Dear Student, 

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Dear Student, 

Dear Student, 

It is my pleasure to tell you that you have been accepted into the Einstein School for the Very Exceptional. Please be ready by July 1st. Please remember that you may not bring anything other than a change of clothes, and that AE or captcha companians are not allowed. Please fill out the charrie below. 

Cordaily Yours,

The Headmistress.



Age (no more than 18, no less than 10):

Grade Completed:

Favorite Subject:

Planned Career: 

Roommate Requests?:

No more than 12 students will be accepted. 

submitted by Headmistress, The Einstein School
(June 23, 2020 - 9:59 am)
submitted by yesssssss perfect, -HOO
(July 13, 2020 - 3:21 pm)

Ahh that was great and now I'm grinning. Also, I'm starting to pick up on some clues, and I think I've eliminated someone...

R.I.P Joel, sorry you got killed on your first day :(

submitted by Gecko
(July 13, 2020 - 10:01 pm)

Oh my goodness, that was amazing!

Yikes, poor Joel and Barnswallow! I don't like needles... *Shudders*

Also, this sounds like a dream school for me! Looking forward to your next post!! 

submitted by Hummingbird, Einstein School
(July 14, 2020 - 6:18 pm)

Day Three Part One

Sirfire walked down the stairs to breakfast. She found a seat near the end of the table, and she spotted Barnswallow's empty chair next to Hummingbird. It was a reminder that one of them was.... After breakfast, the students had a few moments to themselves. Sirfire was deep in conversation with Gecko when she noticed that Joel had not come to breakfast. 

"Uh-hu, can you wait a minute?" Sir said. She briskly marched up the stairs and staight to Joel's door. "Joel, wake up," she rapped on the door. Nothing. "Joel, you missed breakfast." 

Sir opened the door. She saw at once the young boy in the chair, his head thrown back, his eyes rolled strangely in their sockets. "Joel!" Sir sobbed. She fell onto her knees. 

Hearing Sirfire's scream, the rest of the students and Mr. Nelson rushed up the stairs. "No!" "It-he isn't-" "What?" Raining Rainbows stepped forward and checked his pulse. As she shock her head, any faint hopes that they had had were crushed. 

The students were hesitant to leave the room and go back to class. But Mr. Nelson said "You still have school. We can have a funeral later if you like. Come on then." Mrs. Shultz nodded. The students were horrified at Joel's death, and shocked at how lightly the teachers waved away Joel's murder. Well, all but one.

They buried Joel at the enterance to the wood, with many tears from Sky. Sirfire thought that it must be traumatic for her. She was young. They split up, each going a different way. Geckko decided to check on the spot near the lake. To her horror, she found the body of Barnswallow. She was still warm. Gecko guessed the murderer had kept her alive for a while. But why? 

That night at dinner, the girls decided to keep a watch at night, with two shifts so everyone could sleep. Just my luck, Sir thought as she paced up and down the hallway. She was cold and tried and hadn't seen any sign of danger. She sat down in front of Luminesence' room and thought she could catch a few winks before she had to wake Sparkle Moon. 

Just as she started to drift off, she heard footsteps. Above her, she saw a very angery Cartwright. "Up at this hour," the teacher hissed. She grabbed Sir's arm. "The Headmistress will hear about this." Cartwright led through passagways she hadn't noticed and up hidden stairs until they reached a carved oak door. The teacher entered and shoved Sir in. She dissapeared into another chamber and Sirfire was alone. 

submitted by Headmistress, age HowDareYou, Einstien School
(July 15, 2020 - 12:54 pm)

Great chapter Headmistress! I like how the mystery deepens in each chapter, as you keep adding more details.

submitted by Gecko
(July 16, 2020 - 1:53 pm)

I'm going to camp, so the next part is coming early.

Day Three Part Two 

Looking around her, Sir saw bookshelves lined with ancient-looking volumes, viles and bottles full of strange-looking liquids, and an old hard wood desk. On the desk were piled many interesting tools. Sir wondered if she dared to open one of the books. Just as she reached to take one from the shelf,  a door in the back of the room opened. 

