Time Travel Ski

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Time Travel Ski

Time Travel Ski Lodge

The clearing in the woods is very still. Only a little wind rustles the leaves of the trees. A few rays of slanting sunlight touch them. But the woods are growing dark, and there is a feeling that something is about to happen.

Sudddenly a round ball, about the size of a house, comes humming overhead. It has windows, and a face is peering at you from one. And then it flies away - but a piece of paper, marked with strange red patterns that somehow chill you, comes fluttering down.

Greetings, CBer! Have you ever longed to speak with Egyptian pharaohs, walk through ancient Rome, or become Renaissance nobles for a day? You're in luck. You are invited on a ten-day journey back through time. We have a 5-star hotel which will take you to a new century every day, complete with every luxury you can think of. Leisurely meals of the finest cuisine, beautiful views of each century, and spas are only to be expected here. Our guided tours of ancient Egypt, medieval towns, and Napoleon's palace have to be seen to be believed. Luckily for you, you have only to fill out the form to experience all this and more!






Are you dangerous?:

Flight or Fight?:

Favorite century:


Then you spot the words on the back. Time-travel is known to be dangerous - there is no knowing what may happen to those who come. Enter our time-machine at your own risk.

But you're still excited. You fill out the form and then, not knowing what else to do, cast it away. Instantly a cold wind comes up, and the paper is blown away.

Your journey has begun.


The ski-lodge starts on Halloween! I will be accepting up to 13 CBers. Please no AEs or CAPTCHAS! Have fun - but beware!



submitted by Poinsettia
(October 7, 2022 - 8:56 pm)

i come back and sterlings dead?! i also think someone tryed to drown me by the nile in egyptWink

submitted by Luna Silvermoon
(November 5, 2022 - 3:33 pm)

Day 3, Part 2

"Are you going to kill me?" Darkvine asked coolly, stepping backward. "Wouldn't that be sort of an inconvenience?"

"I just want to know what you're doing here. And talk quietly, or they'll hear us."

"We were looking for Marcus," Amethyst's voice came from the darkness.

Darkvine heard the scratch and spurt of a match bursting into flame. The next second, lantern light blossomed over the room - or at least part of the room. Above the lantern was a familiar face - pale skin, black hair in a ponytail, and clear-cut features.


"Yep, it's me. Don't worry, I'm not dangerous. So what exactly are you doing here?"

"Like we said, we're looking for Marcus," said Darkvine. "What are you doing here?"

It came over Darkvine suddenly that Eclipse was the most secretive of all the CBers. She had never talked much, and yesterday she had completely absented herself from the others. And now she had just turned up in this mysterious Roman library.

Eclipse's keen eyes went from one to the other as if satisfied. "I guess it is time to tell you." She set the lantern down on the table.

Darkvine felt that she would never forget this moment. The excitement awakened all her adventurous instincts. There was a queer sort of magic about it all - the lantern shining on the table, the hushed voices, and Eclipse's large gray eyes shining as she told them the story.

Many years ago, Jeff Kiss, a rich and powerful millionaire, had stumbled upon a magician - a real magician, practicing his spells and pottering about in the mountains of the Catskills. Jeff had immediately seen the prospects for making money that his discovery held. He forced the magician to teach him all his spells - and the poor old man was powerless against him, for he had never learned any defense magic. Jeff saw that magic would enable him to "take over the world" - "maybe he had read too many trashy comics," Darkvine put in. And so he founded the innocent-sounding Nile Corporation, Inc., to aid him in this enterprise.

Darkvine and Amethyst's eyes widened as Eclipse revealed to them the trained magicians, the potent spells, and the trickery that the Nile Corporation used. It influenced governments, but also ordinary people - persuading them to buy, buy, buy - giving the Nile Corporation more and more power.

"Their latest scheme is offering time travel trips," Eclipse revealed. "They target people likely to cause trouble for them, and they kill them or leave them in different centuries as the trip goes on. Or else they charge them such a huge amount when they get back that they have to go into debt."

"I didn't know there was any price to pay for this trip!" Amethyst exclaimed.

Eclipse laughed sarcastically. "Oh, there is. Millions of dollars."

"Are we safe?" Amethyst asked.

"I'm safe so far, because they don't know that I"m causing any trouble for them," Eclipse explaned.
"But you're not."

