I saw the

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

New Harry Potter Roleplay
I saw the...

I saw the other roleplay was getting decidedly confused, and I didn't want to join this late in the story. Does anyone want to start a new roleplay? If you're intrested, please say so!

My character:

Cara Appledore

Appearance- Longish brown hair, glasses, 5'3"

Wand- beech, unicorn hair

Age-3rd year, 13

Extracurricular-Charms Club, cross-country flying

Other- nothing in particular


Please let me know if you want to join.


submitted by Emily
(June 29, 2009 - 3:27 pm)

((Oh, a young frog. Well... duh, Mary. *hits self* Sorry.

If Ima's being Lily Evans, who would everyone else like? I'd take Umbridge if no one else wants her...))

submitted by Mary W., age 11.49, NJ
(July 4, 2009 - 11:31 am)

I'll join, Emily! *winkwink*

Kira McCall

Age - 15, 5th year

House - Gryffindor

Wand - Maple, 13", dragon heartstring

Apperance - black hair midway down back, bright green eyes, 5'2" or so, slim

Family - Mother and Father both wizards, Dad works as magical creature veternarian (I don't know if there is such thing, but if there isn't, I'm making it up) and Mom works at Ministry doing...well...something or other. Not sure yet. Has younger brother Caleb in James's year, and little sister Sara not in school yet

Extracurricular - Gryffindor keeper, prefect

Personality - matter of fact, bold but practical

submitted by Allison P., age 12
(July 4, 2009 - 9:28 am)

I'd like Noel's Kneazle to be named Joshua, by the way.

submitted by Ima
(July 4, 2009 - 11:46 am)

Can we start the RP soon?

submitted by Ima
(July 4, 2009 - 11:49 am)

I think Umbridge would have had a cat because she seemed to like them. Her Patronus is a cat, and she had ugly, multi-coloured cat pictures on her wall. That doesn't mean she'd treat a cat well though - I can imagine her as a girl trying to train it to do certain things, and if the cat wouldn't do it, she might beat the cat. Or she might think she loves the cat and that the cat loves her, but be wrong (like, for example, she would always pick her - I picture her cat as female - up wrong, or hug her hard so hard the cat nearly chokes, or pet her backwards, misreading squeals of protest to be purrs of affection). Or maybe she had an evil, spoiled cat. I don't really see her with a pet toad. It's my experience that most people don't like finding someone exactly like themself. They don't like being constantly reminded of their worst qualities. And as for an owl... I don't know, she just doesn't strike me as a bird person. She'd probably be afraid of droppings. Oh, and I don't think Umbridge would do much rule-breaking - more twisting the rules to her advantage, and finding loopholes.

I think that if we have Bellatrix as a young childe, TNO should probably do her POV, she seems pretty good with her in the other RP... or maybe she doesn't want to do her as a girl and a woman at the same time. I don't know.

Speaking of villains, I don't really know if we have enough. I mean, how much damage can kids do? I wish we had someone else, but I don't want to change the info given i the story. Hm... Any ideas? Voldemort would only be half-formed, and in hiding. Grindelwald would be dead. Well, someone half-Voldemort and half-Tom Riddle would be okay, villain-wise. But still...

submitted by Ima
(July 4, 2009 - 3:20 pm)

((Oh, yes, if we do muck up her age like we did in the other roleplay and have a young!Bellatrix at Hogwarts, I CLAIM HER. But I promise to keep my character going as well. I think.

As for villains, well, half-Voldy-half-Tom would be lots of fun to write, but he'd have no reason to be at Hogwarts. Or we could to an AU (alternate universe) and make him an evil DADA teacher set on corrupting the minds of his students behind Dumbledore's back... Unless y'all don't *want* to do an AU, in which case I got nothin'.))

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(July 5, 2009 - 2:20 pm)

Sounds fun!

Name: Misty O'Malley

Apperance: Light brown wavy hair,tall,gray eyes


Wand: Oak,Pheonix feather

House: Ravenclaw


Extraculliar: Chaser



((we are doing maraders,right?))




submitted by Chloe E., age 11, CA
(July 4, 2009 - 6:15 pm)

Well, I guess if Mary does Umbridge, she should probably decide whether Umbridge has a cat or not... So it'll be up to you.

Chloe, you said your character was a Chaser in her first year. Wasn't Harry the youngest Quidditch player in a century in his first year. Or was he just the youngest Seeker? If so, I guess you could be Chaser as a first year, but you'd have to be really good.

submitted by Ima
(July 5, 2009 - 10:59 am)

Thank-you!!! i have been wanting to join the Harry Potter RP for the longest time, but it was hard with having to jump into the plot. Alright here is my charcter

Name: Fern Huntington
Year: 3, 13 years old
Appearence:Wavy Auburn hair mid-back lenghth. Green eyes. 5'5. 
Wand:Williow, Unicorn
Family:Pureblood, Mother works as a Nuse in St. Mungos, Father owns a Owl Shop in Diagon Ally. Older Brother is in Ravenclaw, 5th year. 
House: Gryffindor.

As for the time, i think that is should be Lilly and James' time. That way it won't get muddled with the other Harry Potter RP 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(July 5, 2009 - 12:58 pm)

((Precisely, Kendra.

Re: Tom Riddle/Grindelwald- Wouldn't Tom Riddle only be about twenty/thirty, working in Borgan and Burkes...? I'm probably wrong about that...

Yes, I agree with Ima that TNO (umlaut) should do Bellatrix if she's okay with that.))


submitted by Mary W., age 11.49, NJ
(July 5, 2009 - 6:05 pm)

i meant Nurse, but you probably figured it out. 

I should like to change her name to Fern Hunter and she has a snowy owl. 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(July 11, 2009 - 6:44 pm)

Can I be Lucius Malfoy in addition to Misty?

submitted by Chloe E., age 11, CA
(July 5, 2009 - 5:48 pm)

Okay, if Ima's Lily too, I think i'll be Sirius and Sara. Oh, another question what year should the Marauders be in?

submitted by MCB
(July 5, 2009 - 5:52 pm)

((Chloe and MCB- I think that's fine if Emily's okay with it...

Um, I think that the Marauders would be fifth year, and Lucius and Bellatrix seventh...? JKR doesn't do time lapse so well...))

submitted by Mary W., age 11.5, NJ
(July 6, 2009 - 10:48 am)

Yeah, that souds fine. When do we start the RP? Soon, I hope. (Although anyone can still join after we start, if they want to.) Is Umbridge going to have a cat, or not?

submitted by Ima
(July 6, 2009 - 12:13 pm)