Official CB Harry

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Official CB Harry

Official CB Harry Potter fan club!
(also known as DA)

(Stricktly potterheads only)

Welcome to the CB Harry Potter Fan Club Meeting Thread! Please sign up below to join. It's not a big commitment, just a place to chat, rant and fangirl/boy over JK Rowling's work. You dont have to post everyday either, Im just interested to know how many people will be posting and reading. 

The Official CB Harry Potter Fan Club will be a place to chat, debate and rant (keep the rants sensible and polite) for potterheads only. Haters, please steer clear of this thread, we dont want to start arguments! Remember, respect other people's opinions because not everyone likes the same things as each other! We can talk about favourite charecters and quiz each other with HP trivia questions.

Activities (please add to this list):


First debating topic:

Is Snape good or bad? If you haven't éread all the books, beware of spoilers!

Respect other peoples opinions, and keep the debating polite! 

Random ranting:

Anything you choose!

Sorting Quiz:

Does anybody want to run this quiz themselves? First person to ask can. If not, I will!

HP related games:

ACGs, RPs, SIs, even art posting or anything else! Whatever you'd like; to start one, simply post an idea, explain it and have fun!


How are the movies? Are they well written do you think? Do they stick to the plot as much as they should? And is the acting good? 

Just chat!

Who is your favourite character? Whats your opinion on the movie? Do you like the new book? This is the chatterbox after all!

Anything youde like!

Please do! Make your own activities.



Remember, its not a commitment, just a place to have fun for potterheads young and old!


CB name: LilyPad, or Lily. Just check the name box!

Harry Potter nerdiness (optional) ?/10: Probably 9.5/10

House (Griffindoor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slitherin) If you're unsure, skip this! : I'm generelly a Griffonpuff! Half griffondoor, half hufflepuff.


Enjoy, potterheads! Sign up anytime! 


submitted by LilyPad
(April 17, 2017 - 11:06 pm)

Foreword:  I am a strong believer in not all Slytherins being horrible people. It's just the house with the most. SLYTHERIN RIGHTS! (I'm in Ravenclaw, however)

Rant #934 (If you haven't read all the books, DON'T READ ANY OF MY POSTS.)

"There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." -Ron

One word to tear his argument apart: Liar. (Just kidding. This is why Ron was right--in a way, but also wrong) 

Here's the entire list. There's probably more, but as of now it's just these two names: P-p-poor stuttering Proffessor Quirrel (REFERENCE ALERT), and Wormtail. 

Houses being Ravenclaw (I had to do research on a few houses for this) and Gryffindor.  Wormtail's being obvious, Quirrel's not so much.

First of all, Quirrel and Wormtail weren't evil in school. Peter quite enjoyed being with the Mauraders. He 'looked on in awe' when James was showing off with that snitch.

Second of all, Quirrel left somewhere and never was the same. I forget the location, but he was recruited by Voldemort there, and turned bad, quite forcefully.

Third, ah, Peter Pettigrew. He was known for always trailing behind higher forces, and when the tide turned to Voldemort, as did he. (Random Deathly Hallows thought: why didn't Peter turn into a rat when he was being strangled? It would have saved his life. Then again, Peter was never the wisest.) 

I'm getting to my point.

Neither of these wizards were evil at first, and the Hat sorted them very well. Then, when they graduated, they turned and changed, or Went Bad.

But the real thought is that once sorted, none change their houses. So they deserved Slytherin, but technically couldn't be, while they still had it in them.

So Ron was right in a way--not a witch or wizard went bad who wasn't in Slytherin....inside. 

submitted by Icy
(April 27, 2017 - 9:44 am)

Adding to Icy's rant.

Don't forget Merlin! He was a Slytherin! 


So, when I go to my math class, I draw HP related stuff. I started doing it about two months ago and I've set out to draw all of Diagon Alley's shops. Like, I write down the name of the shop, draw/write its contents (what it's selling), and then open it! I've done Ollivanders, Broom Shop, and now I'm currently working on an Apothecary. I even made a logo. It's HP Diagonally with a HP sign and a lightning bolt diagonally above the logo name. You all get the joke about Diagonally, right? If not, I'll explain it to you. I came up with this a few months ago when I read a HP fanfic about Diagon Alley being "Diagonal Lee". So I came up with Diagonally. Diagon-ally. Now do you get it?

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 28, 2017 - 10:47 pm)

Great job, Icy! I love it, and I love how much work you put into that fabulous rant. It must have taken a lot of research, so congrats! 

submitted by Rae
(April 27, 2017 - 1:52 pm)

@Rae: Yes, great idea! Members of DA, unite!

@Icy: Well, done! Great rant (: 


submitted by LilyPad
(April 28, 2017 - 2:20 am)

SORRY, I MEANT RANDOM PERSON! Thanks, Random Persoj for the suugestion of DA. Definitely. 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 29, 2017 - 1:58 am)



submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 30, 2017 - 8:05 am)

The moment you realize you can't write fanfic about Voldemort's daughter anymore because she already exists.

The moment you realize Pottermore expanded a revolutionary amount after Fantastic Beasts. 

The moment you realize this thread is dying and you have been put under the Imperius curse to top. 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(May 3, 2017 - 9:05 pm)
(May 5, 2017 - 10:36 pm)

I've always had these questions about the last book in the Harry Potter series?  And, well this is a Harry Potter thread, soo...*SPOILER ALERTS*

When Voldemort shoots the killing curse at Harry, and Harry meets Dumbledore, what is the crying mass Harry finds in the place he thinks is "Kings Cross Station"?  

Also, What does Voldemort taking Harry's blood (and Harry's mother's protection) have to do with Harry not being killed when Voldemort shoots the killing curse at Harry?

submitted by Treble Clef
(May 6, 2017 - 10:17 am)


submitted by Rae
(May 6, 2017 - 12:50 pm)

I have...A THEORY!

I think that it's because the killing curse killed the part of Voldemort in Harry. Allow me to explain?

Harry had his mother's love. Even with it, if he wished to kill himself, he would probably be able to do so. The same goes with Voldemort and the piece of him in Harry.

Also, it being that Voldemort has taken Harry's mother's protection and, it being inside him, protects Harry from him, even more? Seeing as the first time Harry gets attacked by Voldemort, the curse rebounds, I propose that, again, the curse rebounded on Voldemort thanks to Harry's mother's protection--it rebounded on the Voldemort inside Harry.

submitted by Icy
(May 6, 2017 - 9:12 pm)

Totally joining.

CB name: Epic Fangirl

Harry Potter nerdiness: probably like 7-ish/10

House: Slitherclaw, half Slitherin half Ravenclaw 

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 6, 2017 - 11:29 pm)

Sorry I spelled Slytherin wrong! It's not spelled how you think it is and it's disconcerting!

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! The CAPTCHA says 'piev' like Peeves. It knew! IT KNEW!!!!! 

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 7, 2017 - 12:09 am)

CB name: Quill

Harry Potter nerdiness: 20/10

House: Hufflepuff!


I love the name Potterheads; is that a play off Parrotheads? Jimmy Buffett forever! 

submitted by Quill, age 12, NJ
(May 7, 2017 - 7:36 am)


Name: Vanessa K. (Van for short)

HP Nerdiness: 1,000,000/10

House: Ravenclaws! I have the brains!

Don't know what to talk about.........

Snape is definitely good! He protected Harry, and he came to Dumbldore to ask about protecting them.  He also gave Harry the memory tears so he could understand.

My favorite characters are Harry in the later movies (He's cute) and Hermione.  

submitted by Vanessa K., age 12, Jorvik
(May 7, 2017 - 8:37 am)