
Chatterbox: Inkwell


Futuristic/solarpunk/Sci-fi RP

So if you don't know I'm a sci-fi nut and one of the new, cool aspects of sci-fi that I really like is solarpunk! It's basically a cross between steampunk and sci-fi. In solarpunk, the world is literary, yet sciencey. People work to solve their problems, instead of being totally reliant on tech. It's a future that happens after an apocalypse of some sort, so there are old buildings, but amazing tech and culture growing out of it.

You can imagine homes with architecture like a library from the 1800s with wrought iron balconies and domes that tower above, but with touch screens and solar panels, but the walls are wood, the solar panels look like stained-glass windows, the light is cozy and bright from multicolored paper lanterns, there are books everywhere, and cozy bean bags and rugs crowd a nook from which you can see a huge tree which creates a stairway that you can climb to visit your friends, who live upstairs. 

Doesn't solarpunk sound awesome! I just think it's cooler and more fun to write about a cozy future than one controlled by some technocratic dictatorship. And rebuilding a world based on books and science after an apocalypse? Awesome! 

So I wanted to make a solarpunk RP! I kind of did some worldbuilding, and this is what I set up for the RP. 

All the characters live in Citali, the capital. Citali is the center of solarpunk-y-ness, with the best architects, writers, scientists, gardeners (I'm not sure how to put this job exactly), and artisans. The problem that they have to solve is that they have to make the settlement bigger, and they'll work together to do it. However, they find evidence of the apocalypse as they build.


Name: Jocasta Tamar

Job: Writer/reader. She's a librarian.

Age: 14, but she's pretty mature.

Appearance: Amerasian, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Wears a hoodie and jeans with a charm bracelet that has book, pen, orchid, and sun charms. 

Personality: Loves being part of a team, like being second (not first, but she has some good ideas and loves doing her job to help). Pretty experienced with science considering she's a librarian. 


Name: Nahla Alain

Job: Messenger. Works with all the leading artisans/scientists, knows everyone. Lives in this house in the dome of one of the older buildings. The dome is iron with glass filling in the gaps and Nahla has this gigantic tree growing from the floor to the top and its leaves just fill the 20-foot ceiling and make everything dappled. The dome is on top of the city center, so she knows everything going on in Citali. 

Age: 15

Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes. Looks a little like Hermione Granger (third-year-ish). Wears brown leather army boots and carries a backpack all the time. Fidgets a little with the backpack straps. 

Personality: Super friendly with everyone, has about 5 pet cats who are all different colors. 


I'll write soon!  

submitted by Air
(February 20, 2015 - 10:48 pm)


My dreams are full of beautiful trees and fields of poppies, watermelon patches and genetically modified climbing vines. What I would give to see green! But all we have seen the past few days are dangerous enemies and barren obsidian. Oh, that and these people that now have accepted me into their group like friendship is normal. Well, normal for me.

Anyways, I am pruning a nice boxy hedge in dreamland when I hear quiet murmuring. I raise my head and see only the open plain- I am sleeping just away from the group, my back to them. I shake my head to clear the dreams and realize that I need to go pee. Really, really badly. With no place to hide behind for some privacy to do it. And with guys in our group!

I decide to pretend that  they aren't there, and inch out of my sleeping bag. I take shelter behind a semi-boulder and hope no one is awake. Then I...well, no details needed, you know? Afterwards I just sit with my back to a (clean) spot on the rock, and think. I can tell the sun is just about to come up. What I don't notice is that the murmuring had been on and off for several minutes. Or that there is an armed bounty hunter threatening my friends just behind me.

submitted by Book Wizard, age I'm back!, Lalala
(March 23, 2015 - 5:52 pm)
submitted by toooop
(March 24, 2015 - 11:52 pm)

Whoops! Time to revive it!

The bounty hunter steps out from behind the withered tree. He's dressed all in black like a ninja, so none of his skin is visible. He's holding something that looks like a gun, but it blends in with the black of his suit and the night, so I can't be sure.

"Her," the bounty hunter points the object at Caljera Scinner. "I'm looking for her."

submitted by J.B.E
(March 26, 2015 - 4:26 pm)


Everyone's awake now. Allarie's cupping her dart gun in her palm so the hunter can't see it, but we can -- that little chrome tube holds darts with enough poison to knock a man out for a day -- possibly with some brain damage too. But she doesn't shoot yet.

"Why are you here?" she asks.

The hunter obviously can't see her gun -- he laughs from behind his black mask. "'Why are you here?' she asks? I told you, didn't I? Miss Caljera," he says in a slow drawl, "how are you?"

Holly's arms are around Caljera, who's shivering. "Leave her alone!" cries Holly, scowling.

