Team Terranova!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Team Terranova!!!

Team Terranova!!!

This thread is for the members of Team Terranova only (Windswift, Jack-A-Nat, The Riddler, Joan B. of Arc, and myself) although you can still read it as long as you aren't on the other team.

Alright, everyone! The Realms Contest is on. We have until September 21 to finish our fantasy world before it is judged by Daisy, Brookeria, and Gared. Firstly, does anyone have ideas for what the world will be like? (Don't post them until the 21st of August, when the time limit officially starts!!!) Secondly, who wants to do what? I would like to work on the short history and maybe a little of the map, but I do not want to do the map on my own. 

@Windswift, Jack-A-Nat, The Riddler, and Joan B.~ Post below if you're here and ready to start! 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 20, 2016 - 3:02 pm)

@Jarvis: These are all really great ideas! Let me add a few ideas of my own, to add on, and maybe even add some new ones: 

*I really like the forest idea. What if, there is one huge kingdom that lives around this forest, that is shut off from all the rest of the world, but no one ever goes into the forest, because of all these "strange noises" they keep hearing about? Like, no one goes in, but occasionally, people from the forest (such as other elves) come into the kingdom seeking sanctuary. From what? Just a few ideas...

*I love the idea of using "less used" creatures, like dryads, nyads, etc. I love anything with Greek mythology, and I also really like the idea of maybe creating a few creatures of our own.

*If we did use elves, I suggest using life sized elves. Ooh! The elves could be the ones who live in this "one kingdom" that shuts themselves off from the world, if we use that idea. And then, there could be very few humans, as if the humans themselves are sort of "evolving" into elves. 

*I don't think we should use the idea of fairies having eagle wings. Otherwise, this world we are creating would be alot like the world in Disney's live action movie, "Maleficent." 

*Like I said before, I really like the forest idea. What if there is one huge tree in the middle of the forest, that grants "impossible wishes" to only those who are truly worthy? Or, the tree's leaves could be the source of ALL life in this kingdom; and not only does it "make life," but it also grants special powers to those who are truly worthy? (For example: Element powers, or super speed, or something of that sort.) Also, the tree could be the one that is making all humans "evolve" into elves. Just an idea.  

*Perhaps in this "forest," because of much good spreading, there is also great evil. This evil is spreading throughout the whole forest, and must be stopped. What is the evil, and who will stop it?

*There is also another really good RP that I believe Katydid created that we can use for inspiration too. If I find it, I'll share it with you.  

These are all of my ideas, so if you like any of them, feel free to use them in our world. Also, if I come up with anymore ideas, I'll tell you.  

P.s. Jarvis, I deem you as our "leader," of Team Terranova!   

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(August 24, 2016 - 7:50 pm)

What if the forest used to be divided between the elves and the dryads/nyads? Maybe the two species lived on opposite sides of a river that divided the forest in half. But over time, they became bitter enemies, and eventually fought a horrible war. Both sides were evenly matched, and the war would have destroyed everything in the forest had not the Enchantress, a legendary being of unknown power, age, and origin, intervened. She froze time, then took a pinch of elven and a pinch of dryad magic and put them both in a locket, which she then sealed. Imediately after that, all of the elves and dryads mysteriously vanished, and the forest returned to being, well, a normal forest. 

Several centuries later, humans settled the forest, and a kingdom was developed. For awhile, the budding kingdom was prosperous and rich, but then a human child discovered the locket with the elven and dryad magic buried deep in the forest. He/she released both ancient forces by opening the locket, and on the spot where it happened, a tree suddenly sprouted. The tree grew to be gigantic, and it was most definately not a normal tree. From the tree came elves, dryads, creatures that were a mix of the two, and many other forest creatures that had been extinct for years and years. The tree transformed the entire forest, and slowly began to influence the surrounding kingdom as well. Humans began to evolve into elves and other species, and it frightened them. This could be why nobody in the kingdom dares enter the forest, and perhaps why the kingdom shuts itself away from the rest of the world. 

