Dear all CBers, 

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Dear all CBers, 

Dear all CBers, 

I believe there are too many ski lodges. As of today (May 1), there are three ski lodges on the front pages. I see:

Ski Lodge

Ski Lodge

Ski Lodge

Greek Cafe

On the front of Puddings place. I don't want this to continue. Ski Lodges are an attack on emotional safety of many, including me, Chatterboxers. Seriously? Bloody violence and death? This cannot continue. I am calling on my fellow Chatterboxers to stop the ski lodges. You can help by not creating ski lodges, or if you do, not involve death or excessive violence.

thank you for reading this. please consider.

Regards and thanks to you all,

Golden Lion Tamarin 

GLT, many CBers enjoy ski lodges. They are presented in an atmosphere of fun mystery. We Admins aim to avoid posting excessive violence. If you don't like them, I suggest you avoid those threads and spend your time on others that are more to your liking.



submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(May 1, 2023 - 5:58 pm)

I'm happy to ask an admin to add a warning to the bottom of the original post of my ski lodge, if people think that would be helpful and if the admins would be willing to do that, and I'm sure most other ski lodge hosts would be happy to do the same.

What I wouldn't be happy to do is have my ski lodge shut down or put on hold or have to dramatically alter the plot or structer of it, and I don't think many other hosts would either. I've put a lot of work into it already (37 pages, 18115 words, 102346 characters and counting) and so far I've only written intros. Other hosts (like Periwinkle or pangolin, to name a few) are way farther in.

Also, it's important to keep in mind that people sign up for ski lodges. Yes, your aquaintences are dying, but it's something you filled out an entire form to be included in.

submitted by Scuttles@Amethyst
(May 5, 2023 - 3:50 pm)

I honestly don't understand why there's still drama over this.  The Ultimate Guide has been updated to include content warnings for ski lodges.  If you don't like them, just don't interact with them and let the people who do, enjoy them.  It's as simple as that.

submitted by Sterling, age they/fae, lost in a fantasy world
(May 5, 2023 - 2:39 pm)

Agreed. Ya know, Sterling, I think you summed it what I'm trying to say better in four sentences than I did in four paragraphs.

submitted by Scuttles
(May 5, 2023 - 5:50 pm)

No, the ultimate guide hasnt been updated. 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(May 5, 2023 - 6:52 pm)

The ultimate guide has been updated. The definition for ski lodges in the ultimate guide is as follows, with the admin's addition in italics:

"A type of CB story in which there is a secret murderer and all other participants are murdered as the story continues. Usually a horror/scary story, so if you're not a scary-story lover possibly give them a miss. Participants guess the murderer as the story goes on."

While I understand your concern is coming from a good place, I do think -- like Sterling said -- that's it's time to put this behind us. 10+ years of ski lodges and the pride and joy many people get from writing and reading them isn't going to go away, and at this point we've done the most we can do to warn people about the horror aspects of a ski lodge. Trust the admins to only post stuff that is appropriate, and just don't read stuff that makes you uncomfortable. 

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(May 6, 2023 - 8:44 am)

I've only been here for about 3 years, I haven't seen the old ski lodges, but since I've joined, ive absolutely loved seeing all of ski lodges over the years, and I guess I understand but people always put death and other topics in ski lodges, I want to write one of my own, but if people keep going on about this I don't really want to anymore, if you really don't like ski lodges, just don't read them, but I think the drama needs to stop and ski lodges can continue and if you really don't like them that much, just don't read them, but me along with I assume many other people, love writing and reading and being in a big part of the CB, which also brings a lot of us together.

submitted by Kitty cat
(May 6, 2023 - 10:30 am)

I feel like the Ski Lodges are an awesome part of the CB. However, I am only 10 years old, so it may be better for me and other younger Cbers to have less graphic descriptions. Like, not describing the death as much, but still having the Ski Lodges?

submitted by Suki, age 13 eons, Nowhere
(May 9, 2023 - 10:20 pm)

I'd like to apologize for any part I may have played in any ~drama~ on this thread. I was understandably a little upset at having my creative work along with that of others called "an attack on the emotional safety of many" and "bloody violence and death." I agree with what Kitty cat and Sterling have said: the Ultimate Guide has been updated and it's time for the drama to be over.

submitted by Scuttles
(May 10, 2023 - 7:20 am)

Ack, sorry about those very derogatory descriptions of Ski Lodges. I just was pretty freaked out that 3 different ski lodges were on the front of puddings place!