"Okay, wait. How do they know we're going to work against them?" Darkvine asked. "I didn't know any of this. How could I have gone against them?"

"Some people are born to defy evil - it's just who they are. Normally, it doesn't show. Like me, for instance - you can't tell by looking at me. But some people carry a strange mark on their arm - no one knows why it's there. And that mark is detectable by magic. A person with that mark will definitely, at some point, overthrow wicked tyrants of any sort, and you and Amethyst and Sterling all carry it."

"Whoa," said Darkvine softly, too amazed to say anything else.

"How do you know all this?" Amethyst said. "If it's okay for me to ask?"

Eclipse's gaze wavered.

"My parents worked for them," she said softly. "But they decided not to, and they worked against them instead. They passed all the secrets of the organization on to me. Now I fight for their cause."

For a moment they were all silent, thinking. The little flame of the lantern sputtered and flared wildly. Shadows and light danced in turn over the CBers' faces.

"What's the reason for this room?" Amethyst asked. "I mean, a plastic floor? It's completely un-Roman."

Eclipse looked up. "I'll tell you later. Come on. The thing to do now is to get back and tell all the other CBers, and decide on a plan."

"Okay," the other two girls agreed.

Eclipse picked up the lantern and walked softly to the door, which she opened cautiously and perred out of. Then she beckoned to the others.

They sped down the hall, back into the placid, calm atmoshere of the Roman library.


Dead: 1

Alive: 12

submitted by Poinsettia
(November 6, 2022 - 10:20 am)

eeeeee evil stuff!

submitted by Luna Silvermoon
(November 6, 2022 - 7:56 pm)

Day 3, Part 3

Darkvine hurried through the crowd, trying to catch up with Eclipse. Normally, she could have outdistanced her easily. But now her long Roman tunic - more like a dress, really - kept her from going fast.

"Tired?" Eclipse asked gently, stopping on a street corner next to a bakery. A delicious, warm, hearty smell of bread wafted out of the open door. Darkvine realized suddenly how hungry she was.

"Yes," she admitted.

"Well, we can go more slowly now," Eclipse said. "I just didn't want anyone seeing us near the library, in case they realized we were up to something. But we'd still better not dawdle. Rome isn't very safe for girls by themselves."

Not safe? For girls by themselves? Darkvine spluttered angrily, "So we need a man along to protect us?"

Eclipse didn't bat an eyelid. "Yep. It's not an insult, it's just being practical. Shall we move on?"

The walk through Rome was long - they kept having to navigate their way through large crowds - but fascinating. They passed temples and public baths and shops. Every building had a tiled, reddish roof, and many had balconies overlooking the street. On the first floor of the houses, there were shops. People were coming and going everywhere, hustling and bustling and shouting and even pushing.

"This isn't so different from modern Rome," Amethyst pointed out. "Loud, energy-absorbing, crowded...!"

But as they walked through side streets, old and twisted and stone-paved, with the blue sky arching above, it became quieter. An afternoon peace had fallen on the city, and even the houses seemed to be dozing. Doves and pigeons cooed ceaselessly from the rooftops. Now and then someone called out within a house. A soft breeze rustled the girls' tunics. The air was warm with the solid, calm warmth of afternoon, neither too hot nor too cold.

"This is nice," Amethyst sighed.

"So peaceful," Eclipse agreed drowsily.

Just then, they rounded a corner and came out into a large square, or forum as it was called in Rome. The forum was filled with people, and a tall man was standing in the middle, thundering out a speech and making wild gestures. Everyone was listening, and now and then shouting out bits of their own opinions. Eclipse's face fell.

"Rats. We'll have to sneak through and hope no one notices."

It was difficult work for three girls to make their way through a crowd of husky Roman men who had no intention of moving from their chosen spots, but Eclipse somehow maneuvered them through - until they came upon two higher-ranking men, standing a little apart from the crowd with lazy expressions.

"What do you think of this man's speech, Julius?" asked one.

"As wild as these plebieans' speeches are apt to be," Julius answered carelessly.

Amethyst was staring at him. "Girls - that's Julius Caesar! He looks exactly like the busts of him that I've seen. Except he's younger right now."

