Well, I'm in

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Well, I'm in

Well, I'm in a RPy mood, and there's really no book that could be good for a RP that there isn't a bunch already out there, so I decided to make one up. Okay, it's pretty much just a boarding school called Clearwater Academy. It's in the US, co-ed, so, have fun =D

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 19, 2011 - 7:21 pm)

Name: Clickaron Jonerum  (Click or Clicka)

Age: 14 (she's two minutes younger than Davin)

Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes. Wears black clothes.

Personality: Smart, genius-like smart. Doesn't make friends too easily, but the ones she does make are good friends.

Occupation: Hacker.

2nd occupation: Ninja skills

Reason she's at Clearwater: Well, there were some *cough* incidents involving *couch* shaving cream and toliet paper on the roof and *cough* computers and *cough* a headmaster. Has been kicked out once, of some random boarding school that I don't know the name of.

Name: Davineste Jonerum (Dav or Davin)

Age: 14

Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes. Wears black clothes.

Personality: Friendly, make friends easily. Pretty smart, but not Clicka smart.

Occupation: Ninja

2nd occupation: Hacker

Reason he's at Clearwater: He did the shaving cream and toliet paper on the roof. Clicka hacked into the school system and canceled school for two weeks. And made everyone get a+'s.


submitted by SC, age 13
(October 19, 2011 - 8:23 pm)

Well, I found this somewhere in the lost pages of Pudding's Place, so while I'm topping this, I might as well go ahead and give some more info...

Clicka and Davin are half-Chinese, half-German Swiss Austrian mashup. They can both speak fluent Chinese, Spanish, and Italian. Their parents both have jobs at a company that makes them move around a lot, so they've lived in Beijing for two years, Milan for three years, and Barcelona for one. They were sent to their former boarding school two years ago.

They can't stand racist jokes.

(And yes, I know what I'm talking about. I'm the mash-up of genes, I can speak pretty fluent Chinese and decent Spanish. One of my friends who now lives in New Orleans lived in Beijing for a year, and I've been to Beijing 5 times. So if Clicka or Davin calls your character something in Chinese, it's probably "You're a big watermelon head." ;) )

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 20, 2011 - 8:17 pm)

Name: Juana Maria del Carmen C. (according to my Grandma who's obsessed with geneology, this is the name of my great great great however-many-greats grandmother) my charrie's nickname is Carma (because of the "Carmen" part of her name. :) and it's pronounced like karma)


Age: 15


Appearance: she's half Hispanic and half Apache (Native American). So obviously, she has darker features-- dark brown eyes, black hair, and dark-ish skin) 


Personality: very friendly to everyone she meets, and acts very shy. But underneath the teddy bear act she's a rebel and a force to be reckoned with. Teachers or other students around = teddy bear, kind, shy, doesn't eat anything unhealthy, play it safe Carma

no one around except her friends = edging towards evil, not quite sane, sugar and danger loving Carma 


Occupation: code breaker (is good with technology and can hack into almost anything with her code breaking skills)


2nd Occupation: umm....since she's good with tech stuff, inventor. takes apart phones and iPods and stuff like that and builds new things out of them. even built a small robot once, but he was crushed by a falling book. She never got over that.


3rd Occupation: :)   mythology geek (can name any and every Greek deity and monster)


Reason she's at Clearwater: You don't want to know. Or maybe you do. To satisfy both those who do want to know and those who don't, let's just say that it involves a computer, a painting of a Greek goddess, a window on the 7th floor of a school building, and Carma getting expelled from a boarding school in Paris. (Did I forget to mention: she's really good at gymnastics; she climbed up to the 7th floor while outside of the building, then painted Athena on the window. The school janiter wouldn't clean it up. So as far as Carma knows it's still up there.)

submitted by Juana M. ;)
(October 20, 2011 - 9:04 pm)

Name: Diane, supposedly, but that's not her real name

Age: 16

Appearance: Hair that starts black at the top, but gets more silvery at the bottom (yeah, I know it's odd-sounding. SO WHAT?) Her eyes are a clear gray, and she has pale skin. She's thin, and average height.

Personality: Well, you shouldn't pay much attention to this, because I seriously usually end up making my personality as I go along. But she's quiet  and logical, as well as daring and... and daring.

Occupation:  She's a warrior in wherever she's from.

