Hello. I am

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello. I am

Hello. I am here to take over the world. Please do not resist. If you resist you will be decapitated and / or eaten.

No, I am not just here to talk about books and smiley faces. I have been looking for people to recruit to my world-taking-over team. I need people who are both evil and intelligent, and I had heard that there are many people like that on this website. My investigations have proved that this information was correct. Would you be interested in joining me? When we succeed (as surely we will) I shall give each of you a country to rule over. Please respond.

Thank you. 

submitted by ZNZ, age 12
(February 27, 2010 - 10:08 am)

Wolfgirl67 has a point, ZNZ

submitted by Clair, age 12, the middle of n
(March 12, 2010 - 9:29 am)


I knew it! I'd always suspected that something like this would happen soon. It was implied so often, but never explained! But I knew to ask questions would arouse suspicion, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

Now, you've finally admitted everything. Now, I can carry out my plan!

Let me explain myself. I am the founder and director of the Official Organization Dedicated to the Prevention of Any Form of Domination of the Planet Earth, or OODttPoAFoDOtPE for short. I go onto places like this where people will confess anything, look for implications of planned domination, gather as much information as possible, and do whatever I can to stop it. The world is quite fine as it is, you see, and does not need or want any evil person ruling it. I side with them. World domination is unfair.

So, you plan to infiltrate jelly bean factories, do you? After you find out how, anyway. I know the secret, but I won't tell you, of course. That would defeat the entire purpose. No, instead, I'm using it against you. You see, once you figure out how to do something, it isn't difficult to discover how to do its opposite. I've invented a pie that makes people think for themselves about the world, how it works, and what is right and wrong. It convinces them that world domination is wrong, and makes them suddenly care about what is right and wrong, more so than before—at least in this case. But they are not slaves. They choose to work for me, and they remain themselves—just enhanced versions of themselves. I've found enough hot pink bunnies for an army, gathered them together, and fed them the pies. They were evil, but they have now changed. They want to stop you from ruling the world, so they do whatever I ask. Currently, their main task is pie-making. You see, I've stolen your idea, which I admit was rather good. I am infiltrating the pie factories, and if you try to stop me, my army will surround you and force pies down your throat until you give up your plan. MWAHAHA! So, does anyone care to try? And if you manage to escape, they can always throw pies at you, too. They have cannons, and arrows, and good aim. They can hit you from miles away, and touching a pie is as good as eating one! And of course, we're selling the ingredients to every pie factory we can find, and selling the pies to hungry people, and donating them to food banks for people who can't afford them.

Does anyone care to join me, and help make the pies? Or perhaps help distribute them? Anyone who joins me gets a million free books of your choice and an old-fashioned typewriter! Not to mention all the free pie you want! And a bar of chocolate, and a million dollars!

But if not, that's all right. We can always feed you pies until you agree. Don't worry, though; they taste excellent.

APC agrees with me. He says dwhy, as in, "D? Why?" D stands for dominate; he doesn't understand why anyone would want to dominate the world! He knows it's wrong and is on my side! Yay!

submitted by Ima
(March 12, 2010 - 10:59 pm)

YellNO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yell

submitted by Clair, age 12, the middle of n
(March 13, 2010 - 8:23 am)

Foiled again!

submitted by Ann
(March 18, 2010 - 5:32 pm)

May I join? *eyes Italy..

submitted by Katie
(March 13, 2010 - 10:36 am)

@Ima: YES! I will join you and help distribute the pies! Sorry ZNZ, you're nice and all. :)

Andy P. C. says wypf. Why pf? Why pies, Andy? Well, pies taste good.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 13, 2010 - 1:04 pm)

Can I join you, Ima? I don't want the world to be dominated! And I like making pies.

submitted by Chloë R. , age 12, Here
(March 21, 2010 - 4:41 pm)

Yay! Thank you.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 31, 2010 - 7:24 pm)

1. I am the founder and director of the Official Organization Dedicated to
the Prevention of Any Form of Domination of the Planet Earth, or
OODttPoAFoDOtPE for short.

Never heard of any such organization. You might want to work on that acronym, by the way. Bit unwieldy.


2. I've invented a pie that makes people think for themselves about the
world, how it works, and what is right and wrong. It convinces them
that world domination is wrong, and makes them suddenly care about what
is right and wrong, more so than before—at least in this case.

You don't think that is a form of mind control? It's no worse than what I'm doing. If people have thought long and hard about the decision to become evil, is it fair of you to come along and change their minds against their will?


3. You see, I've stolen your idea, which I admit was rather good.

Thanks for the compliment, and I applaud your intent to steal. However, if you want to steal from me, you must pay a fee of about, oh, three million dollars sounds fair. 


4. . . . my army will surround you and force pies down your throat until you give up your plan . . .

Again, is this any worse than what I'm doing?


5. They have cannons, and arrows, and good aim. They can hit you from
miles away . . .

So you're just going to annihilate the people who disagree with you?  See, people, Ima's organization is just as evil as mine. They think they're being evil for a good cause. Ha! I say. 


And my final point: 7. Anyone who joins me gets a million free books of your choice and an
old-fashioned typewriter! Not to mention all the free pie you want! And
a bar of chocolate, and a million dollars!

Bribery, Ima? I'm surprised at you!



submitted by ZNZ
(March 14, 2010 - 6:09 pm)

This is very crazy...But very ammusing to read.

So, ZNZ, if I do join the OODttPoAFoDOtPE do we have any form of government, or are we just going to take over the world things go chaotic?

Okay, after I read the bribery part of a million books, typewriter, pie and million dollars, I think I'm sold. Oh, I really shouldn't have been bribed that easily. (What kind of chocolate is it?)

So, we don't have to attack anybody in our quest to take over the world, right? And, ZNZ, what part of the world do I get? I'd like Ireland and/or New Zealand, and maybe throw a newly made island in their too. And I have a few suggestions as to make the world better if you wouldn't mind listening to them. Such as to get prayer back into schools. But are we even going to make schools after we take over the world? And do we get to run the section(s) of the world that belong to us? And can we rename the places too? Could we dominate North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and China first????



submitted by Hannah ☺☻, age 14, Georgia
(March 20, 2010 - 7:42 pm)

You're confused. I lead the OODttPoAFoDOtPE, which stops her organization from taking over the world. Which are you joining? Mine is the one with the million books, typewriter, pie and million dollars. The chocolate is whatever kind you want.

Woah. APC just said vmpr. Vampire. I wonder what that means...

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 31, 2010 - 7:31 pm)

Ur right ZNZ!

Um...yeah. He is right. Although I prefer the more good.

And what's with the use of 'Mwahahaha', Ima?


Ignore the non-bolds. they're jokes.

Just kidding.


Vick says fbvt.





submitted by NDT
(March 21, 2010 - 2:54 pm)

You're surprised at me, are you? At least I'm not being hypocritical. You bribed your followers as well, unless you were lying, which is worse.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 31, 2010 - 7:27 pm)

I'm IN!

Now, Ima, I'll be a double agent.

Is Wales open?

I'll be on your side, ok?

How do we make the jellybeans?

How do we make the pies?

In case you've been reading the non-bold things, i'm kidding!

Just kidding.




Vick says zhft.



submitted by NDT
(March 20, 2010 - 6:42 pm)

May I join the OODttPoAFoDOtPE?

submitted by Dawnpaw
(June 30, 2010 - 11:27 am)