Sirfire spun around and saw a middle aged woman dressed in flowing, emrald green robes. Her chesnut hair cascaded down her back, matching her brown eyes. She would have been pretty if her face had not looked so tight. "Sit," she commanded, pointing to a leather-backed chair on the oppostie side of the desk. As she sat down herself, she said, "I understand you were outside of your dormitory after bed. Would you tell me why?" Her voice was imposing and left no room for thought of disobediance. It did, however, leave room for fear.

"After Joel got murdered," she paused. "We decieded to set a watch so it wouldn't happen again. I, I didn't mean to break the rules." The headmistress raised an eyebrow.

"Very well. But you would do well to stay in your room from now on. I assure you the teachers are fully capable of taking care of that." 

"But, but Joel," Sir protested.

"Go on to bed now." Sirfire made her way back to bed. She went back to her new dormitory(she had moved in with Hummingbird). Hummingbird was waiting. "It's 3:00 o'clock. Where were you?" 

"I was in the headmistress's office. Cartwright caught me. Why are you awake?" Sirfire replied.

"I was waiting for you. I didn't want to go to sleep. I was scared. Did you wake up Sparkle Moon?"


"That means the hall is ungarded! We have to wake her," Hummingbird exclaimed. 

"No," Sir said. "The headmistress told me we were not to continue watching the hall." 

"Oh. Well then let's just get to sleep. We have a test tomorrow."

They got into bed and Sir easily went to sleep. Hummingird tossed and turned. "Who do you think is the murderer?" she asked.

"Mmmf," Sir mumbled. "I don't know. Why are you awake?" 

"What do you think she wants?" Hummingbird persisted. "Do you think it could be something here at the school?" 

"I don't know. What about that test you mentioned. Can I please sleep now?"



Day Four Part One

After breakfast that morning, they split up. Gecko was having trouble with her paper on ancient superstion. She sighed, looking about the library. Arithmancy was sitting in a comfy chair doing her english lit readning, but other than her, Gecko was alone. She set down her book and walked toward the middle grade shelf, picking up her favorite book, Wonder.  

She opened the hardback copy, sitting down to reread it. Gecko got up and left, and it was her and her favorite story. "Good book?" Gecko looked around to see another student. 

"Yeah. My favorite. What do you have?" 

"The Hound of the Baskervilles. I find it really helpful. You know, it's dangerous to be alone. You ought to stay with your class if you can. Oh, right. You don't have one. Well, I'll keep you company." The other sat down and opened her book. "Page 193" she muttered. 

"Huh?" Gecko thought this was odd.  

"It's for my classes. I'm writing my paper on it." Gecko and the other sat for a while. Finally, Gecko stood up and made for the door. "Oh, one more thing." The murderer grabed her arm. She took a piece of cloth soaked in clorafom and covered Gecko's airways. The murderer draged her outside to her hideout in the woods. Locking the door, she chuckled and went back to her class.

Who do you guys suspect? What is the murderer after? I'd love to know.Thanks for reading.

submitted by Headmistress, age HowDareYou, The Einstein School
(July 18, 2020 - 1:24 pm)

I have a growing suspicion that it's me... Good work @Headmistress!

submitted by Indigo Feather, age 15, The Bakery
(July 31, 2020 - 2:37 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 29, 2020 - 4:18 pm)

Sorry this is late. I stayed away longer than I thought.

Day Three Part Three 

Gecko woke up shivering. As she looked about, she realized that she must be in a cave. There was very little light, but a dim glow was coming from what must be the enterance. She tried to stand up. "Of course." Her legs were bound, as well as her hands. How can I escape? She thought. Looking about, she saw that the rock room was bare except for a few stones here and there. Then she had an idea. 

30 minutes later, she had almost cut through her bonds with a rough piece of granite when a voice behind her said, "Now, now. Let's talk for a moment." At that moment, the ropes holding Gecko's legs snapped. She lept up and ran toward the dim light. To her surprize, the other just stood, watching. As she got closer, she found that the enterance was blocked by a strong gate covered by ivy.

"Ha. Your primitive instincts are leading you wrong, human. Don't worry, soon your life will be changed forever." The murderer approched her. 