But what about an evil side of the tree's magic? Perhaps the 'Enchantress' made a mistake in working her powers, perhaps, as a side effect, other creatures of myth and lore that were much older than the elves and dryads (and much more malevolent) were awakend...


* I forgot to mention that the tree grants powers and magic to those who are truely worthy.

* I agree with you, Joan, maybe we shouldn't make fairies with eagle wings. I wasn't actually thinking of Maleficiant when I wrote that, but now that you mention it...

* Although, perhaps the creatures with eagle wings could still exist, as long as they aren't fairies? I'm not sure.

* I've noticed Windswift is back! Yay! I need to read your (Windswift's) ideas, and will do so after finishing this post.

* You didn't happen to be refering to the Tree Town RP, by any chance?

* I would like to make a species of creatures that live in the forest (they were on the side of the dryads in the war) that control vines and plants. I think they will be smaller than human beings (roughly 4-5 feet tall) with bulb-shaped heads, hair that sticks up and is green at the tips, pointy ears that also have green tips, and petite features. I have yet to come up with a name for them. Despite their appearance, they can be very fierce and wild. 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 26, 2016 - 7:08 pm)

Team Ariasol may be out of commission. Three teammates are unresponsive and one left the  CB altogether. My only teammate is myself. I'll see if I can pull a world together, but seeing as school starts soon I probably won't be able to, at least not fully. I definitely won't be able to pull off a roleplay.

So let's raise our glasses and toast to an easy win for Team Terranova.

submitted by Scylla
(August 25, 2016 - 2:25 am)

Wait, wait, wait!! I thought that Mei said she would be staying only for her fan fiction book, and Team Ariasol? You might want to check with her on that, and reconsider Team Ariasol's resignment. 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(August 25, 2016 - 2:00 pm)

@Scylla- Don't forget about Mei-xue! She is still on your thread. If you don't wish to continue, though, I suppose you and Mei could help us make our world. It doesn't have to be a competition. 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 25, 2016 - 2:23 pm)

She just told me! I'm not forfeiting, but you still have the advantage of three extra team members. Yet I'm kind of looking forward to designing a world with Mei-xue. She's cool. We'll get this done... Are two people sufficient for a roleplay? I think so. 

submitted by Scylla
(August 26, 2016 - 12:56 am)

OH! Oh! In that case, I'd like to join, I have ideas about settings, also characters..... Sorry, not trying to be OP or anything, but this is just really cool.

(August 25, 2016 - 7:11 pm)



I really like where these ideas are going so here are a few of mine.

*I for one totally go for the faerie bird things, I haven't watched malificent sooo yeah.  If these are the EXACT replica of something I've never seen then sorry.  :-)  


so maybe the 'faeries' are somewhat elflike with HUGE GIANT ENOURMOUS wings!!!!!  And sort of feathered faces with long wing like lashes,   you know the toothfairy from rise of the guardians?  Like that but not green and toothy.  (I will draw a pic) and maybe their sort of the 'guardians' of the woods, and they have special ceremonies at the end of each day where they sing a moaning song which is mistaken for the noises in the night.  

I think aerlings sounds cool but if someone has any other ideas.... 

*maybe the forest borders two kingdoms (names anyone?).  The kings silently rival one another under the constant weight that they are at 'peace'

however one of the king's heard of the tree (maybe captured an aerling or something) then thought "oh I'll just invade the woods and force the tree to make me the most powerful ruler of all time then I'll cammand it to make me an army so I can destroy that other guys kingdom!!!!" Maybe more violent and evil but you get the point. 

The maybe he got to the tree but since he wasn't worthy he corrupted it or something?

What do you think? 

submitted by Windswift, age Imback!!
(August 26, 2016 - 11:13 am)

@Windswift~ I don't even know if 'toothy' is a word, but I'm going to start using it anyway. :D

* Perhaps the fairies you described could actually be a subspecies of elf, just one that happens to have wings. They could have been on the elve's side of the war (see my other posts).

