Random Things My

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Random Things My

Random Things My Friends Have Said 2

Heck yeah I'm bringing this back. I doubt this needs much explanation, right? Feel free to post your own! Some of these have really funny stories behind them. I'll tell some of the more exciting ones if you're interested!


"I shall slander away till the end of my days."

"How did you manage to get yourself stuck inside a locker?"

"Whatever you do, don't spread your legs." 

"Do cockroaches even eat bread?" 

"Rest in peace, lobster crate. You will be missed."

"Macaws? Macao? Maracas? ... I'll go home."

"Excuse me I'm very Berthilda." 

"It's just a water gun!"

"I need my vice president with me for inter-species relations."

"Yeah, it's not like these are my actual clothes or anything— OH WAIT! THEY ARE!"

"We're the queens of foosball, so bow down, suckers." 

"I said fudge this time, are you proud?"

"Can you have funerals for inanimate objects?" 

"I wanna be a snake when I grow up."

"But Farmer Ben isn't even a potato farmer, he's a black market potato dealer."

"Sorry we're late, Ms. Gomez, we were summoning a chicken ghost in the bathroom." 

"If someone ever starts doing this to you in the movie theater, leave."

"I'm afraid that I'm going to have to arrest you for eggicide." 

"Thea, Give me back those fingernails this instant!"

"... So then I smashed our child onto the sidewalk. Sorry."

"I mean, who else would do squats on a bike rack?"

"Guess what? We were almost kidnapped at Starbucks!"

"I'm not [censored] nervous, what the [censored] would make you think I'm [censored] nervous? I'm cool, calm, and collected and I'M NOT [censored] NERVOUS."

"Full offense, but you need new friends."

"Prayer circle for Owen's sanity." 

"By the way, I'm your mom now." 


"Man, this would be a really bad time for Scott to walk in." 

"Squaw squaw I'm a seagull!" 

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(May 3, 2017 - 6:43 pm)

Here's one my crazy friend said to me once during PE:

"We are the soccer cats!"

And my other friend said this once during choir to me:

"I'm writing a story where me, you, and [other person] were princesses with glasses." 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 3, 2017 - 9:40 pm)


"I'm having too much fun with this!" (regarding frog dissection)

"I feel a little mad scientist-y right now. . ." (also regarding frog dissection)

"We should give Lucy a 'No [watch your profanity!] given' t-shirt."

"You're a bad influence!"

"What's 'PTX' mean?" (my response: "Pentatonix!!")

"DON'T CALL ME OPA!!!!"  (LOL my friends are K-Pop weaboos)

"If I spoke to you in Korean all day, what would you do?" (my response: "Talk to you in German all day.")

"I'm going to KILL you, you little [watch your profanity!]!" 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 4, 2017 - 12:02 am)

"Gosh dangit, I REALLY hate this [watch your profanity!] California weather!"

"That was meant only for Kyra.  No one else."


"The only reason she would be doing that would be if she were hiding something."

"Maggie, you are not leaving until you carry me like a princess!"

"I'm much more sweg than you."

"I'm sorry, am I talking too fast."

" . . .  And then I'm like, what the [watch your profanity!] is this [watch your profanity!]?  Who did this to me?"

"I am a lizard in college, and you are a cat in high school!"

"Wanna be in the owl club?  We all act like owls when we run the mile!"

"Let's start a PE game of Duck, Duck, goose!"

"No, it's Trash, Trash, garbage can!"

"I was hiding a rubber band!"

"Don't you DARE steal my man bun!" (FYI this was a girl saying this)

"One time Kyra went home because she was cold."

"Melina was scared of the merry-go-round!"

"I slept rocking forward and backward."

"Didn't we share a tiny towel between us?"

"I can't believe Lucy rode the same ride 11 times in a row! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 4, 2017 - 12:18 am)

Ok... I guess I'll do this.

"And then, the doll clown climbed out of the dumpster and Dominic saw him and said AYYYEEEE!"

"Wait, don't you have to work out to do that?"

"Angel-chick-a! Shell-iza! And Eggy! The Fly-ler sisters... we're lookin' for a mind at stork, stork!"

"There's a hole in my grilled cheese!"


"I am a GENIUSSSSS!!!"

"She asked if we were singing about bile, now you owe us boba." 

"Aviles... no, Milava -- wait! That sounds like My Lil' Ava! My Lil' Ava, My Lil' Ava..."

"Are you discriminating?" 

"That sounds a bit sketch..."

"Viva la Pluto F*** YOU!"

"Seth is a cyborg and only A.N.G.S.T. can stop him! On with the drawing of turtles with french accents!"

"But you stuck your fingers in my soup!"

"I would object, but I've never heard you sing, so who knows?" 

