Well, I'm in

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Well, I'm in

Well, I'm in a RPy mood, and there's really no book that could be good for a RP that there isn't a bunch already out there, so I decided to make one up. Okay, it's pretty much just a boarding school called Clearwater Academy. It's in the US, co-ed, so, have fun =D

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 19, 2011 - 7:21 pm)

I'll post, too.


The heat was scorching as I
jumped off the bus, traveling backpack in hand. "FINALLY!" I yelled,
though my throat was dry--they treat you like prisoners on that thing,
forbidding you to have any soda or water. My new friend Jade was able
to catch up to me faster then I expected, and together we found the
road to the buildings. The two of us walked down a pebble pathway lined
with magnolia trees, and passed a large, metal sign which read "Welcome
to Clearwater Academy-Teaching Values and Virtues Since 1915." Below it
was a little plaque that said in tiny letters: "Voted the Best Private
School For Students In Need of Academic Discipline."
I almost retched. "What in the world? 'Students in Need of Academic Discipline?'"
"Tell me about it!," Jade replied, and we burst into giggles--something I hadn't done for a while.
I was almost feeling good about heading to Clearwater, until I saw the thousands of security cameras. They appeared to be of the A-47 grouping, considered rare by my handbook to bugging. According to the handbook, they were the hardest to infiltrate because of their complex mechanical system, but it wasn't impossible. I made a mental note to go to the Student's Store kids had been talking about--it was a way to get supplies without going off campus--to find metal of any kind--I heard that helped a lot.

More later....I gotta get off :'(

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 26, 2011 - 3:31 pm)

I'll  be the room mate. 


I looked at the papers all around me. They were government secrets, personal stuff, and letters from the stupid orphanage that sent me here. Suddenly the door opened. A tall girl with really long brown hair and green eyes walked in. She stared at me, I stared back. She was the first to break. "Who are you?" I asked. "Ally. You?" "Ryan. So you got stuck here in this government dump to huh?" She nodded. "Why are you here?" she asked. "Confidential," I said in a don't ask kinda voice. "And I guess you're probably not going to tell me then huh?" She nodded. "It's only fair." I shrugged. "I guessed." "So, what are those papers all around you for?" I grinned. "I meddle. These are all the secrects no one wants told. That's why people buy them off of me. Ten to two hundred dollars depending on the secret." "So basicly you go around taking people's darkest secrets and then you sell them for money?" "In a nut shell, yes," I said still grinning. "Ok, note to self: Don't tell you anything." I laughed. "That's what all these people said." I gestured to the papers around me. "They all crack eventually. I make them trust me, tell no one small secrets, they tell me the big ones, then I sell them and blame it on someone else." She looked disgusted, but then she nodded approvingly. "I see why they sent you here." "I also fight pretty well," I said in a way that  said I wasn't saying the whole truth. "I'm a fair fighter too," she said. I already knew she wasn't saying everything. But I respected that. She put her stuff down on the bed, and started putting clothes in the drawers.

submitted by ~Sam~
(October 26, 2011 - 4:44 pm)

SC, the closest Latin translation to your post's motto is:


Qui non conformes atque sentire, quod necessario concurrent average fines.


(just thought you might want to know) :) 

submitted by Royanna
(October 26, 2011 - 11:34 am)


I started unpacking my clothes. Glancing at my schedule, I realized that I had Advanced Core Training first, so I shouldered my bag of weapons and training uniforms and started walking out of the dorm and towards one of the many training facilities. I walked into the changing room and emerged in the same black bodysuit that everyone else was wearing. Rummaging through my bag, I took out a wickedly sharp three-inch dagger and dropped it into my belt loop. A sharp whistle sounded and we were herded into a larger room. It rose about forty feet and took up the space of the entire Kingleston Hall area. All around it were training supplies, mats, targets, jumps, and bars. I lined up in front of a woman, super tall with hair pulled back in a tight bun and her skin pulled over her face. She growled at us, "Listen, delinquents. You're here becuase you're too precious for juvey, so the government dropped you in good, old Clearwater. My name is Miss Vass. I'm a third time honor guard for the Society of International Delinquents, been appointed to thirty-four jobs as a warden at some of the most prestigious prison facilities in the country, and declined all of them. You will do as I say, or be severly punished. I will make your muscles hurt so hard that your grandchildren will be in pain. This next few years will be the worst of your life, and some of the best of mine. I am paid to...well, calling to 'torture' would be sugar-coating it. Now, I expect you all to run seventeen laps around the building, absolutely no walking." At this she brandished a long rope, and I instantly realized it was a whip. She smiled wickeldy, "You're just lucky I'm allowing you to do it indoors," she said, as if it was a reward. I sighed, then started running.

submitted by ZB
(October 27, 2011 - 5:23 pm)

I know you've already started, but can I join? *puppy face* Oh wait. Maybe you're a cat lover like me. *kitten face*


submitted by SusyQ
(October 27, 2011 - 5:52 pm)

'Course you can join =D We haven't gotten too far in, so it'll be fine!

