Hello. I am

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello. I am

Hello. I am here to take over the world. Please do not resist. If you resist you will be decapitated and / or eaten.

No, I am not just here to talk about books and smiley faces. I have been looking for people to recruit to my world-taking-over team. I need people who are both evil and intelligent, and I had heard that there are many people like that on this website. My investigations have proved that this information was correct. Would you be interested in joining me? When we succeed (as surely we will) I shall give each of you a country to rule over. Please respond.

Thank you. 

submitted by ZNZ, age 12
(February 27, 2010 - 10:08 am)

*uses GoF to shield self from pie* Harry Potter will always prevail! And thanks to some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, he is on my side. Mwahahahah! And so is Ginny! And so are Ron and Hermione! We will defeat you, pie-pushers!!! *starts to fling rotten fruit and jellybeans at Ima* *knocks Ima over* *ties Ima up* *force-feeds Ima jellybeans*

submitted by ZNZ
(April 30, 2010 - 3:32 pm)

*reveals true identedy* NOOO Ima! *Throws pies at everything* DAAA!


Vick says fvmg.



submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(April 30, 2010 - 8:10 pm)

hello everybuggy:) im on ZNZs team /evil team :{i want to take over the world!!!!!!!!!  Ima's team is going down!!!!!!!   *Hands out free jellybeans to anybuggy in sight*  I will disquise myself as somebuggy on the good team and steal their pies!! Then I will give them jellybeans too!!!!!  *puts on mustache disquise and goes over to Ima's team area*  ((I will finish later))

submitted by lemon*lime, age a sour age, lemon sity
(May 1, 2010 - 12:17 pm)

*Deflects pie with my SCPDCaAG, or the Super Cool Pie-Deflecting Cool and Amazing Glove* Ima might see this lemon*lime! Oh yeah, and Ima, I disguised myself earlier and gave the Hunters, Apollo, and Nico melted jellybeans that were shaped like mints. They were mint flavour also. And they pretended to eat your pies. But they're really on my, I mean ZNZ's side. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Olive
(May 2, 2010 - 8:42 am)

@lemon*lime: I rather resent the implication that all would-be world-dominators are evil. I am not evil, simply villanous!

@Olive: I want a SCPDCaAG! *grabs one* *puts it on* *distributes jellybeans to all the Greek gods* Hah! Now they're all on our side!

submitted by ZNZ
(May 2, 2010 - 2:16 pm)

Thanks, NDT!

Oh, and I recently filled every box of Bertie Bott's Every-Flavored Beans with pie crumbs shaped like jelly beans and flavored oddly. I've managed to get every living HP wizard onto my side, because they ate them! And even if the Hunters did just
pretend to eat the pies (which is unlikely; I looked exactly like ZNZ, and they would have thought I was), they would have still automatically gone to my
side, because, as I said before, they work the moment they touch
someone, and you can't pretend to eat something without touching it.
They were on your side (or the Hunters were, anyway), but the
pies worked. It's too bad about the mint-flavored jelly beans, though...

*goes to Apollo, the Hunters, and Nico in disguise*
Hi! I'm, like, sooooo hungry, and candy is, like, totally the best, so I want some now. My BFF told me about this girl who gave out mints for, like, totally free, and I, like, soooo want to find that person. What does the person look like? And talk like? I mean, I'd, like, ask my BFF, but she's, like, blind, and she can never remember people's exact words, either, so she has like no idea at all! *listens to the truthful, accurate, and detailed description they give her, not suspecting a thing* Yay! Squee! Like, thanks a lot! I, like, just saw that girl really close to here. I've totally gotta find her again. Bye! *runs off* *gets into Olive's disguise kit when she isn't looking, and grabs everything she needs to match the description* *goes back over to them* Hello! Did you like the mints I gave you earlier? *sees them nod* Well, then, would you be interested in trying a jellybean each? It's also free. *hears them say yes* *gives them each a pie crumb shaped like a jelly bean* *watches them eat it* Yay! *reveals true identity*

Olive, the SCPDCaAG is a great idea. I think I'll use it. HPB Army, mass-produce some Super Cool Jelly Bean-Deflecting Cool and Amazing Gloves, please! Thanks! Oh, and something that renders the Super Cool Pie-Deflecting Cool and Amazing Glove useless, please. Thanks again! *distributes them among everyone on her side*