Reason for being at Clearwater: She was at an orphanage befoer she went to Clearwater. The people... ahem ahem.... were tired of what Diane is usually like... so they sent her to boarding school. I think it had something to do with 

1. Knives under a pillow

2. Being in the highest tree in town in the middle of the night 


submitted by Diane , age 16
(October 21, 2011 - 5:06 pm)

OOOH! Can I join! It sounds cool!

Name: Ryan Black
Age: 14
Appearance: long black hair with red streaks in it that gets all red at the bottom. Really blue eyes, wears a lot of black and leather and tall lace-up boots, and always wears black jeans.
Personality: Street smart, not very book smart. Good enough to pass, but not good. She's got anger issues, and she hates when people try to control her or boss her around. She can be nice, but she's generally not trustworthy, and she's very sarcastic.
Occupation: Ninja
2nd occupation: medler (basicaly means she listens to everyone and tells their secrets to everyone else, that's why she's not trustworthly.)
Reason she's at Clearwater: Well, she, uh, sorta stole, a *cough* bike *cough* and um, $50. So she was kicked out of multiple orphanages.
She was born in California. Her parents died when she was 1 year old. She moved to Russia for a year, Germany for 3 years, London for 5 years, then she moved to Sydney, Australia for 2 years, Mexico for a year, then to Texas for a year, and finaly Clearwater.

submitted by ~Sam~
(October 21, 2011 - 9:07 pm)


Name: Delhi Idellia
Age: 14
Appearance: Dark, thick black hair always tied up in a braid with one of her signature woven bands. Purple tattoo of a butterfly on her cheek she had to sneak out and get, which got her in huge trouble after her parents found out. Chestnut brown eyes. Gold earrings. Very tall for her age and skinny.
Personality: Rebellious and moody, but lightens up a bit once you get to know her. Passionate about what she believes in. She's also very artistic, and painting releases some of her moodiness and anger.
Occupation: Painting in random ways; Delhi enjoys making one of a kind art pieces using strange methods (tying a leaky pen to a tree and letting it swing, hurling paint onto a canvas by dipping a tennis ball in paint and tossing it, etc).
2nd occupation: Stealth and spycraft! Delhi has plenty of experience crossing heating ducts and placing bugs (see below). She also has some decent hacking abilities.
Reason she's at Clearwater: There was a conspiracy going on at Delhi's old school; a rival school bribed Delhi's school with cash to fix sports games. Of course, because Delhi knew what was going on, what with all her bugs, so she started a series of pranks and such to get the school to stop since it didn't seem fair to her. TP-ing....eggs....deleting student records...."protest art" painted on the gym wall....and with each occurance, a threat note. The administration found out what was going on, and to preserve their "great" reputation, they quietly sent Delhi to Clearwater as not to arouse the local authorities.
Random Things: Delhi enjoys chocalate chip cookies, rock climbing, Kit Kat bars, and running. She hates most television shows, writing in pencil and not pen, and autumn. On the bus ride to Clearwater, she met Jade and the two became great friends (Jade Renalo's profile coming soon)

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 23, 2011 - 7:59 am)


Diane's second occupation is spying on and stalking everyone and everything.  Her real name is Sylyn. 

submitted by Diane , age 16
(October 23, 2011 - 11:43 am)

Sure, all ya can join! =D This'll be my charrie:


Name: Allegra Fellers (Ally)

Age: 16

Appearance: Waist length brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, skinny and medium height. She usually wears skinny jeans, Greek-like sandals, and shirts, and she always has a small charm bracelet.

Personality: She's smart, kind, but can get mad rather easily. She's quiet and usually goes unseen during school.

Occupation: Ninja

2nd occupation: Captain.

Reason she's at Clearwater: Well, after going to another school, the government said she was 'too good for that school', which basically means that she caused too much trouble and had to leave, but the government couldn't think of a good reason without revealing her secret.

Other: She's a super good climber, can find places to put her feet when the spot is barely the size of a postage stamp.

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 23, 2011 - 11:00 am)

OK, not fair! All girls except Davin!!


Then I'm making another guy!! Because Davin's lonely!!

Name: Kez Avenlosa

Age: 14

Appearance: Tall, brown hair, brown eyes, slightly tanned.

Personality: Cagey. Very cagey. There is not a single thing that he posesses that would give away his true identity. But is decently friendly, if he decides he can trust you.

Occupation: That's classified.