"Sophie holds way too many grudges, she's still mad about the time I drank out of her water bottle with out asking. However, I will never do that again after all the screaming, silent treatement, and broken glasses I endured. Well, I suppose that last part was an accident." 

"When you die, I get your cats."

"If you die from eating that, we'll be too busy saying we told you so to care, but we'd probably be sad after a few moments."

"Not seven. Seven is a bad number. I must ask the devil to change his numbers from 666 to 777."

"If you join the revolution, you can eat guacamole forever." 

"1, 2, 3, COMMUNISM! Heather's advisory!"

"What is your logic?"

"Flamenco... like the dance with the pink birds?"

"Next on the list... screw eyes. Yeah, SCREW EYES! WE DON'T NEED 'EM!" 

"Draco Malfoy is an egg." "NO HE'S NOT YOU... YOU GEORGE EAKER!!!" "Excuse me? What did you just call me?"

"Quia pius es, quia pius es, quia pius es..."

"Traffic, traffic, right in front of us. What's that behind us? Traffic, traffic, right in front of us. What's that behind us? Traffic, traffic (x50)-" "SHUT UP!!!"

"The one day I'm not at your table, your enchilada has cheese."


submitted by SopranoTwo (Ava G.)
(May 3, 2017 - 10:08 pm)

Haha, those are funny! The Schuyler Sister's parody is strangely similar to one my friend Iris made up during our egg baby unit:

"Yolk, yolk, Ang-egg-lica! Yolk, yolk, Egg-liza! And Eggy! The Scrambled Sisters!" 

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(May 3, 2017 - 11:47 pm)

Oh, joy! I love these threads. XD

These are great guys, I love reading them. 

submitted by LilyPad
(May 4, 2017 - 1:14 am)

"My feet are covered in tea!"

"No, Ashlyn, Brendon Urie is not a Snapchat filter."

"I'm eating the world!"

"My favorite food is gluten!" "Oh, that's totally gonna be my new Facebook status" *updates facebook status to say 'izzie's favorite food is gluten'*

"You have too many guinea pigs."

"Did I just turn on this mushroom?"

"Is this gluten-free meat?"

"I look like a frog."

"Does your rabbit poop a lot?" "All he does is poop."

"Molly guess what I did?" "What?" "I took a selfie"

"I am a homely potato dudette."

"Hello, my purple powerade friend." "Hello, fellow purple weirdo."

"My pancakes are literally drowning in chocolate."


Looking back at this list, I realize that almost all of these were said by the same person. 

submitted by Leafmist
(May 4, 2017 - 7:52 am)

I always love reading through all of these! There's so much funny stuff. Here's some things my friends and I have said recently... I explain the stories behind them if anyone asks. 


"Um, I don't think that was the choreography..."


"I'm getting emotional... these general functions have destroyed me."

"It's trash--literally. LITerally! Literally! *proceeds to laugh for ten minutes straight*"

"As well as get God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title, because that title is freaking awesome."

"Hello. Or as the hoot dog would say, hoot."

"NoIcE nOIce noiCE!"

"Can't have another odd1sout incident..."


"I guess you could say he was... Musso-leading!"

"The hoot dogs are gonna take over the world." 

"There's little bit of Todd Lancaster within us all." 

"Stop sending me random Wikipedia pages!"

"Oh, and now he's going to 'whack' me five times for communism."

"Operation: Copper is a dog."

"Wot- swiggity swooty." 

"No ice nice once." 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(May 4, 2017 - 8:56 am)

Sigh... I don't really have friends I can talk to much. But I love these, and I do have a few I can share! They all went something like this:

"I'm going to be a rapper, a candy rapper and name myself M&M." "There is an M&M already, he's called Eminem!"

"Okay, I dare you to parkour over Ashlee and the table!"

"Guess what, Ashlee?" "What?" "Hi."

*Enters a giant room of people testing for FBLA "WAFFA WAFFA FFA!!"

"William!! You have to be the chicken next year!"

"You look like that professor with giant glasses from Harry Potter. What was her name again?" "I think it was Professor Trelawney or something." "YEAH! You look like her!" *Facepalm*

"You're my bro, you're my homeskillet, and YOU are my homeslice!"

"I can rap Guns and Ships-" "WAIT. You can rap?! Start, I'll drop the beat!" *Starts beatboxing* 

"My business will dominate the world! I'll be sitting up there in Heaven, being like 'Dude, look, Devilish Desserts are everywhere. Opps. I think I just killed everyone with diabetes and heart attacks. My bad.'"

"I will chain you to a chair like I did Naomi, and you won't be going anywhere!"

"That's punny!"

"Rabbits and red beards don't mix, I tried telling them that!"

"What are you two doing out of class, Sam and Willis?" "It's Advisory." "And you have a meeting, Willis!" "Nah, not anymore we don't!"

"Where are you two supposed to be?" "Advisory." "And why aren't you there?" "We are, this couch is our advisory teacher now!"

