Whoa. Hamilton is

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Whoa. Hamilton is

Whoa. Hamilton is wow. Like, I finally went over to ITunes to listen to some of their songs, and they have some BAD lyrics. I can't believe so many people on Cricket listen to it!

Thankfully, I saw that there was a clean version, so I listened to My Shot and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story and wasn't impressed. My Shot was like a rap song! I'm not a rap person, at all. 

I'm sorry to all those Hamilton fans out there, but I was horrified. 

submitted by Shocked at CBers!
(October 15, 2016 - 9:54 am)

Ugh, yes! Amazing song :) 

submitted by Sea
(October 16, 2016 - 10:23 pm)


submitted by Cho Chang
(October 17, 2016 - 6:55 pm)


Phillipa Soo has an amazing voice, so it sounds beautiful, but the subject matter is really depressing and heartbreaking. 

submitted by Bibliophile
(October 18, 2016 - 6:48 pm)

Of course we've read the lyrics. Sure, they have some bad stuff, but life is MUCH worse than A FEW innapropriate lyrics in a song.

And you know the word people complain about? It didn't mean a curse word when it was first used. It just meant a child born to two people who weren't married.

It was a factual term.

submitted by sigh
(October 19, 2016 - 4:32 pm)

My friend and I memorized and sang the songs and, except for Aaron Burr, Sir, I got all the rap parts. I even got the entire conversation between Aaron Burr and Angelica Schuyler in the Schuyler Sisters! That is hard to rap!

submitted by Sky, age 12
(October 16, 2016 - 3:38 pm)

By the way, have you noticed that in You'll Be Back the king says that he'll go mad? He actually did.

submitted by Sky, age 12
(October 16, 2016 - 3:40 pm)
submitted by Yes!, It's the Riddler
(October 16, 2016 - 4:20 pm)

I don't complain about the lyrics.

History was full of ugly things. Dirty things.

BTW, I love Hamilton. 

submitted by Stop
(October 16, 2016 - 6:45 pm)



submitted by @Stop, age 12
(October 17, 2016 - 8:49 am)
submitted by even though we star-, age ted at the, very same time
(October 18, 2016 - 6:49 pm)

Alexander Hamilton began to climb!

(October 19, 2016 - 6:41 pm)


submitted by how to account for , age his rise , to the
(October 20, 2016 - 12:30 pm)

The man is NOOON-STOP

submitted by Man
(October 20, 2016 - 8:10 pm)

Look. So if you're upset about Hamilton, I'm sorry about that. But we have warned you many times. The majority of you would not like it, I'll admit. Sometimes I forget how young a lot of CBers are. 

I'd say if you're 11 or younger, maybe no Hamilton for you, and for a mature or broad-range musical theater kid 12 year old, then also it's fine for you. I listened to it when I was 12...I fall under mature/theater kid.



@Shocked CBer OF COURSE you weren't impressed  because A) you do not like curse words and B) you haven't listened to the whole thing and C) I don't think it's possible to fall in love with Hamilton unless you listen to the whole thing in order and listen to the words, to the story but D) how on earth could you be expected to listen to the whole thing (and be able to fall in love with it) if you aren't fine with cursing. And that is fine, fine, fine.

Okay, so that was complex. In other words:

You can't love Hamilton by listening to a few songs. You have to listen to all of it. But if you don't like cursing, then you can't listen to all of it. Like I said, that is perfectly okay.


That's what most of you can take from this, but I'm going to keep going. 

As for whether theater kids will be fine with Hamilton...  

Curse words are something musical theater has a lot of. If you love musical theater and that statement is surprising to you, well, hate to break it to you, but there is plenty of cursing in musical theater in Broadway, and if you're just now coming to realize that fact, then Hamilton isn't for you.

Some theater kids are fine with curse words in musical theater, but not anywhere else. I am one of those people. I don't like how much the kids at my school curse, and I can't stand to listen to pop songs that are peppered with curse words, especially those horrific rappers who rap about terrible things or rap about women like they're prizes or toys...That's right, I don't like most rap music. I mostly like rap when it's...well, in it's in musical theater or in an appropriate pop song because LIN IS SO GOOD and because it's not horrible stuff like in pop. Or when it is bad, that's only because it's being sung/rapped by a character who's bad. Like bad guys' songs in Disney movies. All musical theater songs are part of a story

I actually did NOT want to listen to Hamilton. I really really really hated rap then. And I was like, "A hip hop musical about Alexander Hamilton? That sounds interesting but mostly dumb." But my theater friends were talking nooooooooon-stop about it, so I said "Fine" and listened to the first few songs, a few of them while reading a book. I was like "Okay, this is fine, but why is everyone so obsessed with it?" A week later I sat down, started over, and listened to it through.

By the time I was halfway through the sountrack I was SO INVOLVED in the story and in love with the music and the rapping. And it was so engaging....I mean, I'm no historian; I had no idea what would happen! It was like a really good audiobook...with singing and rapping.

Now I can rap Guns and Ships. Look at where I am, look at where I started. 

Back to what I was saying! Musical theater is so intentional, so meaningful...not like the horrific trash most modern rap songs are about. Everything has a purpose in theater.

And may I remind you Hamilton is NOT all rap!!! It's 50% singing too. (OMG PIPPA'S VOICE IS THAT OF AN ANGEL)


Don't judge Hamilton lovers, think they're bad people just because we listen to something you don't like, because that isn't fair or right. We don't mind what you mind because we are so overwhelmed by its incredible plot, its characters, its story, its music.

Wow, that was long. Please don't take this as me telling people they're wrong for not being okay with words in Hamilton. I completely understand.

My battery's running low on this laptop...I'll wrap it up.


If you are not okay with cursing, don't listen to it.

Me? I will always love Hamilton. 

submitted by @EVERYONE
(October 16, 2016 - 6:49 pm)

well i actually know a lot of people who are my age who listen to Hamilton (me too) who are younger than 11...

submitted by hi
(February 7, 2017 - 3:53 pm)