2nd occupation: Hacker. Especially into anything government related. Especially anything relating to Italy in the goverment files.

3rd occupation: That's classified too.

Reason he's at Clearwater: He's kind of Clicka's and Davin's tag along, because of who his parents are, and who their parents are, and how they met, and what his actual occupation is. Basically, that's classified.
However, it did have something to do with Milan fashion, Vatican security, and an assassination attempt.

Skills: Knows his way around any weapon. Italian, Spanish, French, English, German, Latin...

Screenname: kezclassifed100111010


Clicka's screenname: clickclackhack100111010

Davin's screenname: davdrivefire100111010

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 23, 2011 - 1:43 pm)

Name: Jade Relano
Age: 15
Appearence: Crow black hair (very short, with bangs), although she dyed it blue in some parts. Sparkling green eyes. Always wears a very light pink, girly lip gloss- she applies it every hour. Always wears black, except on special occasions. Wears a small star pin with a hidden camera inside.
Personality: Secretive and stealthy; pops up when you least expect it.
1st Occupation: Government Agent (yes, this is true. See below.)
2nd Occupation: Rock climber
Why she's at Clearwater: Jade is actually one of the youngest government agents serving, and because the government was getting itchy about what the kids might do at Clearwater, they sent out a kid (Jade) who could easily blend in and keep an eye on them. Jade's cover story is that while at a private school, she refused to follow the strict dress code and ran to a nearby field during an inspection. Because of the "strictness" of the "school", Jade was "kicked out" for "severe misconduct'.
Random Stuff: Jade loves laser pointers. LOVES them. She'll do anything to use one. She's also a fan of lime green nail polish and sending prank calls over walkie talkies to other agents. She hates pink- the only reason why she wears the lip gloss is for some more backup for her cover story.

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 24, 2011 - 6:38 am)

Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh.... I kinda intended Clicka and Davin to be sorta working for the government, because their parents are agents, working for a "company", and the real reason they stopped moving around with their parents and often participating was because of Kez. Kez's true identity is still classified. They're his protectors, and do have acess to some government information, but are quite willing to hack into what they don't have.

So.... do they know about each other or not? I doubt that Clicka and Davin know about her... but does she know about them? They're not really agents... more like ninja hacker bodyguards. Oh, and there is no way Jade can know who Kez really is, seeing as I'm not so sure myself...

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 24, 2011 - 7:18 pm)

Name: Royanna Mondragon

Age: 15

Appearance: light but tanned skin. short, chocolate brown hair with bright red streaks. brown eyes. She's around average height, maybe a little on the tall side, but not really (she's around 5' 6").

Personality: very eccentric, to say the least. She's usually quiet, but sometimes blurts out random factoids when anyone says something even distantly related to what the factoid is about. Never wears matching socks, and always has a small silver necklace on. The necklace is like a charm bracelet in that it has six different pendants. There is one for each element; a gold flame, a bronze/copper looking tree, a bluish colored wave made of what looks like zinc (or something like it) and a silver swirling shape meant to be wind. Plus there is a gold sun and a silver crescent moon.

Occupation: "sorceress". She's really into anything paranormal and/or magical, believes in a multitude of different spirits and deities.

2nd Occupation: not so much an occupation as a skill; she is very sneaky, very quiet when she moves/walks.

3rd Occupation: bottle cap collector. she has 813 bottlecaps in all. :) 


P.S: I, Snake, actually do have a bottlecap collection of over 800 bottletops. 

submitted by Snake
(October 24, 2011 - 7:54 pm)

I'll join! This sounds fun!

Name: Thorn

Age: 15

Gender: Male (I've never done a boy before)

Appearance: Dark brown hair, which is kind of too long, but not shoulder lenghth). Dark green eyes, and very pale brown skin, very tall and thin.

Personality: Usually breaks the rules just to annoy adults. He will usually follow someone if he sees them going somewhere. 