"Caesar?" Darkvine gasped. All three girls gazed at him, more out of curiousity than anything else. His face was plain, but character and energy were evident in the keen eyes, the firm mouth, the calm set of the chin. Back home, nobody looked like that - important people least of all. But the slight flicker of selfishness, that was so apparent in the faces of important people at home, was present in this man's face too. They were fascinated, and a little afraid at the same time.

Julius Caesar's glance turned toward them. His eyes widened just for a moment as he saw the gaze of three girls fixed unwaveringly on him.

"Who are you?" he asked curtly. "And what are you doing here alone?"

"We are not alone, sir," replied Eclipse with dignity. "We are the daughters of that man over there, and I think we'll be going now."

"His daughters!" Caesar scoffed. "He arrived an hour ago, without you. Now tell me again, what are you doing here?"

Darkvine bit her lip. If only Eclipse could think of something to say! But the girl was silent. And just as it appeared that they were in real trouble, a familiar voice was heard.


That's all for now!

Dead: 1

Alive: 12

submitted by Poinsettia, age whatcareI, ancient Rome
(November 8, 2022 - 4:02 pm)
submitted by Topsettia
(November 8, 2022 - 8:43 pm)

Still wonderful! I love the different times and the way the scenes are portrayed.

submitted by Amethyst
(November 9, 2022 - 1:55 pm)

Day 3, Part 4

Eclipse blinked. There stood a tall, black-haired man - Marcus, the attendant from the hotel, panting as if he had just run up.

"Daughters, I think we had better be going," he said in a fatherly tone. "Good afternoon, sir," he added to Julius Caesar.

"Now just a moment!" said Caesar's companion. "This girl has just told us that that man over there is her father."

Marcus faltered and glanced nervously around. "Well, I, well -"

"Oh dear, did you think I meant that man in the white toga?" Eclipse asked sweetly. "Well, I meant this man. What a dreadful misunderstanding! Do let's go now, Father."

"Er, ah, yes. At once," said Marcus, getting back into his stride. The four moved away through the crowd. Looking back, Amethyst saw Julius Caesar shrug and turn back to the speech.

The inn was only a few steps away, disguised by magic as a Roman home. As they hurried inside, Darkvine felt relief flood her. The upholstered chairs and flower-adorned entry room had never looked so welcoming. She sank into a seat.

Marcus closed the door and burst out:

"What did you think you were doing, messing around with someone as high up as the emperor-to-be? He's a powerful man! Do you know what could have happened to you?"

Eclipse didn't bother to reply, but Darkvine shot back: 

"I'd like to have seen you in that situation. You'd have been just as much in need of help, and anyway if Eclipse hadn't come to the rescue, you would have been outwitted yourself. That Julius is the only one to blame for this, not us."

That's funny, thought Amethyst, watching Marcus sink into a chair. He was upset that they had put themselves in danger. But if he was on the side of the Time Travel Inn, shouldn't he be pleased? 

Why had he bothered to step in at all, if he wanted them gone? There would have been no neater way to dispose of them. Questions flooded Amethyst's mind. Why, why, why?

Pangolin - a copper-haired, perky-looking girl of about thirteen - popped in just then.

"What's the matter?" she asked, looking from one to the other.

"Nothing," answered Eclipse. She motioned to pangolin. "Come on, let's go upstairs."

The three girls left the room and started mounting the staircase. Marcus went out too, but he took the elevator - and in no time was on the very top floor of the inn.

He entered.

"Well?" inquired a short, sharp voice from a dim corner of the room. Only the shape of a man was visible, hunched over a darkened computer screen. There was something sinister, evil, foreboding, about this man... Marcus stiffened slightly.

"Everything went according to our calculations."

"Good. You may go," said the man.


I hope to post the next part later today...

Btw, thanks to everyone who commented earlier about this ski-lodge earlier. It really means a lot to me when others share their thoughts on my writing. :) I hope you all keep enjoying the ski-lodge!

submitted by Poinsettia
(November 10, 2022 - 3:35 pm)

I anticipate these like webcomic updates! Keep on keepin' on. :)

submitted by Wolfy, age 13, wide awake
(November 10, 2022 - 7:04 pm)

Aw, thanks Wolfy! :)

Day 4, Part 1

Wales is, and has always been, a magical, mystical place. Mists waft past hills that hide secrets from all but those who know how to find them, and it is said that it was there that Merlin, King Arthur's magician, was born. Centuries ago, not only Merlin but all King Arthur's knights passed through this place.

