You are sitting

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You are sitting

You are sitting on your bed, staring out the window. You're parents have totally banned you from any socializing, even the CBer! All because you got FRAMED for stealing your little sister's toy dog! You can almost imagine your sister's smug face as she thinks about where she hid the dog. You finally get up and dress. You've decided to take a walk. As you tiptoe out the front door, a wind picks up and leaves start to swirl around. You head back inside. It's too cold. As you slip back into bed, you hear a slight crumpling of paper. An inquisitive feeling starts to grow and you feel around for the paper. You finally snatch it out from under the covers. In an instant, the light is on and you're reading the paper. It's an old-style piece of parchment.

Dear Special CBer,

You, yes, you, have been one of the twelve lucky CBers chosen to go on a vacation in FANTASYLAND! Fantasyland is the land where stories come true, good and bad. But don't fear the villains! Since the protagonists have defeated them in every story, none of them will harm you. Back to your vacation now. You will be traveling to the story headquarters where every story in existence is cataloged. You will be staying in the newly opened resort called Fairy Vacations Free! And yes, it is free! Except for custom-made popcorn. From there on, you will get to meet story characters of all kind! From Murtagh to Snow White! We will be having a ticket raffle for the 13th guest who is a V.I.P. You will also get to experience amusment rides of all kinds! The Harry Potter Duel Simulator is a fairly popular one. Also, there will be a swimming pool connected to a water park. Won't that be fun! Pack your bags and hop on either Thorn, Saphira, Shruikan (tamed of course and will seat two), Norberta, Nagini, a Thestrel, Blackjack, Snow White's carriage, Snowfire, the Knight Bus (will seat three)! A solo audience with the people who own the transport will be allowed too! You are permitted to bring one CAPTCHA, three AEs, and anything of your choice! RVSP on the back. 


The Fantasy Story Keeper

You read the tiny, fine print at the bottom.

Staff are not responsible for any death. Please fill out sheet.



What you are bringing:


I am/am not coming to this trip.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so, you may have noticed this is a ski lodge. OF COURSE YOU NOTICED THAT THIS IS A SKI LODGE! It's my first and I'm just writing off the top of my head so the writing might not be first-rate. The V.I.P. will be the murderer, coming without my knowing. One of the villains hijacked the raffle so that a murderer will come. But who indeed is the V.I.P.? 

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 1, 2017 - 7:54 pm)


submitted by Fireburst
(April 11, 2017 - 9:45 pm)

Since, nobody is going to join, we're starting!

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 11, 2017 - 9:16 pm)
submitted by Yay!!!!!
(April 12, 2017 - 8:49 am)

I saw you had one more spot. . . and I know you're starting soon. . . but can I quickly join? 

Name: Joan B. of Arc

Personality: Brave, loyal to friends, protective, has a "fangirling" side that no one has seen before, kind, and has a temper.

What are you bringing: My sword, 2 daggers (conveniantly located in each of my boots,) and my satchel filled with herbs, a book, and my journal.

I am coming to this trip.

Name: Puck!

Personality: Mischevious, likes to tease her siblings, has a "soft side" that rarely shows.

What are you bringing: My prank bag, of course! (It's filled with any kind of prank that I can think of.) And, I'm bringing my journal too.

Other: Don't touch my journal. Trust me, you don't want to be haunted by pranks for the rest of your life.

I am coming on this trip!

Name: Diovald

Personality: Loves to tease, considered "dark" because he wears dark clothing , (kind of like Nico from Percy Jackson,) he rarely smiles, but is very thoughtful, and philosophical.

Puck: He gives great advice too!

Me: Yes, thank you Puck. Diovald, do  you have anything to add?

Diovald: I was dragged into this trip. . .

Puck: You need to get out more often!

Diovald: *Huffs* Fine. But, yes, I will indeed be coming to this trip.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(April 12, 2017 - 5:34 pm)

Oh yeah, if I can join, I forgot to add: Diovald and Puck are 2 of my AEs. Puck is a girl, and Diovald is a boy.

I am a girl as well, if you could not tell.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(April 12, 2017 - 5:35 pm)

If Joan B. of Arc is joining, great! I'll start the first part.

