Chatterbox: Inkwell




I just finished reading through Indigo's old Zombie Apocalypse, and I decided I wanted to write another single-writer story. Therefore, I present to you. . . us! At Camp Half-Blood.

A few rules before you skirt to the bottom of this post to sign up:

1. No AEs or CAPTCHAs, please. It's much more difficult to have them add to a plot, and their already-gifted abilities would be a hinderance rather than a help.

2. You may write journal entries, but please don't make any moves further on in the plot.

3. Once I start writing, I won't accept any more people. I'm going to draw the line at about eight, not including myself.

And some notes:

1. Please don't get cross if I portray you incorrectly. I'll do the best I can, but I can't guarantee you will be exactly your true self.

2. It is possible some of you may die, but not many.

3. I'm going to use a system similar to Brooke's:

MAIN CHARACTERS: Exactly what they sound like.

SECONDARIES: You will show up often, but are more likely to die and aren't going to be focused on as much.

TERTIARY: You will most likely show up later in the story, and perform a small but important deed. You are the most likely to die, but you might also join the quest.

4. No, we're not going to realize "Hey! You're from the CB!"

5. Yes, you can be Roman, as this is post-Percy.

Okay! Here's the sheet and some explinations:




 CBER APPEARANCE: Make it realistic and highly detailed

PERSONALITY: Moderately detailed, so I have something to work off of


PREFERRED WEAPON: If you already know how to use one, great! If not, what do you imagine yourself using and/or what's the most awesome?

GODLY PARENT: Can be minor-- If you aren't sure, think about preferred powers.


LOCATION: It can be a fake location, but preferably in the US (and not fantastical)




submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 30, 2016 - 1:04 pm)

No. The Mist changes the monsters. I had that in my first version xD  They saw a lion.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(July 8, 2016 - 6:16 pm)

Thank you, both! That is what happens when I haven't read PJ in a few years. And yes... That was the word I was looking for. But actually, now that you think about it, mortals can die. And half-bloods can die too, therefore being mortal. But for simpler terms, we can just call them mortals.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, Camp Half-Blood
(July 8, 2016 - 7:51 pm)

Ooooh my goodness, St. Owl, you're doing such an excellent job portraying my personality! I love your writing and - everything!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(July 9, 2016 - 12:34 am)

Dear Diary,

Sweet! I got choosen for a quest! I guess I never really saw it coming. That's pretty awesome. But I just want to say: HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT PSYCHIC PAPER??? THIS IS A LITTLE INFUIRATING BUT I'm okay, sorry, fine, but I want some. We're on the train tofineoenfkkshe nd


Sorry about that last part. The car tipped over. I'm tired and my wrist hurts, so goodnight, Live Long and Prosper,


submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Wherever this is
(July 8, 2016 - 5:44 pm)

Too top top top!!!!!!

Oh my goodness, you are writing this so well St. Owl! I love how you are portraying me!! Please keep going!! 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(July 9, 2016 - 10:55 am)

Guys, I'm sorry, I'm leaving again. I'm going tomorrow to start sleepaway camp and won't be back until next Saturday. Keep this topped while I'm gone?


"I want two rooms," said Indigo, throwing some money on the counter. "We're staying here for two nights. And I want you to reserve four for a big group that's meeting us here."

The man behind the desk of the Hampton Inn was looking very tired. It was one o'clock in the morning; the three demigods had had a long trip. He took the money, counted it out, and handed them two keys. Without even arguing about it, the girls crashed on the beds and fell asleep.

The next morning, they went down to the lobby to see two girls arguing with the guy at the desk.

"Well, how am I supposed to know it's you?" he was saying.

"I said I could describe them! All three of them! Is that enough for you?" the blonde was demanding.

"You could have gotten photographs!"
"It's a room!" snapped the black-haired one. "We're going to pay for them, what does it matter if we haven't reserved them?"
"Then the people who do have them reserved won't get them!"

"You've got tons of empty rooms!" said the same girl, who was Asian.