"Remember my first time on the trampoline?" "Remind me." "I fell flat on my face the moment I got on." "Oh yeah! And we sat here laughing."

"Dude!" "She's a girl, bro." "Yeah, but we can expand the definition to include boys and Ashlee."

"Burrnnn!" *Facepalm* "Brayden, I think you just burned yourself." "No, I- Wait, WHAT?!"

That's all I have for now! 




submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 4, 2017 - 11:09 am)

Okay, so none of these will make any sense out of context...

But here goes! 

"Do you want me to do some more funny skits?" 


"Who's going to play these parts? Our neighbors?" 

"How'd Civilization go?" 

"It's like a harmonica case..." 

"Not my circus, not my monkey."

"Hot dog eating is a sport. Totally. I'm very impressed."  

"SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP!" "Is it going 'cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep'?" 

"I get to kill him!" 

"Does it have the audio?" *music plays* "It has the audio..." 

"Who remembers our names?" 

"No, I don't have random mushrooms on me..." 

"AFTER he's dead we can be stunned..."


I have weird friends... 


submitted by Nianad
(May 4, 2017 - 2:29 pm)

"Ok, so I'm going to say something and you can't reply, no matter what it is. Ok? Here: Severus Snape was a terrible person." "MMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFF!" "Nope, you can't reply!"

"I'm going to clean your phone so well you'll never touch it again."

"You always remind me-" "-but I never listen!"

"Well, I'm sorry I lost your mother's good opinion of me. She seemed like a lovely woman in those fifteen minutes I talked to her. I guess she hates me now." "Donata, my mother doesn't hate you, you idiot!" "Have you asked her yet?"

"I've got those beeeaaarrr neccesities, those something-something-something-something, forget about your worrrries and your something!"

"I would appreaciate it if you would stop crawling on me like a spider!''

"I assumed it was something from some weird old British movie. You quote old British movies a lot." "I do, don't I?"

"How are ya?" "I'm dead inside." "Still?" *sympathetically hugs*

"I swear to G-d-" "You're an aetheist." "...Good point."

"Fight! Fight! Get her, Riley!" "I only have a marker!" *hides behind desk* "Get more! Make a sword!" "THEY DON'T FIT!"  

"Riley, help me! I zipped myself backwards into your sweater and I can't get out!"

"Wow, Olivia! In four inch heels I'm at your eye level! The world looks so different from up here!"

"Make sure you save some shnitzel. I need something to lure Samantha over here."

"My chair isn't working today."

"In the meantime, I'll take sixteen more Hogwarts House quizzes!"

submitted by Cockleburr
(May 4, 2017 - 2:44 pm)

I love these! The last one is honestly something I'd say.

submitted by Bibliophile
(May 4, 2017 - 3:22 pm)

Ok, so what happened there was that my friend Olivia took a whole bunch of Hogwarts quizzes and kept getting all different answers. We kept telling her she was a Gryffindor, but she wouldn't listen. So my friend Donata and I forced her to sign up for Pottermore and take that quiz. We told her that Pottermore would surely get it right. She got Slytherin (of all things!) and now she won't let us forget about how we swore the Pottermore quiz would work, and now takes Buzzfeed Hogwarts quizzes in her spare time to prove how many houses she can possibly get without trying. She's STILL a Gryffindor, though!!!

She was the one with the first quote, saying how Snape was a terrible person. I was the one who couldn't answer. :P 

submitted by Cockleburr
(May 4, 2017 - 9:36 pm)

Here's a few more I remembered!

*Points at William Shakespeare* "Look, William, you are famous!"

"Don't make me bring out the spider."

"Your new name is Bob, and she is Bobert, okay?"

*Senior starts waving to guys in cars* "Oohh, look at this one!" "He's like... what? 90?" "Eww."

"I got a barf one!"


"I think Mr. I is burning something again..."

"He's my son, this is my wife, I am the dad, you are the godmother, and he is our unborn son."

"So... You two must be twins, I take it?"

"I think I broke it again..." "SAM!" 


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 4, 2017 - 3:15 pm)

I have so many of these... there will be a second post.

"And my dog ate my areties THE END!"

"You could use it for WARMPTH!" (it doesn't sound funny, but beleive me, you had to be there)

"and the day after, there was a huge baby who ate cheetos"

"What color is decapitation?"

"What is it? It is purple."

"You say 'Wi-Fi', I say 'CHEESEBURGERS!'"

"I think my spirit animal is a psycho squirrel with chainsaw... BZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZ!"


"This book is to me as cheese is to plastic revolvers."

"So I like {cencored for privacy} what does that have to do with rubber ducks?"

"Two questions: One, I forgot. Two, why did I forget it?"

More coming later!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(May 4, 2017 - 3:56 pm)