"Oh, yes," smiles the hunter. "I can't harm her. Your friend," he nods to Darius, "wants all the people intact." 

Allarie's finger twitches, and I can hear a miniscule click. She's got her finger on the trigger now.

Lena's grabbed a stick from the fire and is using it as a torch. The eerie glow of the flames isn't helping the suspense.  

I look around and can't see Nadya. Where... is... she? I can feel my face getting pale.  

submitted by Air
(March 26, 2015 - 11:20 pm)
submitted by tooop
(March 29, 2015 - 9:59 am)

The man laughs. "Sorry, little girl," he tells me, " I need that woman and-"

I start sobbing and crawling towards him, and he laughs. I then tranquilize him. Quietly. It's rather effective. 

"Alright, Clajera," I say, "why do you think he's so interested in you?" 

submitted by Brookeira
(March 29, 2015 - 7:51 pm)

It's actually kind of a funny story how I managed to poison a boy I had met not even a week before.

You see, I was sitting behind that rock, totally oblivious to the bounty hunter threatening my friends. A little breeze started to pick up, not much, but enough that a few grains of dust blew into my eyes. I tried to rub them out, but there was dust all over my hands, and I managed only to completely blind myself within twenty seconds.

I needed water to flush out the grit. We were supposed to be getting up early anyways, so if I tripped over one pf the others, I could say it was almost sunrise and we were getting up. My hands out before me, I bumbled towards the main campfire.

"Ow!" My shoulder connectd hard with someone else's, and there was a funny little thwap sound. "Nadyaaaahhh..." I heard Darius mumur, and then there was a thud.

Someone shoved me out of the way, and I tripped over whatever had fallen on the ground, landing on my back. Tears rose to my eyes- I had twisted my ankle beneath me, and it hurt! The salt water from my tear ducts washed out the sand, and I blinked twice when I saw Darius lying next to me looking green. I blinked about five more times when I noticed Allarie sitting on top of some random new person's back. The random person, all in black, was faking injured. Very obviously. Well, not obviously to Allarie.

submitted by Book Wizard, Dinner soon!
(March 29, 2015 - 6:45 pm)

I'm confused... why did Darius pass out?

submitted by J.B.E
(March 29, 2015 - 8:50 pm)

Um, book wizard, Allarie just shot him with what is basically a horse tranquilizer.  The criminal is unconscious. He couldn't be faking. He's unconscious.

submitted by Brookeira
(March 29, 2015 - 10:51 pm)

Okay, this is a little confusing but I think this is the gist of it: Allarie tranquilized the bounty hunter and he is out cold. Nadya came back from behind the rock and accidentally trampled Darius. So at this point everyone is here, the bounty hunter, Darius, and Nadya are all a little bit hurt. Nadya twisted her ankle, Darius got the breath knocked out of him, and the bounty hunter got hit by the tranquilizer gun. Nadya probably will recover sooner than Darius, who will definitely recover sooner than the bounty hunter. The bounty hunter might be out for a few hours.

Soo, back to the story:


We're all awake now, the excitement of the scene filling us all with adrenaline even if it's only about five in the morning.  

Allarie bends over the bounty hunter, checking for a pulse. "He's alive," she reports, "but then, that tranquilizer was pretty strong, so he'll be out of our way for a few hours maybe."

Darius coughs and sits up, his face pale. "Well, what should we do about him?"

Holly offers her opinion. "He was going for Caljera. We can't let him hurt her."

Lena tilts her head to one side. "He's obviously a Rhyker. I mean, he said 'your friend' to Darius, and he was going for Caljera, which means he was targeting the same town -- the same people -- as the Rhykers were. He could give us information."

Mel frowns at Lena. "We can't just wait around. A few hours? We could be over the mountains by then."

Lena crosses her arms.  "We can carry him, you know."

Ramae looks quizzical. "Your cargo bike? But do we really want to have a hostile bounty hunter around with us as we head towards the place where he was hunting? Lena, if you said he was targeting Fortis, why would we take him there?"

"We need the information."

"We don't need the threat."

I look over at Holly. "Holly, how much farther to Fortis?" 

submitted by Air
(April 4, 2015 - 11:30 am)


I sigh.

"Why are you all being stupid? Search him! If THAT is not getting info, I don't know WHAT is!" I bend over the Rhyker, trying to find some papers.

"Aha! Now, what's this?" the rest of the crew come forward.


We got Caljera's remond. Now all we need to do is set it off in Fortis and the gas will spread everywhere. Make sure to get there without any trouble. And also, look for these few kids, as they seem to know our plans.

<Insert everyone's pictures here>

This letter must be seen by nobody, Rhyker. Keep it safe and don't get killed.

From Marina Persona

"Look, there is another letter! This Rhyker must have wanted to send it toward this Marina person." Allarie points out.

