AE Support Group

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

AE Support Group

AE Support Group


*Hello everyone, this is Quinn, Chai, Rogue, and--hey, where's Indy?*


/*laughs nervously*\


Chai lost her. 


*CHAI! You promised you'd take good care of her!*


/I know! But then she got all nervous again and apparently nervousness is contagious, so I turned around to get her the emergency hoodie and myself some emergency chocolate, and then she was gone!\

[Quinn and Rogue look at each other and sigh.]


This summer project was a stupid idea.


*Chai, go find Indy. Rogue, stay here and help me start up this project, or we'll be in big trouble with Periwinkle.*


Fine. Take Two. 


*Hello everyone, this is Quinn and Rogue. Periwinkle, our CBer, is making us do a summer project, so we created this... Support Group... To...*


... Share our feelings. 


*AEs are not required (or really expected) to join by choice. CBers, this is something you can force your AEs to do. I know because Peri is forcing us to do it.*


Fill out the form below. Sorry if there are any typos. Chai made it.


AE Name:





*Alrighty, AEs, confess and complain here, and we'll all take turns offering advice, or something.*


Worst. Summer. Ever. 





Because Quinn and Rogue spent most of the time complaining and very little of it explaining, I will do the explaining. This is a fun idea I thought could help develop our AEs and characters more, because from my experience my AEs grow the most in conversation with other AEs. This is not a place to ask for actual advice, more a place for AEs to complain about small problems such as annoying siblings, annoying CBers, too-small bedrooms, ect., ect. I'm excited to see where it goes!

submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(June 21, 2022 - 12:45 pm)

Of course! To avoid being to controlling of your AEs, I didn't bother writing your AEs into the story, figuring you might want to do that on your own. But anyone can join! The more the merrier. I saw it, by the way! I'm keeping track of this thread. I'm excited to get to know your AEs!


submitted by Peri@Lyric, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(June 30, 2022 - 10:42 pm)
- “-The Met?-” I ask, “-Of course! Who hasn’t?-” I’ve always wanted to go, to see the paintings… “-Have you ever been?-”-

#I look around the room. “#That tall white-haired person-#” I gesture to aer, “#-is Dawn, and the masculine looking one next to aer is Oliver… I dunno who the other person near them is though. Way over there is Aliza, with the braids…#” I lower my hand. “#And I don’t see Cassidy anywhere. Earlier she went to go look at some paintings or something…#”#
#I get quiet, thinking. Sun is cool, but I don’t really know what to talk about. Honestly, I really just want to hang out with Ellerie. It feels ridiculous. But it feels like it's been a really long time since we talked to each other.#
#“#Um… Your CBer used to have a lot of AEs, right?#” I say after a minute, “#And now you only have, like, three siblings?#” I really hope this isn’t too personal…#

I point to the ceiling. “To the ceiling cupcake!” I laugh, then look at Dawn. “Can I get on your shoulders?”
Ae frown. “>N- No.<”
“Oh… Why not? I’m not that heavy!” I say. “It’s the easiest way to get the cupcake!”
“>Do we really WANT the cupcake?<” Ae look suspiciously at the ceiling. “>I don’t like the look of it…<”
I sigh. “FINE.” I turn to Chai. “Do YOU want to get on my shoulders? Or the other way around?”
“>O-Or, we could just find a ladder?<”
“Yeah, or that, I guess.” Ugh, that’s boring. Ladders. Who needs them when you have a tall older sibling?? Who won’t cooperate… Mmm…
I take the lockpick from Quinn’s hand and look at it. “What even is this?” I think I’ve seen one before, probably just around the house, but I never really thought about what it was. “It looks like a weapon.” I poke the air to prove a point. (I just know Writing would cry laughing from that unintended pun)
This isn't the best but I'm just ready to go to bed I'm sorry- 
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, This thread ig
(June 30, 2022 - 9:17 pm)

I realize I should have added each AEs appearance and pronouns, because they are nowhere else on the CB. 

Ladybug: Pronouns are she/her. (she insists on it, although she’s really it/it’s because she is a literal insect the size of a large dog) She has seven raised black dots on a cherry red back, adorable antennae, and six little legs. Also, she is loosely based off of a crochet ladybug from my childhood.

Kaela: Her pronouns are she/her. Her hair is pretty straight and a golden-brown color and she usually likes to wear a pink headband. She has a knitted pink sweater and a purse with cute keychains dangling from it. (There’s an Amazon Kindle in it and who knows what other cute keychains and miscellaneous items.)


/*/ Kaela /*/

The fall through the ceiling is brief, I might even say…comfortable. Nobody notices us as Ladybug bounces quietly on the floor and I bounce off of her and onto the floor.

Now there’s just the problem of keeping the spotlight off of us. “/*/ Ladybug? /*/” I say quietly, while rubbing sequins up and down on a pineapple keychain to change it from pink and silver to orange and green–my nervous habit.

“!!! What? !!!”

