You wake up

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You wake up

You wake up and sluggishly crawl out of bed. Yawning, you pour a cup of hot tea (or coffee, whatever floats your boat). You drain the cup, but when you reach the bottom, you find a surprisingly dry folded piece of paper. It reads:

Dearest CBer,

Greetings! How has your summer been? Good? Wonderful. I'd like to invite you to our all-inclusive summer camp- the Camp of the Arts, or C.O.T.A. We have courses in all different arts, as well as counselors and other staff to help make your camp experience as enjoyable as possible. If you choose to join us, please fill out the enclosed form and return via teakettle. You will be picked up at precisely 7:32 on August 1st. If you would like to bring an AE or CAPTCHA (or both), please just fill out a form for them as well! We hope to see you soon!

Best wishes,


Camp Director

You watch as the paper splits into two right before your eyes. The second sheet is the form mentioned in the letter.

CB Name:





Packing List:

Prefferred Art* (writing, art, drama, music, other [if other, please specify]): 

Please have all forms in by July 31st so we can begin on August 1st. Thank you, and I hope you decide to join us!


*You  will be taking classes in all the arts, here I'd just like to know which one you like the most.

submitted by Echo, age Director, C.O.T.A.
(July 16, 2018 - 10:45 am)

Glaiss: NO. I WON'T perform, EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO! SOMEBODY KILLED MORRIEL, and I am GOING TO FIND THEM!!! Unless I killed Mor. *Shrugs* That'd be pretty cool.

Rogue: *Give Glaiss a really disturbed look* 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(August 27, 2018 - 5:56 pm)

Perform in sleeping beauty? I guess? I could be dragon malefecent or something... or HAMIXAN HAMILTON ANAGRAM (Alexander hamilton *softly raps guns and ships*)

'bxxx' Velix beatboxes quietly

why me? *Raven sighs dramatically*

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(August 27, 2018 - 7:17 pm)

I'd love to be either Briar Rose or one of the fairies.....Brooke would like to be stagecrew. Perferbly set design

submitted by Secret
(September 1, 2018 - 5:28 am)


*pushes mor away* NO KISSES

*attempting to supress laughter*

*shaking silently*


*chasing Izzy around* WHY YOU-

(August 31, 2018 - 4:44 pm)

*That isss offe nsiv tooo alll Capp tcha kind Izzy*

Oh no. IZZY RUN YOU MADE NIHIL ANGRY!!! She hates the idea of Captcha+CBer ships.

*That isss very corr ectt* 

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(August 31, 2018 - 6:20 pm)

*cackiling ashe runs for her life*

*chasing izzy with a knife* I'M GONNA KILL YOU ISABELLA *Nihil joins me in chasing Izzy*

*watches with popcorn*


submitted by Darkking, I'm gonna kill my Æ
(August 31, 2018 - 8:04 pm)


*iiii like that muvy. Very entr tain ingg. (Said while still chasing Izzy)*

I agree.



submitted by Rogue Wildling
(September 1, 2018 - 11:36 am)

Day 1, Part 3/Day 2, Part 1

Coral, being the fastest swimmer, had gone to get Echo and the other CBers. They now all stood, watching, as the body was dragged ashore. Darkking, Will, and Harliquin were all crying. Everyone else looked sad, scared, and helpless. Echo, who for one looked serious, wrapped the body up in a blanket and carried it away. Soren and Secret went to comfort the crying CBer and AEs, and everyone else split into groups and walked slowly back to the cabin area. There they sat in a stunned silence. They knew that things such as drowning weren’t that uncommon, that they happened every day, but it was different to have it happen to someone they knew, in a place where they’d felt safe. Echo returned a little while later, leading Soren, Secret, Darkking, Harliquin, and Will. They weren’t crying anymore, but they still looked deeply upset.

“All of tomorrow’s activities are postponed,” said Echo in a hollow voice.”You will eat dinner in your cabins tonight.” She turned to go, leaving them all alone.

The mood in the cabins that night was very grim. Dinner was grilled chicken with barbeque sauce, delivered to each of the cabins. After eating, everyone went to bed. That’s not to say that they all slept. Vyolette, for example, couldn’t get Mor’s lifeless face out of her head. Darkking shook with silent sobs every time he thought about his poor captcha. Viola? stayed awake, thinking over something that didn’t make sense somehow, some flaw in the story. At about two am, she began drifting into an uneasy sleep. Her dreams were muddled, and she saw glimpses of kayaks and ghosts and bagels and-

She sat bolt upright. It was early in the morning, and nobody else was awake. But she’d figured out what had been bugging her the night before.

“Wake up!” she called, swinging her legs out of bed. “All of you, wake up!” There was a chorus of confused and annoyed groans from each of the other beds, but one by one they all sat up, stretching.

“What is it?” asked Gracia, looking worried.

“I figured something out,” replied Viola?. “Something that concerns all of us. We need to have a meeting.”

“How about the art cabin?” said Secret. Viola? nodded.

“Perfect. We’ll split up and get everyone else from the other two cabins, then meet there. I’ll explain then.” Coral raised a hand.

“Should I go and get Echo?” she asked tentatively.

“No,” Viola? said firmly. “Not yet, anyway.” They walked outside, shivering as the cold air hit them, and split into two groups. Viola?, Coral, and Secret went one way, and Levana, Vyolette, and Gracia went the other.

