Gifted kids?

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Gifted kids?

Gifted kids?


I'm gifted and it's rough. I don't always understand things, because they aren't worded in the most logical way. On this one standardized test, I got a B- because they used a "Best answer" system instead of having ONE correct answer. I see things differently. I used to doodle because class bored me, but I overcame that habit (mostly. Not perfect yet). I often slump, or find myself falling asleep. Fortunately I only fell asleep once.

So are there any other gifted kids? I might say who I am if there are. Sure, you can make guesses. Don't feel shy.

submitted by I don't want to , sound vain
(April 14, 2015 - 5:51 pm)

I tried the flute, but I didn't have the patience. I'm a recorder gal through and through.

submitted by S.E.
(May 5, 2015 - 4:53 am)

I HATE playing instruments. Especially since I'm horrible at it.

And SE, I'm not sure I have it. I only have the last two symptons.  

submitted by Danie
(May 5, 2015 - 7:03 pm)

I really don't think gifted kids and instruments go together...

I practically cry when it's time to... *shudder*.... practice my trumpet... 

submitted by Savvy44x
(May 26, 2015 - 7:17 pm)

I am exceptionally smart, and on my recent MAP test (for people who may not know, it's kind of like a progress test that you take at the beginning and end of the year), I got a 268 on math (The highest in my grade I know is a 270), and a 245 on reading (highest in my grade I know of: 250). I am in the 7th grade advanced math program in my school, and still get high grades. I am a perfectionist, but not as much as I was at the beginning of the year. In elementary school, there was this math program called Online Math League, and I won medals 3 of the 4 years. I do think about being smart. I never do consider being gifted, just smart. But looking at this post, and doing some research, I keep wondering if I have just forgotten about the term. I have been told I am.

The question: Am I gifted?

Or am I just smart? 

I'm not entirely sure.

submitted by NatureWriter, age 13
(May 5, 2015 - 3:41 pm)

I'm just hoping I get into the eighth grade math in seventh grade... Oh, why bother, I don't even study for any tests! And my dad signed me up for advanced math club... Hated it. Doodled on the tests, put in "Some number" instead of a real answer. Yeah, I'm an amazing student. I never studied in my life -_-.

submitted by Danie
(May 5, 2015 - 7:05 pm)

Being labeled as gifted is an extremely varying and difficult subject. I am (unfortuanatly) gifted, and would rather curl up in a hole and die than be so. I am the most annoying person in the world sometimes, mostly because I am bored, have extremely minor ADHD, and I'm gifted. I don't want to be. I can't accept anything that I do, even if I do incredibly. 

But then there are tests. I used to be so scared, so nervous I'd fail that I refused to take tests. I take them now, but rather unwillingly.

And the worst part? The part of me that nobody ever likes to see or comment on? People have asked me if I'm autistic. Some of the ways I react in social situations... look out. 

NatureWriter, you do sound smart. I would use the term bright to describe you, probably. Maybe even gifted. Who told you that you were gifted? If it wasn't someone professional, it could still be true, but it's more likely you are really smart. Which, I would say, you want to be. If you get my message. 

submitted by S.E.
(May 5, 2015 - 8:40 pm)

I'm not really gifted. I learn quickly, but I'm not gifted.

Except I got into GATE.

And I read faster than my teacher. 

But I'm not gifted. I just read a lot. I mean, a LOT. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(May 5, 2015 - 9:33 pm)

The schools who have GATE programs generally accept accelerated students, and not always gifted ones. I wish my school had a GATE program.

submitted by S.E.
(May 6, 2015 - 5:09 am)

High five! sometimes I read books so fast that my mum jokes, "Chew your books before you swallow". :P

And GATE... Seriously, sometimes I want to slap GATE.  

submitted by Danie
(May 6, 2015 - 11:04 am)


You may or may not be. I think you are. 

submitted by Brookeira
(May 6, 2015 - 2:09 pm)

I've never really liked the word 'gifted' being attributed only to those who get good grades. I know a boy who could play you a lovely piece on the violin, and can read very quickly but is in his grade on most subjects. I know a girl who could throw a perfect pitch, but is in her grade as well. Being above your grade or stellar in your grade is great, but it doesn't translate to being gifted. I do Sophomore Biology, and Junior or so Literature. I was in a Homeschool co-op class with High Schoolers and was near best of the class. I found my 7th grade Vocab. book easy. So what? Those are talents of mine, but I couldn't play a piece or throw a pitch to save my life. Every single person on Chatterbox is a gifted kid. I'm not trying to offend whoever created this thread, just lending my opinion.


I WAS NOT BRAGGING WHEN I LISTED MY 'ACCOMPLISHMENTS'. ALL of you have special accomplishments, and I love every single one of you. 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(May 6, 2015 - 3:43 pm)

I don't want to turn this into a debate, and I don't mean to offend anybody by saying this: but everyone is not gifted. Yes, we ALL have gifts and are really good and some things, but giftedness is a recognizable psychological condition that a lot of the time pertains to other conditions: imposter syndrome, depression, autism, ADHD... it hurts, it really does. So I'm not saying people here aren't gifted. You guys are all incredible. You're empathetic, kind, awesome, and just great. But when I say gifted, I mean the brain anatomy is different. Highly sensitive, over excitable me. Yay. 

submitted by S.E.
(May 6, 2015 - 7:58 pm)

This is sometimes what people call gifted:

-Good grades

-skipped a grade

-does GATE

-reads fast

-can answer any problem

I only have... one of those. Reading fast. Yeah.

What gifted SHOULD be:

-Some sort of special ability

The dictonary says: having exceptional talent or natural ability.

So, I guess the dictonary is kinda right. Ish.

I think we are all trying to get some attention. Make everyone want to say, "Oh, I feel sorry for you." or "You are so cool!". Seriously, it's mighty obvious to tell.  I guess you guys are all so smart and kind and nice and bleh... I'm jealous. Absolutely jealous. That's the whole reason I got onto this thread. To feel jelly, and make others feel sorry for me.

Honest, blank, honesty. (I also posted this whole post to make you fellers sorry for me. Honesty.)

What really makes you gifted? I really don't know.

It just depends on what your definition of 'Gifted' means.


Right, it all depends upon the definition of gifted. The way I see it, we are all gifted with life and all the opportunities that come with it!


submitted by Danie
(May 6, 2015 - 8:45 pm)

I wouldn't really say I'm gifted but lots of kids say I'm really smart, I get straight A's, and I think the lowest grade I've ever gotten is an 80. I would never want to skip a grade anyway. It would probably feel like starting school over and not knowing anyone.

submitted by Dragonrider, age almost11
(May 9, 2015 - 9:46 pm)

Whoooeeee, an 80?... You're a lucky duck.

submitted by Danie
(May 10, 2015 - 10:20 pm)