Happy LGBTQ+ Pride

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride month! :)

submitted by AutumnArtist(A.A.), age 14
(June 28, 2018 - 10:12 am)

I love your location tag so much, and props to you for handling everything so well Snazzy! You are my absolute favourite AroAce bubblemuffin! <3

submitted by Jaybells, Lost in a Moment
(June 11, 2022 - 12:13 am)

Awwwwwww XD being called an AroAce bubblemuffin absolutely made my day so thank you! And to you and @IgnisKitsune, I'm super glad the CB is full of such fabulous supportive people like you so thank you guys so much! (And Ignis (is that an acceptable nickname?), I look forward to seeing your kawaii AroAce drawing ;) )

submitted by Snazzycakes, age 14, a proud genetic dead end
(June 11, 2022 - 2:46 pm)


So many times I've wonder why I am the way I am, like all of the signs are pointing to a genetic dead end  between being ace and on both the aro and NB spectrums, possessing all the traits of an extremely awkward introvert, plus the mental stuff I've got going on, but it's really reassuring to see someone so lovely openly acknowledging the same thing and being proud of it... 

That was a really long winded way of saying I love u Snazzy ma m8, XD. Never stop shining Queen! 

(Also the AroAce bubblemuffin nickname is admittedly equal parts adorable and fitting for some reason <3) 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost upon a Rainbow
(June 12, 2022 - 8:46 pm)

Thank you! Since my sibling is nb, neptunic, and questioning their place on the aro or ace spectrums, and I'm AroAce, we have a running joke that "the bloodline dies with us!" My parents would like to have grandchildren, but it's not up to them :). Instead of the usual get-married-have-kids-find-a-nice-house-in-the-suburbs life plan, I'm planning to find a house with a bay window (idk why but I've always really wanted one) in a smallish town, live there with a cat and possibly Silkie chickens, and be a librarian. Oh, and watch my sexist homophobic grandfather explode when I'm living my best life without a husband or kids. That'll be fun. 

You never stop being as effervescently fabulous as you are, either, queen (or monarch, dynast, gerent, benevolent overlord... whatever you prefer :) )

submitted by Snazzycakes, swift as an aro
(June 14, 2022 - 9:20 am)

HI just popping in to say I think my bloodline is also ending with me and I completely love your planned lifestyle <333

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark , age 12, Ace and likes dragons
(June 14, 2022 - 1:26 pm)

Awwww thanks <3

submitted by Snazzycakes, gonna ace out
(June 14, 2022 - 6:42 pm)

Fellow aroace! Hi! And yes, get chickens, I've always wanted chickens :D

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 20, 2022 - 7:19 pm)

Soo...I accidentally came out to this kid at school today? We were doing this activism project for ELA, and his was about LGBTQ+ students, so he was drawing a bunch of flags. We were casually talking about random stuff, when he messes up on the bi flag, and says something like "aahh, the bi community is gonna hate me" and then I responded with "nah, it's okay I don't hate you." And it took us both about a second to realize what I'd just said, and he was just like "okay...uh, happy pride month?" and I was kind of stunned too so I responded something along the lines of thanks, you too, and that was the end of that. So yeah, *throws bi colored confetti*, I guess? 

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, bi the way
(June 9, 2022 - 5:02 pm)

That was actually a pretty smooth way to come out XD *throws more bi confetti in celebration*

submitted by IgnisKitsune, they/them
(June 9, 2022 - 8:26 pm)

Hey! Just popping back on to announce that since I've left I have figured out that I am aromantic and have come out!

Happy pride month!


submitted by Feline Fantasy
(June 13, 2022 - 4:39 pm)

Congrats, Feli! 

submitted by Lupine
(June 18, 2022 - 1:36 am)

does anyone else just... not feel the importance of pronouns? like,, i'm 95% sure i'm neptunic or lesbian, which is a label i'm comfortable with kinda, but gender?????? what??? 

i don't know. i'm afab & have gone by she/her for all my years of existence but it just... doesn't really feel like me?? idk. i don't like my name either, kind of? it's very feminine..

aaa gender,, why?????

submitted by paranoia party
(June 14, 2022 - 10:17 pm)

Relatable. :|

Even down to orientation (although I still consider myself to be on the AroAce spectrum).

I've been slowly sliding into my new set of pronouns (xe/xyr/zer) and have begun using a more gender-neutral nickname, but it's still kind of really weird for me to just shed the label of "female," even though I don't feel like that's what has ever best described me.

I think, at least for me, transitioning into being considered non-binary for as long as I can remember has been so scary for that reason. Like, it's hard to just be like 'I'm neither male or female,' when the entire world seemingly has always had such a separation, in which each individual had to be one or the either, plus you've been raised as one or the other for most of your life. I feel like it's hard for other people to know to expect from you too. It's a very strange, sticky situation, in a way.

If you wanna talk about your situation more, I'd be happy to listen! :)

submitted by Jaybells, Lost in the Universe
(June 15, 2022 - 10:15 pm)

Maybe you'll like the term juxera? IDK though, it'sup to you ofc :]]

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 12, Valhalla
(June 17, 2022 - 4:33 pm)

It's frustrating that people are like "tHeRe's OnLy mALe aNd FeMaLe."

Like, have you heard of intersex people? There are people who are biologically neither male nor female, so it's frustrating when you refuse to use people's proper pronouns.

submitted by Gallium, age untold, she/her
(June 16, 2022 - 11:54 am)