"And you aren't human?" Gecko replied, her voice strong; a strong contrast to her mind, which was quailing. 

"Not for long. As soon as I have it, I will have created a new order. I will have resurected the Phaenex. And those who resist me will be left behind in this, this stone age. now what can you tell me about the Stone of the Lost Sea?" The murderer came forward. She pulled out a tazer gun.

Gecko was then thankful for the paper she had been assigned. She remembered that the Stone had been created by the ancient warlocks. It held the power to... "Never. You would destroy everything." Gecko was temporarily paralized by the energy running through her. 

While she was immobile, the murderer dragged her further into the cave. Soon, though, Gecko began to fight. 

Back at school, Gecko was missed. the other students had been freed from lessons for the day, and yet she did not come. The girls scattered, searching the dormitories, the orchard, the garden, and the woods. Luminesence decieded to search the shore of the lake. Seeing a teacher, she ran up to report Gecko's mysterious absence. "Hello," the adult greeted her. They turned, showing a knife as big as Luminescence' forearm. 

"Wh-what is that for?" the girl stammered. Her last words were pitiful. Her scream peirced the air as she fell off the peir and into the depths of the lake. Quickly, the murderer ran from the place as students called to each other. 

Throwing Gecko into a dark chamber, the murderer ran back to join her peers. Gecko realized that the room was built as a ceremony room. A chill ran down her spine as she realized what the murderer was about to do to humanity. 

So, once again thank you for reading. I hope you found this entertaining.

submitted by Headmistress, age HowDareYou, The Einstein School
(July 31, 2020 - 1:47 pm)

AHHH!! This is amazing! I'm so sorry I haven't read this earlier, I kinda forgot about it, but I just clicked on this and I'm being impressed all over again! You are such a great writer.

And... RIP me. 

submitted by Luminescence, age XI, California
(July 31, 2020 - 3:57 pm)

That was such an exciting chapter! And wow, I really thought I'd be dead by this point so this is going comparatively great! Great job Headmistress, keep it up!

submitted by Gecko
(July 31, 2020 - 10:06 pm)
submitted by Top!
(August 11, 2020 - 4:37 pm)
submitted by Hello?, age Donde, estás?
(August 12, 2020 - 5:27 pm)

Ok, I'm sorry I haven't kept up. I haven't really felt like wrighting. Here we go again. Is it ok if I use he for characters whose gender is unknown? It's a bit easier than he/she.

Day Three Conclusion

The students heard Luminesence's shriek and came running. But too late. The murderous teacher had fled, leaving no clues behind. The students buried Luminesence by Joel and Barnswallow, and went solomnly in to dinner.

Arithmancy poked at her food. "What do you think happened to Gecko?" she asked Sky. 

"I don't know," Sky replied. " And I'm not sure I want to. She'll probably end up like Barnswallow." Arithmancy did not find this comforting.

"I wish I had never come to this terrible school," she said. 

After dinner, Arithmancy headed up to her room alone to do homework. She worked on decimal problems, put the finishing touches on her Shakespeare essay. She even reviewed her history notes. Finally, when she had finished, she realized that she was afraid. In fact, most of the students felt the same way, although not all for the same reasons. Quietly, she got into bed and quickly fell asleep.

Day Four Part One 

"Arithmancy, are you in there?" Indigo Feather was at the door. Arithmancy sighed and walked to the closed door, which she opened. "Arithmancy, we're having a meeting in the bird room. Care to join us? It'll be safer." Arithmancy nodded, and followed Indigo to the meeting place. Everyone was crowded into the bedroom, sitting on beds or the carpeted floor chatting as if no murderers were on the loose and everthing was perfectly normal. 


submitted by Headmistress, age HowDareYou, The Einstein School
(August 13, 2020 - 12:02 pm)

*sob* I forgot I was dead. 

Anyways, I'm having a great time reading this and am enjoying it greatly. No worries about not being in a writing mood, I think everyone has those.

Keep it up! :) 

submitted by Luminescence, age XI, California
(August 13, 2020 - 2:52 pm)