You are sitting

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You are sitting

You are sitting on your bed, staring out the window. You're parents have totally banned you from any socializing, even the CBer! All because you got FRAMED for stealing your little sister's toy dog! You can almost imagine your sister's smug face as she thinks about where she hid the dog. You finally get up and dress. You've decided to take a walk. As you tiptoe out the front door, a wind picks up and leaves start to swirl around. You head back inside. It's too cold. As you slip back into bed, you hear a slight crumpling of paper. An inquisitive feeling starts to grow and you feel around for the paper. You finally snatch it out from under the covers. In an instant, the light is on and you're reading the paper. It's an old-style piece of parchment.

Dear Special CBer,

You, yes, you, have been one of the twelve lucky CBers chosen to go on a vacation in FANTASYLAND! Fantasyland is the land where stories come true, good and bad. But don't fear the villains! Since the protagonists have defeated them in every story, none of them will harm you. Back to your vacation now. You will be traveling to the story headquarters where every story in existence is cataloged. You will be staying in the newly opened resort called Fairy Vacations Free! And yes, it is free! Except for custom-made popcorn. From there on, you will get to meet story characters of all kind! From Murtagh to Snow White! We will be having a ticket raffle for the 13th guest who is a V.I.P. You will also get to experience amusment rides of all kinds! The Harry Potter Duel Simulator is a fairly popular one. Also, there will be a swimming pool connected to a water park. Won't that be fun! Pack your bags and hop on either Thorn, Saphira, Shruikan (tamed of course and will seat two), Norberta, Nagini, a Thestrel, Blackjack, Snow White's carriage, Snowfire, the Knight Bus (will seat three)! A solo audience with the people who own the transport will be allowed too! You are permitted to bring one CAPTCHA, three AEs, and anything of your choice! RVSP on the back. 


The Fantasy Story Keeper

You read the tiny, fine print at the bottom.

Staff are not responsible for any death. Please fill out sheet.



What you are bringing:


I am/am not coming to this trip.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so, you may have noticed this is a ski lodge. OF COURSE YOU NOTICED THAT THIS IS A SKI LODGE! It's my first and I'm just writing off the top of my head so the writing might not be first-rate. The V.I.P. will be the murderer, coming without my knowing. One of the villains hijacked the raffle so that a murderer will come. But who indeed is the V.I.P.? 

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 1, 2017 - 7:54 pm)
submitted by Nudge, age Top, Poke
(April 24, 2017 - 4:14 pm)

@Fantasy Story Keeper:

MysticLion wants you to know that she will be monitoring this Ski Lodge from my computer, because hers is being all glitchy and won't let her back on this website. Sad, but true. She's still participating though!


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 24, 2017 - 4:38 pm)

And possibly my very favorite part of Hamilton. It's like my writing mantra. XD




Why, Murderer, why?

*starts sobbing*

YOU WILL PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, great part! 


submitted by elementgirl18917
(April 24, 2017 - 5:15 pm)

Thanks for the enthusiasm! But what if you're the murderer? DUN DUN DUUUUUN!

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 24, 2017 - 10:08 pm)

Okay everyone! 

Day 3 - Part 2


Lunch was dreary. There was no other description available. Even the FSK seemed saddened. Even the blueberry salads and popsicles served at lunch couldn't lighten the mood. "Well, today, we are going to have a horcrux hunt!" the FSK said, trying and failing to be cheerful. "We'll seperate into teams of four and when Yorktown starts playing, you scatter acrossthe property, looking for a ring, Hufflepuff cup, snake, nineteenth century diary, golden locket engraved with a S, and a diadem." On this remark, "The battle of Yorktown, 1887," blared out and the CBers, CAPTCHAs, and AEs, broke up into teams and scattered across the property. ~~~