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 27, 2011 - 6:43 pm)

Clicka Jonerum

My legs hurt, my arms hurt, my lungs hurt, my back hurt, my head hurt, my ears hurt, my BRAIN hurt. My gym teacher, Miss Vass, I swear by all books, was more sadistic and more insane than bloody BELLATRIX LESTRANGE.

After the seventeen laps around the school, which was about seven miles, we had to a bunch of things that I forgot the minute we did them. If you slowed down, fell, tripped, whatever, Vaster flicked you with that stupid whip. And screamed "FASTER!" That's why, now and forever, she has been branded "Vaster" in my mind.

I could deal with the seventeen laps. If I had warmed up, had enough water to drink, and not suffering from jetlag. And afterwards, eaten food for an hour. Me and Davin have run two half-marathons, but that took weeks of training. Kez, of course, didn't break a sweat until the twelth lap.

The class was pretty small, just us three, a boy, and eight other girls. (I'm assuming SusyQ's character is a girl) And for once, not an all white school. I was kind of suprised at that. I mean, sure, they were all white, but at least half of them had mixed blood. No asians, though.

I didn't notice that anything was weird until Davin poked me. He has to do that sometimes. It was while we were running. Kez, of course, looked like he was out for a Sunday stroll. But that's Kez. He's been running marathons since he could walk. But this was a strange bunch... a bunch of them were barely breaking a sweat. After two miles in fifteen minutes. Now that's not something you find at a boarding school. A bunch of these other so-called "delinquents" were ninjas, too. Maybe a parkour practicer or two in there.

Here's the thing about being a ninja, and I use the term loosely here: you have to be smart. You have to know when to wait, when to run, and when to look completely awesome. You have to be street smart.

Here's one thing I learned in Milan: Where there is street smart, there is tech smart. Where there is tech smart, there is computer smart. Where there is computer smart, there are cyberpunks.

So. I have a bunch of ninjas and cyberpunks on my hands.

In a place that could really use some hacking.

Somehow, I managed to get out of the black jump suit and into my clothes. In the meantime, I had written a message on the dry erase board that had something about how to do CPR on it.

"Log onto your computers when you get back. Play Bloons Tower Defense 4. I'll contact you then."

One girl opened her mouth to say something, but I put a finger to my lips, then erased the board. They wouldn't have cameras in a girls locker room, but they might have bugs.

I went back to my room and set up some private chat accounts. They get onto Bloons Tower Defense 4, get to level 3, and a balloon pops up that asks them if they want to join. that's it. "Want to join?" it asks, then you give a username, password, and you're in.

clickclackhack100011010 is on

clickclackhack: so, peeps, there seems to be something seriously wrong with this school.

davdrivefire100011010 is on

davdrivefire: so, my sis clicka set this up obviously, and I know that eight out of nine of you are girls, but most of you look like ninjas anyway, and I don't know about the rest of you, but I seriously want to put crumbled cheetos in Miss Vass's bed. But she probably sleeps on the floor anyway.

clickclackhack: so, basically, my real name is Clickaron Jonerum, I'm 14, and you call me Clicka unless I let you call me Click.

davdrivefire: I'm Davineste Jonerum, I'm 14, and you can call me Davin. I'm the resident ninja of our family, which includes Kez, Clicka is the resident cyberpunk, (polite name for hacker), and Kez is the resident classfied person.

kezclassified100011010 is on

kezclassified: They don't have cameras in our bedrooms because that would just be weird. There are cameras in the hallways, though, so keep your back to the wall, and the door closed. Don't let your roommate see this, unless they're part of it.

clickclackhack: Oh, and me and davin are the two Asian-ish kids. We're half Chinese, and don't say Kon'nichiwa. That's Japanese. And no, they're not the same thing. Kez is the tall Italian kid.

davdrivefire: so, why don't you guys introduce yourselves.

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 28, 2011 - 9:53 pm)

It has to be now :) But yeah, she's a girl- I think I'll need a little more experience with RPs before I try a boy.

