Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

November MCU!

Hey hey hey CBers! It’s pangolin with this month’s MCU! *giant light up sign above their heads flashes “applause”* *audience applauses*

I’m Barnacle, one of pangolin’s AEs. 

I’m Fir!

~A-and my n-name, uh, *looks at notecards* is, um, M-Mirage.~

…and I’m Koi.

But before we start, let’s have a moment of silence for Ella Starburst, the creator of the MCUs. Thank you, Ella!

Okay, first off, we have Important Dates, courtesy of Hex (unless otherwise noted)! 

Nov 1: Author’s Day! Celebrate books you’ve written, or are planning to write, or books other people have written. (Hex/Artemis)

Nov 2: Deviled Eggs Day!

Nov 3: World Jellyfish Day!

Nov 4: Common Sense Day! I need some of that…

Nov 5: World Numbat Day! To be honest, I didn’t know these existed.

Nov 6: Daylight Savings! We get an extra hour of sleep (:

Nov 7: National Hug a Bear Day! (Teddy bears, preferably) AND National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day, which is weirdly specific but nevertheless delicious (in my opinion) (Artemis)

Nov 8: National STEM/STEAM Day!

Nov 9: Chaos Never Dies Day! This is my day!

Nov 10: National Vanilla Cupcake Day!

Nov 11: National Origami Day!

Nov 12: National Pizza With the Works Except Anchovies Day!

Nov 13: International Tongue Twister Day! (How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood—although why it is called a wood chuck if it can’t chuck wood is beyond me, and wouldn’t the answer just be however much wood a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Have I lost you? Good.) AND World Kindness Day! (Artemis)

Nov 14: National Spicy Guacamole Day! (Because obviously we need that distinction?)

Nov 15: National Camp T-Shirt Day!

Nov 16: National Button Day!

Nov 17: World Philosophy Day!

Nov 18: Mickey Mouse Day! (It’s his birthday).

Nov 19: National Have a Bad Day Day! I feel like I celebrate this way more than once a year.

Nov 20: National Absurdity Day! Also my day!

Nov 21: Odd Socks Day!

Nov 22: National Cranberry Relish Day!

Nov 23: Fibonacci Day! (That took me way too long to spell…)

Nov 24: Thanksgiving! (Hex/Artemis)

Nov 25: Blasé Day! I kind of hate that this rhymes—

Nov 26: National Cake Day! I’m making myself hungry… AND National Cheesecake Day, because you can never have too many national holidays named after sweets. (Artemis)

Nov 27: Turtle Adoption Day!

Nov 28: National French Toast Day! Yum…

Nov 29: Square Dancing Day!

Nov 30: National Personal Space Day! Can this be every day?

Nov 31: Unless you live in a parallel universe, this is usually called World December First Day. 

November is also known as Adopt a Turkey Month, Banana Pudding Lovers Month, and NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) (Artemis). 

Speaking of NaNoWriMo, it’s daY TWO AND I’M STRESSING *shrieks in author* 

Next up, we’ve got the LMWAY! Last month, we asked, what are you most grateful for this year? Let’s hear some of the responses.

Poinsettia says: ​​Gosh, I'm grateful for a ton of things. Having gotten over long Covid is one of them. (I spent all of 2020 feeling sick...) Also my family, my house, my garden, and all of the beautiful and amazing things in life, and for being in a pretty comfortable situation in life.

Pancake says: My Ipod

Artemis says: music. I'm not sure I could slay my biology homework with the same fervor without AURORA.

Darkvine says: the stars in the night sky, they're always there, no matter what. :)

Amethyst says: I am most grateful for my family, my books, my ability to write, the nature around me, and, actually, the CB (I only discovered it this year)

You know what I’m grateful for? 

*deep sigh* ....Waffles?

Hahaha.…am I really that predictable?


Can I announce the next section? Please? Okay–*deepens voice several octaves* THE ADVICE COLUMN!

We asked for your advice for this question: How can you show your thanks to the people around you? 

Poinsettia says, “Show your thanks to the people around you by actively being grateful and happy about what you have, and talking to them about what you and they like best in life! (Okay, I think that's not the best advice but it's the best I could come up with, ha ha-)”

Amethyst says, “There are so many small things you can do that will make a difference! Make a bookmark out of paper and leave it on somebody's bed or desk; be cheerful (yes, it does help); tell your friends and family once in a while that you love them; and lastly, be patient and kind.”

