Gifted kids?

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Gifted kids?

Gifted kids?


I'm gifted and it's rough. I don't always understand things, because they aren't worded in the most logical way. On this one standardized test, I got a B- because they used a "Best answer" system instead of having ONE correct answer. I see things differently. I used to doodle because class bored me, but I overcame that habit (mostly. Not perfect yet). I often slump, or find myself falling asleep. Fortunately I only fell asleep once.

So are there any other gifted kids? I might say who I am if there are. Sure, you can make guesses. Don't feel shy.

submitted by I don't want to , sound vain
(April 14, 2015 - 5:51 pm)

I have nothing to brag about. I wish I was a gifted student, but... UG! I hate myself for it, hate HATE! My dad wants me to be good at math. I am... but...

I'm horrible with my grades. I get bored by it easily seeing all these- Nevermind. I'm not going to lie to you guys that I am bored because I see other ways to do problems... I just... I think it's a waste of time...

Because I'm never, ever, going to be gifted.

I'm just a stupid brat wanting some fame on youtube. And I write better than most kids in my class.

It used to be easy in elementary. I was gifted back THEN. Now I'm... Not.

And then my dad compares me to all the other people working their bums off to get a good job. LIKE I CARE. All I want to do is just get out of this house so I can stop doing math worksheets for 4 hours straight each day.

My grades are a mess. All my friends have nearly straight A+s. I have A-, A, and like zero A+.

Go ahead and say you're gifted. Go ahead and say "I'm the top in my school" or "I got straight As!"

I, for one, won't be gifted. Ever.

submitted by Danie
(April 16, 2015 - 8:23 pm)

A lot of you guys aren't gifted. Being gifted doesn't mean you're smart. And if you say it's fun to be gifted, it's a dead giveaway you aren't.

Danie, you actually do sound gifted. Gifted kids, unless they push really hard, usually do get lower grades than some of their not-gifted-but-smart peers. They find the work obvious and boring, or they find multiple facets to the issue.

Not being gifted actually still means you're smart, however. A kid might be gifted and act really dumb, or a kid might seem gifted just because he's bright. A lot of you who are saying, "I get straight As!" are very, very smart, but not gifted. They shouldn't call gifted gifted. They should call it "a different brain makeup."


I've read that everyone is gifted in something. And it's often the hardworking average students who are most successful.


submitted by I don't want to, sound vain
(April 17, 2015 - 8:40 am)

Don't worry, A and A- are still pretty good grades (at least where I live).

And as for the gifted stuff, being "gifted" isn't necessarily a gift. Like in my case. I'm so above my grade level (not to brag, again) that I had to leave the place I used to live to go to a new, higher ranking school, and I was still better than everyone else there. So I'm now homeschooled, I'm isolated all day, I have two friends who I barely even see, and I'm now becoming an unsocial, short-tempered, weird, lonely kid who never interacts with anyone except the people I already know far too well.

I really was hard-pressed not to put a Marina + The Diamonds quote in there.

But anyway Danie, don't feel bad if you're not gifted. Maybe you should tell your dad that no one's perfect and if he can't appreciate you for who you are, well then it's his loss.

Sorry if anything in there sounded too agressive / depressing. Rant over. 

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 17, 2015 - 9:57 am)


I know what you mean, I really do. I'm not gifted, but my friends are. I work so hard, but I can't catch up, always behind by a couple of points. Don't let it bother you, what grades say about your scholarly attempts doesn't say anything about your heart or your writing or your personality. Grades are cruel and black-and-white, seperating people into the ones who laugh and tell each other, "I don't mean to brag but I am the best in my school I have been a straight A student since I was born," and the ones who get left in the dust. I for one try not to brag about if I win a contest, I don't go shouting it on websites and blogs and things, I might tell my parents but not my friends, because I also know what it is like to be left in the dust.

submitted by Indigo
(April 17, 2015 - 11:57 am)

Thanks Indigo! Made my day :)

submitted by Danie
(May 10, 2015 - 10:21 pm)

I did skip 5th grade. I do get mostly As, nothing lower than a C. That's just because I am focused. But I am gifted. They don't consider it gifted until you're in the 99.9th percentile, but I made it to the 99.99th. 

BTW, I was I don't want to sound vain.

I'm sorry if I sounded mean in my last comment. 

submitted by Brookeira
(April 17, 2015 - 8:45 am)

What do you mean, "gifted"? Is gifted subjective? Isn't it? 

Does being gifted apply the time I was invited without my knowledge beforhand in 2nd grade to lead songs in front of the entire school?

Does being gifted mean that I have a great musical memory and am able to memorize a song after listening to it 3 times? 

Am I gifted when I write four pages instead of one? Or am I just able to get my thoughts down on paper?

Savvy? What do you mean by gifted? All you said was that you were gifted. What does it mean?

submitted by No name , Just wondering
(April 17, 2015 - 3:36 pm)