* I don't know about the two kingdoms, what do the rest of you think? Should we have one isolated kingdom or two rival kingdoms? 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 29, 2016 - 4:15 pm)

@UNSUSPCTINGSTRYTLLR: Maybe you can join Scylla's team, because I know the majority of her team has not shown up yet/abandoned her. Forget the pair thing, that probably wouldn't work anyway. Scylla, is that fine with you?

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 26, 2016 - 7:11 pm)

If you agree Scylla, I would like to join. What's the link?

(August 27, 2016 - 12:06 pm)

If you are taking inspiration from Greek and Roman nature spirits, I would be careful to stay away from copying directly. And for the Catan tiles, that is fine, just no using a pre-existing setup. I have Catan and Seafarers... 

submitted by Gared
(August 29, 2016 - 9:44 am)

Don't worry, I will not use a pre-existing Catan board. I will make my own (if we end up doing that. It might be better to draw a map, I'll see what the others think if they reply.)

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(August 30, 2016 - 5:56 pm)


What if the forest was inhabited by different 'subspecies' of elf?  Like the aerlings are one, and maybe there's some sort of animal like one, and a earth based elf...

Jarvis if this is OK Ill try to get some pictures in, also I have another idea....

If we want one kingdom what about the king had two sons?  Of course the eldest would inherit the throne but maybe the second found out about the tree and went on a crusade to find it, then he wasn't worthy, corrupted the tree, and all that. 


submitted by Windswift
(August 31, 2016 - 8:27 am)

Hello everyone. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days. 

Team Airiasol has overtaken us in replies!! We need to come up with more ideas, fast!

Firstly: We need to come up with some names. We need a name for the forest, for the kingdom(s) bordering it, and for our world overall. 

Secondly: I think we have enough creatures in the forest. We have elves, dryads, winged elf things, combinations of elves & dryads, and my plant and vine controling creatures. I think we should start concentrating on other parts of our world besides the forest. Anyone have any kingdom ideas?

Thirdly: I've put the full details of several species we have in the forest below, as well as another mountain species that I've just created. 

SPECIES NAME: Ptolla Ivar (called the Ptolla for short)

APPEARANCE: Bulb-shaped heads, petite, smaller than a human being, about 4' tall on average, pointy ears, hair that sticks up, tips of hair and ears are green.

LOCATION: The forest, was on the dryad's side of the war.

POWERS: Can control vines/plants (NOT TREES).

OPINION OF HUMANS: Like the dryads, are rather reclusive and avoid contact with humans when possible. They are not hostile, however.



APPEARANCE: Humanoid, with hair in shades of brown and black, long eagle-like feathered wings whose tips reach the ground; the wings can be white, brown, black, spotted, streaked, and/or golden; golden wings signify the chief, the chief's guards have streaks of gold in their wings. 

LOCATION: The Mountains; there are many abandoned Volairé colonies scattered about the peaks; some are still used as outposts; the current colony and the bulk of the Volairé territory is located on top of Mount Karmac, which is one of the highest mountains but not the very tallest one.

POWERS: No magic, but the ability to fly.

OPINION OF HUMANS: They have made alliances with humans over the years, especially with the Kingdom of Nee-ramos, which is located at the base of the mountains. The Volairé almost never get into conflicts, as their colonies at the top of mountains are very difficult, if not impossible, to reach. However, tensions have been rising between the Volairé and the citizens of Nee-ramos (for reasons I will list in my next post) and some people are even going so far as to turn their weapons on the sky...

OTHER: The Volairé are related (distantly) to Windswift's creatures, perhaps both species evolved from the same creature long ago. Also, the Volairé colonies are like gigantic nests with many tunnels, windows, and winding hallways.

Ok! These are the two creatures I made up. Who wants to start working on the mountains with me? I have LOTS of ideas that I will try to post tomorrow!


submitted by Jarvis, age ???, @EVERYONE
(August 30, 2016 - 5:53 pm)