Day 1 - Part 1 


At exactly twelve o'clock, ten modes of transport arrived with exactly twelve CBers, twelve AEs give or take a few, four CAPTCHAs, add one if required, and heaps of luggage. Three AEs were especially sad on arriving. This was because the AEs were orphaned. Orphaned! These AEs' names were Gem, Sapphire, and Amber. When every CBer, Ae, CAPTCHA, and murderer were gathered together, Amber suddenly yelled, "Lilypad was run over by the Knight Bus!" Every head turned toward him as he continued yelling. "She was looking out a window when the glass shattered and she fell out! Before the Knight Bus transported, it ran her over!" At this point, all three AEs burst into tears, the braver ones comforting the shy one. The murderer smiled. This had gone exactly the way they planned. Of course, the murderer only smiled in their head. Instead, they looked comforting and sorry on the outside. A few seconds later, a woman appeared. She was tall, and looked somewhere around seventeen. The CBers knew better though. Like fairytales, she was probably millions of years old. The woman wore a dress that was very modern - a pencil dress with glittery, silver, sequins. Her high heels clacked on the marble driveway they were all standing on. They were silver too, but with a flower on each end. The woman's face was seemingly similar to September's. Perhaps they were from the same place. Vaguely. "Hello everyone." The woman's voice had a certain silky quality. "Welcome to the Fairy Resort. Now, I have heard of a death, but don't worry! It was surely an accident! Here in the Fairy Resort, you will find wonders of all kind! Story characters are only a small percentage of the wonders! Please follow me to the Fairy Resort. You may call me the FSK." The FSK walked briskly down the marble path and beckoned for everyone to follow her. Soon, all the guests were in front of the Fairy Resort. Everyone gasped. The resort was more of a castle, it had four towers, each with a shimmering diamond top. Everything was made out of diamond except for the entrance. The entrance was made out of titanium with sapphires lining the edges. Mei-Xue was quick to step up and speak for the other CBers. "How do we get in?" she asked. "Simple," replied the FSK. She snapped her fingers and the gate disappeared, revealing a large hall. "Now, you will be guided to your rooms. There are three rooms that you can be in. Innocents, Villains, or Heroes/Heroines. These will be picked on the less obvious aspects of your personality. Here are your rooms. Gem, Shoshanna, Butterfly Fred, Elementgirl, Starseeker, Mia-Moo, and Willow will be rooming as the Innocents. Amber, Sapphire, Butterfly Robert, Chatter, Key, Mystic Lion, Quirker, Peggy, Mei-Xue, and Joan B. of Arc will be rooming as the Heroes/Heroines. And finally, Butterfly Annabella, Amarillis, Nebula, Anna, Silverwaxwing, Lock Kyar, Saphira, Fireburst, Autumn Artist, and Esquire of Rohan will be rooming as the Villains," said the FSK. Gasps went up from the CBers as they listened. "CAPTCHAs seperated from CBers! Who ever heard of such nonsense," someone muttered. Upon hearing this, the FSK explained that CAPTCHAs would be looked after by other CBers. Soon everyone was in their rooms.


In the Innocents Room, everything was forest themed. The beds were bunks that were literally trees - they grew out of the ground with soft moss as bedding and giant leaves for sheets. The wall decorations were usually paintings of nature but sometimes, there was a sculpture or two. Four windows looked out into a natural paradise. An oasis with a small lagoon and varied life. In all, it was very pretty. The boarders were soon to claim the top bunks once they snapped out of a paradise mezmerization.


In the Hero/Heroines Room, everything was beautiful. The walls were pristine white and wall decorations were mainly sculptures, white, and sometimes, there were weapons on the walls. The beds were canopied and they each had a nightstand. Ten boarders filled up the beds. There was one wall made entirely of glass. Out this wall, you could look out and see a farm, with people working on it and helping each other. It was a place of contentment.