Only Mei-Xue, Destiny, Munnin, and Esquire stayed behind, talking strategy. "We should seperate in order to cover more ground," Destiny suggested. "Nono! Easi erer forr murd erer toge tuss!" Munnin squeaked. "Munnin's right, but we also do have a high chance of staying alive too," Mei-Xue pointed out. "Then it's settled, we'll split up," Esquire decided. The murderer smirked from their vantage point. This would be too easy. They creeped after Mei-Xue as she headed for the south wing of the resort. Mei was checking out the Writers Workshop when the murderer made their first mistake. They drew a dagger which alerted Mei. She forced herself to act normal, like she hadn't heard the slither of a dagger being drawn. Then, the murderer came out. Mei whirled around and tried to punch the murderer. Instead, she punched a cup of tacks which, well, hurt. "Ow," Mei said. THe murderer had enough. They were advancing on Mei-Xue when out of nowhere, came the cries of other CBers. "Oh no," they cursed. They melted into the shadows and disappeared.


Soon, the CBers were upon Mei. "Are you hurt?" Mystic Lion asked. "Yes, tell us!" said a random, concerned AE. "Did you see the murderer?" "I'm fine except for these tacks and I didn't see the murderer. Everything was just a blur," Mei replied shortly. Everyone groaned. Except for one person. "Chatter, why aren't you groaning? Are you th murderer?" Nebula turned to Chatter. She didn't reply. Chatter had a dauthdaert sticking right through her. Her eyes were wide. "CHATTER!" Nebula yelled. The murderer smiled grimly. They hadn't got the person they wanted, instead they got a useless CAPTCHA. Ah well. 


The rest of the afternoon passed without much incident except for the addition of a talking tree for Chatter. A few people swore that they saw something in the shadows. They were actually right. The murderer was slinking around, looking for their next victim. The FSK passed out a few headphones for Hamilton but nothing else really happened. At dinner, everyone was silent. "Do you notice a pattern in the murders? I mean, first A-nna, then B-utterfly Annabella, and now C-hatter," Fireburst asked timidly. "Um, are you actually saying that to Destiny's face?" Shoshanna murmured, "I mean, I've had an AE murdered and now you're predicting the death of poor Destiny?" All eyes went to Destiny. "What?" she asked, oblivious to what was going on. "Oh," she said, catching on to all the expressions. "Curfew! We have a curfew now! To bed! To bed!" the loudspeaker yelled. Grumbling, everyone trooped upstairs to their dorms. All was quite. Except for a few mutterings of rebellious AEs, wanting to break the curfew.


Like it? Finish the lyrics!

Daddy said to be home by suuundown! 

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 24, 2017 - 10:06 pm)

This is a great part... but one small correction.

1781, not 1887 

submitted by ...
(April 29, 2017 - 1:22 pm)

I think I may know who the murderer is. I'll go over what we know.

#1: the murderer is in the Villians room. (Or at least the clues suggest that)

#2:the murderer is not a CAPTCHA.

#3:the murderer is probably not an Æ. (I once was reading through a Ski Lodge and someone said "a CAPTCHA doen't have the speach powers that this person has, and it's far too targeted for an Æ. The same can be said here.)

#4: the murderer knows about dragon blood.

So, after carefully considering, I think that I am the murderer. 

submitted by Fireburst
(April 25, 2017 - 10:06 pm)


I think I'm the murderer, because I AM a dragon. But if I'm not, please don't take this as an excuse to kill me!!! 

submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 26, 2017 - 8:49 am)

Maaaaaaybe. You won't find out until the end of this Ski Lodge!

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 26, 2017 - 8:16 am)


submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 26, 2017 - 8:47 pm)
submitted by NEW PART OUT!
(April 29, 2017 - 8:19 am)

The last comment just said "NEW PART OUT!", but I don't see a new part yet....

submitted by Um...
(April 29, 2017 - 10:45 am)

Er, I was "advertising" Day 3, Part 2.

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(April 29, 2017 - 2:14 pm)

FSK, oops, sorry! I hope my post wasn't offensive in any way.

submitted by Um...
(April 30, 2017 - 7:13 am)
submitted by It's fine!
(April 30, 2017 - 10:12 am)