Wait a second... Ooh! OOH! *gets an idea* *grins* Warriors! That's what we need! Characters from Warriors! Yay! This is perfect! Excellent! YAY! Forget future classics like HP; Warriors has even more characters thsn can be used for the plot; if you don't believe me, think of Voletooth! He never did anything at all!!! Yay! It's true; the characters are cats, so you wouldn't expect them to be particularly helpful, but if you have enough, they can be dangerous! Woo! And we certainly have enough! And the medicine cats are so anthropomorphised that they actually know how to heal! They can cancel the effects of jelly beans if the effects of the SCJBDCaAG wear off, malfunction, or are rendered useless by the other side's technology! And since it has been confirmed that the spirits of the deadClan cats do eat, so I can have every character ever, not just the living ones! *sprinkles pie crumbs in their food* *sees them eat it* *appears and reveals identity* *arms them with SCJBDCaAG*

Hm... Anyone else I could summon? Oh! I know! Young Wizards! *sends messages via manual that a certain organization is trying to take control of Earth, and that something must be done* *notices a group of wizards being sent to fix the problem* *does not need to feed them pie* *arms them with SCJBDCaAG*

submitted by Ima
(May 2, 2010 - 8:35 pm)

*infiltrates every box of jellybeans with bean-shaped pie crumbs*

submitted by Ima
(May 2, 2010 - 8:41 pm)

*disguises self as Ima* *fills all Ima's pies with ground up jellybeans* *distributes them to all Ima's allies* *uses mind control to tell people who ate them to hand out pies filled with jellybeans to everyone they meet, but to still pretend to be Ima's allies*

submitted by ZNZ
(May 3, 2010 - 3:28 pm)

Well I have Bradjoliena (I honestly don't care if I got their name wrong and if they're not together anymore) Miley Cyrus (desperate times call for desperate measures) Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and the GTCFB (guy that created facebook) to swallow the jellybeans. NOW THEY, SOME OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE EVER AND PEOPLE THAT SHALL INFLUENCE MILLIONS, OR GOOGLEPLEXIANS SWALLOWE OUR JELLYBEANS! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by Olive
(May 4, 2010 - 3:35 pm)

*laughs in schoolgirlish voice* Did you REALLY think I would just let this go????? Sure. I left, but do you think I was just lying around wathching TV???????? well you were right!! *hears director say I was supposed to say "you were wrong!'* I mean, you were wrong! *looks at cue cards* While Ima was slaving away at HER factory, yours truly was cooking up something quite fantastic!!!!!

As you know, the popularity of cell phones is very high, increasing the population of them. WELL I HAVE CREATED AN APP INFORMING ALL OF MY *coughs* ZNZ'S FOLLOWERS UPDATED ON OUR SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs like a maniac* and, it is on all cell phones!!!!!!!! including mother dears!!!!!!!! and yes, EVERYONE who touches a cell phone (including my friend sam's) will become one of my followers!!!!   

submitted by Clair, age 12, Jelly Belly Jel
(May 6, 2010 - 4:43 pm)

*sneaks into ZNZ's house while she's sleeping* *retrieves the stolen pies* *checks to make sure that they are actually the kind I was using, not the jellybean-filled kind, through a series of experiments* *force-feeds them to everyone that had been on my side, and then to everyone else - including all of you on ZNZ's side, and ZNZ herself, so ha! A glove, you see, only* *makes a big speech to them about what we're supposed to do, which includes Claire reversing the cell phone idea to work on our side instead of the other, nonexistent one* *tells HPB army to cause it to envelope everything, not just cell phones except for things like jellybeans which were made to be immune to that sort of thing* Wait... Babies could still be born, and find the jellybeans, and eat them. That's dangerous. Everyone, put on this Super Cool Jelly Bean-Deflecting Cool and Amazing Armor, please. Kee it on at all times. While wearing it, look for jellybeans and destroy each 1 you find. Do not touch it to your bare skin. I don't know whether it works by touch, like my pies, but it might. *dons the armor* I'll go, too. *does so*

Andy is on my side, too. He says tuxi. Do you think we should go by taxi, Andy? Since all the taxi drivers work for us, that could be a good idea. It's faster than walking. However, we may miss a few jellybeans that way. How about this: Each of us goes whichever way they prefer. You can go by taxi, and I'll walk.

submitted by Ima
(May 8, 2010 - 10:51 pm)

Good idea Clair! *pouts because I don't have a cell phone* :-P

submitted by Olive
(May 9, 2010 - 8:30 am)

*pouts along with Olive because I have to use Sam's to call people*  Now, what is our  next move???

submitted by Clair, age 12, Right Where I W
(May 9, 2010 - 4:20 pm)

Hey, Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get back to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Clair, age 12, Here
(May 11, 2010 - 2:44 pm)

OK, first, I have not been here in a while, and just to make it clear, I'm on ZNZ's side. Second, because I haven't been here in a while, I could not have been fed one of Ima's pies. Therefore I am going to use all the jellybeans I can find to bring back all of ZNZ's followers, and ZNZ. *does what I just said I would do*  

submitted by MCB, age 11, Somewhere
(May 12, 2010 - 6:47 pm)