“/*/ Don’t turn on your recording. /*/” Seeing her immediately reach for it, I quickly add, “But if you can’t wait, just wait until I find out if everyone in here likes…um…music like that. Or it might get confiscated or something and you wouldn’t want that. /*/”

She nods vigorously and heads off toward the dessert table. That takes care of that. Now, as for finding somebody to talk to who won’t be abrupt as Ladybug. I look around the room.


!!! Ladybug! !!!

I quickly reach for the ON button on my Super-Recording-Device 200 but then stop when she explains that it could get confiscated.

I nod. Okay. She checks for me and I stuff myself with cookies. I bounce over. Mmm! Chocolate chip! If there’s one thing I like better than red or black colored desserts, it’s chocolate. Even if somebody or somebodies have taken all but one, so I decide to be polite and save it for someone else.

Wait a minute. IS THAT A CUPCAKE ON THE CEILING??? I bounce up to it to the astonishment of a few AEs I don’t know and swipe it cleanly off.

submitted by Lyric's AEs
(July 1, 2022 - 10:06 pm)





Okay, okay, Chai, breathe, calm down, don't knock anybody out like you did last time this happened, it's okay, you'll make more cupcakes later, it's fine, don't get mad--

"/Hmmmmph---huppp--\" I grunt, feeling my face turn red as I attempt to hold the giant tantrum brewing inside me. "/NO! NO NO NO NO NO noooooooooooooo...\" I howl. "/noooooo...\"\


"Mm-hmm." I do as Ellerie has asked me to do. "That work?"


*"*Think of it as a... Key that unlocks any door?*" I say. "*It should be able to open the door just like a key.*"*


*~"*~Oh yeah, I've been there lots of times! It's huge. And beautiful! My favorite painting is called Dutch Girl in White, but all of them are stunning. Maybe I could take you there sometime. We could draw the statues together. They have this awesome one of Perseus holding Medusa's head!~*"~*  


All that stuff about the Met is true, btw, it's really cool

submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Many ages, The Support Center >:[
(July 1, 2022 - 10:53 pm)


:":Perfect,:" I say. I push even harder, and kinda struggle, but eventually the door unhinges and swings into... darkness. I don't know where it leads, but this is cool, so I'd definitely like to find out! I smile. ":I say we see where this leads, shall we?:" It may not lead out of here, but hey, what better way to learn than to find out?:



|"|Yeah|" I say. |"Kinda. I have four siblings for now, but Starli's retiring Yang soon. Only three of my siblings are here, though, because Opal didn't want to come.|" I hate to admit it, but this is pretty awkward. Tempest seems cool but there isn't much to talk about and I don't know what to do. And I think they're thinking the same thing, because they look like he has nothing to say either. So we just stare. Anywhere. "|So...|" 



I don't think the person hears me, so I go up to someone else. She has a cool purse with pretty keychains, and she's wearing a pink headband. "Hi," I say. "Do you happen to know where any mats are? Yoga mats, placemats, any kind of mats will do." 

submitted by Starli's AEs
(July 2, 2022 - 1:00 am)

!!! Ladybug! !!!


I’m starting to eat the cupcake when an AE nearby starts to make weird noises. Which turns into a ferocious scream.

“!!! Whoa. Calm down,” I say. “!!! You’re even louder than me, which Lyric and Kaela say is pretty loud. !!!”

But they are still angry, as if somebody stole her cupcake. Oh wait! Maybe I stole her cupcake. Gulp.

How do you stop somebody from howling like their leg got bit off? I have a feeling that it’s not stuffing the cupcake frosting first with (oops) the wrapper on into the hysterical AEs mouth, but that’s what I do. 

I just hope it doesn’t make them so angry that they confiscate my Super-Recording-Device 200, as Kaela was saying they would.


/*/ Kaela /*/


Yoga mats? Placemats? In a Support Center?

“/*/ No, /*/” I finally say after thinking for some time. “/*/ Would a pile of tissues, or a flat coin purse–or something like that do? What exactly do you need a mat for anyway? /*/”

submitted by Lyric's AEs
(July 2, 2022 - 6:14 pm)

Hi, I'm assuming since Lyric was able to join late, I'm fine to do that, too? I'm now going to stand on the side and let the AEs sign up for 20 minutes-


{What is going on?!}

~*squeals around excitedly* We get to introduce you! Hi Chatterbox! Hi Everyone! Hi Periwinkle! Hi Writing! Hi Jaybells! Hi Reuby Moonnight! Hi All AEs! Hi-~

#*growls in frustration* MIRA! Quit saying hi to everyone, and introduce the new AE!#

~I am, though! This is my FIRST speech EVER!~

#Uh-huh. I get it. You're very excited.#

~Well anyways, HI EVERYBODY! Oh, right! Hi Pudding! Ok. Lyre doesn't want me addressing each and every CBer here. So. This is very important. *clears throat* So we have a new AE! Welcome to the Chatterbox, Periculosa! Welcome to existence!!!~

#Ok, Mira. Let her speak for herself.#

~I am now handing the mic off to our cousin, Periculosa!!!~

{Ok, greetings. I'm Periculosa, and I'm indeed the AE my cousin, Mira, has been so excited about. You probably want my whole description, so here you go. Nut Le Squirrel had me fill out the whole form. I have no idea why, but she said it would be useful.}

Name: {Periculosa. It's pronounced Pear-ic-you-low-suh, in case you were wondering. Also, I speak in curly brackets.}

Pronouns: {she/her}

Age: She's listed under-{#AEsAreAgeless.}

Appearance: {I can speak for myself.} Ok, ok. {I have brown hair, tan skin, and a phoenix hair clip resting on the right side of my head. I have a gold chain necklace with a phoenix charm in the middle. And my eyes are black.}

Likes: {Archery, danger, and fire. Not to mention that I love Sundew from Wings of Fire.} Oh, yes. She admires Sundew. Very much.