Lovely Marina,

I'm almost at Fortis. I stopped at Citali. You know it's a long journey, from Quintorn to Fortis. Also, my lady, I have finally tracked down the kids. At least, I found where they are going. They don't cover their footprints!

You are still at Mergon, correct? It's been a long time since I'd visited that sea-side city. Is the governer still tracking you down? Of course, you don't look like Jesina Reterika Merona anymore. You used to look like a tall, beautiful lady with blue eyes and red cheeks! Now, your brown hair, pale face, and brown eyes make you look oh so terribly humble. but I still remember how you used to be so noble! And before that...

I really shouldn't be going on a rant like this. I must be going, or I will take years to get to Fortis.

Ever so clever,


"Wow, so the person who controlls all of this... Is a girl?" I gasp.

"It seems like it. And... She is different people? How can she change her looks so much?" Nahla exclaims.

"It seems impossible..." Darius groans.

"This mission is getting more complicated and complicated." I face the others.

"Look, as you all can see, this is not even Citali's honour that is at stake. Tons of cites are in danger! Lives are in danger!" I frown. "And we must put a stop to it."

"For once, you say something sensible. And nice speech," Allarie chuckles.  


submitted by Danie
(April 5, 2015 - 7:22 pm)

Hello! I would love to post on this friend, but... I'm kinda out of the way. I mean, a person hasn't mentioned my character's name since a long time. So... I can't really post. I have no rps, so I would love to but... :(

I'm so confused! What is happening? Where is Mel? Did she die or something?

submitted by Danie
(April 4, 2015 - 4:55 pm)

Mel's here! I mentioned her! We're heading to Fortis and deciding what to do with this knocked-out bounty hunter. We can either dump him, cart him with us, kill him (Allarie probably wants to do that), wait until he wakes up and get information... too many possibilities! 

submitted by Air
(April 5, 2015 - 12:44 pm)


I grin at Allarie's comment.

"We've got to move," I say. From the sound of it, they're tracking us.

"Wait," counters Allarie. "There's things we need to address first." She takes my laptop from the bike and opens it. "We're fron Citali, we don't know the cities." She passes the computer to Holly. "Where...?"

Holly quickly opens the map and pinpoints all the cities in the letters: Quintorn, Fortis, Citali, Mergon. "Mergon is on the coast. Citali's in the center, of course. Fortis is over the mountains, and Quintorn is in the opposite direction. It's like a triangle -- Fortis, Quintorn, and Mergon are the points, and Citali is on the line between Fortis and Quintorn."

Darius taps a finger thoughtfully on the obsidian. "Marina is in Mergon. It sounds like the Rhykers are based either there or in Quintorn. Fortis is their target."

I frown. "Why isn't Citali their target?"

Allarie's brow furrows. "Citali is being attacked. By Rhykers."

I counter. "It could be they're only attacking Citali to attack us. We're a target, remember? This Rhyker only stopped in Citali because it's in the middle."

"Rhykers are in Citali. They're stealing."

"Rhykers are heading to Fortis. They want to set off this weapon."

Mel straightens up. "Okay, we get it. It's confusing, okay? But they're Rhykers out there. We know where they are now. Let's go!"

Allarie glares at her. "It is, but we need to figure it out! We came out here to save Citali, not attack Rhykers." 

Mel glares back. "Aren't they the same thing?"

"No! I'm head of the Secret Police for Citali, and Citali only. I have no duty to Fortis or Quintorn or Mergon."

"I know I'm just a thief, but we're already out here. So you have a duty to help everyone here. It's not just about your stained glass and your architecture and your library anymore. You're here, and we're going for the Rhykers." Mel looks fiercer than any of us have ever seen her, or anyone. 

"Citali is the center. Citali is the only thing that matters."

"No! Don't you understand? We've been out here, Allarie. Librarian. You don't understand. This is the real world. Citali is a fantasy. You can build your solar panels, you can sit in your library. But something happened fifty years ago, and this is what's out here. This is where your Rhykers are. So you can fight them whenever they touch your precious city, and they'll just laugh and keep out of your reach. Or you can think like a thief, think like a Rhyker, and beat them out here. What you do out here matters to us. Matters to Citali, even if they've never gone out past their stained-glass walls to see it."

Allarie looks surprised. None of us, I think, have expected Mel to talk so much, to care so much. "Okay, Mel. We'll fight Rhykers. We'll go. But there's one thing..."

She turns to Caljera. "They said Caljera's remond. They said they could set it off in Fortis. What do they have? Why is it yours?" Her voice is getting louder and louder, more and more intense. "What do you know?"

submitted by Air
(April 6, 2015 - 12:04 am)
submitted by tooop
(April 8, 2015 - 9:46 am)