You walk out

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You walk out

You walk out to your mailbox, grumpy because your mom made you do it while you were in the middle of reading The Phantom of the Opera. Opening the little door, you find nothing but a golden envelope. What's this? You wonder, and you reach in.

Upon further inspection, you discover the note is sealed with a red glob of wax. The wax is imprinted with a pair of drama masks, one happy, one sad. You peal off the seal. As you slide out the letter inside, you hear faint organ music playing in the background. Ignoring the music, you read the note.

Dear Recevier of this Note,

You have been invited to the Grand Reopening of the Paris Opera House! After being abandoned for quiet a while, this opera house is finally restored to it's glory. The queens and toms of Paris are itching to get their paws on tickets to shows, but you're lucky enough to get a behind-the-scenes tour!

You will be able to see many performances, experience the wonder of early 20th century France, and even go on a tour of the Paris Opera House!* There may even be some very special guests who might show up! Your AEs and CAPTCHAs are welcome. Do you dare to come with me on a slpendid journey of music and mystery?

Sincerely, The House Owner

*We are not responsible for deaths, hauntings, or anything of that sorts. The one thing we can promise is that the Feline of the Opera will not be responsible for those things.

You shrug, and think, This seems fun. Suddenly, fur starts sprouting up all over your skin, and the world around you starts to spin. You soon find yourself in front of the Paris Opera House, as an anthropomorphic cat. 

submitted by The House Owner, age 32, Paris, France
(August 24, 2016 - 7:30 pm)

Cool! Count me in! 

I'm bringing all my AE's and my CAPTCHA. 

So: Beth, Bolton, Bombett, Burt, and Marshmellow are coming.  

submitted by Daisy
(August 25, 2016 - 9:51 am)

Meee-yoow... *stray cat strut plays in the background*. I'll come! I'm taking a brochere, opera glasses, a camera (the fancy kind), a music player, and a pencil & pad of paper. 8-Piece would come with me, but he's... previously occupied at the moment. So instead, I'm just taking Nougat and Vixtion, for MewFour's still missing. Alas... :(

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(August 25, 2016 - 11:10 pm)

Sounds great! I'm bringing books, chocolate, my AE Cortana, and my CAPTCHA, Chester (who is also a cat!)

submitted by September
(August 25, 2016 - 11:21 pm)

I am SO coming!

I am coming too.

That's Rosemary, my AE.

Hay! And who am I, your dog!?

And that's my other AE, Shadow.

That's right, and don't you forget it!

"votp" I want to come! I want to come!

Allright you can come Holly. That's my CAPCHA. She's a cat.

*Ducks from flying chicken*

Who threw that!?

I did! Look out, there are more where that came from!

Shadow! Stop throwing those poor chickens so we can pack! 

Great idea Rosemary!

I am packing:

A bag that will give you whatever you want, all you need to do is stick your hand in and imagen what you want.

I'm all packed!

I am will bring:

A first aid kit

Right! That's all you need! *Stops her from listing all the things in the first aid kit*

This is MY list:

A chicken shooter

And I will pack for Holly

She'll pack some money for souvenirs.

Wait! Can I have some money for souvenirs too?

Yes you can.


You can too Rosemary.


Allright, we are all packed up!  Wait where's my magical bag?

*I turn around to see two Hollys standing behind me*

oh dear....

Hahahahahahahahah! We are done pakcing! *Starts shooting chickens with relish*



submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(August 26, 2016 - 11:03 am)

Ooh! I'm coming! And so is Paris.

We need to practice our French.

Eh, we'll just quote Lafayette and sing organ riffs and Les Miserables.

I don't think-

Oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette, the Lancelot of the revolutionary set!

Here we go, then.

Fflewddur's coming too! What operas do you think we'll see? Pirates of Penzance, perhaps? Come on, Paris, you've got to admit that Pirates of Penzance is funny.

...Ok, you're right. It's hilarious.

Well, at any rate, it really doesn't matter (matter matter matter matter matter) since we're going anyway.

submitted by SydneySong, age 13, Schmengland
(August 26, 2016 - 11:41 am)

Ooh! I love the Phantom of the Opera and cats!

I'm bringing:


A magical sack that can carry anything and everything

Mystery (who happens to be an anthro cat)

Spirit-rain (also an anthro cat, who is my CAPTCHA)

Surprise (a dragon)

Tulip (a cat-girl)

A pencil

Paper (and lots of it!)

My best inking pen

My acrylic paints & brushes 


Grilled cheese

A pocket portal (basically a portable portal)

The entire Warriors series (including books that haven't been written)

My best 20th century dresses (and suit for Mystery)


Hm... I think that's everything.

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(August 26, 2016 - 4:44 pm)

"Sing once again with me,

Our strange duet.

My power over you--"

Hey! Why are you stealing my song?!?

It's our song, you creep.

But it has my name in it! It's literatly called The Phantom of the Opera!

Um, anyone can sing this song. Also, you're not it the right ski-lodge. This is The Feline of the Opera. 


submitted by The House Owner, age 32, Paris, France
(August 26, 2016 - 7:06 pm)

I'm coming!

I'm bringing:

Water balloons

Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow

Something to listen to Hamilton on

Charles, my CAPTCHA

And Stan. Do you happen to know any French?

Well of course!



Are you sure about that?

Why do you think I listen to Hamilton? Why does anyone listen to Hamilton? Clearly they are trying to learn to rap in french!

