Regular poetry thread

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Regular poetry thread

Regular poetry thread (because I'm tired of not editing my poems)

This is exactly what it sounds like! A thread to post poetry. I'm excited to read all of your work!

submitted by Bluebird
(April 30, 2017 - 8:51 pm)

I wrote this last night and I kinda like it. Feedback/critiques appreciated!



i. you had a plan once or

maybe it was just an idea of where you were going but then it

all of sudden


your mind went blank and grey and

all your meticulously organized thoughts scattered

like snowflakes in the wind

against a grey sky


ii. it’s easier to dance i think

when you know the steps

every count is 

laid out neatly like

stones in a line and 

you’ve done it so many times and

you know it by heart it’s ingrained in your brain and

you couldn’t forget the moves if you tried

but this is


you’re making it up as you go and you

don’t ever know where you’re going 



iii. now darling you’re on your own

you’ll have to find your way from here because i 

can no longer help you

you’ve lost your


your map

look at the stars to find your way

step by step you’ll choose your path and you don’t know where you’re going

you’re choosing every move as you make it but

that’s okay you just have to 

keep moving


iv. you’ve been thrown out onto the stage

you don’t have a plan and

they’re all watching you


you know the song that’s playing 

and you knew the steps once too but your mind is blank now 

life isn’t choreographed darling

this is improv so


just go, don’t think

let the music take your hand and 

lead you where you wouldn’t go alone 

don’t second guess yourself, darling 

when you feel it, go

the time is right and

it’s pounding in your chest now

it’s beating inside you it’s coursing through your veins like

liquid fire

don’t hold back

you were made to fly believe it or not so just 

jump off the edge and


v. let yourself go

submitted by Leeli
(November 23, 2018 - 11:52 am)


This poem is awesome! It also hurts a little, because that's what I feel like often. So, you put it into words really well! 

I do have a little bit of critique--if you're looking for flow, it might sound a little better if you added some more "and's" and break up the second line of the first verse. I might do it like this:

i. you had a plan once or

maybe it was just an idea of where you were going

but then it

all of sudden

disappeared and

your mind went blank and grey and

all your meticulously organized thoughts scattered 


And also, I personally would have it say "but this is/improv so" in the second verse, instead of just "but this is/improv", it ends a little abruptly there.

In the third verse, another "and" would be good after "compass" so it goes: "you've lost your/compass and/your map"

This is just how I would do it to make it flow more, but overall, you did a really good job on that! It's amazing!  



submitted by Leafpool
(November 23, 2018 - 2:34 pm)

Aah, thank you so much! I’m glad it’s relatable. And thanks for the critiques, I agree that those little changes would help it flow better.

submitted by Leeli
(November 23, 2018 - 8:58 pm)

I've got two short poems, both untitled....


another month

passed away--

it fell to the depths of

lost calendars and

crossed-out days

leaving only traces

of slightly color-bled



drooping eyelids,

lethargic, sleepy and moving slow

wishing to fall back into dreamy

lack of pain, warm and sweet

snow falls outside and

one could rest forever

almost suspended in



They'd probably be a lot better with titles. 

submitted by Leafpool
(November 23, 2018 - 2:39 pm)

@Leeli, I so agree- I'm all like 'wow, this poem is great, I'll post it!' then I see Leafy's and Abi's and I'm like 'my life is sad'. XP

@Leafpool my poems almost never have titles and they still have the same amount of meaning. 


i. in a furious whirlwind of 

shouts and anger and tears

I lost you 

and you were all i

had, because you were all i 

ever needed.


ii. I am left to fumble in the dark, to

wonder if the lightswitch 

can ever be found, or if

it was never truly there.


iii. I feel like i'm  

stuck in a cold tunnel with

no light at the end that i can

(or will ever)

see. i think that

that means

I will never see you standing there,

reaching out to me.


iv. it's all my fault that

you will never come back to me- 

i slipped on the tightrope

we were walking together

and plummeted down

into the depths of reality.


v. I feel empty now,

like a jack-o'-lantern with

no candle, a hollow,

lifeless shape

doomed to forever stare at

looming figures with the

same stupid expression.


vi. i wonder if you miss me

but i guess i'll never know

i'll be stuck in my own head,

trapped with my own awful thoughts.


vii. i need you.

before i am gone.


Also, ~weird~ Boo says aeam.  

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(November 23, 2018 - 4:29 pm)

Right? XD

Also, that poem was so good! Aaah I love it! I have two small critiques/suggestions that I’ll throw out—first, on iii, the part that goes /see. I think that/ that means/ I would get rid of one of the ‘that’s. Second, on iv, where it goes /i slipped on the tightrope/ we were walking together/ and plummeted down/ into the depths of reality/ I think I’d add a ‘that’ before ‘we were walking together’. But those are just kinda opinion things that I think might make it flow better, so feel free to ignore me. ;) 

submitted by Leeli
(November 23, 2018 - 6:01 pm)

@Leafpool, I love those! They’re both really good. The last one is my favorite, I love the end.