Occupation: Spy

Second occupation: Warrior, of sorts

Reason he's at Clearwater: Well, he kind of... snuck into a staff meeting.....and was found stealing books from the staffroom..... and a few more MINOR MATTERS..... at his old school.

submitted by Tiffany W., age 11
(October 25, 2011 - 5:19 pm)

I'm gonna start, because I'm supermegalyawesomely bored...soooo:




Allegra stepped out of the sleek black government car and held up her hand to shield her eyes from the blinding afternoon sun. She glanced at her paper, Name: Allegra Fellers Date of Birth: 4/26/94 Date of Admission: 8/31/11 Boarding Hall: Kingleston Hall. She folded the player up and shoved it in her jeans pocket. All along the top of the staircase men and women holding signs directing various students to their specific halls. She climbed the stairs and turned to the right, already knowing where everything was having everyone in her family graduated from the school. She approached a large building, pure white with large, black glass doors in the front and brown capital letters portraying 'Kingston Hall' above the doors. She pushed them open and walked down the hall, her footsteps echoing through the empty hallways. The walls were painted a sickly green and the floors were wood. Glancing at her paper again, she found her room. She creaked open the door revealing a mostly empty room, a twin-sized bed pushed against each wall with a headboard, desk, and closet next to them. Opening the door a bit further showed a girl sorting through papers on her bed.



Ya'll can take it from there; one of you can be her roomie or I'll make one up for her.

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 24, 2011 - 10:42 pm)

Davin Jonerum

My neck itched. My neck doesn't itch very often. It means I'm being watched. And not by that cute girl. I'm being watched watched. Security personnel of cameras or whatever. I'm being watched. And I don't like it.

Clicka was itchy too, but for a different reason. Her computer was in her backpack. So she was itchy. She could feel it too. And no doubt she had sneaked a hack into the academy's systems, and knew exactly how many security cameras were watching us. I had spotted seven just up to the gate. As a rule of thumb, that meant that there were seven others that I hadn't managed to spot. But if they had that many just on the road to the academy... who knows how many hearing devices there had been? And what was the security like inside?

It didn't matter. Clicka could disable all of them if we had to.

Kez murmured something in Italian, and Clicka answered. Something about pies and whipped cream. And basset hounds. She had recently read the Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks... so I didn't think would last that long at this school. Clicka has a thing for pranks.

Kez wasn't itchy at all. Or jumpy. Or remotely disturbed by the security. I guess he's used to it. Or he's used to not showing what he feels about it.

The bus stopped. Well... bus wasn't the right word for it. Coach? Palace on wheels? Not quite sure. This was a school for decently smart or atheltic "problematic" kids with a decent amount of money. Or where the government wants to send Kez.

(I mean, really. Did I have to do the toliet paper on the roof? That took forever, and it wasn't necessary. Shaving cream would have just as good. The gov specified toliet paper.)

We grabbed our backpacks and got off the bus. Someone unloaded the luggage, and we dragged it across the ground. Actually, I dragged mine and Clicka's. She took her six computers. Kez took his, but he didn't drag it. He wheeled it across the grass. I just don't see how that's possible.

I elbowed him slightly in the ribs and murmured, "Charlar." Chat. Clicka set up something a few years ago. It's probably the most efficent way of talking without anybody noticing. It looks like we're playing Bloons Tower Defense 4. Pretty neat, huh? A few steps later, Kez "stumbled" and said the same to Clicka, only in Italian.

I was right about the security. Security cameras. Everywhere. There's one by the bench. There's one on the flagpole. They are everywhere. And I don't think they're for Kez. If the government wanted him watched so much, they would have stuck him in jail.

So they're not for Kez. What for, then? The angles are all wrong, if they just wanted to watch people coming in. So, what? What? The students? We're not that problematic, are we?

As soon as I was in my room, I got onto the chat.

davdrivefire100111010 is on

kezclassified100111010 is on

davdrivefire: Dude, did you see the cameras?

kezclassified: What do you think? The security's crazy.

clickclackhack100111010 is on

clickclackhack: And no offense, kez, that's not all for you.

davdrivefire: That's what I figured. I mean, I guess most of the kids will be prob. kids, but this is way over the board.

kezclassified: Nah... I'm not that selfish to think so. i already looked it up.

clickclackhack: Hey. That's my job.

kezclassified: Sure.

kezclassified: Guess what the real name of the school is.

davdrivefire: Overboard Security Academy.

kezclassified: Nope. Click?

clackclackhack: Clickclackhack is awesome.

kezclassified: Nope.

kezclassified: Clearwater Academy

kezclassified: For technologically and physically advanced students.

kezclassified: The motto is in Latin, but translated it's

kezclassified: Those who do not conform

kezclassified: and realize that they must be average

kezclassified: will meet their ends.

kezclassified: And it's owned indirectly by the US gov.

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 25, 2011 - 9:43 pm)