Riddle game!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Riddle game!

Riddle game!

I think this game has been played on the CB before. Here are the rules.

The first person posts a riddle, then the other CBers try to guess it. The first person to guess correctly posts their own riddle, and the game continues. If the riddle has not been guessed after one day, please feel free to post a new one and the owner of the un-guessed riddle can post the answer. Here is the first riddle, its pretty easy to start off with.

If I drink, I die.

If I eat, I grow.

What am I?


Oh, while we're on the subject, answer these three questions without thinking about them too much.

What does a cow drink?

What do you put in a toaster?

How many months are in a week? 

Now read them again. Did you answer differently the first time? If not, well done! If you answered milk, toast and seven, don't worry, it's a completely normal response. Maybe think a bit harder next time! How did you go?

submitted by LilyPad
(May 5, 2017 - 2:57 am)

Is it darkness?

I haven't read The Hobbit yet, I want to soon though.

I have a few:

1. What gets wetter the more it dries?

2. What belongs to you but is used more by others?

3. Name 3 consecutive days without using Wednesday, Friday or Sunday.

4. Which is heavier a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?

5. The man who builds it doesn't want it, the man who buys it doesn't use it, the man who uses it cannot see or feel it. What is it?

submitted by Myles, USA FOREVER
(May 6, 2017 - 6:24 pm)

1. A towel

2. Your name

3. I really don't know, that's super hard/impossible unless you accept days of the month

4. Neither, they both weigh a pound 

5. A coffin 

I am seriously stumped by that 3rd one. Here's my riddle:

A family lives in a round house. There is a father, a mother, a daughter and a son. One day at noon the mother and father are still not up yet. The two children go to their parents room to see why. When they open the door they see the bodies of their parents on the bed. There are three people who could have murdered them: the maid, the cook, and the stable boy. Each of them has an alibi. The cook says "I was in the kitchen sharpening the knives." The stable boy says "I was in the stables tending to the horses. And the maid says "I was in the house dusting the corners." Who was the murderer?

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 6, 2017 - 9:30 pm)

The maid! It was a round house.

30 white horses on a red hill. First they chant, then they stamp, then they stand still.

This one is sort of hard, unless you've read The Hobbit, of course.  

submitted by LilyPad
(May 6, 2017 - 10:12 pm)

Good job LilyPad. And to answer yours: teeth. And I haven't read the Hobbit (I know, I'm insane).

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 7, 2017 - 12:37 am)

I'm not good with coming up with riddles, so I will just continue to answer instead, in answer to Myles.

1. Skin or tongues? I will say one of those.

2. Your name, that one I know!

3.  First, next, and last, or birth, middle age, and death. Not days, but they are "days of time", technically.

4. I know it is going to be the pound of feath- Wait. WAIT. They are the same xD

5. Wow, I know this one, but I cannot recall it... Love, perhaps? 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 6, 2017 - 11:45 pm)

@Silverwaxwing: Time! Time! XD

*sighs* I love The Hobbit... 

submitted by Rae
(May 7, 2017 - 1:37 pm)

I love it too!!!! XD


Hmmm, here is one:


I am all fun,

I am all laughter,

I have killed many,

I have seen all stories, 

I have been between all pages in all books, 

I am behind all doings. 

What am I? 



Yeah I made this up, so maybe it isn't so good.... 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(May 7, 2017 - 5:44 pm)

I think it goes without saying that I love riddles. I don't have time to post any right now, but:

Lilypad: the answer is fire (and the other questions are water, bread, and 1/4)

Epic Fangirl: Gravity?

Lilypad's 2nd one: A river

Myles: A human

Silverwaxwing: Nothing? Darkness?

Myles: 1. A sponge  2. Your name  3. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow  4. They're both a pound  5. A coffin

Epic Fangirl: The maid, there are no corners in a round house

I did not answer the ones from the Hobbit because I've already read it and it feels like cheating if I never got to at least try and solve them before seeing the answers. 

submitted by The Riddler
(May 7, 2017 - 6:16 pm)

I will post the answers here since a few of you guessed.

1. towel/sponge

2. Your name

3. yesterday, today, and tomorrow

4. a pound of feathers (sorry to those who answerd "they weigh the same" gold is measured in troy ounces of which there are only 14.5 to a pound)

5. A coffin

Congratulations to:

1. Epic Fangirl and The Riddler

2. Epic Fangir, Ashlee G., and The Riddler

3. The Riddler (@ Ashlee G. I don't know if those are correct, but good job thinking of them!)


5. Epic Fangirl and The Riddler


submitted by Myles, USA FOREVER
(May 8, 2017 - 10:28 am)

An archeologist called a history museum and said that he had found a coin with 24 BC engraved on it and a picture of a bald Roman emperor. He asked how much it was worth. What was the museum's response?

submitted by Squid, MI
(May 8, 2017 - 6:06 pm)


submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 8, 2017 - 6:24 pm)

Yep! they wouldn't of said BC until it was in the ADs.

submitted by Squid, MI
(May 9, 2017 - 3:08 pm)

@Silverwaxwing, is it a thought? 

submitted by Will T.
(May 8, 2017 - 6:41 pm)

Interesting idea...but not what I had in mind. Do you want me to tell you?

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(May 9, 2017 - 1:38 pm)

Here's one:

If a chicken said to you, "All chickens are liers," then would the chicken be telling the truth?

submitted by Killim
(May 8, 2017 - 10:10 pm)