The other two cabins reacted pretty much the same way to being woken so early, but they got up and followed them, some draping blankets around their shoulders for warmth. Finally, everyone was in the art cabin. Viola? stood in front of them uncomfortably.

“Care to tell us why we were woken up so early?” asked Tric, who looked grumpier than usual. Viola? cleared her throat.

“Well, I was thinking last night that something didn’t seem right about Mor’s death- sorry, Darkking,” she added, looking over at him. “Well, when we were all looking for her, Levana, Gracia, Harliquin, and Cassandra found her kayak and life vest on the shore. That means she couldn’t have fallen off and drowned or anything. It was on purpose. We were instructed not to take off our life vests, and Mor seemed pretty smart. I think that someone else did this. Someone else killed her, took off her life vest, dumped her body into the lake, then dragged her kayak up onto shore so we would think she’d wandered off, like we originally did.”

“Whoa,” said Glaiss. ‘Whoa’ was right. The CBers were shocked. Was there really a murderer in their midst?

Suddenly, the door to the cabin opened. Echo walked in, looking somber. She didn’t seem surprised to find them all awake and alert in the art cabin.

“I have some bad news,” she said to the group. The CBers braced themselves. They’d already had enough bad news as it was. “I’m afraid Mor didn’t drown. She was killed.” Some of the CBers tried to feign looks of surprise and shock, but Viola? just shook her head.

“We know. We figured it out.” Echo arched her eyebrow.

“How?” Viola? explained her conclusion, with Gracia and Cassandra chiming in when they reached the part about finding the kayak and life vest. Echo nodded thoughtfully.

“Well, I’m surprised that you all figured it out so easily. I meant that I noticed this morning that there’s a stab wound in her back.” This time there was no need to fake the shock on the CBer’s faces. Will gasped.

“But wait,” he said slowly. “We were out on a wide open lake. Mor would have seen anyone trying to sneak up on her. So it must have been someone she knew, someone she would expect to try to kill her.” He turned back to face everyone else. “It must have been one of us.”

Echo left them in the art cabin, telling them that if anyone wanted to eat, there would be hard-boiled eggs in the dining hall, and that the burial would be at noon. There was suspicion in the air as the CBers each looked around them, wondering if any of their new friends would kill them the first chance they got. Viola?, who knew that if this continued, chaos would ensue in the form of bickering and fighting, decided to take charge.

“Alright,” she said. “Our first order of business should be to catch the murderer before anyone else gets hurt. But, while we’re investigating, we need to trust each other.”

“But how do we know the murderer isn’t you?” asked Harliquin.

“That’s just what I’m saying. You don’t know it isn’t me- even though it isn’t-” she added hurriedly. “You need to trust me, and I’ll trust all of you.” Everyone nodded in agreement. Trust would be crucial. Viola? continued. “First, we should look for the weapon the murderer used, any sort of blade. Check people’s luggage. Even check Echo’s cabin, if you can get in. Bring anything you find back here in, say, half an hour. And use the buddy system! Nobody should go anywhere alone.”

After half an hour of searching, there was a row of weapons lined up on the table, and a line of CBers looking very nervous. Viola? surveyed what had been found.

“Okay, this is all from people’s luggage. If any of these are yours, please claim them. The, um, sword is mine.” Soren claimed a pocket knife, and Darkking claimed several weapons, sliding them into sheaths and glaring at anyone who looked like they might be on the verge of accusing him of killing his own CAPTCHA. There was an awkward silence, then Brooke asked,

“Um, is there blood on any of the weapons?” They quickly checked each blade, but they were all clean.

“Blood can be wiped off, though,” interjected Harliquin.

“Oh,” said Brooke. “I didn’t think of that. Nevermind.”

“And weapons can be stolen, of course,” said Levana. Viola? shot her a grateful look.

“So, like we were saying, trust,” she said. “It isn’t necessarily one of us. Although, just to be safe, maybe we should travel in groups of three.” There was silence again.

“So,” said Cassandra. “Does anyone want to get some hard-boiled eggs?”

submitted by Echo, age Director, C.O.T.A.
(September 4, 2018 - 10:01 am)
submitted by *angry/sad noises*, - Darkking
(September 4, 2018 - 6:41 pm)

*Puts arm around Darkking* I'M SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS, MY FRIEND! *Um, Soren? Maybe it would be better if you weren't yelling in his ear.* Oh. Right.

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, beaconTown
(September 5, 2018 - 6:45 am)



submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(September 5, 2018 - 4:19 pm)

WE HAVE BECOME AWARE, ONE OF US IS A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX! * puts mask on and wiggles fingers* But... *takes mask off and puts it in bag, wings tightly folded behind self* Trust no-one. *glares in a random area before screaming and hiding behind a convieniently placed lamp.* Its the ducks, they've come for us! *duck stands menacingly in direction I was staring in then quackjs cutly and waddles, eats some bread and leaves*

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(September 13, 2018 - 6:26 pm)
submitted by Darkking, age TOP OF THE, TEAPOT(I shrank)
(September 18, 2018 - 5:02 pm)

Run, brother! The ducks, The DUCKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

submitted by Tyberious is hiding , age SCREEEETOP, from the ducks
(September 24, 2018 - 4:19 pm)


*explodes into a pile of ducks*

submitted by Darkking has been , ducknapped by Duckking
(September 24, 2018 - 6:31 pm)