Regular poetry thread

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Regular poetry thread

Regular poetry thread (because I'm tired of not editing my poems)

This is exactly what it sounds like! A thread to post poetry. I'm excited to read all of your work!

submitted by Bluebird
(April 30, 2017 - 8:51 pm)

I don't know if this will be posted, and I understand if it's not, but I love this poem. It's definetly a rant-type poem, but it's still beautiful in my opinion! And a slight trigger warning, this poem is about a personal experience of a battle with mental health. <3


I doubt this will end up being posted, which is fine, but if it does I hope you enjoy!!

<3 Spellbound 


Hi Spellbound. After consideration, we have decided not to post your poem, as it was too serious and personal for the CB. However, writing about how you feel can really help with mental health struggles, and I encourage you to keep doing so, even if those writings do not end up here. - Admin


submitted by Spellbound , age 12 she, xe, they, lost in therapy
(November 10, 2021 - 3:30 pm)

@admins, alright, thank you! I took a break from writing poetry for a really long time, and I just recently discovered that they are a very good way to rant. I hope to write more, even if they don't get posted. Luckily, I have many real life friends who enjoy my poetry, and although I do love getting to see my own posted on here, I completely understand why this one wasn't shared. Again, thanks, and have a wonderful day!

<3 Spellbound 

submitted by Spellbound , age 12 she, xe, they, lost in therapy
(November 11, 2021 - 7:51 am)

To go up,

You must be down.

Like to smile,

you must frown.


Endure the bad

To see the good.

To be understood

You must be misunderstood.


It all will make sense

When you live life.

To be good

You must see strife.



What do you think? Admins, what do you think? 


Wise words for thought. Simple words with deep meaning to contemplate. Very good!


submitted by Pancake
(November 10, 2021 - 7:02 pm)

Thank you!

submitted by Pancake
(November 10, 2021 - 7:35 pm)

love you always

i thought you

knew i loved you, but then i never said it back

because you always said you loved me and i thought

i thought you knew that every time i silently told you i loved you too.


i thought you

knew you belonged, but then i never told you

how much you meant to me. but i guess that

belonging isn’t only being wanted by someone, is it, and regardless you


never knew


i thought you

knew. i thought that you knew it and it would keep you warm

like a coat on a winter day, the way i am kept

but you did not, so i have lost you too. i 

miss you sometimes.


i’ll love you always.


i hope you

knew i loved you, but then you never seemed to

agree, when i told you you were worth it. i hope you 

loved me too you always acted like it was a given and i’m glad you


thought i was worth it

i hope you

know you’re worth ten of me, and you always will be, and there’s a

reason i told you all those times that you meant everything and

it’s okay that i never really worked out with everyone else.

i hope you

knew. i hope you knew it and it kept you warm like

a coat on a winter day, the one i think you tried to give me

but you were just a little scared to fall and so i am lost to you. i

miss you sometimes.

i’ll love you always. 


i really wish i could use right align it would look so much better *tears* 

submitted by Luminescence, age thirteen, she/her, sunny side up
(November 10, 2021 - 9:23 pm)

:' (

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(November 11, 2021 - 4:15 pm)

This place is home,

Isn't it?

It has a cozy fire

That is emiting

A homey feel.


If it is not home,

Where else would it be?

It has my bedroom,

It has my balcony.

It has my freedom.


It has love and cheer.

It is aligned.

Those are not mine,

This place is divine

Because it is my home.


I just came here,

I am new,

But it must be my home,

I have been through

Every room and I say that it is mine.




@Admins and everyone else, what do you think? 


Lovely, Pancake! We did need to remove a line, as the CB does not allow mention of alcohol or other substances. If you would like to change the line or resubmit you are welcome to. - Admin

submitted by Pancake, age Open, Custard Shop
(November 11, 2021 - 7:26 am)

Instead of the line you had to take out, put "it is aligned"

submitted by Pancake
(November 11, 2021 - 4:01 pm)

Scarlet runs,

Iron tints the stale air-- 

Who gave you the right to choose?


These people had no choice;

You cut their lives short--

Cleaved souls from bodies

On these desolate sands,

Stained with the blood  

Of those who never had a choice.


Who gave you the right to steal

That precious spark which was not your own? 

Who let your orders fall, followed by blades

And Okay'd endless barrages of bombs,

Loosed upon undeserving targets? 

Who gave you the right to make that choice?


Now, with blood on your hands

You strut about, prouder than ever; 

While innocence, quiet white creamy petals,

are consumed by waves of darkening maroon,

Half a world away. 

