Chatterbox: Inkwell

You wake up in the morning, a normal morning, just like any other day. Besides the catchup in your ears. That was new. Just then, you hear the doorbell ring. You open your door, look down, and there is a small Pug with a collar, and tag. The tag is blank, besides a note tucked in, you read it aloud:

"You lucky person, you! This December would you like too go too the Bahamas? Too bad, if you do, because I want YOU too come to my Arctic Hotel, Hotel Happy, Sunshine, Good Times! Get ready to pack your bags and leave!

I know you, you don't know me." 

Here the dog rolled her eyes.

"As I was saying, before that dog rolled her eyes at me," you gasp, "I know, shocking, right. I know when people interrupt. Anywho, as I was saying, I see your every move. However, that is not everything, I wish for you to return my message, at latest eight o'clock on December Fifteenth. You must be here on exactly December Twentieth; if you come any later, you will find that Hotel Happy, Sunshine, Good Times, will have disappeared, from the face of the Earth."   

You read the last line many times. "Disappeared, from the face of the Earth."? you asked.
The dog nodded. "It will turn invisible," the dog said 
"WHAT?!?!?!" you asked "YOU TALK?!?!?!?!"
"Of course," the dog said calmly. "Oh, and there is more on the other side."
"Logic will be forgotten completely, no normalcy what so ever, people will die, for one of you is a murder, we will make you feel right at home. If you die, please, ask the murderer to kindly cleanup the bloody mess; my Maid, Gwenie, never cleans things up.
"My owner, the Sinister Keeper asked me to pick up from here.
'I will pick people out of the, DOOMS DAY ICE BOWL daily! The one left at the end, is the MURDERER, to come sign this.'' " The dog stops and hands you a Form, " 'It's just a few kinks that need working out. 
PS, this is not optional, you must come. All things will be charged to John F.Q. 
Welp, that's it!" the dog said, as she poofed out of sight.I
You look at the Form, it said the following:
'I __________, 

Will not hold;

Death by: Pillow Riding,

Pillow by: Death Riding,

Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows,

Flying Penguins,


Agents the Sinister Keeper


*You may hold all things agents Maid Gwenie, she has been to jail many times.
**Ghosts can dream, and hallucinate, however, only Alter-Egos can see them.
***Cappies may stow away.
Please RSVP, 

Thank you,

You will die,

Sinister Keeper.'

You read, and re-read, 
You must go too Hotel, Happy, Sunshine, Good Times.

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(November 24, 2014 - 4:49 pm)
A Curious Dragon
Blonde Heroins Rule
Little Sister
Squeak (Or Bradey, however, more commonly known as Squeak) 
The Poofer 
submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 12, 2014 - 9:43 am)

More should be coming, so, everyone, never fear, I am having a Nymph Lottery! 


*Only Nymphs may enter. 

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 12, 2014 - 10:22 am)

Are you inviting river-gods, really evil hamadryad-demon-things, and baby dragonflies?

Koda says oozb. Yes, Koda, there's an ochre jelly over there. And if Brookeira would WAAAAATCH OOOOUUUUT!!!!!! then maybe she wouldn't step in...oh great Corellon. C'mon, Koda! We have to help! 

submitted by Curious Curio
(December 15, 2014 - 3:54 pm)

(Escapes the Ochre jelly with Curio with a few hit points off but still not negative)

Thanks, Curio. Let's find us some healers, there's gotta be a cleric or SOMEONE who knows a spell that'll fix us right up! 

submitted by Brookeira
(December 15, 2014 - 8:08 pm)

No problem. If all else fails, we can find Jozan, ask him for a favor and maybe give him that half-charged wand of flame strike we took from the troglodyte priest. We're both arcanists, and that spell's divine; the wand's no good to us anyway. Wink And by the way, good work, Koda. I didn't know Captcha fur was acid-proof!

submitted by Curio, age 14, New Hampshire
(December 16, 2014 - 4:28 pm)

Oh, of corse! how could it be a hotel without, river-gods, really evil hamadryad-demon-things, and baby dragonflies?

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 16, 2014 - 11:40 am)

I mean, can such things that are very loosely classified as nymphs enter the Nymph Lottery?

Koda says feuh. She still can't spell, but that's another French word!!

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 14, New Hampshire
(December 16, 2014 - 4:29 pm)

Dear Curio,

No, exceptions.

Thank you.

I will write Day 1 tomorrow. I have some, really good excuse. I'll tell you when I think of it.

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 20, 2014 - 6:05 pm)


submitted by TOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!
(December 20, 2014 - 6:06 pm)

I'm staying at my sister's house this week. She says she is coming. Her name is Cori. You may, or may not know her.

Seeeeee yaaaaaaa!  

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 21, 2014 - 8:10 pm)
A Curious Dragon
Blonde Heroins Rule
Sir Danielle
Little Sister
Squeak (Or Bradey, however, more commonly known as Squeak) 
The Poofer

~Day 1~

Blonde Heroines Rule and Corina (BHR&Cori), walked up too a large iceberg. (Their helicopter had just dropped them off.)

"But, it can't be! This is where the Hotel is suppose to stand!" Corina said, looking at the iceberg.

Oh, hello, this is me. Whenever you see long pieces of writing in this font, it's me. Okay? Okay.
So if you are wondering, "Who is this loud booming voice?", I'm not going to tell you.

"Thank you, sir-erp-ma'am-erp-You're-Loud-ness. Is this the Hotel, 'Hotel, Happy, Sunshine, Good times' ?" BHR, asked, in her BHolmes voice
"Aha!" Cori shouted, then BHR and she poofed into their Hotel Room, Room CORI123456789BHR.
And thyey poofed to the Lobby.
The Lobby was Futuristic, and SiFi-ish, yet, Victorian, and Steampunk-ish. With a hint of Fantasy. Dragons were flying about the room.

The girls, saw,
A Curious Dragon (Curio); bouncing back and forth, from the RMS, to the Hotel,

Brookeira  (Brooke); Freezing Squeak to the spinning wheel/Turning into MP

(Sir) Danielle (Danie); Turning Squeak into a Rainbow Unicorn,

(Professor) Ellie, (Head Mistress & Thief) (Ellie); Giving a lecture on how to misbehave,

Little Sister (LS); poofing into Poofer

MapleSyrup (Maple); Listening to the lecture, with Savv,

SAVVY44x (Savv); Listening to the lecture, with Maple,

Squeak (Or Bradey, whatever); Getting turned into Rainbow Unicorn, being frozen to the wheel,

The Poofer (Poofer); poofing into LS

'Tis all I have time for. Tah-tah!

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 22, 2014 - 12:42 pm)

Inner monologue of Brookeira and MP:

MP: Can I pleeeease come out?

Brookeira: Alright. Two hours.

MP: YES! Oh, and would you mind freezing Squeaky-O there to the wheel?

Brookeira: (sighs) Sure. 


Eek! Pie said neco! That's Latin for I kill! 

submitted by Brookeira
(December 22, 2014 - 8:47 pm)

My dog came late, so that's why I wasn't here on day one. But here I am now!

submitted by Joss, age 12, Hotel place
(December 23, 2014 - 9:33 am)

Fine. I haven't put the names in the Ice Bowl, yet.

submitted by The Sinister Keeper
(December 23, 2014 - 10:26 am)

Joss. you can't join after the deadline. You should join the thing I just made, it's also on the inkwell.

submitted by Brookeira
(December 23, 2014 - 12:15 pm)