Mmm hmm. Sure.

Eh oui oui Jeu'mapelle Laffayette!

You know someone on this thread already said that.

What??? They must have copied me!

SydneySong posted before us!

Well then I will quote another song! "I dream of life without ze 'anarchy. Ze unrest in France will lead to 'anarchy. 'Anarchy, 'anarchy, how you say? Aww, Anarchy! When I fight I make ze other side panicky with my shot!"

None of that was French...

Of course it was! 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 26, 2016 - 8:47 pm)

Count me and Spyro in!

submitted by hotairballoon
(August 27, 2016 - 5:45 am)

Even though The Phantom of the Opera was originally a French book, you won't need to know any French. Everyone's speech will be translated into English for you by magic. Oh, and I forgot to mention something. This ski-lodge is different. You have to guess the murderer before it's too late. 



submitted by The House Owner, age 32, Paris, France
(August 27, 2016 - 9:40 am)

Ill join! With Brian and Ellak (AEs) and Cardinal (CAPTCHA). I do actually know some French, though (only a teensy bit: hello, goodbye, thank you, you're welcome, goodnight, good, candy (of course!), and some others that I'm too lazy to remember right now.) I went to Paris when I was in third grade. It was really cool. The art on the buildings and in the museums was great. We even saw the Monalisa! There was a lot of security! And the Eiffel tower! And the Arc du Triomph! I can't wait to go back. 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(August 27, 2016 - 7:49 pm)

Hm... If no more people join in the next few days, I guess I'll get this ski-lodge ready. Ooh, I'm so excited!

submitted by The House Owner, age 32, Paris, France
(August 28, 2016 - 6:14 pm)

Okay, I'm starting this ski-lodge. I can't wait any longer. The first part will be ready soon.

submitted by The House Owner, age 32, Paris, France
(August 29, 2016 - 7:49 pm)

Day I, Part I

The CBers gathered around the extravagant opera house, buzzing with anticipation. Daisy and Clouded Leopord discussed their favorite operas, while Spyro stared longingly at the doors, waiting for them to open.

Suddenly, the grand doors swung open, and a cream tom dressed in a handsome suit appeared. "Welcome one and all!" he boomed. The CBers perked up, excited to set foot in the very opera house The Feline of the Opera fiasco had taken place. They stampeded into the building, leaving the cream tom lying dazed on the floor. SydneySong noticed this and helped him up.

When all the CBers and their companions had entered the opera house, the cream tom cleared his throat and began to speak. "I am The House Owner, and you and your AEs and CAPTCHAs are here for the Grand Reopening of The Paris Opera House. You will experience the magic of operas, and even musicals from your own time."

"Even Hamilton?" The Riddler squealed. "Even Hamilton," The House Owner replied, then continued with his speech. "This opera house is home to music, murder, and mystery, and The Feline of the Opera himself has stepped foot on this very--" Before The House Owner could finish his sentence, Brian raised his hand. The House Owner pointed a finger at him. "Yes?"

"I need to use the restroom." The House Owner pointed to his left. "The lavatory is to your right, and then it's down the hall." "Thank you!" Brian purred, then dashed off.

As The House Owner continued on the history of The Paris Opera House, the murderer slipped off without anyone noticing. They sprinted after Brian, and then they climbed up a wooden beam. They tied a loop at the end of their rope, and put it in position.

As Brian left the bathroom, the murderer dropped the rope. Brian let out some gurgles, then hang limp. The murderer fled the scene, and was back with the group before anyone realized they were gone.


"Brian has taken an awfully long time in the bathroom," Kate-the-Great muttered to Cardinal. He nodded in agreement. "I'll go check on him." "Don't take too long," Cardinal called after her.

As soon as Kate-the-Great reached the restrooms, she covered her eyes and poked her head in the men's room. "Brian?" she called. The only noise she heard in reply was her echo. Kate-the-Great left the room, but on her way out, she saw Brian's body dangling from the ceiling. She screamed.

The rest of the group found Kate-the-Great gaping at Brian's lifeless body, the whites of her eyes showing. "Kate?" BumbleBuddy shook her friend back into reality. Kate-the-Great then starting bawling. "Brian," she wailed, heartbroken. "Why, why, WHY?!?" BumbleBuddy tried to comfort Kate-the-Great, but with no success. The CBers and The House Owner hung their head in mourning for their friend.

submitted by New Part Out!
(September 1, 2016 - 7:19 pm)

Just some info: Cardinal is a girl, and Brian would NEVER say thank you (it doesn't matter anyways), and Ellak loves books. He is a boy too. Sorry!

watt!! yor not sory im ded?!! 

Oh! Umm... *starts wailing hysterically* He'ssss goooooooooonnnnnnneeeee!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Collapses onto the floor sobbing*

I think you overdid it, Kate. 

I wasn't acting! Why would I do that! I totally wouldn't! I've never been in a play in my entire life! Of course I haven't! That's totally why I took acting classes! Actually, I DIDN'T take acting classes! And I didn't learn how to fake cry! I didn't learn anything! Nope!

Yeah rite, Kate, stop actt iing. Mamd!

I'm not!!! Definitely not!!!

u guys r meen. im leevin. by. i mit go shoot som salsa into the presidents face. cu.

The President! You're evil, Brian! Evil!

of cors i am...  *grins evilly* 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(September 1, 2016 - 9:09 pm)