They never asked for this. 


Out of sight, out of mind;

But how could you do this? 

Who let you do this?

Who gave you the right to choose?

It was never meant to be your choice.


I wonder, do some people not deserve a choice at all? 

But I'm sure you said that too,

That's why you stole their choice in the first place, right? 

What makes someone deserve a choice? 

What is the cost of choosing? 

submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost in a Thought
(November 11, 2021 - 4:12 pm)

Everything holds in place

All's still, silent, at beautiful peace--


the plummet

And weightlessness sets in,

Hurtling towards an empty 'Fin.' 

I watch everything around me rise,

Violently racing to the sky

And wonder why I was never allowed to fly?

Instead I near the earth once more 

For an eternity after this moment bound to the floor. 

I take it in, I don't feel wronged;

Just sad I was never granted the flight

which I had, for so long, for longed.


Haha, that last line was trippy. I'm still not enrirely sure I got it right, actually?

submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost in the Void
(November 11, 2021 - 6:29 pm)

I dropped a bottle

On the ground

It broke to pieces

With quite a sound.

The pieces flew

Through the air

But didn't hit me

Or my hair.

They fell

upon the ground

And stayed there

So I locked the room under a mound.

I pretent to forget

What happened that day

But really, I still do

And someday, I may

Reopen it.




What do you think?

submitted by Pancake
(November 12, 2021 - 10:29 am)

I wish to disappear

Into the pages

To melt seamlessly

Into the comforting folds of

Weathered paper and book-smell

To be sheltered from a world

That was never my own

And will always be too much.

I'd rather be immortalised in every emotion possible

Eternally fixed in the same cycle of up and down

Identically flying and falling, not like this world;

I'd rather become a monster, something evil--

Something fueled on hate and anger and being driven forward.

I've lived carefully for so long, so how has it come to this?

Why couldn't I have been born to a different world

Where this one never existed. 

Or perhaps it would be better the other way around. 

submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost in the Void
(November 12, 2021 - 2:56 pm)

I lose myself in a sea of tears 

I know I'll never escape on my own

Eaten up by my fears,

You promise me I'll never again be alone;

And so I give into the demons

Let them seize my soul

If it means trading but a moment,

Memories, emotions, or life to make me whole; 

Yeah it hurts so much,

But the pain's so much more without;

It's all within my reach



Woah- oh


Just wear away

At that last sliver my humanity 

I don't want it

I don't need it 

And just like that, I'm free. 


Angsty. It was originally one of my songs.

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Void
(November 12, 2021 - 6:57 pm)

Oh my gosh this is beautiful. I love all of your poems, but the angsty vibes are amazing, and I'd absolutely love to hear this as a song!! What style of music do you write, and do you use certain instruments or do you play around with different things? Do you sing them?? Sorry, I just love writing both poetry and songs, and I love this! One of my friends asked me to turn one of my poems I posted on here into a song recently, and so I did and it was just great seeing other poetry-songs. I just love the way you did this and would love to hear the actual song!! Anyways, incredible!!

<3 Spellbound 

submitted by Spellbound@Jaybells, age 12 she, xe, They, lost in therapy
(November 15, 2021 - 9:56 am)

Thank you!

To answer your questions:

> I have a pretty varied 'style,' it you can call it that, because just like poems or stories, music just sort of pops into my head and I have to scramble to write it down/record it before I forget or accidentally let it melt into something else. I don't really know how to describe what it sounds like, but it's fun to experiment and switch things up! (Plus usually it's kinda influenced by however I feel in the moment and whatever I've recently been listening to.)

> I do sing my songs! Like, I'll usually be doing something else and humming, and then words get added in and then- AH I HAVE TO WRITE THIS DOWN! Ya' know? Sometimes when I want to song-write something I'll play around on the piano until there's a 'thread' I like and then I can add chords(or sometimes it's the chords first) and words until it seems presentable. Most of the time I'll then record it, so I won't forget what exactly it sounds like. Guitars are nice too, and I tend to be satisfied with the sound of it maybe more, but it doesn't come as naturally to me as piano.

So, good luck with your poem-song adaptation!

On a different note, I was just thinking, it's a shame that we can't share recordings on here (though I totally understand), but it's probably a good thing 'cause now you can imagine it sounds way better that it probably actually did. :' )

Maybe I could write the sheet music or something, but I'll have to figure it out then and I am not pitch-perfect by any means... 

Anyways sorry that went on for a long time. :/

submitted by Jaybells@Spellbound, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(November 15, 2021 - 6:05 pm)