Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Written Picturings! 

I’ve always wanted to make a picturings thread, only I’m not very proud of my drawings, and I had a feeling it would die out really quickly if I did make one. However, lately I’ve been lacking in writing inspiration, and I thought, why not make a written picturings thread?

I’ll do these for a CBer, an AE, an OC… anything, really! I could also write about multiple people/characters together. I’m not going to make you fill out a form, but I do need a few things from you in order to write you (or your character) accurately.

1. Name

2. Pronouns

3. Three facts about the character (these can be anything from personality traits to favorite activities to random fun facts!)

4. Whether you want the picturing for this person alone or combined with another person

Here’s a sample I wrote for my AEs, just to give you a sense of what I mean by “written picturings.”

Breeze threw down her pencil, crumpled up the paper, and banged her forehead against the table. Why can’t I even draw a stupid cat? she thought angrily. As she considered the giant pile of crumpled papers in front of her, each one worse than the one before, she started to sob quietly. I’ll never be good at drawing. Never!

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she heard the distinctive clip-clop of Gale’s boots on the marble floor.

“What are you doing with all that paper?” asked Gale suspiciously.

Breeze lifted her head and attempted to dry her eyes, not wanting her perpetually-emotionless sister to see her total lack of composure. “Failing at drawing,” she said shortly.

“Oh? Can I see?” Before Breeze had a chance to reply, Gale strode over and lifted the latest drawing off the top of the pile. She raised an eyebrow. “I see what you mean. These are hideous.”

Breeze burst into tears once more. Gale looked at her, confused. “What did I say?”

submitted by Kitten, she/her/hers
(May 10, 2020 - 5:48 pm)

I love it! Thanks :D

submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(May 16, 2020 - 2:03 pm)

I hope I got their personalities right! It was hard to tell, based on the information you gave me, but I did my best. 

For Alex:

Sena leaned back against the trunk of the tree, crossed her legs in front of her, and let out a contented sigh. She glanced down, not minding the 10-foot drop, and sighed again, this time slightly less contentedly. Where was Gabbie? She’d said she would be there at 2:00 on the dot. And here it was, 2:13, with no Gabbie to be seen.

Just then, Gabbie ran in, showcasing a fabulous array of scabs down her right leg. Sena looked at her curiously.

“I tripped on a tree root,” Gabbie said in response to her unasked question. Not waiting for an invitation, she ran and jumped, just managing to catch the lowest tree branch. She scrambled up the tree and balanced on the branch next to her best friend.

Sena sighed in mock admonition. “When will you learn?”

“I wasn’t looking! I was busy racing my previous time down the street.”

Sena laughed, forgetting her earlier annoyance, and the two of them sat together, chatting and giggling, for the rest of the afternoon.

submitted by Kitten@Alex, she/her/hers
(May 14, 2020 - 11:05 pm)

For Quill:

Harper looked up from her book and wrinkled her nose. “What’s that smell? It’s like something’s burning.”

“Oh, just me!” said Ace, from where he stood over the stove. “I’m making pancakes.”

She tilted her head. “Really?”

“Let it go, Harper,” chimed in Bean, pausing the guitar video she was watching. “If the pancakes don’t work out, we can just have cereal.”

Harper shrugged, adjusted her position, and resumed reading, not bothering to voice what she was thinking. There’s no way the pancakes are going to work out! They’re more like pan-ashes. Across the room, Bean pressed ‘play’ on her video, immediately discounting the previous conversation.

Ace looked at the two of them with some trepidation. He knew, of course, that the pancakes weren’t exactly like what the recipe book showed, but he figured he might as well try again. After all, it was somewhat satisfying to watch the batter turn from beige to brown to black.

Suddenly, the fire alarm went off, causing all three of them to jump. Bean reached up to turn it off, then sighed. “I’ll get the milk.” 

submitted by Kitten@Quill, she/her/hers
(May 15, 2020 - 9:51 pm)

Wow, thank you! I love it, you captured them all really well. Pancakes are actually what Ace usually cooks (and by cooks I mean burns).

submitted by Quill
(May 16, 2020 - 2:39 pm)

I need another one. For my OCs this time.


1. Nile Drop Dead (nile)

2. she/her

3. In a coma (this is really----), blue-and-black-and-white hair, blue clothes

4. With Watch Out Shadow Breaker


1. Watch Out Shadow Breaker (not permanent; call him Shadow)

2. he/his

3. Missing Nile. Lonely but not showing it. Wants to keep moving but can't because Nile is in a coma.

4. With Nile Drop Dead


Again, no rush. And I don't know why Nile's in a coma. 




submitted by whoo knws but us?/\
(May 16, 2020 - 1:18 pm)

I haven't written any in the past few days; I don't really have an excuse, but I'm really sorry, and I'll try to get back on track!

For who knows but us:

Cordial clapped her hands loudly, startling the others in the room. 

“Wazzup?” Arve asked rudely.

She sighed but grudgingly proceeded to explain. “Anyone want to play a game together? I’m bored of sitting around.”

“I’d rather not,” Doctor Who responded, looking up from her book and pushing her glasses back up on her nose.

“Well,” Arve said faux-thoughtfully, “I’ll play if it’s Pictionary.”

“I agree!” piped in Trophy. “I’ll play if it’s Pictionary, but otherwise I’d rather not.”

Cordial groaned. “That hadn’t been exactly what I had in mind, but I suppose we can play Pictionary.”

Arve jumped up, pulling out a chair and sitting down with some force. “I’ll go first!” The other two joined with a similar level of excitement.

Alas for Cordial, after the first few rounds, Arve and Trophy had won every single time. 

“Why did I ever agree to this?” she whined.

Arve laughed. “Does that even require an answer?”

submitted by Kitten@WKBU, she/her/hers
(May 19, 2020 - 8:24 pm)

Good! I have no idea what pictionary is though....

submitted by who knows but us
(May 20, 2020 - 8:38 am)
submitted by tippytoptip
(May 26, 2020 - 8:32 am)

I'd like one for me and my AE:


1: SeaWolfWhite (Call her SeaWolf, it's shorter.)

2: she/her

3: Loves mustard. Can turn into a white wolf with yellow eyes. Is very quirky.

4: With her AE, Lycan


1: Lycan-Shadow (Call her Lycan for short.)

2: she/her

3: Despressed and mean. Can posess SeaWolf on the new moon. Afraid of rats.

4: With her AE, SeaWolf

submitted by SeaWolfWhite, age 11, Minecraft
(May 26, 2020 - 4:40 pm)