The Villains Room was completely dark until someone switched the light on. Everything was black or red. The beds were nothing special. Just black and red beds. But they were VERY comfortable. Since they had been made for famous villains and villains need comfort, they were as soft as swan feathers and as light as morning dew. There were a bunch of murder weapons on the walls and each was stained with blood. Somehow, the boarders seemed to like it. They soon settled down and looked out the windows. There was a storm brewing outside the windows with tiny figures battling on the lightning.


Everyone had a trunk beside their bed which was empty, except for a few walkie-talkies to communicate with and a tablet for something unknown. As soon as they settled down, an announcement came over a loudspeaker, blaring in everybody's ears. "Please come down to the grand hall." it crackled. Everyone was down in the hall when the FSK started to explain things. "There are various places in the Fairy Resort and we don't want anybody getting lost. You'll recieve a map and an hour of exploring. Your hour starts now," she said. Maps appeared in front of the CBers. They each said on the back:


Amusement park rides = High Five-seater, Harry Potter Wand duel Simulator, Fantastic Beasts creator, Tour of Galbatorix’s castle, Camp Half-Blood training session, Sister’s Grimm Puzzlers, School for Good and Evil sorting and training.

Water park = Giant vertical slide; Lightning, Corkscrew slide; Corkscrew, Gentle slope slide; Foothill, pool, underwater scenery tunnel, underwater snorkel merry-go-round.

Resort = Two housing rooms, Dining room, and Ballroom in West wing; Trampoline room, Writer’s workshop, Art studio, and Video game room in north wing; museum of everything CBer and NaNoWriMo workshop in east wing; north wing still under construction.

Events = tour of any place in a story you like, meeting your favorite story character, discussion of shipping, dragon rides, horcrux hunt, Night or Day hide and seek

The CBers each wandered off to do their exploring. 

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 12, 2017 - 7:11 pm)

LILYPAD! No! *starts sobbing* I will have revenge! If you prick us do we not bleed? if you tickle us will we not laugh? And if you wrong us shall we not take REVENGE? 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(April 12, 2017 - 8:54 pm)

The Ski Lodge has barely started and already someone was killed! Poor LilyPad... I wonder how the murderer got the Knight Bus to run her over.

I was just thinking of asking for the Villians Room, and then I read the part were rooms are assigned. Thank you!

submitted by Fireburst
(April 12, 2017 - 9:30 pm)

Day 1 - Part 2


After the CBers had explored a good portion of the resort, they sat down  to dinner in the dining room in the west wing of the resort. Everything was vegetarian. As they gulped down the appetizing plates of salad, soup, and other vegetables, the AEs had a food fight in the other corner of the dining room. "Why do the AEs always have a food fight during mealtime at a ski lodge?" Shoshanna sighed. "It's probably the same reason why there's a murderer every time a ski lodge appears," Quirker replied. The whole table was quiet, thinking about LilyPad's death and a murderer. Meanwhile, the AEs were having the time of their lives. Butterfly Fred yelled, "First AE to get hit with a potato becomes one!" None of the other AEs found this a bit improbable due to the fact that Fred had no hands. They simply threw potatoes for him. A head of kale hit Saphira right in the mouth. "ROOOOOOAAAAAAAR!" Saphira roared. The whole room was quiet. "I do like kale," Saphira said, finally. The AEs went back to their messy foodfight, hitting each other with berries, bananas, kale, cabbage, potatoes, and so it seemed, cheese. When dinner was over, the FSK came in and directed a few brownies to clean the room. The dining room was clean in two flicks of a dragons tail. Literally. Saphira flicked her tail twice. "So, I hope you enjoyed dinner, it was vegetarian day. We will also have blueberry day and pie day. 3.14159265358979323864246 everyone! Now, as some of you have noticed, in your trunks, there is a tablet. This is for NaNoWriMo. It is directly connected to NaNoWriMo and nothing else. It has perfect Wifi so don't worry! Also, this resort requires you to carry the walkie-talkie clipped to somewhere on you at all times in case you get lost." The FSK stopped to take a breath. "So now, you have National Novel Writing Month free time for thirty minutes!" The CBers scrambled off to their rooms, eager to write. The AEs persuaded the CAPTCHAs to join their after-foodfight and look for scraps of food.


