Chatterbox: Down to Earth




you awaken sitting on the fountain.

the fountain? no, that's not right. you've never seen this fountain in your life. it's pretty. it looks like it's made of gold, and the water is so, so blue. 

you become aware of the fact that you cannot seem to remember how you got to this fountain, or this town. you can remember very little, in fact, just some simple things about yourself. you reach into the depths of your mind, knowing this is probably going to cause a gl-gl-gl-glitch-

---STAND BY---

your name is Project 1014-9. if anyone asks you your name, however, you are supposed to say that it is Lola. 1014. Lola. 

Lola is a pretty word, you decide. it is to your understanding that it's usually used as a girls name. does that make you a girl? you do not know. 

you remember how many years you have been alive. how old you are? yes. though mostly they say "this project has been running for..." 15 years. you have been running for 15 years. you are 15 years old. 

you reach up to your neck and feel a small chip in it. you know there are words on this chip. the words say your name, and the name of your Home. 

in your other hand, you hold an origami butterfly. you know it is connected to the person you're here for, but you are not sure how. 

you look down and see you are wearing a purple t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. the sneakers feel strange on your feet, which are used to being bare. the jeans are a size too small. and you do not like purple. 

your hair is long and straight. it is red. that is all you know about your appearance. if you wish to learn more, look for a mirror. 

---STAND BY---

you are famished, and know there is money in your pocket. you walk into a cafe near the fountain and order something called pan-cakes. you hope they taste good. 

while you are sitting at a table and waiting for your food, someone walks in. a beautiful girl. she is about your age, with long brown hair in a braid and brown eyes. she wears a white sundress and sandals. she orders her food and sits at a table across yours. she is carrying a purse, from which she pulls small, square sheets of paper with pretty patterns on them, and begins folding on of them until it suddenly resembles a stag. origami. you look down at the butterfly in your hand. something clicks in your brain. this girl's name is Olive Francis, though soon it will become 1015-6, if you do your job right. and you know that you have to do your job right.

what do you do now?



submitted by s-s-stand by
(September 4, 2022 - 5:54 pm)
submitted by TOP
(December 16, 2022 - 6:05 pm)
submitted by top
(December 16, 2022 - 10:00 pm)
submitted by reviving
(May 11, 2023 - 8:17 pm)

"Olive?" you ask a few passersby. "i'm looking for Olive Francis?"

a few people give you funny looks, but nobody answers you. one old man comments, "you should be in school." a younger woman asks where your parents are. it appears your plan was a bust.

what should you do now?

---STAND BY---

heyyy remember me? it's been a while, haha

submitted by s-s-stand by
(May 11, 2023 - 8:19 pm)
submitted by top
(May 12, 2023 - 5:06 am)

ask where the school is.

submitted by Scuttles
(May 12, 2023 - 6:51 am)

I was so glad to see this on the front page! I was sad when no one was posting anymore

submitted by Hawkstar
(May 12, 2023 - 1:50 pm)

"excuse me," you ask a young man who's passing you. "i'm looking for Greenw-wood school?"

the man gives you a funny look. "going to an orientation or something?" 

"no, i'm looking for a girl who goes there."

another funny look. "well, it's still summer for another week. there shouldn't be any kids there."

you are now wondering why that old man who passed you said you should be in school if nobody else is there anyway. these people are so strange. everything made sense at Home…


what will you do now? 

submitted by s-s-stand by
(May 12, 2023 - 3:53 pm)

This story is so creative and fun to read :)

Go to the park. Maybe the school is nearby.

submitted by Lyric, age Excluded, stories
(May 12, 2023 - 5:48 pm)

you head to the park, which has grass and trees and paths and benches. there's also trash cans, but for some reason people have seemed to throw some of their trash on the ground anyway. you eye a soda can with disgust and walk over to a bench. there's people in the park, and animals too - a woman and her dog pass you with a polite wave.

what should you do now? 

submitted by s-s-stand by
(May 13, 2023 - 8:11 pm)

Ask first about Greenwood, then about the fountain. 

Also, this is really awesome! I love reading it! 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 14, 2023 - 6:47 am)
submitted by TOP
(June 5, 2023 - 8:26 pm)
submitted by TOP THIS WONDER, can we revive this?? :)
(June 5, 2023 - 8:22 pm)
submitted by Top, age top, yes please revive!!!
(August 25, 2023 - 6:48 pm)
submitted by Top, It’s back folks
(August 25, 2023 - 8:33 pm)