"Look at all the keys!" said the blonde crossly. "You could give us four with seven to spare!"

The man at the desk had opened his mouth to retort when Brookiera crossed the room and said, "That's them."

St.Owl raised an eyebrow at the man, looking cross. Mei-xue smirked.

Ashlee, Cockleburr, Young Writer, TARDISrider, Booksy, and Joan were sitting in chairs around the lobby. Most of them looked rather embarrassed. 

"Who's the other girl?" asked September, who had lost track of the conversation and was examining each Greek.

"Oh, that's Booksy," Mei replied. "She was going to Boston but came along with us instead. She's leaving soon."

"Okay." September looked around the lobby again. It was rather small, Hampton Inn being a rather small place. There was red carpet-- why did all hotels seem to have red carpet?-- and the chairs looked as though they had once been comfortable but had been used much more than necessary. The windows were slightly smudged and the place was a little dusty, but it felt more comfortable than the big, grand hotels where everything shines in your eyes and you get blinded whenever you go out for coffee. 

"Well, that's that," sighed St.Owl, shoving her wallet back in her backpack. "Those were all my savings."

There were cries of "I could have lent you some money!" but St.Owl waved them off, saying, "Hey, I had to spend them sometime."
In truth, she was slightly upset. St.Owl was a bit of a hoarder, always saving something for later, and the fact that she was suddenly broke when she was usually so confident about her money was a bit of a blow. But really, she told herself, what's more important, a few bits of paper or saving the world?

The Camp Half-Blood questers went upstairs to put their stuff away, but St.Owl stayed behind. "If the building gets knocked down," she explained to Indigo, "I'll want my stuff with me."

Indigo didn't seem to have a good reply to this, so she just shrugged.

Once the girls arrived (for, as St.Owl suddenly noticed, everyone there was female), they left the hotel.

Brookiera, having lived in the city for a number of years, knew her way around pretty well. She led the ten (Booksy had stayed behind, as she had no interest in hunting monsters) around Albuquerque, showing them places they could eat and likely spots monsters would hide. But at the end of the day, they were-- shockingly-- fruitless.

"You would think there would be at least one chimaera wandering around," said September, but no luck. There wasn't even one of the more common mosters. The city seemed to be taunting them. Oh, sorry, you were looking for monsters? Try Dallas.

They returned to the hotel at around dinnertime, rather tired from all that walking but still completely fightless. Either all the monsters were playing a very vicious game of poker in a winery basement, or there were simply none in Albuquerque.

"Any luck?" asked Booksy when they arrived.

They shook their heads dejectedly. 

She tucked Pride and Prejudice under her arm and got up when Ashlee suggested dinner. Brookiera was talking about a nice place down the street when the man behind the desk said, "Stop."

"Oh, what did we do this ti--" said Mei-xue crossly, but her mouth gaped open when she saw what had happened.

His eyes had suddenly blurred into one; he was rearing up, taller and taller-- and before any of them had time to even gasp, a full-grown cyclopes was standing in front of them.

"Oh, gods," muttered St.Owl.

Before their eyes, the hotel started to shimmer and merge; the people roaming around the hallways turned glassy-eyed and then suddenly evaporated into little whisps of mist. The walls grew and changed-- Hampton Inn was a labyrinth. 

St.Owl found herself alone with Ashlee. From their left, Booksy cried, "Help! Help!"

The Athena kids sprinted in that direction.

Before you scoff, let me, the narrator, remind you of the peril of this situation. When such a surprise has been jumped on you, and then you hear a friend in danger, it is difficult to pause and reflect. Your instinct is not to go over the powers of a cyclopes, but aid your comerade.

So St.Owl and Ashlee almost ran right into the cyclopes.

Ashlee, in some impressive quick thinking, shouted "It's a trap!" before the cyclopes could do anything. Unfortunately, he shouted right afterwards, "Never mind! Trick of the light!" in a voice exactly like Ashlee's.

