Endless Spring

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Endless Spring

Endless Spring
It's a clear, crisp December afternoon as you are walking home from school. The first flakes of winter are falling, and you stop to catch a few on your tongue. Most of the trees are bare of leaves, but one is covered in its full green foliage. You stop and peer up at the tree, the one that looks so unusual this time of year. And before you know what you're doing, you are sitting on a branch next to a bemused but unafraid crow, swinging your legs over the side of the branch. You notice something in the branches above you. A letter- with your name on it. You pluck it from the branch, and stop to marvel at the quality of the wax seal on it- green, with a leaf imprinted on it- that you barely notice the leaves on the tree slowly- but in perspective rapidly- changing first to yellow, then orange, red, and even a bit of purple and brown. They have started falling from the tree, but you are too immersed in your letter even to notice.
Dearest CBer, 
You are invited to a free of charge* 3-Week stay at Endless Spring Castle and Resort! You and only 21 of your fellow letter-holders** are invited- you'll have the whole place to yourselves, and be home before Christmas***! All homework is waived- just go to the front of your house at promptly 5 pm, CST, with your AEs, CAPTCHAs, and whatever you are bringing to the resort. The taxi will handle you from there. This trip includes a reenactment of Hamilton, a magical garden flower maze, and castle scavenger hunts. Best of luck, and enjoy your stay!
Your friend,
The Spring Queen (Please, call me Rose)
P.S: Once you have entered the hotel, you may not leave until the 21-day duration is up.
P.P.S: The spring queen is not responsible for injury, severe wounds, burns, deaths, poisonings, murders, or anything along those lines.
*The popcorn is not free. (Of course)
***With luck
Well, that was strange! you think, hopping down from the tree. You check your watch. 4:15 PM. 
You rush home to start preparing.
Hey, guys! As you might have already guessed, this is a ski lodge. The password is blossom. For new CBers who don't know, a ski lodge is like a murder mystery solo write using characters based off of Chatterboxers and their AEs. If you wish to attend, fill this sheet out for yourself and your AEs (Not necessary for CAPTCHAs). It can be as detailed or vague as you want, and you can reserve spots:
Name (and CB nicknames):
Looks (basically Appearance):
What you are Bringing:
Favorite Season:
Preferred character to play in Hamilton:
1: Do not bring weapons. I will supply the weapons.*evil grin*
2: You may guess me.
3: If you have reserved, please post your charrie sheet by the time I say spots are closed, or I will have to leave you out.
4: You must notify me in 'Other' if you do not like Hamilton.
5: You may guess me if you wish. 
Thanks, guys!
~The Spring Queen (Rose)
submitted by The Spring Queen, age Ageless, Endless Spring Resort
(December 3, 2017 - 10:02 am)

*inspects door* Is that mahogany or cherry? Pretty carvings. *tries handle* Locked. Drat. I didn't want to have to break such a lovely door. Unless there's another way in... *turns around*

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 28, 2017 - 6:27 pm)


Aah! *stumbles back*


Nymph! You scared me. That was a good one.

I know. *flaunts off a few steps* So, where are we?


*turns, one eyebrow raised*

We are here, in this overgrown palace courtyard, waiting for the Spring Queen to post the first installment. Or for the last charrie sheets to be posted. Or both. This is where everyone gathers to read and talk, react and speculate.

Like a waiting room?

Not exactly. This is just a theory, of course, but I think it's more like a party where everyone in attendance watches a TV show, and between episodes they remember that they're not in the show and let loose the fanpersoning and commentary. But since the show is a ski lodge, it's more like we're in a split reality and this is where part of everyone stays even after death because we don't actually die. You know?

I understand everything and nothing.

I take it you don't want me to explain again. 


All right. So. Are there any other doors here? 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 29, 2017 - 7:12 pm)

This place feels empty.

Yes, well, it's just us Nymph and Viola? here. And maybe the Spring Queen. But holidays do get busy, and other complications can prevent updates too.

You know that quite well.

I've been meaning to write, I'm just super busy! I've got an essay to finish and at least ten pages of Inside Out & Back Again to read and take notes on and only two days to do it, and right now I'm in Arlington, VA and I'm having fun with my cousin-

I suppose that's true. How do we revive this?

By doing what Viola? and Nymph are doing, and trying to draw attention to this thread.

Okay... so now what?

I don't now. 

submitted by Evergreen, + Cilantro
(December 29, 2017 - 9:12 pm)

That's a pretty good idea.

submitted by Allie
(December 30, 2017 - 8:24 am)

*sees Evergreen and Cilantro* Oh, hi! I'm trying to find a way into this castle. Want to help?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 30, 2017 - 9:20 am)

This is a good idea!

So....we just sit here talking about nonsensical things until one forgetful person suddenly remembers to post their sheets? Sounds like it might take a while.....

Yes, well, I've had my own experiences with waiting for reserved spots, so I can get The Spring Queen (or Rose)'s situation. And speaking of situation....@Spring Queen, so now that your deadline to actually end this Ski Lodge (it was orriginally the 24'th, I believe) has come and gone, what are you planning to do now? I know you have to keep waiting for the Charrie Sheets and that sucks, but will there be another 21 day span you are planning to set the begining of the Ski Lodge and the end?

submitted by Vyolette & Trevor
(December 30, 2017 - 12:22 pm)

I'm going to date the entries from December 3 through December 24.

submitted by The Spring Queen
(December 30, 2017 - 8:33 pm)

Whoa, disembodied voice. Cool.

@V&T: Thanks, and yep, that's the plan.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 31, 2017 - 10:57 am)

We'd love to help!

Hey, look!  There's a garden, and a maze... perhaps the maze leads to the castle?

submitted by Evergreen + Cilantro, Noctem in Terra
(December 30, 2017 - 7:11 pm)

*looks* Oh, so there is. Let's find out!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 31, 2017 - 10:46 am)

Viola, you might well be a genius to have come up with this. It's rather interesting, really. My question is, what are the limits? Can we do whatever we want? Or are we limied by normal human constraints? Because frankly, that makes it just a tad bit less fun.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(December 30, 2017 - 8:04 pm)

Thank you! I think the rules are basically Calvinball; you make them up as you go along. For example, I had no idea that garden and maze were there until just a minute ago, but now we're going to explore them. If limitations exist, I don't know what they are. I don't think it's very important right now, though. Do what thou wilt, and good fortune in it! *skips off to try the maze*

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(December 31, 2017 - 10:45 am)

Oh, can I come with you? Mazes are cool!

submitted by Allie
(December 31, 2017 - 5:20 pm)

Sure! The more, the merrier.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 3, 2018 - 5:22 pm)

CALVINBALL!! YES!!!  Lydia and Catsclaw: NOOOO!!!!!


hey, look, jedi training grounds! *begins stabbing at invisible enemies with a lightsaber* TAKE THAT! AND THAT!!! HII-YA! oh no. REG, GET OUT OF THE COFFEE SHOP!! YOU TURN INTO A LIVING NUCLEAR BOMB WHEN YOU HAVE CAFFEINE!!! *drinks coffee* Yum thatisreallygood. REG! NOOOO! *mushroom cloud* *facepalms* *facepalms* Lydia and Catsclaw: REG!!! grrrr... Uh-oh. BYE! *the waiting area has become a void of whiteness* *everyone descovers that they're able to control where they go with their minds* *everyone starts meterializing things with their minds*


Reg, you. are. so. frickin. ANNOYING!!! 



submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(December 31, 2017 - 7:44 pm)