I need to get ready for church now, if you don't mind waiting a little longer for my profile. 


Spammythecat says yukx. Yuck?


submitted by SusyQ
(October 30, 2011 - 9:24 am)

Ok I didn't really understand what happened in your last post SC. I didn't really get it.

submitted by ~Sam~
(October 29, 2011 - 10:40 am)

RoyannaDragon1235986407 is on

RoyannaDragon1235986407: I'm Royanna Mondragon.  I'm 15, I'm the girl with brown and red hair. I'm not a ninja, I'm a sorceress. And no, I don't have any real magic powers, but I do know some tricks that make me look like I do. Don't ever say anything in front of me that could be used against you, because it will be.

submitted by Royanna
(October 29, 2011 - 12:12 pm)

StalkerPerson is on

StalkerPerson: I'm Thorn Kaan. And I'm... weell, the only boy besides you two, Davin and Kez. I'm not a ninja either. I'm a spy.  

submitted by Thorn, age 15
(October 29, 2011 - 3:42 pm)


"So where's your boarding hall?" I asked Jade, after we passed a security checkpoint. We had to get our luggage scanned and sifted through, went through a lie detector test, and swiped the Clearwater Admission Cards we'd been given at the bus depot. Then we passed through an area with even MORE A-47s, as well as guards wielding laser pointers! I was able to resist the urge to snatch one out of their hands.
Jade pulled the crumpled admissions paper out of her pocket. "Imperium Cottage. You?"
I sighed as I gazed at my own. "Dragonby Square. Guess we're not roommates." After a quick comparison of first classes, though-classes were picked according to a student's needs, so those needing "help" in areas were assigned to certain classes, acorrding to a brochure-we discovered that we'd both be in "Social Development" after visiting our dormitories. After a quick goodbye, Jade and I set off towards the houses on different brick walkways.
As it turned out, Dragonby Square really was a square, and in the center was a sunflower patch. The boarding house was surrounded by some oak trees-I couldn't wait to tie a canvas to one of them, cover the stupid "stress ball" I'd gotten on the bus with paint, fling it on the canvas and make some art. There were a couple of floors to fit multiple students, as well as a lounge where they expected us to "hang out" (Yeah, right! I was pretty sure a war would be breaking out between some of them!). The room I was sharing was on the very top floor-there was even a balcony perfect for alone time. I was sure to be doing all my security camera schemes up there.
After going through yet more security, this time involving pupil scanners, card scanning, and using the ring of keys I got on every single one of the 19 locks on my door, I was able to walk through the room I'd be spending who-knows-how-long of my life in. As soon as I got in, I saw my roommate- a dark haired, dark skinned girl who was picking apart an Iphone with various tweezer-like tools at a desk. The door slammed behind me, and she jumped up, startled. "Oh, hi! Um, I'm Juana*," she said, still in shock, before turning back to her gizmo.
In turn, I answered, "I'm Delhi. What are you doing?" Watching Juana work was rather intriguing-she would toy around with one plug extensively, as if she had an idea, then abandon it before racing to another.
"I'm going to turn this IPod into a tracking device!" she responded excitedly.
"Can I help?" I asked. "I have some experience with that kind of stuff-especially bugs." Juana, though, gave me a worried glance that said You have no idea what happens when other people get near my stuff and continued to mess around with a colored knot. I groaned inwardly and pulled a Kit Kat bar out of my backpack before settling in one of the beanbag chairs crammed in a corner. I could tell it was going to be a long year.
Jade's POV coming soon!

submitted by WritingWarrior/Delhi, age ?/I forget, Nowheresville/School
(October 29, 2011 - 5:49 pm)

Oh, if Juana's creator doesn't want me to be her roommate, I understand.

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 29, 2011 - 5:49 pm)

ok I get it

RyanBlack192738 is on

RyanBlack192738: I am Ryan Black. I am 14. I'm hard to miss because I've got black hair that has bright red streaks in it. I am a ninja. And I'm a medler. I know everything, and I'll tell you anything you wanna know, for a price of course. And you should know that I will sell other people information about you too. So if you don't want people to know something, don't tell me. Even though you should know that I'll get it out of you eventually anyway.

submitted by ~Sam~
(October 29, 2011 - 6:32 pm)

Admin, I posted last night at 7, and my post still hasn't come up. There wasn't anything inappropriate-I think I said something about guards with laser pointers, but nothing really bad happened.
OH! You know what? I bet I exceeded the word limit. :)

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(October 30, 2011 - 7:08 am)