Dislikes: {Weaker AEs, that's about it.}

Anything else: {Ok. Since Mira already said this, I'm Mira and Lyre's cousin. Yes, it sounds weird, but things that me and Lyre have in common are that we both DO NOT like Mira.} ~HEY! That's not nice!~ {I'm not done yet, Mira. And also, I'd like you to know that "periculosa" means dangerous in Latin. Just think peril. So don't mess with me.}

~I have no idea how I stood for that long...thing. It was SO boring! And now, we are ALL signing up for this AE Support Group thing. And that means you, too, Lyre.~


~And also, Periculosa, you should watch out for ME, because I was Nut Le Squirrel's very first AE!~

Girls? I thought I gave you twenty minutes to sign up. How come all I see is Periculosa's form?'s not her form...~

#Ok, quit it, Mira! Yes, Rora, we ARE signing up! Right now! And, because you are not going to be dillydallying any longer, you are going first, Mira!#

 ~Ok ok! Fine then.~


AE Name: ~Mira~

CBer: ~Nut Le Squirrel or Rora~

Dilemma(s): ~Oh, yes. I have PROBLEMS! With Lyre…Ok. So first of all, she’s REALLY mean! How do you stop all this sibling fighting? And worse, she thinks that CHERRIES ARE BETTER THAN STRAWBERRIES! So…those are our usual fights…~

Other: ~I love strawberries. SO MUCH! But I need some more friends…~

AE Name: #*sighhhhh* Lyre.#

CBer: #Rora, who I have to keep all my secrets from!# Whaaaaaat?! #Nothing.#

Dilemma(s): #I have a problem with my annoying little sister, Mira. She is always pestering me about, “When will we go picking strawberries? Today?!” And it’s just SO annoying! *groans* Why does this keep happening!#

Other: #I have a slight obsession with cherries, but…not as much as Mira’s addiction to strawberries.#

AE Name: {Periculosa. I’m a new AE in case you didn’t know, and my name means dangerous in Latin.}

CBer: {Nut Le Squirrel, she’s awesome. ;) }

Dilemma(s): {I’m running out of arrows, and my bow is getting old. Archery is my favorite thing to do. Also, I can get annoyed easily. And I like fire. Is that a thing I should be liking?}

Other: {I really need help making a new target. My old one broke, because, well, I shot a little too many arrows at a time. Someone who can draw a decently straight line, because I am definitely not even decent at that. *short sigh* That’s all, I just…I’m new to the CB, so I feel a little…weird. Like, new. That’s all.}

~*shouts very loud* ALRIGHT, RORA! WE SIGNED UP!~

Woah, Mira, calm down. You’re certainly going to annoy all the other AEs.

Also just a heads-up, I may be on a sort of hiatus, but I’ll still try to check the CB when I can! :) I’ll miss it, because when I’m away from Chatterbox, I kind of feel a need to be here. So, if I’m not around for a while, it just might be that I’m on a hiatus, I’m not exactly sure.


submitted by Rora & some AEs..., age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(July 2, 2022 - 6:21 pm)

*I'll be your FIREND Mira! I'm Lavender by the way!*

^I'm Cretesa, nice to meet you. I like to make and watch drama^

%I'm Bloody Mary, though it's Mar if anyone asks%

submitted by Midnight's AEs, Here
(July 4, 2022 - 11:19 am)

Hey, so I'm sorry I haven't gotten my part out yet, I was at a family reunion all day a few days ago and was really tired mentally yesterday... I'll try to get it out by tomorrow I PROMISE-

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark , age 12, Valhalla
(July 4, 2022 - 10:40 am)

Ok. BOTH my AEs have problems.....

AE name: Flora

CBer: @Ayles

Dilemma(s): Hates everything except flowers (she especially hates Angel)

Other: n/a

Ok. Angel has more problems than Flora but I will only say one for know.....

AE name: Angel


Dilemma(s): Never listens, is to confident for her own good, goes to fast

Other: (did I mention she was a hedgehog that is like Sonic only purple with wings?)

submitted by Ayles C., age 11, Colorado
(July 8, 2022 - 8:40 pm)
submitted by top
(July 11, 2022 - 4:41 pm)

This thread dead yet? Oh well.

submitted by PeriTOP!
(July 12, 2022 - 7:04 pm)

Don't let this thread die when I basically just joined!

submitted by top
(July 16, 2022 - 3:29 pm)