It is a

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

It is a

It is a cool Saturday, and you are at your desk reading a book. You have just reached the most suspenseful part (will the black wizard kill the dragon, or will the dragon kill the wizard?), when a small rock flies through the open window and lands in your lap. You open the note tied to it.

"Dear reader.                                                                                                                               You are invited to my marvelous tree village. Only bring what you need.                                          Pack quickly. My horses are waiting for you outside.                                                                                                                                              -Tree Keeper.                                                       P.S. We are not responsible for any injuries or deaths."    

You pack your bags and step outside. A winged horse stands in the driveway impatiently stamping its feet. A minute later, you are on its back and flying away. After about twenty-five minutes of flying you see the forest ahead. As you ascend into it, you wonder what the village will be like.


If you don't wish to be the killer, please just request not to be. 


submitted by Tree keeper , The tree hotel
(February 24, 2017 - 10:25 am)

I have an idea for the room names. Since it's a tree village, why don't the rooms be named after different types of trees such as sequoia, birch, yes, elm, holly, acai, Etc.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(February 26, 2017 - 2:48 pm)

Joining with my AEs! I'm not bringing anything!

“Choose the positive. You have the choice, you are the master of your attitude, choose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is a faith that leads to success.” --Bruce Lee


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(February 26, 2017 - 5:36 pm)

ok. Would you give me the names of the AEs please?

submitted by Tree Keeper , age 12
(February 26, 2017 - 9:05 pm)

Cassia, Dain, and Lee. Their sheets are here:

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(February 27, 2017 - 8:31 am)

Coming!  I'm bringing a bunch of notebooks.  I write all the clues down, and carry a notebook at all times. Suspects, clues, crime scene, you name it.

I also are bringing my ice powers because I can't really get rid of them. 

submitted by Icy
(February 27, 2017 - 10:39 am)

I know I'm not very good at writing, and I'm so sorry this is so late, but here goes. P.S. Look for a hint about who I am!

The horses landed on a wooden platform in the trees. There were seven buildings, one of which was a barn. All of them had signs on the doors. One of the doors opened and a girl wearing a long green cloak with the hood up walked out to meet them. “Hello.” She said. “I am the Tree Keeper. Welcome to my lodge.” All of the guests slid off of the backs of their horses and took their bags off. “I’m sorry. I can’t show you around.” The Tree Keeper said. “There is a housing list on the door of the main house. Please get settled.” She then turned and went back into the house that she had come from. The AEs ran from one house to the other looking at the signs on the doors. Stan suddenly shouted that one of the doors had a off limits sign on it. The Riddler went over. “Huh. It says “House off limits.” “ All CBers, AEs, and Capatchas crowded around the door. “Why would anyone name a house after a Basilisk?” “Why is this house off limits?” “Let’s find our houses and get settled in.” “I want to go in.” These were the thoughts of a few of the group. Finally they went over to the main house to look at the housing list.Then they went to their houses. The Murderer snuck out of Its house. It watched as Stan went back up to the door of the Basilisk house. After looking around to make sure no one was watching, Stan went in. The Murderer followed. Stan was staring at a painting of a Basilisk. He turned around and screamed. The Murderer was out and gone before anyone heard. Stardust, Leeli, and a few other CBers ran out of their houses and towards the scream. Leeli got there first, and started screaming hysterically. Soon Stardust, elementgirl, and Kestrel were screaming too. The Riddler was crying. The Tree Keeper walked out. “Oh no. Not this.” The Tree Keeper snapped her fingers, and several wolves trotted up. A minute later they had carried the bloody body away. “I should have watched him.” The Riddler sobbed. “It wasn’t your fault.” Kestrel said over and over. But nothing could comfort The Riddler. Finally the Tree Keeper said, “We all agree that it wasn’t your fault, Riddler. What would Stan want you to do? I don’t think that he would consider it your fault. It was sudden. Someone must have had a very well laid plan. I was hoping we wouldn’t have a murder problem.” Finally The Riddler picked up Stan’s jacket and went back to her house. “Should we……” elementgirl started. “You can go back to your houses.” The Tree Keeper said. “Kestrel, please make sure The Riddler is ok.” Slowly everyone drifted back to their houses until only the Tree Keeper was left.She picked up the knife that was still lying on the ground, and left the house, locking the door behind her.
When Kestrel got to the Pegasus house, she found The Riddler in her bunk fast asleep. She was holding Stan’s bloody jacket.
The Tree Keeper opened her window, and gave a strange call. A large black owl flew through the window and landed on her arm She went to her bed and sat down. She hated being alone. She stormed the owl for a long time.

