Board Games: The

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Board Games: The

Board Games: The Ski Lodge

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night!  And if you live in the timeless void of outerspace, please hold all questions, comments, and concerns until the end of the broadcast.  Thank you for your patience.

You there, yes, you!  What do you want most in this world? Happiness? Money? Travel? Friends? Clout?

WELL BOY OH BOY ARE YOU IN LUCK!  Whimsy Inc. is hosting ONCE IN A LIFETIME, ABSOLUTELY FREE, PROMOTIONAL SWEEPSTAKES for a chance to attend an all-inclusive board game retreat! 

Now you're asking yourself: "Gee, what's so fun about that?  I can play board games at home!"  Well kiddo, that's a fanTASTIC observation.  Our Board Game Adventure Experience™ lets you, not only play as your favorite pieces (we've all wanted to be the Monopoly Iron at some point, don't lie to yourself buddy), but also experience the most immersive settings in the industry. Ride the magnificent stallions of Chess, smell the sharp, salty air on real-life Battleship, even taste the confections of a certain, childhood favorite land! 

  There will be absolutely no murder, but that won't take the thrill out of stepping into your fully historically accurate Clue costumes for a night of mystery fun! So come on down to Board Game Adventure Experience™. This offer is too good to miss!

Just fill out our non-invasive form, and we will pick the thirteen most ideal candidates. Good luck, and may the odds be forever in you favor!*


Age (appearance and mental maturity, real age optional):

Gender & Pronouns:


Appearance (In-Detail):

Personality Overview:

How do you think someone you just met would describe you?

What are your most positive traits?:

What are your greatest flaws?:

Describe if and how you instigate social interactions:

Favorite board games:

What inspires righteous anger within you?:

How would you react if you were taken hostage (this is purely hypothectical kids):

How do you pick your friends?

Unusual items you may be bringing:

An extremely unique fact about yourself:

Anything else-- don't be shy!:

OPTIONAL - you may bring ONE companion if you wish. Companions MUST fill out a form or they will not be admitted.


(First thirteen people to respond get in.  Have a whimsical day!)

*Please note the use of this quote is merely a pop culture reference in hopes of appealing to our target audience, and is not an actual implication of intention for replication of "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.  Whimsy Inc. will not be held liable for any intentional homicide, unintentional homicide, injury, resort-wide battle royales, or lost items.  Death by natural causes will be compensated with a free voucher for an extra snow cone or equivalent snack of your choice.

submitted by Jean Defarge, PR Director, Whimsy Inc.
(January 19, 2020 - 10:58 pm)

Can we please keep this alive?

submitted by PleaseKeepThisAlive?, Please?
(March 17, 2020 - 2:07 pm)