Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You are peacefully reading [insert title of your favorite book here] for the eleven-thousandth time when your phone rings. Loudly. In fact, you're pretty sure your phone doesn't usually have such an obnoxious, repetitive, blaring ringtone. Grimacing already, you pick up the phone, most likely about to snap at whoever has subjected you to such a horrible twelve seconds of torturous sound. Before you can do so, however, the person on the other side cuts you off, speaking in a fast, excited voice that sounds like someone from a TV commercial.

"You- yes, you, the person currently grumbling about irritating ringtones- have been invited to star- yes, I said STAR- on The Arbitrary Reality ShowThe Arbitrary Reality Show's first season is currently being filmed in our glamorous studio that's very very far away from wherever you currently are- but don't worry about transport, we'll get you there. What you should worry about is not getting eliminated, because if you lose a challenge, you'll lose the chance to win our FABULOUS GRAND PRIZE! It's so fabulous, we CAN'T REVEAL WHAT IT IS! So get ready to WIN- or you'll lose and be sent home with nothing."
She hangs up abruptly, and you take a moment to stare at the phone in bewilderment before you realize you have suddenly been transported into a large limo. Next to you is a  suitcase in the neon color of your choosing. The voice from the call comes over the speakers in the sides of the limo walls.
"Welcome, lucky contestant! You'll soon arrive at the studio, where The Arbitrary Reality Show is being filmed. But first, you've got to pack! Just announce what you're bringing to the limo and it will all appear in the suitcase. I assure you, it's the more trendy equivalent of a carpet bag- everything will fit. 
Now, before you get to packing, you'll need some information. You've probably heard of "ski lodges." This is a lot like those- except no one dies! That's significantly more cheering than what most other ski lodges promise, isn't it? Instead of dying, contestants that are eliminated will be sent home in humiliation. Unless I like them very much, in which case they might be allowed to stay on as an extra. So you've got nothing to worry about, right? 
Oh, one more thing: you've been chosen to star, but you've got to earn it by being quick. Only NINE LUCKY PEOPLE can be contestants, so make haste! Sign up when the limo arrives, or you could lose your chance to win that FABULOUS GRAND PRIZE! Filming begins on July 11 (next Monday). Don't be late!"
And with that the voice stops. Well, you might as well sign up. That GRAND PRIZE does sound FABULOUS.
*Notice: Each contestant may bring one (1) alter ego and one (1) CAPTCHA if he or she wishes. Aes will be contestants. CAPTCHAs may provide assistance to their respective owners if such assistance is necessary, fair, and/or applicable but may not participate as contestants on their own.
submitted by The Host
(July 7, 2016 - 12:06 pm)
submitted by Tooooooooooop
(July 29, 2016 - 9:33 pm)

We're calling people? OH, oh, oh I want to be Eliza! Dibs on Eliza! I love Eiza! Changes song yet again. And starts singing along very passionately. I should be embarrassed but I'm not BECAUSE IT'S HAMILTON!!!

You and your words, obsessed with your legacy...

Your sentences border on senseless

And you are paranoid in every paragraph

How they perceive youuu!


You, you, yoooooooouuuuu…


I’m erasing myself from the narrative

Let future historians wonder how Eliza

Reacted when you broke her heeeaaart

You have torn it all apart,

I am watching it


Watching it burn!!!!!

The world has no right to my heart,

I’m burning the memories

Burning the letters that might have redeemed you...

You forfeit all rights to my heart,

With only the memories

Of when you were miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

I hope that you buuuuuurrrrrn...


Muriel says 'yydo' Why do? Why does Eliza want Alexander to burn?

submitted by Kestrel
(August 1, 2016 - 5:05 pm)


submitted by TOP
(August 5, 2016 - 8:58 am)

Noooooo the microphone is miiiiiiiiiine!!!!!!!!

WAIT FOR IT (wait for it wait for it wait for it!) 

I am the one thing in life I can controooooool

I am inimitable I am an original

I'm not falling behind or running late (late, late, late!)

I'm not standing still I am lying in wait!!!!!!!! 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 7, 2016 - 9:25 am)

Ha! *takes out iPad and speaker and turns it on full volume* Yay!!!!! HAMILTON!!!


Look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit I’m helpleeess!

Down for the count, and I’m drownin’ in ‘em.

I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

Laughin’ at my sister as she’s dazzling the room

Then you walked in and my heart went


Tryin’ to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody’s dancin’ and the band’s top volume


Slide to the rhythm as we wine and dine!

Grab my sister, and whisper, “Yo, this

One’s mine.”  

submitted by Kestrel
(August 7, 2016 - 5:04 pm)

No, microphone is mine!!!!!! *Grabs mike and starts singing Angelica passionately*

I know my sister like I know my own miiiind you will never fiiiiind anyone as trusting or as kiiiiind! 

If I tell her that I love him she'd be silently resiiiigned, he'd miiiiiine

She would say 'I'm fine'

She'd be lyiiiiing

But when I fantasize at night it's Alexander's eyes

As I romaticize

What might've been if I hadn't siiized him up so quickly...

At least my dear Eliza's his wife.

At least I'll keep his eyes in my life...


And I know...she'll be happy as his bride

And I know

He will never be satisfied

***I have to point out that painful foreshadowing? Lin does so much foreshadowing. This one kills me every time. Every. Time.***

I love never be satisfiiiiiiiiied...

*drops mike* 

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 7, 2016 - 7:04 pm)

Mine!!! *Snatches back microphone and holds it very very tight*

"Angelica, thank God someone who understands what I'm struggling here to do"

"I'm not here for you"

"Ooooh" (haha Hamilton serves you right)

"I know my sister like I know my own mind

You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind

I love my sister more than anything in this life

I will choose her happiness over miiiiine every tiiiime

Put what we had aside

I'm standing at her side

You will never be satisfied god I hope you're satisfiiiied"

*sobs* Yup, foreshadowing. And it's not even the worst part yet.