St.Owl hoped their friends wouldn't believe him.

As she glanced around the room, battle insticts coming back now, she noticed Booksy, limp against the wall. Her head was bleeding; her chest wasn't rising. Had it actually been Booksy shouting?

"Guys! Help! I'm over here!" shouted the cyclopes in St.Owl's voice. The problem was, that was exactly how she talked. And he wasn't lying, either. Her mind seemed to be moving in slow motion. How was she supposed to stop him?

In a moment, September was around the corner, sword unsheathed. She stopped dead when she saw the cyclopes.

"Is-- is Booksy--" she said.

"Not sure," muttered Ashlee.

The cyclopes didn't seem to be moving, which was odd. He was grinning this odd dopey smile and looking at them cheerfully. What was he planning?

Joan, TARDISrider, and Young Writer chose that very moment to dash right into their little dead end. The cyclopes laughed, and with a wave of his hand closed it off, so they were encased in a square of stone.

"Your friends will wander in the labyrinth and eventually die from exhaustion," he said with the air of one talking about the weather. "And you all will be my lunch-- starting with her." He indicated Booksy.

There were cries of outrage.

"She's already dead, what does it matter?" asked the cyclopes, turning away from them.

"We need to aim for the eye," muttered Joan instantly, very fast. St.Owl had to admit she was smart-- she had jumped on the opportunity instantly. "While he's-- distracted-- I'll climb onto his back and try to get it. You guys can be my backup."

They had no better plans, so Joan went for it.

With a well-practiced jump, she darted up the cyclopes's back so quickly her boots barely even touched his skin. Once she had latched her arms around his neck, it was much too late for him.

A nice quick jab in the eye was all it took, and Joan fell back onto the ground. The cyclopes cried out in pain and staggered around, clutching his eye.

TARDISrider and Young Writer were the first to move. Then September. By the time their swords punctured his flesh, he was already gone.

The labyrinth evaporated as quickly as it had come, and suddenly they were back in the Hampton Inn lobby. Mei-xue, Brookiera, Indigo, and Cockleburr stumbled around for a moment before collapsing on the red carpet.

"I'm never going to think I'm safe again," muttered Indigo, shivering. "Here come the nightmares. . ."

"Where's Booksy?" asked Mei, doing a headcount.

They exchanged glances.

"Well. . ." said Young Writer, "She's. . . dead."

Indigo looked even more stricken and started muttering about how Weeping Angels were bad enough. 

They went back upstairs and to their separate rooms, shutting off the lights and getting into bed. But it was a long time before any of them got to sleep.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(July 9, 2016 - 10:07 pm)

Um... St.? I hope this doesn't sound like I'm complaining, but all the other Secondary characters except me are in this quest thing. What am I supposed to do? I'm feeling kinda left out. (I mean, not left out, but kind of...IDK, neglected? Put aside? I know you didn't do that, and I'll probably show up later...but how come they're all in it, but not me?)

submitted by Leafpool
(July 10, 2016 - 2:44 pm)

Top please.

Also, I love the story once again! Such a sad, sudden death for Booksy though. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, Camp Half-Blood
(July 11, 2016 - 12:25 pm)

*starts shaking with sobs* H-how could you do that to p-poor B-b-b-booksy? *sniffles* Great story. I guess.

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 11, 2016 - 3:16 pm)

Egad, Booksy has been whooped in both of our stories! Hey, at least she's not deadin mine... yet.

submitted by Brookeira
(July 11, 2016 - 6:13 pm)

Where even IS Booksy?

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 12, 2016 - 4:07 pm)

Top please

submitted by Top top topity top, age Topi top, Toptree
(July 13, 2016 - 1:32 am)

Top TOP top please?

submitted by Top top topity top, age Topi top, Topland
(July 14, 2016 - 12:07 am)

Top please?

submitted by Top top topity top, age Topi top, Topland
(July 14, 2016 - 9:59 am)


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 15, 2016 - 2:36 pm)