After thirty minutes, the CBers, AEs, and CAPTCHAs were called into the grand hall. The FSK was there again. "Now, for our first event, we will be playing Night Hide-and-Seek!" the FSK yelled into a megaphone. This was greeted with whoops and cheers from the AEs, confusion from the CAPTCHAs, and a few tentative claps from the CBers. "I will pick one CBer and one AE to search. The rest of you may hide inside, and inside only, the resort. Not the North wing. So, with no further ado, Silverwaxwing and Willow will search! Now scatter!" the FSK yelled again. Butterfly Annabella wandered off by herself to the East wing. She went along a passage that she had never seen before and she found herself at the edge of a large pit with molten magma below. A few titanium worktowers went up but everything was silent. Butterfly Annabella could definitely see why construction was still going. Suddenly a noise behind her made her turn. It was the murderer, holding a bloodstained weapon from the Villains Room. "Dragon blood is very useful, don't you agree? It especially makes a nice murder weapon," the murderer hissed. Butterfly Annabella was too shocked at who the murderer was to say anything. She was sure anyone would by shocked. But her? She was so dainty, more shocked than others. Finally she stuttered, "It-it-it's y-you?" Her voice had a squeaky quality about it. "Yessss, It's me," the murderer said mockingly. In one swift movement, they used the sword to try to cut Annabella. The hilt touched her, not the blade. But the murderer didn't need dragon blood to kill Annabella. As soon as she was over the edge, she fell. Annabella tried to fly but she was pulled by the heat of the magma. As she fell, she looked up. She wanted her last sight to be beautiful. The diamond called to her as she spiraled down, as if trying to save her. With a final, shrill, scream, Annabella plunged into the magma and burned. What a horrible way to die.


Everyone heard the scream while they were playing. Everyone rushed to the North wing. They could just see a dark, butterfly-like, shape floating sown the magma river. "NO!" Shoshanna screamed. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Fred and Robert screamed. All three of them clung together and watched the remnants of Annabella float down the magma stream. Shoshanna turned, red-eyed, to the other CBers. "Whoever did this, whoever murdered Annabella, I'll send you to the sky roughly!" she screamed. The FSK was pale faced. "Two murders in one day . . . this wasn't supposed to happen," she muttered. Raising her voice, she said, "You may as well go back to your rooms. I'll call Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Murtagh to investigage on this." "NO! My AE was just murdered and that's what you tell us?" Shoshanna rejected. "There isn't anything else we can actually do," Fireburst reminded her gently. "YOU!" Shoshanna rounded on Fireburst. "You are so unforgiving, you might as well be the murderer!" she yelled. Fireburst gaped in shock. The FSK retold everyone to get back to their rooms and this time, they obeyed. And so ended, Day 1.


Sorry guys, I get a little emotional in my stories. So, did you like it? 

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 12, 2017 - 9:42 pm)

Poor Annabella...

I have reason now to believe the murderer is in the Villians room, and most likely they somehow recognized dragon blood.

Also, if I was the murderer, than I would try to throw everyone off my trail by sounding a little unsympathetic to make them irrationally say that I am the murderer, which would make everyone think that I am not the murderer, because they thought I was, as confusing as that is... 

submitted by Fireburst
(April 13, 2017 - 10:44 am)

Okay! Puck will be with the Innocents and Diovald is in Villains.

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 12, 2017 - 9:44 pm)

I LOVE IT!!! My favorite part of it was all the murderer drama! Good job. :)

submitted by AutumnArtist
(April 13, 2017 - 7:09 am)

Oh no! Am I the murderer??!? I mean, the murderer was very sarcastic.... aahhhhhhhh!!!!

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson exists? Yeshhh! 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(April 13, 2017 - 10:30 am)

Uh oh... I'm kinda wondering if I'm responsible for Butterfly's death... both because I may be the murderer, and cause DRAGON BLOOD was used. Did that come from me...? Or Saphira? Or some other dragon?

I'm so sorry if I'm the murderer, LilyPad and Butterfly Annabella. RIP. Or, er... RUKB and RIM. (Rest under knight bus and rest in magma)  Am I horrible for making jokes right now?


