1x3 (8+7) x

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

1x3 (8+7) x

1x3 (8+7) x 12 = ?
a+b x 7 + c =?
You groan. Entire pages filled with these problems swim in front of your eyes, and you aren't even halfway done. Math, math, and more math. . .
Outside the window you can see the sun shining. It's so warm for October, and you want to be outside, but the math is in the way like a gigantic wall. You try to concentrate, but there's a warm breeze blowing through the window and eventually you find yourself gazing out the window, math abandoned on the table. It's so nice and peaceful. . .
Crash! Bang!
Something comes flying through your window, smashes into your face, and knocks all the papers off your desk. You rub your aching nose and look around. You just knew your little brother shouldn't have been trusted to play baseball. But upon closer inspection, there is no baseball. You look around, confused, and then hear a small chirp from your bed.
You gape. Sitting on your bed is a winged monkey. But it isn't real. Obviously.  These things only happen in The Wizard of Oz. But it looks alive. It wears a collar, and has silky brown fur laced with gold, and golden feathered wings. Tentatively, you step closer. The monkey crawls toward you, not at all afraid. Then you spy something tied to its collar. It's a note, penned on amazingly thin paper. It reads:
Dear CBer,

I cordially invite you to visit my city in the heart of the jungle. It is called The Golden Heart, and we would be honored to have you as our guests.
Should you choose to accept, you will be free to roam the City as much as you like, and I promise you Adventure, Relaxation, and Chocolate. In addition, you will be rooming in my palace; the fabled Halcyon. My monkeys will tend to your every need, and you are promised an amazing vacation.
If you would like to come, please have your bags packed and this form filled out. I will provide transport. We will come for you on October 20th, or when 15 CBers join. I look forward to seeing you!
(The Golden Heart will not be held responsible for any injuries, deaths, or mysterious insanity.)
Greatest Fear:
What you would do in the case of the Apocalypse:
This is my first Ski Lodge, so I hope it goes well! Please join, and feel free to guess me! 
submitted by Aurum of the Heart, age Ski Lodge, The Golden City
(October 11, 2020 - 12:30 pm)

It's back!! Yay! I'm trying to decide if I'd eat passionfruit jello bread pudding pancakes... And I'll go with zip lining!

submitted by Quill
(November 12, 2020 - 6:02 pm)

Ziplining, duh.

submitted by Llama Girl
(November 13, 2020 - 7:26 pm)
(November 16, 2020 - 9:34 am)
submitted by top
(November 16, 2020 - 1:53 pm)
submitted by Top Top Top!, age top top, TOOOP
(November 19, 2020 - 6:07 pm)
submitted by Top please!, please top!
(November 20, 2020 - 4:33 pm)

Day 2, part 4


 "Ziplining it is!" Aurum proclaimed, leading the CBers outside. It had been a tough decision, but overall the CBers were in need of a dose of pure terror and excitement. The Garden Tour would be scheduled for the afternoon instead. 

As they walked through the city, people waved, and Aurum waved back. She obviously wasn't a high and mighty type of ruler. They even topped to help a man pick up his cart's contents, which had spilled everywhere thanks to a pack of monkeys. This incident ended up holding them back a bit, but soon enough they were on the outskirts of the city in the wild, untamed jungle, staring up at the ziplining platform far above them.

"Yeah, it's high," Aurum remarked. "Although I guess that's obvious. There's actually multiple platforms, each one's a different type of ride." She glanced over at Nyx, who was pale and shaking looking up at the trees. PygmyOwl also looked terrified. 

"We have a smaller one too," Aurum said. "For those who don't like heights."

"NothanksI'mgoodI'lljustbeoverhere," Nyx said, backing over to a tree and slumping down. 

PygmyOwl looked skeptical. "There's harnesses, right?" 

"Of course," Aurum answered. "There's only ever been one accident, during testing."

"I'll be over here with Nyx," PygmyOwl said. 

"It really is fun," Aurum said, but Pygmy only replied, "maybe later". 

Aurum shrugged and led the rest of the CBers over into a clearing in the middle of a gigantic circle of trees. Near the top of each tree surrounding them was a platform, the zipline hooked to each branched out in a different direction. Aurum pointed to the one directly in front of them. "That's one's my favorite, it has all these dips and rises, like a roller coaster."

"What's that one?" Heroes asked, nodding toward the highest and most intimidating zipline. Aurum looked nervous.

"That's the zipline where the. . .erm. . .Accident occurred. It's called the Apocalypse, because if you aren't tightly secured, you. . .don't come back." 

Heroes' eyes shone, and she looked ready to fly up on her wings to the platform right then and there, but Nightfall grabbed her arm. "That looks like a really bad idea."

"It's fine now," Aurum said, "But the thing that makes it dangerous is that the only thing keeping you attatched to the line is one metal lock. Without it, the drop would be  It's really very safe now, don't worry. But after Fidelity, maybe. . ."