I have another poem that I think turned out not entirely bad. For a title, I’m debating between ‘black and white and fake smiles’ or ‘black and white and bright fluorescents’, or possibly something else if I come up with anything better. I’m open to suggestions!


it was his photo and he had on a fake smile

she was in the background doing something silly (and her smile

was almost real) but

they didn’t notice her

(she didn’t even want to be in that picture


she tried to brush it off but

she couldn’t deny that it stung a little

when the words they used were obviously 


and she had to wonder if they’d even 

realized she was there


she’s invisible too often now it seems

slipping in and out of shadows 

in and out and

in and out

she stands in the background with a fake smile and

she pretends like it doesn’t bother her and

she watches as they shine the spotlight (white white fluorescent light)

on him and her stomach sours every time and it

gnaws at her insides when she lies in her bed at night

in the pitch black and stares at the ceiling and she wonders

why it bothers her so much because

she knows it shouldn’t

she knows it shouldn’t 


these days it seems like she’s always

dancing in the background

black and white floral leggings

and nothing special

she does the same things the same things and she tries

and when the others step forward to receive their praise

she stands in the background and

smears a fake smile on her face so they 

can’t see the tears


maybe it's just because

her pale ivory face is so easily washed out by

bright fluorescents but

when they look at her sometimes all they see is

black and white and

black and white and


submitted by Leeli
(November 24, 2018 - 2:04 pm)

This poem is really pretty and sad. I think "black and white and bright flourescents" sounds better, but "black and white and fake smiles" might be more on point. Or you could do something with "grey" in it.

submitted by Applejaguar, Wisteria
(November 24, 2018 - 6:44 pm)

Thank you! I think I’m leaning toward ‘black and white and bright fluorescents’, too.

submitted by Leeli
(November 24, 2018 - 9:36 pm)

something about

imagining you

ice skating with the dark sky full of the milky way

i bet you would go slowly

i bet you wouldn't like it

you're so careful


but i bet if i gave you a chance

i could watch you glide


one crisp, clear night

you walk out alone

trudge through woods

emerge in a clearing sorrounded by birches

you can dance with yourself here

you pull on your skates

and stand up on the ice

you think you're going to fall but


and all of a sudden you're gliding, gasping in the cool air, spinning, your hands flying out, hair streaming behind you 

you're beautiful

if only we could see you

you pirouette

i sit at home and think

you slice big circles on the ice

i do the sudoku you love so much

and when you come home

your cheeks are red and you 

have a smile on your face and 

secret stars in your eyes

where were you?

we ask and you laugh in a way that's unlike you


This is about my friend but not really. I was inspired by a line about improv in one of Leeli's poems that made me think of my friend. 


submitted by Applejaguar, Wisteria
(November 24, 2018 - 7:02 pm)

Oh wow, this is so pretty. It has a certain still, serene feeling and I love it. And, aah, what, I inspired someone! 

submitted by Leeli
(November 24, 2018 - 9:43 pm)

I attempted to re-write the poem "river roses" that I posted a long time ago! I also regulated the syllables so that it's six syllables, eight syllables, six again, and so on. It made it just a little more tedious but I like it! Kinda.


i. it was the springtime, love

you were watching yourself in the

water and i had lost

myself in how beautiful you

looked so that i didn't

notice a thing was wrong until

ii. it was too late for me

you were too naive and so was

i, with my flower crown

iii. you were self-focused and i got

cursed (to linger at the

riverside among the roses

and the trailing ferns and

lilacs) i will neither come nor

go i will never leave

iv. lost lost heart and ruined by you

now i am haunted by

the echoes of my former self

because these days i don't

know if i even exist or not

perhaps i am just a

memory or a fairytale

told to those with broken

hearts (shattered splintered fragmented)

i feel insubstantial

v. love came in at the worst time for

me and you never saw

one-sided love stories: tragic

vi. now you can visit my

grave though the crumbling headstone

is choked by vines and leaves

vii. i guess you didn't know that grief

was fatal, narcissus,

or maybe you would have noticed

my hands full of flowers

just in time to save my broken



(Hazel says empo. Is that supposed to mean tempo?) 

submitted by Leafpool
(November 26, 2018 - 12:59 pm)
submitted by topbumppokenudge
(November 30, 2018 - 6:29 pm)

the Taj Mahal

Today, we see the Taj Mahal
through a cracked glass screen
and an invisible net stretched around the globe.
We're trapped, but entranced,
unable to notice the rough hemp
chafing at our skin 
for fear that we'll miss
another photoshopped image, overly-vibrant colors,
and reshaded pixels, shining in blue light
that create an illusion 
that all is well.
Over here on our couches,
mirages shimmering before us,
we don't have the slightest clue
that, half a world away,
the Taj Mahal is crumbling.
Based on a news article I saw about the Taj Mahal crumbling (not sure if it's real but I hope not) and people's addictions with their computers/phones... 
submitted by Cassandra the First, Neverland
(November 30, 2018 - 9:24 pm)

That's so good! I hope the Taj Mahal isn't crumbling--I always thought that place was so cool.

submitted by Leafpool
(December 2, 2018 - 2:07 pm)