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 13, 2017 - 5:39 pm)

Day 2 - Part 1


All the CBers in Innocents Room had woken up refreshed. They were waken by the gentle sound of birds chirping, canarys and nightingales most likely, and some Hamilton - excerpts from "It's Quiet Uptown" and "Burn". This peacefulness was disturbed by a loud whoopee cushion sound. "Puck!" Elementgirl yelled, "You put a whoopee cushion in my bed!" "Sorry," said Puck, looking slightly embarrased, "It must've slipped out from my prank bag from above, it does weird stuff." A Hamilton excerpt made everything quiet again.


In the Heroes Room, Cbers, AEs, and CAPTCHAs alike were woken up by "Story of Tonight" and "You'll be Back" with some lion and eagle cries following suit. Joan B. of Arc was the first one up, bustling around, looking for her clothes. A few late-night stragglers fell out of their beds and rubbed their eyes. Soon, everyone was up and rapidly dressing.


Booming sounds of war and "Yorktown" got everyone up in a matter of seconds in the Villains Room. Fireburst let out a snore and burst out of bed. This was accompanied by a crackling of flames. Diovald yelped before he realized that it was only a sound. "HERCULES MULLIGAN, UP IN IT, LOVING IT," blared out and quite a few people and animals started. 


Quickly, everyone was thronging in the dining room, waiting for breakfast. A few minutes later, miniture Komodo dragon on stout legs wove their way through the crowd, holding platters of pancakes, butter, and baskets of blueberries. Willow was quick to make her way to the blueberries. "Careful Willow," Quirker warned, "eat too fast and you'll get a stomachache." What happened next was too fast to process. Willow, paying no heed to Quirker's warning, gulped down a couple of blueberries. She started making regurgitating sounds and her body shook like she was electrecouted. Just like that, it was over. Willow's eyes were glazed over and she wasn't breathing. "No!" Quirker cried out with Peggy. The FSK pushed her way to the front of the hubbub. "What's happened?" she demanded. "Willow died," Peggy choked out. The FSK's eyes clouded over. She started muttering to herself and suddenly noticed the spilled blueberries. "No one touch these!" she yelled. "Bring me the S- I mean mini Komodo dragons as quick as you can!" Someone called them. "Why," the FSK demanded, "are there deathberries instead of blueberries?" "I'm sorry, someone gave them to me and said they were juniper berries," squeaked a little Komodo dragon. The FSK was again, befuddled so she retired to her rooms. The CBers milled around, talking about the new development. Suddenly, Esquire leaped up on a table and shouted, "Quiet! Lilypad, Annabella, and Willow's deaths were obviously planned! We need to find out who the murderer is!" "Yeah!" Shoshanna and Quirker shouted in agreement. 


Soon after, the FSK reappeared. "I'm not going to put you in groups of three because that never works so don't worry about partners," she said. "I think we should let go our worry for a small amount of time and just have fun! The Amusment Park and Water Park are now open!  Be sure to check out the High Five-seater, Harry Potter Wand duel Simulator, Fantastic Beasts creator, Tour of Galbatorix’s castle, Camp Half-Blood training session, Sister’s Grimm Puzzlers, School for Good and Evil sorting and training. And for the water park, see the Giant vertical slide, Lightning, Corkscrew slide, Corkscrew, Gentle slope slide, Foothill, pool, underwater scenery tunnel, underwater snorkel!


The CBers wandered off in their own little groups and the AEs in one large one. As the AEs tailed each other around, Anna and Lock Kyar dropped off and wandered to the water park. "I'm going on the Lighting!" Anna yelled. "Race ya there!" Lock Kyar challenged. The two AEs raced off. Lock reached there first so he spiraled down the slide. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" he screamed. Anna, not wanting to miss out, jumped in too and they both slid down. When they were halfway down, Lock Kyar saw a chink in the slide. It led directly underwater. The murderer hadn't meant for it to be seen. Lock yelled something to Anna and they both went underwater, donning scuba gear from who-knows-where. It is lucky that AEs are a bit insane.


Part two will come soon! 

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 13, 2017 - 9:42 pm)