"I'm trying it," Heroes said before Aurum could finish, and flew up to the platform. "Anyone else?" The CBers slowly shook their heads. Heroes shrugged. "Okay then." 

"Before I help her," Aurum said, "Pygmy, Nyx, are you sure you don't want to come? It's really fun!" 

Nyx violently shook her head, but PygmyOwl tentatively nodded. "Whichever one is the smoothest and least terrifying."

Aurum pointed to the one to their right, before calling up to Heroes, who was waiting at the platform, "Heroes! Leave the stick and necklace down here." Heroes flew down and left the white stick and the amulet she had been wearing at the base of the tree. Then flew back up again, Aurum hurriedly taking the staircase that looped around the tree to catch up with her. The rest of the CBers found their own trees, and with the help of the unstructional signs and the other more experienced dwellers of the Golden City, were soon zipping through the jungle. 

aqua whooped as she went up and down on the roller-coaster one, and Autumn Artist helped Quill fasten her harness. Sterling looked worriedly over at Heroes, who was getting ready to take off.

"Are you sure?" Aurum asked for the fifth time, worry in her eyes. Heroes eyed the small metal lock, the only thing between her and certain death, and nodded. Aurum sighed, worry in her eyes, and said, "Okay. If you're sure."

Then she watched as Heroes pushed herself off and went zooming over the treetops. It was exhilirating, the rush of air in her lungs, and the treetop view was incredible. She was halfway through the ride in a few seconds, nearing the end, when it happened. A crack split the air and her ears, and in what felt like slow motion she watched as the lock splintered to pieces.  

Heroes fell to the ground, the wind taking the scream from her lungs. She flapped her wings, but she was falling down, her back to the ground, and the wind pressed them against her shoulderblades. They were useless. With a sickening crack, she hit the ground.

The dull thud echoed around the ziplines. The chatterboxers turned toward Aurum, who's face had become a mask of fear. "It's Heroes," She said. "Aqua, come with me!" Then she tore off through the jungle, a confused and worried aqua following.

When they arrived, Heroes was lying on the jungle floor, wings bent oddly. Her eyes were closed, but she was breathing, barely.

"You have healing powers, right? Can you heal her?" Aurum gasped, out of breath.

aqua looked unsure. "I don't know. It's not the best idea. Could we get her back to the city in time?"

"She doen't have time," Aurum said, bending over Heroes. aqua bit her lip, but crouched down beside Aurum and put her hands over Heroes. With a deep breath, aqua closed her eyes. Glowing light spread all over Heroes' body. Her bones knitted back together, and her breathing returned to normal.

aqua opened  her eyes and examined her handiwork. Then her eyes rolled back in her head, and she slumped to the ground.


Oh no, aqua! 0_0 Any murderer guesses?

Dead: Fidelity. aqua? Heroes?? 


Alive: ???


submitted by Aurum of the Heart, age New part!, The Golden City
(November 21, 2020 - 3:11 pm)
submitted by Top, On TOP of the world
(November 22, 2020 - 12:04 pm)

"They even topped to help a man pick up his cart's contents, which had spilled everywhere thanks to a pack of monkeys."

This reminds me of something, some book where a similar event happened. I don't know if it's important or a clue or anything, but I cannot for the life of me remember anything else.

I think we can probably eliminate Heroes and aqua as suspects if they return to the land of the living. However, since my detecting skills are below sub-par, I have no other ideas of anything.

submitted by Morning, yonder
(November 22, 2020 - 12:16 pm)

Oh yeah. That's my reaction, pretty flawlessly. Except usually there's someone there to tell me "Ur doing this now climb up the stupid ladder" lol

submitted by Nyx, age 13 years, earth
(November 22, 2020 - 3:01 pm)

More topping! Are you Quill, maybe?

submitted by TOPsy Turvy
(November 30, 2020 - 6:14 pm)
submitted by TOP
(November 30, 2020 - 7:55 pm)
submitted by top
(November 23, 2020 - 10:10 am)

I think I'm gonna have to discontinue this, I just don't have the kind of perseverence required for this stuff. 

BIG REVEAL: I am Darkling. Murderer is PygmyOwl. I had this whole big elaborate plan that worked great in my head but i do not have the resolve to put on paper. 

Soooo yeah. Apologies to the people who actually read this, I guess I'm more of a Ski Lodge joiner than a writer.  

submitted by Aurum of the Heart, The Golden City
(December 1, 2020 - 4:00 pm)

Oh. I'm so sad this won't finish... but also MY FIRST TIME BEING A FICTIONAL MURDERER! This is a huge pretend event in my life and I'm happy now. This was so much fun to read, Darkling, but I understand not having the resolve to finish it. Very much. Thank you for writing this and getting as far as you did!

Liddy says ughny. Ugh NY? What's wrong with New York? 

submitted by Morning, age (PygmyOwl), yonder
(December 2, 2020 - 12:57 pm)