A knight, Arveragus, and his lady, were riding through the woods. Both seemed nervous.

"Sir Arveragus," the lady began. "Prithee tell me whether witches and ghosts, and creatures of black magic, linger here, for I cannot rid myself of the notion that we shall come upon one."

"Pah!" snorted Sir Arveragus - not at all in a gentlemanly manner. "A pox on thee and thy imaginings. Hath not it always been said that a blessing from a priest is protection enough?"

"Aye, but Sir Arveragus-"

"Aye, but Sir Arveragus indeed. Say naught more. A lady knoweth nothing of these matters."

The lady said no more, but guided her horse carefully through the trees. From time to time she glanced at the knight. Her expression was quite undaunted - there was a glimmer of disdain in her eyes. She had dark gray eyes, under slender eyebrows. Her hair could not be seen, for it was tucked away into a tall, cone-shaped hat.

As the two emerged from the forest, onto a plain, a vague, shadowy shape appeared. It seemed to be solidfying, taking on the form of - a hotel. But the knight and lady had never seen anything like it.

"Black magic!" gasped Arveragus, and turning his horse, rushed pell-mell into the woods, dropping his shield in his hurry.

But the lady remained, watching.

Meanwhile, in the Time Travel inn, the CBers were geting ready to go outside. Hex smiled as she put on the long, finely woven scarlet dress, with its golden girdle, that had been provided for her. It just suited her black hair. All the girls were putting on similar dresses over their everyday clothes, while Darkling was pulling the typical medieval tunic and stockings over his everyday clothes.

"You actually look really good in that," said Silver Crystal to Darkling, adjusting her long conical headpiece. "Marcus, do we have to wear this?"

The attendant nodded. "And may I say that it certainly suits you? Well, if you're all ready, please follow me."

Down the familiar stairs they went and into the field. It was a sunny day. Flowers filled the meadow, bouncing and dipping as a soft breeze stirred them. And, advancing toward them, came the lady who had seen them arrive.

submitted by Poinsettia
(November 10, 2022 - 9:00 pm)

This is cool...but...am I dead?

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(November 11, 2022 - 11:48 am)

im gone for a few days and we end up in whales?! AWESOME job by the way

submitted by Luna Silvermoon
(November 12, 2022 - 4:36 pm)
submitted by topping
(November 14, 2022 - 9:22 am)
submitted by Top uwu
(November 14, 2022 - 7:34 pm)

@Luna Silvermoon: Thank you! This is being really fun to write - I'll be sorry when it's over.

@Reuby: No, you're not dead. I just haven't managed to write very much about you yet, but don't worry, you have an important part.

Day 4, Part 2

Hex stared at the woman in the heavy, long, jade-green dress who came across the grass toward them. Where had she seen that face before? It was a finely-marked face, with dark eyebrows arching above long-lashed eyes. No, Hex hadn't met this woman before. And yet - 

Meanwhile, Marcus started visibly.

"Good morrow to ye, fair lady," he said. But the lady broke in.

"Good morrow, fair sir. I am the Lady Elaine. I live in yonder castle-" Hex glanced at the huge gray building to the right. "Ye'll be a traveler, and faint and weary; moreover there's no inn in town for such high-bred folk as ye. Wilt thou not lodge in the castle for this night?"

"Madam," said Marcus brusquely, "we can do nothing of the sort." But Darkvine interrupted.

"Why not?" 

"I mean, it's a castle!" exclaimed Hex.

Marcus gave in. "Very well. I thank thee. Lead on." But he didn't sound grateful.

"Whose castle is it?" pangolin asked Lady Elaine.

"It belongeth to my husband, Sir Arveragus, a petty knight of King Arthur's."

"King Arthur's!"

"Aye. And thou'rt fortunate, my lass - King Arthur and all his retinue are passing through Wales, and have decided to stop at my lord's castle. Ye'll see them all tonight."


So short, but I was getting really behind. I hope to post the next part tomorrow!

submitted by Poinsettia, age whatcareI, Narnia
(November 14, 2022 - 8:49 pm)

Oh. Phew. Good. Just checking.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(November 15, 2022 - 7:05 am)