However, I agree with Suki. Chatterbox is meant for all of us, even those in the younger demographic. And according to the quantum many worlds interpretation, everything not forbidden (like clicking on a ski lodge) is compulsory. Thus, in a level 3 parallel universe which deserves equal treatment as the universe that we and our outcomes live in, I clicked on every ski lodge, became horrified, and was not able to sleep the entire night. Just because there is a warning doesn't mean that adventurous yet sensitive CBers will venture into these threads and become uncomfortable. 


GLT, we Admins works hard to keep excessive violence off of the CB. We trust you all to only read the content that you are comfortable with. - Admin

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(May 10, 2023 - 11:04 am)

With all due respect - that's absolutely ridiculous. A hypothetical scientific theory has nothing to do with the creative work we writers put our hearts and souls into. Most if not all new CBers read the Ultimate Guide when they first join, too.

submitted by Sterling
(May 10, 2023 - 2:50 pm)

Ok. But have you read Poinsettia's or Suki's comments? Or mine regarding the world domination thread? If we die, it wouldn't make sense how we could still post on other CB threads. And if we can't post on other CB threads, that would be basically kicking us out, which is not allowed-- everyone who is respectful is allowed for eternity. So, can we maybe just have future lodges be something like, as Poinsettia suggested, a miscallenous person is killed, and we have to figure out who did it. That would avoid the paradoxes and the emotional sensitivity. Please remember to read the whole comment section before making objections. 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(May 10, 2023 - 4:18 pm)

The thing about paradoxes -- you're not actually being killed off. Your CB-self isn't even being killed off. The version of you in this ski lodge is who's being killed off. No one's being kicked off the CB. No one's being forbidden from posting. Besides, most ski lodges just magic everyone back to life at the end anyway. 

I can understand emotional sensitivity, but paradoxes and everything? That's just making this issue way more complicated than it has to be.

There's been a lot of discussion about how ski lodges are violent and gory. The truth? They're not. Sure, the whole concept of ski lodges sounds a little bleak, but the actual writing of them isn't that gory and most barely even describe the murder besides mentioning the method of death. A few current ski lodges are a little darker, but most of the originals the deaths are hardly violent or gory. I mean, in T.O.N.'s original, a character got abducted by alien unicorns.

This is making me think of Luna-Starr's ski lodge, the Ski Lodge Story. It spoke about how one day, people might try to censor ski lodges, and that it was up to the CBers to stop it from happening, because ski lodges are so much more than death. They're creative and funny and so important to so many people. Don't censor ski lodges. Just don't read them if you don't want to.

Can we just put this conflict behind us? Please.

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(May 10, 2023 - 5:19 pm)

Uh, more details about the Ski Lodge Story? Because we seem to be entering (or exiting) a Ski Lodge War, brought on by myself for no reason. Go on, put this in the Ulitmate Guide.

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(May 11, 2023 - 12:15 pm)


I'm what could be called a sensitive CBer (also super squeamish so Ski Lodges make me feel sort of lightheaded for a moment).

I was planning on starting a ski lodge myself, but with enchantments and people getting lost somewhere instead of deaths, since I can't stand the prospect of hurting other people. (Except now that I've said that I'm trying to write a Ski Lodge with no deaths everyone will know it's me if I do write it *facepalms*) Maybe there could be a few Ski Lodges like that for more sensitive CBers--or a Ski Lodge where you're solving a mystery, like GLT mentioned earlier.

@Peri I do think the rating/labeling system is a good idea! Maybe the creator of the Ski Lodge could post that on the thread, instead of the admins, so they don't have to do as much work. Or it could just be a warning like: "This Ski Lodge will involve some graphic detail."

We're not going to post objectionable graphic detail.


submitted by Lyric, age Excluded, nowhere in particular
(May 10, 2023 - 4:44 pm)

Guys.  I'm gonna be honest, this whole argument is kind of making me not want to be part of the CB anymore because I think it's ridiculous and immature.  If you don't like ski lodges, don't interact with them.  It's the same deal as with interacting with content anywhere - for example, if you know you don't like movies with action, you're not gonna go see a Marvel movie.  To claim that no one should be allowed to watch the movie just because it's not your style is actually really selfish.

Listen.  I love you guys, and I love our silly little murder mysteries.  No one actually dies, because there's no real canon to the CB - it's the same sort of thing as games like Mafia or Froggy Murder, except with more storytelling.  So can we please just put this behind us??? 

submitted by Sterling@Everyone
(May 10, 2023 - 6:43 pm)