Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




submitted by MysteriousHood
(January 27, 2014 - 6:56 pm)

Ugh, I've been away for an entire week. A week! I haven't been winning in a week! I must change that. I'm back to claim my throne, little nuisances, so begone. No point in trying now, for my extreme winningness is far too powerful for you to overthrow.

Also, Echo, unfortunately all wormholes lead to black holes (at least I think? it's been too long since I've read books on the physics and whatnot involving black holes and wormholes. but they're definietely connected somehow...). In this case, the wormhole you're falling down will, unfortunately for both of us, drop you straight into my black hole. I don't feel like dealing with visitors right now, so I'll just open up a big pond of chiken noodle soop right where you're going to land. Unless you do something, you're right on course for a big soopy splash...

submitted by Scuttles, the black hole, forever
(April 25, 2023 - 8:05 am)

*falls to a heap in rift and stands up* 

*curses in spanish*

it's dark. urgh. *snaps fingers and lightning illuminates the rift*

also, winning! 


submitted by echo, age 13., valhalla, she/her
(April 25, 2023 - 8:34 am)

Ugh, echo is winning. *curses in Latin*

Not anymore you aren't! I'm winning now!

*takes flower crown and rule book from whoever has them*

*settles flower crown on my head*

*flips through rule book looking for a good spell to use to throw you off a cliff*


Rule 21:

If a CBer spins in a circle and says "chiken noodle soop" three times, they will have the ability to summon a bottomless pit and make it appear anywhere they wish.

Eh, that's close enough.

*spins in a circle*

chiken noodle soop

chiken noodle soop

chiken noodle soop

*summons bottomless pit beneath echo's feet*

There, now you can't challenge my reign anymore.

PS also, echo, I like the sorta-new name. do you want me to use it in my ski lodge?

submitted by Scuttles
(April 26, 2023 - 7:53 am)

Oddly enough, I've changed it again. If you don't mind, will you please use Bluebird from now on? I'm trying to not act like a demented five-year-old, if you get my meaning. 

Chickie says "yyuxx." What is there to be "yyuxx"ed about? 

submitted by echo (Bluebird)
(April 27, 2023 - 3:47 pm)

*takes throne*

Bye-bye, Scuttles (and everyone else)

submitted by Queen Amethyst
(April 26, 2023 - 6:10 pm)

*takes throne back* bye-bye Amethyst! :D

submitted by Scuttles
(April 27, 2023 - 6:48 am)

Ha, HA! How unexpected and shocking! I have returned! Actually, I was here the whole time, up on my cloud. Spying on everyone....

Anyhoo, I'll take my flower crown and book back. Thank you! 


submitted by OpalescentDragon, age Lost, Roaming the woods
(April 27, 2023 - 3:32 pm)

It's been quite a while since I've been here... hm. I'm winning!

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark , age 13, The Mindscape
(April 27, 2023 - 5:53 pm)

...*sneezes into rift*

*pulls back out by sneezing*

*curses in Spanish*


*curses in Spanish again*

*doubles over laughing from the irony of the situation and pulls back out again*

*sneezes for the final time and lightning strikes*


submitted by echo, age 13, couch
(April 27, 2023 - 9:19 pm)

Ugh, obnoxious usurpers to my throne. I'll take that crown and magic book back, thank you.

submitted by Scuttles
(April 28, 2023 - 6:46 am)

Ha, imagine winning, that'd be crazy.

Oh wait--- 

submitted by Darkling, writing with a fervor
(April 28, 2023 - 12:41 pm)

*shoves Darkling aside*

*steps into spotlight*

*strikes the Hamilton pose--you know, the one with the finger pointed up?*

*holds pose for a few seconds*

*drops pose, adjusts crown on my head, grins, and generally looks satisfied with how awesome I looked*

*yeets all the usurpers to my throne into a rift with the magic book, as an afterthought*

submitted by Scuttles
(April 28, 2023 - 3:51 pm)

Ahhhhh oh no I have been yeeted

Is yote the past tense of yeeted? I'm gonna make an executive decision and say yeah

I have been yote

I don't know what this book is so 

*lights book on fire*

weehee arson 

*gives myself a fistbump*

Good job champ, what a sport. You're a winner. 

submitted by Darkling , falling off a chair
(April 28, 2023 - 10:38 pm)

*grabs the book from Darkling* ackshually, da book be fireproof.


*yeets Scuttles off the throne, then sits on said throne* 

submitted by Darkvine
(April 29, 2023 - 10:27 am)

*calmly taps throne with a pen*

EXCEPTTTT that the pen is a magic wand or something in disguise, so um...

*throne starts sinking through the ground slowly*

For your information, it's going directly to the middle of Earth where you'll never see it again and I think the middle of the earth is very hot and that poor throne won't survive, let alone you. (So yes, you should get off before that throne starts hurtling down 1000 miles an hour. And that's soon.)

That or I'll change my mind and put it somewhere in the Midnight Zone, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where it can't stand the pressure. But then I've already done something like that before so maybe not...

But either way... 

...if I were you, I would get off as fast as you possibly can.

Oh yes, and I think that book is mine. 

*calmly tugs book out of Darkvine's grasp*

You don't want to take it down to the Earth's core, fireproof though it is, so I'll just take care of it for you.


*disappears with book and magical pen* 







submitted by Lyric, age Excluded, apples
(April 29, 2023 - 5:44 pm)