Death Toll: Rest In Peace, Stan. You are only the first of many. Sleep under the trees.

Again. I don't write well, and this is very late. I am VERY sorry. I will post the housing list tomorrow.

submitted by Tree Keeper, age 12, Day One!
(March 2, 2017 - 9:07 pm)

This is the houseing post. I hope you liked the not-very-good day one.



The Riddler 

Random Person

Left empty for unknown reasons.


Again. I hope you liked. Please top.

submitted by Tree Keeper, age 12
(March 3, 2017 - 11:41 am)

Hello? Anyone there? Please top.

submitted by Tree Keeper, age 12
(March 4, 2017 - 7:03 am)

I can't wait to see you continue!

submitted by TOp!
(March 4, 2017 - 7:57 pm)

YESSSS!!!! I love my house! Pegasi are my favourites out of these animals! And I'm with my real life friend!

submitted by Kestrel
(March 9, 2017 - 9:05 am)

Dragon YAAAS I love dragons! You are a great, terrific, brilliant writer, Tree Keeper! I love your story!

submitted by Cockleburr
(March 4, 2017 - 10:06 pm)

Noooo!!!!! Stan!!!!! 

submitted by The Riddler
(March 5, 2017 - 6:53 pm)

Yaaaaaaay! I'm housing with Mei-xuei, Scylla, and Icy! Is there such thing as a CBer fandom because if so, I am TOTALLY fangirling over who I'm hosing with.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(March 8, 2017 - 9:33 pm)

I'm glad you liked the first day! Here comes the second.

The Murderer sheathed the sword and slid it back into the mattress. Almost time.
Kestrel sat up and looked at The Riddler. Gossamer leaned over the side of the top bunk to grin in her face and received a well aimed pillow in the face. About half of the Pegasus house was gone. Kestrel got up and hurried to the Main House with a silent Riddler. Pretty much everyone else was eating breakfast already. The Tree Keeper walked in and went to the front of the room. “Today we are going on a ride. Please raise your hand if you are afraid of heights.” No one raised their hand. “Good. Please come to the barn as soon as you are ready.” In less than 15 minutes, everyone was at the barn doors. The Tree Keeper opened them. Soon everyone had selected a beautiful Pegasus. They took off. Everyone felt like singing. It was a beautiful day. They soared through the air. Even The Riddler who was of course still sad about Stan, and the Tree Keeper who almost never smiled were laughing. They flew over a roaring waterfall and through a small group of winged wolves. Two of the wolves separated  themselves from the rest and went over to fly on either side of the Tree Keeper. They stopped by a lake for lunch. The wolves wandered off to do who knows what, and the horses grazed while the CBers and such ate. After a bit, one of the wolves came back and nuzzled the Tree Keeper. Her smile quickly faded, and she jumped up. For the first time everyone notice that she had large, grey, wings. They only noticed because the Tree Keeper spread them and jumped into the air. “Everyone. Be prepared to get on your horses and fly away when you hear one of the wolves howl.” She then took off leaving one wolf behind.  A minute later a wolf howled. Not everyone was ready. elementgirl tripped and fell. Anna jumped down and half dragged her to the horse. the horses began to take off. Anna ran to the one that she shared withe Connie. Connie had her foot stuck in a vine, and couldn’t reach the horse. Strange animals were coming out from everywhere. Anna knew what she had to do. She pulled Connie out of the vines and put her in the Capatcha harness and climbed into the saddle. They took off. Anna began to slide, realizing too late that someone had cut the saddle. Connie grabbed had hand and tried to pull her back up.But she wasn’t strong enough. Anna was pulling her out of the harness. Anna knew this. “I love you Connie.” she said. And then she let go. “Anna.” Connie wailed as she watched the AE fall down to where the strange creatures waited to trample her. “Anna.” The horse carried her to elementgirl who tried to comfort her even though she herself was sobbing. The last thing Anna heard before she hit the ground was the cry of Connie, who she died for. “Anna. Cmbk. Anna.”

Death Toll: Rest In Peace, Anna. You will forever be remembered. Rest In Peace.

submitted by Tree Keeper, age 12
(March 9, 2017 - 5:18 pm)

R.I.P Anna :(

This is really good Tree Keeper! I love it! 

submitted by The Riddler
(March 9, 2017 - 6:35 pm)