"Well he's never gon' be president now

(never gon' president now)

Never gon' be persident now

(never gon' be president now)

That's one less thing to worry about

That's one less thing to worry aboooouuut!"

*sigh* At least that bit was funny.

*Keeps singing* 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 8, 2016 - 9:33 pm)

Okay, O shouldn't like that song, but somehow I love it! I get all hyped up on the "never gon be president now" and I start jumping up and down pretending I'm throwing papers. Partly why I love it is because of the gifs you find online of it and it is SO FUNNY! Because everyone is throwing copies of the Reynolds Pamhplet around...

If you are a Hamilton fan, I want you to look up on Google Images "never gon be president now." The gifs are so funny! The first one that comes up...yes, that is KING GEORGE running around Hamilton throwing papers. He comes back for that song to join in the chaos! And behind him, Jefferson...he makes me laugh every. Time. *looks at gif again* *cracks up* That's exactly the move I do when I'm "dancing" to this. And Hamilton is just standing in the middle...

Then there's another gif of Jefferson bouncing on the table laughing...

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 9, 2016 - 9:01 am)

Okay, O shouldn't like that song, but somehow I love it! I get all hyped up on the "never gon be president now" and I start jumping up and down pretending I'm throwing papers. Partly why I love it is because of the gifs you find online of it and it is SO FUNNY! Because everyone is throwing copies of the Reynolds Pamhplet around...

If you are a Hamilton fan, I want you to look up on Google Images "never gon be president now." The gifs are so funny! The first one that comes up...yes, that is KING GEORGE running around Hamilton throwing papers. He comes back for that song to join in the chaos! And behind him, Jefferson...he makes me laugh every. Time. *looks at gif again* *cracks up* That's exactly the move I do when I'm "dancing" to this. And Hamilton is just standing in the middle...

Then there's another gif of Jefferson bouncing on the table laughing...

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 9, 2016 - 9:02 am)

Ha ha I know I love that song!

My brother and I once ripped up some pieces of paper and threw them around like in the show. It was oddly fun.

There used to be a full video of it on youtube but it was sadly deleted.

Does this mean I keep the microphone?

Charles says oogr. Ogre? 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 9, 2016 - 6:47 pm)

Curious, can you rap Guns and Ships?

I know all the lyrics, but I get tongue tied. However, I can do the fast rap in Washington on Your Side! :D

*grabs mike* *changes into purplish Jefferson coat*

I'm in the cabinet I am complicit in watchin him grabbin at power and kiss it if Washginton isn't gon listen to disciplined dissidents this is the difference THIS KID IS OUT!

Whew! *chugs half a water bottle*

I challenge you to...A CABINET BATTLE!!!! I'll be Jefferson. (Okay, I know Jefferson loses the cabinet battles, but still they're fun to do!)

Mellie: Ooh! Can I be Washington at the beginning, and Madison? 

Sure! See, Mellie is into Hamilton too.

Ladies and gentle- 

Mellie, we're doing #2. We don't have to substitute as many words.

Oh, okay. *pouts* Can I at least say the "you could've been anywhere" part? It's cool!

Ladies and gentlemen! You could've been anywhere in the world tonight but you're here with us in New York City! Are you ready for a Cabinet Meeting?

*cabinet battle #2 begins to play* The issue in the table: France is on the verge of war with England. Now, do we provide aid and troops to our French allies, or do we stay out of it? Remember, my decision on this matter is not subject to Congressional approval.  The only person you have to convince is me. Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor sir.

When we were in death's door when we were needy,

We made a promise, we signed a treaty.

We needed money and guns and half a chance.

Uh, who provided those funds?

MeAllie/Madison: France

In return they didn't ask for land,

Only a promise that we'd lend a hand and stand with them if they fought against depressors

And revolution is messy but now is the time to stand! 

Stand with our brothers as they fight against tyranny!

I know that Alexander Hamilton is here and he would rather not have this debate.

I remind you that he is NOT Secretary of State!

He knows nothing of loyalty.

Smells like new money, dresses me fake royalty.

Desperate to rise above his station.

Everything he does betrays the ideals of our nation!

Hey, and if ya don't know, now ya know, Mr. President.

Thank you, Secretary Jefferson. Secretary Hamilton, your response.

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 10, 2016 - 9:17 am)

Yaaaay! I love cabinet battles!

And, to answer your question, yes I can rap Guns and Ships, but I get really mixed up in Washingon on your side.



Thank you, Secretary Jefferson. Secretary Hamilton, your response.

You must be out of your GOSH DARN mind

If you think

The president is gonna brink the nation to the brink

Of meddling in the middle of a military mess,

a game of chess

Where France is queen and kingless

We signed a treaty with a king who's head

is now in a basket

Would you like to take it out and ask it?

Uh, should we honour our treaty King Louis head?

Uh, do whatever you want, I'M SUPER DEAD! 


I assume these are lyrics from Hamilton. Please give credit when you submit something you didn't write yourself. Thank you.


submitted by The Riddler
(August 10, 2016 - 4:06 pm)

Both of the raps were from the musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Consider yourself credited, Lin!

submitted by @Admin, Owlgirl
(August 10, 2016 - 10:33 pm)

Yes, credit to Lin.

submitted by The Riddler
(August 11, 2016 - 3:01 pm)

I completely forgot about this! Host, keep it up! I love the stuff about Fúdìmó!!!!!!!!

I heard of Risk, but I know it's a luck game. I prefer Diplomacy, except it takes, like, five hours to play.

I've never actually dominated the world in Diplomacy, but. . . Oh well. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(August 8, 2016 - 8:41 am)