I think that the best way to show my thanks is with a nice, loving pie in the face.

Please no

Threads to Check Out!, courtesy of Rora

Chirp at Cricket:

LAST TO POST HERE WINS!!! (By: Mysterious Hood) 

This thread has been going on since January 27, 2014! Will you be the very last to post? There is really no guarantee if this thread will die or not... 

Blab about Books:

Good Books that you Don't like for Weird Reasons (By: Darkvine) 

More of a new thread, but there truly are books you don't like for weird reasons! And you can never explain why.

Down to Earth:

Confessions (By: Anonymous) 

One of the saddest threads on the Chatterbox. It's basically an advice column for all CBers.

Pudding's Place:

INKTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (By: Reuby Moonnight) 

This thread is sure to get many posts and comments because we are in the month of Inktober, since it already has many posts on it. It will certainly keep you busy the whole month of October!


Winged Cats RP (Also By: Darkvine!) 

There are no other words for this thread! It's amazing. Cats that fly? I mean, what happened to the pigs can fly? This thread is nearly dead, so I encourage you to sign up!

~Uh, *glances at notecards* n-next up we have–*is hit with pie* *drops notecards* ohnoohno~

BARNACLE! That is very unacceptable behavior--

I’m just expressing my appreciation for Mirage!

I'll avenge you Mirage!! *chases after Barnacle with pie server*

OKAY so AE drama aside~ 

Quotes, courtesy of Poinsettia!

Funny CB quotes: 

"If two slices of bread were dropped on opposite sides of the earth,

would that mean the earth was a sandwich, even if just for a moment?" -Starrzle, Random Thoughts/Things thread

"I am high in a tree where nobody can get meee and I will stay here with the crown for entenityyyyy" -Hawkstar, Last to Post thread

Inspirational Quotes: 

"The world is but a canvas to the imagination." -Henry David Thoreau

"Very little is needed to make a happy life." -Marcus Aurelius

Book Quote:

"...Surprising things can happen to any one who, when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comes into his mind, just has the sense to remember in time and push it out by putting in an agreeable determinedly courageous one. Two things cannot be in one place." -Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Huh. Very inspirational. 

Are you inspired to stop hitting people with pies?

Uh never. Now, for our next section, Location of the Month!

Third Place: Amethyst with “Arendelle”

Why: Because it’s November and it’s almost winterrrrr!

Second Place: Darkvine with “the land of infinite zucchini”

Why: Do I really need a reason? It’s weird and random and amazing. 

First Place: Artemis with “eating pie”

Why: Thanksgiving is coming up and I’m so excited for my great grandma’s pie! :D

Finally, our Jokes Column! We only have one submission, from Darkvine.

Q: What did the tree say to the lumberjack?

A: Leaf me alone!

Bwahahahaha *tears of laughter* that’s pure genius right there

Well, that concludes this issue of the MCU. We’ll have a new one ready in December, so make sure you submit your answers to the LMWAY, LotM, Advice Column, and Jokes Column when they’re posted. And thanks to everyone who contributed this month!

Signing off,






submitted by pangolin + co. , eating pie
(November 2, 2022 - 1:29 pm)

thanks for making this! the humorous AE dynamics are appreciated, as always ;) I like that quote from Henry David Thoreau.

submitted by Artemis
(November 3, 2022 - 12:09 pm)
submitted by topping
(November 3, 2022 - 4:05 pm)

Oh. Thanks for the mention


submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(November 3, 2022 - 5:39 pm)

cool! :D

submitted by Darkvine, infinite zucchini
(November 3, 2022 - 7:32 pm)

Honestly I didn't even know I'd be mentioned, but thanks so much!

Also, I'm starting a new thread if you'd like to join... :)

It's called "Is Cereal a Soup?" 

submitted by Starzzle, age nunya, SS Sombrero
(November 4, 2022 - 8:47 am)

pangolin, that was really fun to read!

submitted by Poinsettia
(November 4, 2022 - 4:04 pm)

This is great! Thanks!

submitted by WiLdSoNg, I cOmE fRoM tHe StArS!
(November 5, 2022 - 7:10 am)