At the beginning of the year I got bad grades on math homework. Getting threes out of twelve. Then I started trying harder. I actually studied. And I am a kid who never studies, because straight As came easy to me. This was a big deal. I'm in the gifted program, but sometimes I don't feel gifted. I'm in advanced math, but at the beginning of the year, I certainly would not call myself advanced. Yesterday I was pulled out of math class for G.A.T.E, our school's gifted program, and a kid sitting across from me muttered, "Lucky." But I didn't feel lucky. I didn't feel very gifted either. I felt like my work was too hard and the pressure was too much. I would consider that kid lucky. He didn't have to make up his work at recess. He got money whenever he got a good grade, while I was simply expected to get good grades. He didn't have half the class watching you read and telling you "You're not really reading that fast" and timing you, then quizzing you on what you just read to see if you were lying. He didn't have to be gifted. And this year, guess what?? We get HOMEWORK in the gifted program. HOMEWORK! As if I didn't have enough already. Ignore my last post. Well, not totally. Being gifted is still sometimes fun, I'm not lying, but mostly it's hard work. We have our laughs with the gate teacher and it was plenty fun making auto bios and making iMovies about them. But I still had to miss recess to make up tests. I still had to be embarassed when I walked into math class with a fake microphone taped to my face.  Yeah, that happened. And not to mention the constant fear of getting kicked out of the gifted program every time I get a C. Danie, you sound gifted to me. Much more gifted than I am. In fact, when people ask how I got in, I say it was truly luck. Because half the time I feel like I don't belong. You're the one who's gifted. Not me. Because, and I quote, "to know what you know and what you do not know is true knowlege." That's a precept from "365 days of Wonder." Very sorry about my last post. I didn't realize what I knew and what I didn't know. But you do Danie. You're gifted.

I'm not.

submitted by SAVVY44x
(April 17, 2015 - 3:49 pm)

Hey, I'm gifted too! And I LOOOOOVE doodleing! I do it in class (especially English, my teacher can make a normally good thing, really, really bad!) I also read in class. I was actually banned from bringing books to my English class. English class, and I'm not allowed to have books! Anyway, I feel for you all, it can be tough, but it's ok.

submitted by Molly!
(April 17, 2015 - 5:47 pm)

I am really, really highly gifted.

It is no gift.

It is a curse.

People mistake it for autism, I have slight imposter's syndrome, I am a perfectionist, my teachers hate me for correcting them.


I can find a way to prove every answer on a multiple choice test is correct.

I hate it.

I wish it would go away.

But it can't. 

submitted by S.E.
(April 17, 2015 - 7:43 pm)

NOT TO BRAG. I am gifted. My school system isn't equipped to move me up a grade or two. Ugh. The lowest grade I've ever gotten (letter) A, and (number) 85. In fourth grade I was tested, and they said I read better/faster than most adults. I'm advanced in every academic subject I'm involved with. I also take college courses through an online website.  

submitted by Young Writer
(April 18, 2015 - 8:52 am)

WE-ell, I am above normal level. A lot. I go to this charter school where everyone learns at their own pace, and is incouraged to think outside the box, and to work with and rely on their peers instead of their teachers. And I'm pretty advanced, I guess, in reading and math, and I'm also a really good writer, but still, does that make me gifted?

I don't think so. Yes, I look at some problems differently, but I think that's mostly because of this school. Mostly, I just attempt it in the same way other people do.

And make sooooo many mistakes.

I"ve got talents, attributes, stuff I'm really good at, but so does everybody! I think, instead of "gifted", it should be "talented at this." Because everyone will be great at something and absolutely terrible at something else. That's just life. 

submitted by Carolion K, age Classified, North Pole
(April 18, 2015 - 9:42 am)

I would not say I'm gifted. Yes, I am roughly a grade above (except for math- there I'm two grades above), and yes, I have done things that most people my age don't normally do (like write a book), but I'm not gifted. I just work really, really hard. I'm just a perfectionist.

If anything, it's my brother that's gifted.

If I do say so myself, in school (or rather homeschool) he doesn't work as hard as me, but he's very, very smart. Like for example: He was seven years old. Like all seven year old boys, he liked Legos. But after he got all of these Legos, he would build the set once how the directions told him to, and then pour all of the Legos and mix them up with his other ones, and build something that was ten times better than the set.

I am being perfectly serious here. They were way better than the set. My brother also can play piano far better than what he should, beat anyone I know in chess (nobody plays with him anymore) and is a computer programmer whiz. 

So I'm not the gifted child, my brother is.  

submitted by Katie M
(April 18, 2015 - 11:35 am)

I guess the end of my post  got cut off when I typed (my Dell deletes randomly.)


GIFTED IS NOT FUN. And I made the worst mistake in terms of being gifted. I showed it when I was little, and now...well...I posted about the reading test and math test (did I post on math? Well, I'm like 3-4 grades ahead. Yeah. Not fun.) right? Anyway, now everyone knows, and I would like to slink back but then think I'm depressed or something so I just do it, which is easy. 

I have almost no friends besides you guys because they all want to cheat off of me or ridicule me, except for a couple whom I never, EVER see anymore. I keep getting yelled at for seeing other ways to do things. I DO like being smart and all, I just don't like the burdens it brings. 

Oh well, no pain no gain right?

And if  you say being gifted is fun, you can still be gifted. It just means that you are in the right environment. When you're stuck in the wrong place, it's really tough. 

I've said this everywhere. I'll say it again. I love you guys.  

submitted by Young Writer
(April 18, 2015 - 2:43 pm)

I don't think I'm technically gifted, I am just a dillegent student. I wish I were challenged more in school, I am definitely bored by everything we learn because. . . well because it makes sense I guess. The teachers spend a long time explaining everything to everyone with reasons and examples and all the rest but I usually just get it because it makes sense! And not to brag or anything, but I have the highest reading score on standardized tests (which are kind of stupid) in my school, granted it is a relatively small school. I am in middle school but I can read/write about articles that are college level. In fact, I have a personal account to the Harvard Business Review website because I find the writing there interesting. I don't mean to brag by any of this though, it is just nice to talk about it to you guys because you understand it. And even if I'm not gifted I am sympathetic to you guys who are and sorry about your troubles and whatnot. 

submitted by Juniper Mae
(April 18, 2015 - 4:57 pm)