CAPTCHA with you. The car door opens, and you get in. Before you know it, you are driven away in a whirl of mauve.


I will let you all know when we have enough people, and then no more people can join. 

And you may start guessing as to who I am starting the moment you join.

submitted by Island Manager, Island Paradise Resort
(June 6, 2016 - 12:58 pm)
submitted by OwlTopper
(July 26, 2016 - 10:50 am)

DAY NINE, part two continued

Soon almost everyone was done.

Clouded Leopard stood and proudly held up her cookie. It was covered in the same color frosting Shadowmoon had been using, and had the same design: the Hamilton logo, outlined in black FrostingPen.

"I did that too! Looks lie we have the same taste in cookie designs!" Shadowmoon laughed. "Only I filled mine in with black sprinkles. What did you fill it with?"

"Black liquorice frosting," Clouded Leopard replied.

"I did a fandom design as well, although not Hamilton. Behold, the Deathly Hallows cookie!" Hermione said, holding up her cookie with the Deathly Hallows design.

"I made a rainbow cookie," Marie said quietly.

"I made a Death Star cookie!" Mirax declared.

"Mine has swirly designs," Danie said.

"I made an awesome blue cookie!" Saphira called.

"I made an even awesomer cookie with blue AND red!" Cortana retorted.

"My cookie is pink!" Vixtion squealed.

"MY COOKIE HAS EVERYTHING ON IT!" MP screamed at the top of his lungs. "BUT IT'S MISSING SOMETHING...I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He grabbed his pie blaster, shot an apple pie onto the table, and placed the cookie on it. "THE PIE COOKIE!!!!!!!!"

Soon everyone was showing each other their cookies. 

MP snuck up behind Cortana and tapped her on the shoulder. "Did you know that you're the sweetest, dearie-o? Sweet as these cookies..." Cortana giggled and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "But the thing about cookies...THEY NEED TOPPINGS!!!!!" He dumped a jar of brown sparkle-sprinkles on her head. Saphira screamed and turned into a dragon.


She grabbed a jar of choclate sprinkles and attempted to dump it on MP's head, but he dodged at the last moment, and it got dumped on Sprankje instead.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean- "

"YOU HAVE DECLARED WAR!!!!!!!!!" Sprankje screeched, grabbing three more jars of toppings.

Soon all the AEs were screaming and throwing toppings at each other. The CBers tried to escape, but it was difficult to find the door, because the air was filled with purple dust and toppings flying across the room.  

"I see it!" Danie cried. "This way!"


After an hour, the Manager managed to break up the fight. The CBers went up to their rooms to read or talk before they went to bed. Some stayed in the lobby, chatting quietly by the fireplace.

Vixtion was exhausted, and decided to go sit by the pool.

"Are you sure?" Clouded Leopard asked nervoudly. "You're not going in the pool, are you?" She shuddered as she remembered the barracuda and its  terrifying jaws.

"No," Vixtion yawned. "I won't go in the pool. I'm just gonna sit by it and play on the iPad. May I....?" CL handed her CAPTCHA the iPad. "Besides, I can transform into a fox. I'm very fast as a fox."


submitted by The Manager/Owlgirl
(July 26, 2016 - 11:35 am)
(July 26, 2016 - 11:35 am)

Why won't this top?!

I just posted a new part.


submitted by Toptopowlgirltoptop
(July 26, 2016 - 11:36 am)
submitted by OwlTopper
(July 26, 2016 - 11:37 am)
submitted by NEW PART OUT!
(July 26, 2016 - 11:37 am)
submitted by Why this not top?
(July 26, 2016 - 11:51 am)
submitted by Page6?It wentLower?!
(July 26, 2016 - 2:48 pm)
submitted by NEW PART OUT NOW
(July 26, 2016 - 2:48 pm)

I posted my next. Where...where is it?


Our posting time is slow because of the volume of comments. It should be up now. ~Admin 

submitted by @Admin
(July 26, 2016 - 2:50 pm)

Love it! Can't write much now, but great job!

Also, was the italicized cacaphony in one of the part 8s a reference to my True Names story? LOL. 

submitted by Brookeira
(July 26, 2016 - 10:18 pm)

Actually, I put that because a paragraph or two before: 

"We heard commotion, chaos, and cocoa-phony!" MP yelled. Cacophony, Hermione corrected mentally. "And we're here to ADD TO IT!"
submitted by Owlgirl
(July 26, 2016 - 10:42 pm)

A message from the queeeeen

A message from the queeeeeeeeen. 



submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 27, 2016 - 8:09 am)

I'm also joining. 

I'm bringing:

Books, clothes, more books, and shoes

submitted by LovelyAlpaca, age 9, Portland,OR
(July 27, 2016 - 9:38 am)

I am sorry, LovelyAlpaca, but the sign up for the Ski Lodge has closed already, and I am pretty far into my story.

submitted by The Manager/Owlgirl
(July 27, 2016 - 5:33 pm)